334 research outputs found

    Evaluación del efecto de aplicación de vinazas sobre las propiedades físico químicas y actividad biológica en un suelo de orden Inceptisol cultivado con caña de azúcar en la vereda La Primavera – municipio de Villarica norte del Cauca

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    Maestría en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente, Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas.Con el objetivo de evaluar si el uso actual de la vinaza como fertilizante líquido en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar en el valle geográfico del rio Cauca, puede ocasionar cambios negativos en las propiedades físico – Químicas y biológicas del suelo, se analizaron dos parcelas de un suelo tipo Inceptisol. Una de las parcelas identificada como 003X nunca ha recibido vinaza como fertilizante, y la parcela identificada como 003Y si ha recibido vinaza desde hace más de cinco años; se aplicó un diseño al azar con dos tratamientos (003X y 003Y), se efectuaron cuatro mediciones repetidas en el tiempo en periodos trimestrales (3, 6, 9 y 12 meses) y el muestreo se realizó a dos profundidades (0 – 20 cm; 20 – 60 cm), cuyas variables respuesta fueron: pH, MO %, P, Ca, Mg, K, S ,Na , C.D, Densidad Aparente y Real y actividad biológica (CO2) .El estudio se complementó evaluando la productividad de las dos parcelas durante seis años midiendo las variables TCH (Tonelada Caña Hectárea) y TAH (Tonelada Azúcar Hectárea). Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que el uso de la vinaza si contribuye significativamente a incrementar en un 27,7 % la actividad biológica (CO2) de la biota presente en el suelo, y no se presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las otras variables medidas. La productividad en la parcela fertilizada con vinaza (003Y) medida con los indicadores TCH y TAH fue mayor que la parcela control (003X), durante los últimos seis años

    Cosmological Boundary Flux Parameter

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    The {\it{Cosmological Boundary Flux Parameter}} is a novel proposal that attempts to explain the origin of the cosmological parameter Λ\Lambda purely by geometric nature. Then we implement this new approach to a flat FLRW universe along with a barotropic fluid. We present an ansatz in which Λ\Lambda is straightforwardly coupled to the matter sector; therefore, only one additional parameter was introduced: λ\lambda. Also, through a statistical analysis, using late-time data of observational Hubble and type Ia Supernovae, we computed the joint best-fit value of the free parameters by means of the affine-invariant MCMC. We want to emphasise that the joint analysis produces a smaller H0CBFP=69.80Kms1Mpc1H_{0}^{\rm CBFP}=69.80\rm\,\, Km \,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1} in contrast to the flat Λ\LambdaCDM result H0ΛCDM=70.53Kms1Mpc1H_{0}^{\Lambda\rm CDM}=70.53\rm\,\, Km \,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1}. The work presented here seeks to contribute to the discussion of the possible explanation for the cosmos' acceleration, together with tackling other important questions in modern cosmology.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Seguimiento fisicoquímico de la calidad de agua de una laguna facultativa de un ingenio azucarero respecto al suministro de nutrientes al sistema microbiano

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    Generally, in the treatment of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastewater lagoon systems of anaerobic, aerobic and facultative type are used with the purpose of eliminating the polluting agent that can reach a natural body of water can consume the existing oxygen and collapse all the life forms. This chapter focuses on the diagnosis of an oxidation facultative lagoon present in a Sugar Mill, analyzing in three critical points, the coloration, the sulfur, the nitrogen, the phosphorus, the calcium, the magnesium and the relation between the nutrients with the chemical demand of oxygen, the biochemical demand of oxygen and the dissolved total solids. From this we found an inappropriate relationship between the symbiotic processes between algae and bacteria, which contributes to a loss of efficiency in the process of removal of organic matter.PublishedGeneralmente en el tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas, agrícolas e industriales se utilizan sistemas de lagunas de tipo anaerobio, aerobio y facultativo con el propósito de remover contaminantes que al llegar a un cuerpo natural de agua pueden consumir el oxígeno existente y colapsar todas las formas de vida. Este capítulo se centra en el diagnóstico de una laguna de oxidación de tipo facultativo presente en un ingenio azucarero, analizándose en tres puntos críticos, la coloración, el azufre, el nitrógeno, el fósforo, el calcio, el magnesio y la relación entre los nutrientes con la demanda química de oxígeno, la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno y los sólidos totales disueltos. A partir de esto se encontró una relación no apropiada entre los procesos simbióticos entre algas y bacterias, lo cual contribuye a una pérdida de eficiencia en el proceso de remoción de la materia orgánica

