256 research outputs found

    Correlación existente entre los tipos de fibras musculares, el ph y la capacidad de retención de agua de la carne en el cerdo chato murciano.

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    Mediante análisis de correlación se valora la influencia que los tipos de fibras I, IIA y IIX tienen sobre el pH y la capacidad de retención de agua en el músculo longísimo lumbar del cerdo “Chato Murciano”. Los resultados demuestran que los tipos de fibras no influyen sobre el pH a los 45’, pero sí durante la caída del mismo a las 24 h del sacrificio. Por otra parte, nuestros resultados indican que la capacidad de retención de agua está relacionada negativamente con el tamaño de las fibras tipo IIA

    Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections in the SuperScaling model

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    SuperScaling model (SuSA) predictions to neutrino-induced charged-current π+ production in the Δ-resonance region are explored under MiniBooNE experimental conditions. The SuSA charged-current π+ results are in good agreement with data on neutrino flux-averaged double-differential cross sections. The SuSA model for quasielastic scattering and its extension to the pion production region are used for predictions of charged-current inclusive neutrino- nucleus cross sections. The contribution of two-particle-two-hole vector meson-exchange current excitations is also considered within a fully relativistic model. Results are compared with the T2K experimental data for inclusive scattering.España, DGI y Fundación FEDER FIS2011-28738-C02-01, FPA2013-41267Junta de Andalucía CSD2007-0004

    Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic predictions for charged-current neutrino-12C scattering in the superscaling approach

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    We evaluate and discuss the impact of meson-exchange currents (MECs) on charged-current quasielastic neutrino cross sections. We consider the nuclear transverse response arising from two-particle two-hole states excited by the action of electromagnetic, purely isovector meson-exchange currents in a fully relativistic framework based on the work by the Torino Collaboration [A. D. Pace, M. Nardi, W. M. Alberico, T. W. Donnelly, and A. Molinari, Nucl. Phys. A726, 303 (2003)]. An accurate parametrization of this MEC response as a function of the momentum and energy transfers involved is presented. Results of neutrino-nucleus cross sections using this MEC parametrization together with a recent scaling approach for the one-particle one-hole contributions (named SuSAv2) are compared with experimental data.DGI FIS2011-28738-C02-0Junta de Andalucía QM-160U.S. Department of Energy DE- SC001109DGI FIS2011-24149Junta de Andalucía FQM22

    Aminoácidos urinarios en recién nacidos pretérmino y pequeños para la edad gestacional durante el primer mes de vida

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    The evolution of a series of aminoacids in urinary excretion, important as biochemical-nutritional parameters, has been studied in 41 preterm and lowbirth-weight infants during the first month of life. Index commonly used as indicators of malnutrition have also been studied. All the infants who have been studied, had a satisfactory evolution, presenting normal growth and adequate biological parameters. The excretion of 3-metyl-His and Gly, increases progressively with time, which indicates that the low-birth-weight infants are receiving an adequate intake for recovery. The preterm infants present a significant increase in Alanine excretion which is probably due to a lack in its metabolism. The excretion of branched chain aminoacids is increased in low-birth-weight infants according to the moment of birth. This points out towards a normalization of muscle metabolism in thcse infants. BCA index, is decreased at 15 days after birth in low-birth-weight infants respecting to the preterm infants, what shows the malnourished state of the former, but is favorably recovered after the first month in both cases. The same recovery is observed in the Gly/Val index.Se ha estudiado la evolución, a lo largo del primer mes de vida, de la excreción urinaria de una serie de aminoácidos que son importantes como parámetros bioquímico-nutricionales, en 41 niños prematuros y pequeños para la edad gestacional o distróficos, estudiándose también los índices más utilizados para establecer una situación de malnutrición. Todos los recien nacidos evolucionaron satisfactoriamente, presentando un crecimiento normal y unos parámetros biológicos adecuados. La excreción de 3-metil-Histidina y Glicocola aumenta a lo largo del tiempo, lo que indica que los niños distróficos están recibiendo una ingesta adecuada para su recuperación. Los niños prematuros presentan un aumento significativo en la excreción de Alanina, probablemente debido a un fallo en su metabolización. Los aminoácidos ramificados neutros presentan un aumento en la excreción con respecto al momento del nacimiento en los niños distróficos, lo que parece indicar una normalización del metabolismo muscular de estos niños. El índice BCA está disminuido a los 15 días en los niños distróficos con respecto a los prematuros, lo que indica el carácter de malnutridos de los primeros, recuperándose en ambos favorablemente al mes de vida. Igual recuperación se observa en el índice Glicocola/Valina

    Проектирование автоматизированной групповой замерной установки при разработке Макарьевского месторождения нефти на проточном-1 лицензионном участке недр Томской области

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    В данной дипломной работе произведено обоснование оптимальной конфигурации и проектирование автоматизированной группой замерной установки для системы сбора продукции эксплуатационных скважин в рамках прогноза эффективности разработки Макарьевского месторождения Томской области.In this graduation work the study of the optimal configuration and design of automated group measuring system for the collection system of production wells within the forecast development efficiency Makar deposits of Tomsk region

    Diagnóstico de producción en ganado lechero en pastoreo de un grupo ganadero de validación y transferencia de tecnología

