29 research outputs found

    El derecho a la negociación colectiva frente a la expedición del acto legislativo no. 1 de 2005 y la consolidación de un único sistema de pensiones

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    La preocupación frente a la necesidad de consolidar un Sistema General de Pensiones que fuese financieramente sostenible, dio lugar a la expedición del Acto Legislativo No. 1 de 2005 que reformó el artículo 48 de la Constitución Política, limitando la posibilidad de establecer en pactos, convenciones colectivas de trabajo, laudos o acto jurídico alguno condiciones pensionales diferentes a las establecidas en el Régimen General de Pensiones. Con ocasión a dicha reforma constitucional ha surgido un debate entre los diferentes actores de la relación laboral (empleadores, trabajadores, sindicatos, Organización Internacional de Trabajo (OIT), entre otros) referente a la posible limitación que puede implicar al derecho a la negociación colectiva. Así las cosas, el presente escrito tiene por objeto realizar un análisis en torno a si efectivamente el Acto Legislativo No. 1 de 2005 implica una limitación al derecho a la negociación colectiva, y de ser así si el mismo es legítimo a la luz del ordenamiento jurídico colombiano.Abogado (a)Pregrad

    Videolaringoscopio artesanal en Quito- Ecuador

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    The management of the airway is a constant challenge for the doctor and very particularly for the anesthesiologist since, in his daily work, he commonly faces situations in which he may have difficulties accessing it and achieving endotracheal intubation of the patient. even more so when it is an unexpected difficult airway, for this, technology and medicine have devised new ways to perform this procedure with a better learning curve and above all better visualization, such is the case of video laryngoscopes. The problem of having one of them (especially a recognized international brand) is the cost, so we have designed a "handmade" video laryngoscope in our country, with certain differences from others that have come out in other countries, with magnificent resolution and access easy for anesthesiologists above all.  El manejo de la vía aérea es un reto constante para el médico y muy particularmente para el anestesiólogo, ya que en su quehacer diario, comúnmente se enfrenta a situaciones en las cuales puede tener dificultades para acceder a ésta y lograr la intubación endotraqueal del paciente, más aun cuando se trata de una vía aérea difícil inesperada., para ello la tecnología y la medicina se han ideado nuevas maneras de realizar este procedimiento con una mejor curva de aprendizaje y sobretodo mejor visualización, tal es el caso de los videolaringoscopios. La dificultad de tener uno de ellos (sobre todo de marca internacional reconocida) es el costo, por lo que hemos diseñado un videolaringoscopio “artesanal” en nuestro país, con ciertas diferencias a otros que han salido en otros países, con magnifica resolución y de accesos fácil para los anestesiólogos sobretodo. &nbsp

    IKZF1plus is a frequent biomarker of adverse prognosis in Mexican pediatric patients with B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    BackgroundRecurrent genetic alterations contributing to leukemogenesis have been identified in pediatric B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL), and some are useful for refining classification, prognosis, and treatment selection. IKZF1plus is a complex biomarker associated with a poor prognosis. It is characterized by IKZF1 deletion coexisting with PAX5, CDKN2A/2B, or PAR1 region deletions. The mutational spectrum and clinical impact of these alterations have scarcely been explored in Mexican pediatric patients with B-ALL. Here, we report the frequency of the IKZF1plus profile and the mutational spectrum of IKZF1, PAX5, CDKN2A/2B, and ERG genes and evaluate their impact on overall survival (OS) in a group of patients with B-ALL.MethodsA total of 206 pediatric patients with de novo B-ALL were included. DNA was obtained from bone marrow samples at diagnosis before treatment initiation. A custom-designed next-generation sequencing panel was used for mutational analysis. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used for OS estimation.ResultsWe identified the IKZF1plus profile in 21.8% of patients, which was higher than that previously reported in other studies. A significantly older age (p=0.04), a trend toward high-risk stratification (p=0.06), and a decrease in 5-year Overall Survival (OS) (p=0.009) were observed, although heterogeneous treatment protocols in our cohort would have impacted OS. A mutation frequency higher than that reported was found for IKZF1 (35.9%) and CDKN2A/2B (35.9%) but lower for PAX5 (26.6%). IKZF1MUT group was older at diagnosis (p=0.0002), and most of them were classified as high-risk (73.8%, p=0.02), while patients with CDKN2A/2BMUT had a higher leukocyte count (p=0.01) and a tendency toward a higher percentage of blasts (98.6%, >50% blasts, p=0.05) than the non-mutated patients. A decrease in OS was found in IKZF1MUT and CDKN2A/2BMUT patients, but the significance was lost after IKZF1plus was removed.DiscussionOur findings demonstrated that Mexican patients with B-ALL have a higher prevalence of genetic markers associated with poor outcomes. Incorporating genomic methodologies into the diagnostic process, a significant unmet need in low- and mid-income countries, will allow a comprehensive identification of relevant alterations, improving disease classification, treatment selection, and the general outcome