    La contextualización sociocultural de la formación humanista en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación Marxismo Leninismo e Historia /Contextualizing humanist education in history teachers’ training from a social and cultural perspective

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    El artículo tiene como objetivo modelar la contextualización sociocultural de la formación humanista en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación Marxismo Leninismo e Historia, de manera que se favorezca el modo de actuación humanista de los estudiantes. Para su materialización se utilizan métodos científicos desde un enfoque dialécticomaterialista; entre los que se encuentran: el análisis y crítica de fuentes —que integra, a manera de procedimientos, los métodos del pensamiento lógico siguientes: inducción‐deducción, análisis‐síntesis y el tránsito de lo abstracto a lo concreto—, el hermenéutico‐dialéctico, el sistémico‐estructural‐funcional y la modelación; además, como procedimiento metodológico, se utiliza la triangulación de fuentes, métodos y teorías. La modelación se realiza conforme a las relaciones existentes entre los procesos estructuración del contenido humanista identitario del contexto sociocultural y contextualización pedagógica de la formación humanista, lo cual conlleva a la integración contextual identitaria de la formación humanista como cualidad de orden superior en el proceso educativo.ABSTRACTThe paper is aimed to contextualizing humanist education in history teachers’ training from a social and cultural perspective to favors the graduates' humanist performance. A dialectical‐materialistic focus was given to the scientific methods, among them analysis and criticism of sources —integrating logical thinking procedures such as induction‐deduction, analysis‐synthesis and moving from abstract to the concrete perception one—, the hermeneutic‐dialectical and the systemic‐structural‐functional approaches, as well as modeling triangulation of sources, methods and theories. Modeling is structured according to the relationships that exist between theprocesses structuring the humanist identity content of education, to foster a comprehensive contextual as the main finding of the research

    Online and Non-Parametric Drift Detection Methods Based on Hoeffding’s Bounds

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    I. Frías-Blanco, J. d. Campo-Ávila, G. Ramos-Jiménez, R. Morales-Bueno, A. Ortiz-Díaz and Y. Caballero-Mota, "Online and Non-Parametric Drift Detection Methods Based on Hoeffding’s Bounds," in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 810-823, 1 March 2015 doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2014.2345382. © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Incremental and online learning algorithms are more relevant in the data mining context because of the increasing necessity to process data streams. In this context, the target function may change over time, an inherent problem of online learning (known as concept drift). In order to handle concept drift regardless of the learning model, we propose new methods to monitor the performance metrics measured during the learning process, to trigger drift signals when a significant variation has been detected. To monitor this performance, we apply some probability inequalities that assume only independent, univariate and bounded random variables to obtain theoretical guarantees for the detection of such distributional changes. Some common restrictions for the online change detection as well as relevant types of change (abrupt and gradual) are considered. Two main approaches are proposed, the first one involves moving averages and is more suitable to detect abrupt changes. The second one follows a widespread intuitive idea to deal with gradual changes using weighted moving averages. The simplicity of the proposed methods, together with the computational efficiency make them very advantageous. We use a Naïve Bayes classifier and a Perceptron to evaluate the performance of the methods over synthetic and real data.Supported in part by the SESAAME project number TIN2008-06582-C03-03 of the MICINN, Spain. Supported in part by the AUIP (Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado)

    Screening the ability of natural feed ingredients to interfere with the adherence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88 to the porcine intestinal mucus

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    The inhibition of the attachment of bacteria to the intestine by receptor analogues could be a novel approach to prevent enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88-induced diarrhoea in piglets. The objective of the present study was to screen the ability of different feed ingredients (FI) to bind to ETEC K88 (adhesion test, AT) and to block its attachment to the porcine intestinal mucus (blocking test, BT) using in vitro microtitration-based models. In the AT, wheat bran (WB), casein glycomacropeptide (CGMP) and exopolysaccharides exhibited the highest adhesion to ETEC K88 (P,0·001). In the BT, WB, CGMP and locust bean (LB) reduced the number of ETEC K88 attached to the intestinal mucus (P,0·001). For WB and LB, fractionation based on their carbohydrate components was subsequently carried out, and each fraction was evaluated individually. None of the WB fractions reduced the adhesion of ETEC K88 to the mucus as did the original extract, suggesting that a protein or glycoprotein could be involved in the recognition process. With regard to the LB fractions, the water-extractable material reduced the adhesion of ETEC K88 (P,0·001) to the mucus similar to the original extract (P,0·001), indicating, in this case, that galactomannans or phenolic compounds could be responsible for the recognition process. In conclusion, among the FI screened, the soluble extracts obtained from WB, LB and CGMP exhibited the highest anti-adhesive properties against ETEC K88 in the BT. These results suggest that they may be good candidates to be included in diets of weaned piglets for the prevention of ETEC K88-induced diarrhoea