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    The regionalization of framing issues for producers Livestock Group of Validation and Technology Transfer (GGAVATT) from San Jose Miahuatlán Veracruz, Mexico, under the current production of native grass prairie with mainly during the months of higher temperature have a poor performance and thus milk production declines which promotes a great use of concentrated feeds which causes an increase in production cost and less use to them. For this purpose we made a diagnosis of current conditions GGAVATT production, yielding information that helps us source and compared to determine precisely what the effect of applying the proposed alternative. We propose an alternative implementation of pastures with improved pastures needed to produce a greater amount of forage per unit area especially in the colder months.La regionalización de la problemática encuadrando a los productores del Grupo Ganadero de Validación y Transferencia de Tecnología (GGAVATT) de San José Miahuatlán Veracruz, México, bajo la actual situación de producción de praderas básicamente con gramas nativas que durante los meses de menor frío tienen un pobre desempeño y por ende la producción de leche se deteriora lo cual promueve una gran utilización de alimentos concentrados lo que provoca un incremento en el costo de producción y una menor utilidad para estos. Para dicho propósito se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones actuales de producción del GGAVATT, arrojando información que nos sirve de partida y de comparación para determinar con precisión cuál es el efecto de aplicar la alternativa propuesta. Se plantea como alternativa la implantación de praderas con pastos mejorados que permitan producir una mayor cantidad de forrajes por unidad de superficie sobre todo en los meses de menor temperatura

    Disease severity in familial cases of IBD

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    Background: Phenotypic traits of familial IBD relative to sporadic cases are controversial, probably related to limited statistical power of published evidence. Aim: To know if there are phenotype differences between familial and sporadic IBD, evaluating the prospective Spanish registry (ENEIDA) with 11,983 cases. Methods: 5783 patients (48.3%) had ulcerative colitis (UC) and 6200 (51.7%) Crohn's disease (CD). Cases with one or more 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree relatives affected by UC/CD were defined as familial case. Results: In UC and CD, familial cases compared with sporadic cases had an earlier disease onset (UC: 33 years [IQR 25–44] vs 37 years [IQR 27–49]; p b 0.0001); (CD: 27 years [IQR 21–35] vs 29 years [IQR 22–40]; p b 0.0001), higher prevalence of extraintestinal immune-related manifestations (EIMs) (UC: 17.2% vs 14%; p = 0.04); (CD: 30.1% vs 23.6%; p b 0.0001). Familial CD had higher percentage of ileocolic location (42.7% vs 51.8%; p = 0.0001), penetrating behavior (21% vs 17.6%; p = 0.01) and perianal disease (32% vs 27.1%; p = 0.003). Differences are not influenced by degree of consanguinity. Conclusion: When a sufficiently powered cohort is evaluated, familial aggregation in IBD is associated to an earlier disease onset, more EIMs and more severe phenotype in CD. This feature should be taken into account at establishing predictors of disease course

    State of emergency medicine in Spain

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    Spain has universal public health care coverage. Emergency care provisions are offered to patients in different modalities and levels according to the characteristics of the medical complaint: at primary care centers (PCC), in an extrahospital setting by emergency medical services (EMS) and at hospital emergency departments (ED). We have more than 3,000 PCCs, which are run by family doctors (general practitioners) and pediatricians. On average, there is 1 PCC for every 15,000 to 20,000 inhabitants, and every family doctor is in charge of 1,500 to 2,000 citizens, although less populated zones tend to have lower ratios. Doctors spend part of their duty time in providing emergency care to their own patients. While not fully devoted to emergency medicine (EM) practice, they do manage minor emergencies. However, Spanish EMSs contribute hugely to guarantee population coverage in all situations. These EMS are run by EM technicians (EMT), nurses and doctors, who usually work exclusively in the emergency arena. EDs dealt with more than 25 million consultations in 2008, which implies, on average, that one out of two Spaniards visited an ED during this time. They are usually equipped with a wide range of diagnostic tools, most including ultrasonography and computerized tomography scans. The academic and training background of doctors working in the ED varies: nearly half lack any structured specialty residence training, but many have done specific master or postgraduate studies within the EM field. The demand for emergency care has grown at an annual rate of over 4% during the last decade. This percentage, which was greater than the 2% population increase during the same period, has outpaced the growth in ED capacity. Therefore, Spanish EDs become overcrowded when the system exerts minimal stress. Despite the high EM caseload and the potential severity of the conditions, training in EM is still unregulated in Spain. However, in April 2009 the Spanish Minister of Health announced the imminent approval of an EM specialty, allowing the first EM resident to officially start in 2011. Spanish emergency physicians look forward to the final approval, which will complete the modernization of emergency health care provision in Spain

    Performance of Long Ladders for the LHCb Silicon Tracker

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    The LHCb Silicon Tracker uses detector ladders with readout strips with an effective length of up to 36,cm. Kapton interconnect cables of up to 54,cm in length are employed in between silicon sensors and front-end readout hybrids. Fast front-end readout electronics with a shaping time of around 25,ns are employed to avoid pile-up of events from consecutive LHC bunch crossings. An extensive measurement program as well as simulations have been carried out to study the expected noise performance of these detectors. Presented at the 14th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Chuzenji Lake, Nikko, Japan, November 7-11, 2005 Proceedings submitted for publication in Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    An NLO QCD analysis of inclusive cross-section and jet-production data from the ZEUS experiment

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    The ZEUS inclusive differential cross-section data from HERA, for charged and neutral current processes taken with e+ and e- beams, together with differential cross-section data on inclusive jet production in e+ p scattering and dijet production in \gamma p scattering, have been used in a new NLO QCD analysis to extract the parton distribution functions of the proton. The input of jet data constrains the gluon and allows an accurate extraction of \alpha_s(M_Z) at NLO; \alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.1183 \pm 0.0028(exp.) \pm 0.0008(model) An additional uncertainty from the choice of scales is estimated as \pm 0.005. This is the first extraction of \alpha_s(M_Z) from HERA data alone.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, to be submitted to EPJC. PDFs available at http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/hepdata in LHAPDFv