    Evidence of spatial clustering of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Greater Mexico City: report from the Mexican Inter-Institutional Group for the identification of the causes of childhood leukemia

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    BackgroundA heterogeneous geographic distribution of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases has been described, possibly, related to the presence of different environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to explore the geographical distribution of childhood ALL cases in Greater Mexico City (GMC).MethodsA population-based case-control study was conducted. Children <18 years old, newly diagnosed with ALL and residents of GMC were included. Controls were patients without leukemia recruited from second-level public hospitals, frequency-matched by sex, age, and health institution with the cases. The residence address where the patients lived during the last year before diagnosis (cases) or the interview (controls) was used for geolocation. Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic was used to detect spatial clusters (SCs). Relative risks (RR), associated p-value and number of cases included for each cluster were obtained.ResultsA total of 1054 cases with ALL were analyzed. Of these, 408 (38.7%) were distributed across eight SCs detected. A relative risk of 1.61 (p<0.0001) was observed for the main cluster. Similar results were noted for the remaining seven ones. Additionally, a proximity between SCs, electrical installations and petrochemical facilities was observed.ConclusionsThe identification of SCs in certain regions of GMC suggest the possible role of environmental factors in the etiology of childhood ALL

    Infusión de la planta medicinal Buddleja scordioides Kunth utilizada para tratar la inflamación intestinal

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     Traditional medicine is an alternative resource for the treatment of multiple symptoms associated with gastrointestinal diseases such as inflammation. Herbal infusions, unlike pharmacological medicines, contain multiple chemical compounds of diverse nature, which act synergistically to give an anti-inflammatory response. The Buddleja scordioides Kunth Scrophulariaceae plant is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and is commonly used to combat symptoms related to gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, pain and inflammation. The easy acquisition and popular consumption of Buddleja scordioides, make this plant an important research objective for the area of intestinal health. The aim of this research was to gather information on the phytochemical components present in Buddleja scordioides, summarize information related to the absorption, digestion and transport of herbal compounds along the gastrointestinal tract and define its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. We found that Buddleja scordioides is a species used as a medicinal plant to treat symptoms associated with gastrointestinal inflammation process. The ethnopharmacology use of the B. scordioides plant is supported by scientific research that attributes its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity to the plant´s phytochemical content.   La medicina tradicional es un recurso alternativo para el tratamiento de múltiples síntomas asociados a patologías gastrointestinales como la inflamación. Las infusiones herbales, a diferencia de los medicamentos farmacológicos, contienen múltiples compuestos químicos de diversa naturaleza, que actúan sinérgicamente para dar una respuesta antiinflamatoria. La planta Buddleja scordioides Kunth Scrophulariaceae es conocida por sus efectos antiinflamatorios, y se utiliza comúnmente para combatir síntomas relacionados a desórdenes gastrointestinales como diarrea, dolor e inflamación. Es una planta de consumo popular y fácil de adquirir, por lo que es investigada en torno a su uso en la salud intestinal. El objetivo de esta investigación fue recopilar información de los componentes fitoquímicos presentes en Buddleja scordioides, resumir la información relacionada con la absorción, digestión y transporte de los compuestos herbales a lo largo del tracto gastrointestinal, y definir su efecto antioxidante y antiinflamatorio. Se encontró que Buddleja scordioides es una especie utilizada como planta medicinal para tratar síntomas asociados con procesos de inflamación gastrointestinal. El uso etnofarmacológico de la planta B. scordioides se encuentra respaldada  por investigaciones científicas que atribuyen su actividad antioxidante y antiinflamatoria al contenido fitoquímico de la planta.

    Diagnostic performance of parasitological, immunological and molecular tests for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection in a community of low transmission in Venezuela

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    In Venezuela, areas endemic for schistosomiasis are of low transmission, with low parasite loads. Immunological tests often lack specificity and cannot differentiate past from present infections. Molecular tests are an alternative, although validation studies in endemic areas are needed. The aim of this study was to determine the performance of parasitological, immunological and molecular tests for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection in low-transmission settings. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a rural community located in a schistosomiasis-endemic area of Venezuela to determine the prevalence and diagnostic performance of the Kato-Katz (KK) technique, Circumoval Precipitin Test (COPT), ELISA based on soluble egg antigen (ELISA-SEA) with and without treatment with sodium metaperiodate (ELISA-SEA-SMP), and PCR for amplification of the 121 bp highly repeated sequence of Schistosoma mansoni in faeces, urine and serum samples. The highest prevalence rates were obtained with ELISA-SEA (38.7%), COPT (33.3%), ELISA-SEA-SMP (31.5%), PCR on faeces (21.6%), and KK (17.1%), whereas PCR-based prevalence in urine was 6.2% and no positivity was detected in serum samples. Results showed that ELISA-SEA is the best method for the diagnosis of both current and former infections and that PCR on faeces is the best method for detecting recent transmission. The use of different tests that complement one another also allowed for a better diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection, revealing a relatively high prevalence (33.8%) of schistosomiasis in a community of low transmission

    Innovación Educativa para la Enseñanza de la Matemática en Ingeniería

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    This study addresses educational innovation in the teaching of mathematics for engineering through educational innovation. It focuses on the integration of emerging methodologies and advanced technologies, with the aim of improving students' conceptual understanding and practical application of knowledge. The qualitative and exploratory research was based on a bibliographic review that highlighted the importance of adapting to new educational realities and overcoming traditional paradigms. The findings underscored the value of approaches such as Design Thinking and STEAM, as well as the integration of audiovisual media, to promote more dynamic and participatory learning. These approaches are essential for training future professionals in engineering to face the challenges of the 21st century. Keywords: Educational Innovation, Emerging Methodologies, Advanced Technologies, Design Thinking, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).Este estudio aborda la innovación educativa en la enseñanza de matemáticas para ingeniería a través de la innovación educativa. Se centra en la integración de metodologías emergentes y tecnologías avanzadas, con el fin de mejorar la comprensión conceptual y la aplicación práctica de conocimientos por parte de los estudiantes. La investigación, de carácter cualitativo y exploratorio, se basó en una revisión bibliográfica que destacó la importancia de adaptarse a nuevas realidades educativas y superar paradigmas tradicionales. Los hallazgos subrayaron el valor de enfoques como Design Thinking y STEAM, así como la integración de medios audiovisuales, para promover un aprendizaje más dinámico y participativo. Estos enfoques son esenciales para capacitar a futuros profesionales en ingeniería para enfrentar los desafíos del siglo XXI. Palabras claves: Innovación educativa, Metodologías emergentes, Tecnologías avanzadas, Design Thinking, STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Matemáticas). ABSTRACT This study addresses educational innovation in the teaching of mathematics for engineering through educational innovation. It focuses on the integration of emerging methodologies and advanced technologies, with the aim of improving students' conceptual understanding and practical application of knowledge. The qualitative and exploratory research was based on a bibliographic review that highlighted the importance of adapting to new educational realities and overcoming traditional paradigms. The findings underscored the value of approaches such as Design Thinking and STEAM, as well as the integration of audiovisual media, to promote more dynamic and participatory learning. These approaches are essential for training future professionals in engineering to face the challenges of the 21st century. Keywords: Educational Innovation, Emerging Methodologies, Advanced Technologies, Design Thinking, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 24 de noviembre de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 23 de enero de 2024.Fecha de publicación: 26 de febrero de 2024

    Diagnostic performance of parasitological, immunological and molecular tests for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection in a community of low transmission in Venezuela.

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    In Venezuela, areas endemic for schistosomiasis are of low transmission, with low parasite loads. Immunological tests often lack specificity and cannot differentiate past from present infections. Molecular tests are an alternative, although validation studies in endemic areas are needed. The aim of this study was to determine the performance of parasitological, immunological and molecular tests for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection in low-transmission settings. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a rural community located in a schistosomiasis-endemic area of Venezuela to determine the prevalence and diagnostic performance of the Kato-Katz (KK) technique, Circumoval Precipitin Test (COPT), ELISA based on soluble egg antigen (ELISA-SEA) with and without treatment with sodium metaperiodate (ELISA-SEA-SMP), and PCR for amplification of the 121 bp highly repeated sequence of Schistosoma mansoni in faeces, urine and serum samples. The highest prevalence rates were obtained with ELISA-SEA (38.7%), COPT (33.3%), ELISA-SEA-SMP (31.5%), PCR on faeces (21.6%), and KK (17.1%), whereas PCR-based prevalence in urine was 6.2% and no positivity was detected in serum samples. Results showed that ELISA-SEA is the best method for the diagnosis of both current and former infections and that PCR on faeces is the best method for detecting recent transmission. The use of different tests that complement one another also allowed for a better diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection, revealing a relatively high prevalence (33.8%) of schistosomiasis in a community of low transmission

    Identification and Characterization of Novel Fusion Genes with Potential Clinical Applications in Mexican Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer worldwide. Mexico City has one of the highest incidences and mortality rates of this cancer. It has previously been recognized that chromosomal translocations are important in cancer etiology. Specific fusion genes have been considered as important treatment targets in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The present research aimed at the identification and characterization of novel fusion genes with potential clinical implications in Mexican children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The RNA-sequencing approach was used. Four fusion genes not previously reported were identified: CREBBP-SRGAP2B, DNAH14-IKZF1, ETV6-SNUPN, ETV6-NUFIP1. Although a fusion gene is not sufficient to cause leukemia, it could be involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Notably, these new translocations were found in genes encoding for hematopoietic transcription factors which are known to play an important role in leukemogenesis and disease prognosis such as IKZF1, CREBBP, and ETV6. In addition, they may have an impact on the prognosis of Mexican pediatric patients with ALL, with the potential to be included in the current risk stratification schemes or used as therapeutic targets

    Transcriptome Analysis Identifies LINC00152 as a Biomarker of Early Relapse and Mortality in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    Evidence showing the role of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in leukemogenesis have emerged in the last decade. It has been proposed that these genes can be used as diagnosis and/or prognosis biomarkers in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). To know if lncRNAs are associated with early relapse and early mortality, a microarray-based gene expression analysis in children with B-lineage ALL (B-ALL) was conducted. Cox regression analyses were performed. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. LINC00152 and LINC01013 were among the most differentially expressed genes in patients with early relapse and early mortality. For LINC00152 high expression, the risks of relapse and death were HR: 4.16 (95% CI: 1.46–11.86) and HR: 1.99 (95% CI: 0.66–6.02), respectively; for LINC01013 low expression, the risks of relapse and death were HR: 3.03 (95% CI: 1.14–8.05) and HR: 6.87 (95% CI: 1.50–31.48), respectively. These results were adjusted by NCI risk criteria and chemotherapy regimen. The lncRNA–mRNA co-expression analysis showed that LINC00152 potentially regulates genes involved in cell substrate adhesion and peptidyl–tyrosine autophosphorylation biological processes. The results of the present study point out that LINC00152 could be a potential biomarker of relapse in children with B-ALL