    Contribución al análisis epistemológico del método histórico lógico en la investigación educativa

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    Objective: This paper aims at constructing a theoretical framework about the logical historical method and its application, emphasizing on the periodization criterion and the identification of characteristic features, regularities and trends, as proper procedures of this theoretical method. Methods: The authors rely on the analysis and criticism of sources from a dialectical-materialist approach that integrates, as procedures, the methods of logical thought: induction-deduction, analysis-synthesis and transition from the abstract to the concrete. Similarly, the hermeneutical-dialectical method and the triangulation of sources, methods and theories were used as a methodological procedure. Result: A systematization of the logical historical method in educational research is carried out, from the epistemological referent of the materialist dialectic, taking into account the criteria of several authors who have ventured into the subject under analysis and the scientific positioning of the researchers, with emphasis on the criterion of periodization and the determination of characteristics, regularities and trends. Conclusion: It is concluded that this method, as an epistemological operator, contributes important constructs to the scientific research process, since it allows us to penetrate into the essence of the object-field and reveal its characteristics, features, regularities or tendencies, according to the specificities of its concretion; as well as, the epistemological gaps that legitimize and justify the process of inquiry into reality.Objetivo: El artículo tiene como propósito ofrecer algunas reflexiones teóricas sobre el método histórico lógico y su aplicación, con énfasis en el criterio de periodización y la determinación de características, regularidades y tendencias, como procederes propios de este método teórico. Métodos: Desde un enfoque dialéctico-materialista se emplearon el análisis y crítica de fuentes que integra, a manera de procedimiento, los métodos del pensamiento lógico: inducción-deducción, análisis-síntesis y tránsito de lo abstracto a lo concreto. De igual forma, se emplea el método hermenéutico-dialéctico y la triangulación de fuentes, métodos y teorías como procedimiento metodológico. Resultado: Se realiza una sistematización sobre el método histórico lógico en las investigaciones de carácter educativo, desde el referente epistemológico de la dialéctica materialista, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de varios autores que han incursionado en el tema objeto de análisis y el posicionamiento científico de los investigadores, con énfasis en el criterio de periodización y la determinación de características, regularidades y tendencias. Conclusión: Se concluye que este método, como operador epistemológico, aporta importantes constructos al proceso de investigación científica, pues permite penetrar en la esencia del objeto-campo y develar sus características, rasgos, regularidades o tendencias, según las especificidades de su concreción; así como, las brechas epistemológicas que legitiman y justifican el proceso de indagación de la realidad

    Online adaptive decision trees based on concentration inequalities.

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    Classification trees are a powerful tool for mining non-stationary data streams. In these situations, mas sive data are constantly generated at high speed and the underlying target function can change over time. The iadem family of algorithms is based on Hoeffding’s and Chernoff’s bounds and induces online deci sion trees from data streams, but is not able to handle concept drift. This study extends this family to deal with time-changing data streams. The new online algorithm, named iadem-3, performs two main actions in response to a concept drift. Firstly, it resets the variables affected by the change and main tains unbroken the structure of the tree, which allows for changes in which consecutive target functions are very similar. Secondly, it creates alternative models that replace parts of the main tree when they significantly improve the accuracy of the model, thereby rebuilding the main tree if needed. An online change detector and a non-parametric statistical test based on Hoeffding’s bounds are used to guaran tee this significance. A new pruning method is also incorporated in iadem-3, making sure that all split tests previously installed in decision nodes are useful. The learning model is also viewed as an ensem ble of classifiers, and predictions of the main and alternative models are combined to classify unlabeled examples. iadem-3 is empirically compared with various well-known decision tree induction algorithms for concept drift detection. We empirically show that our new algorithm often reaches higher levels of accuracy with smaller decision tree models, maintaining the processing time bounded, irrespective of the number of instances processed

    Audiovisual media in the process of geographic education of the career Bachelor in Education. Geography

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    (Spa) La universidad cubana contemporánea se encuentra inmersa en un proceso de constante transformación con el perfeccionamiento de los planes de estudios en las diferentes carreras, donde los medios audiovisuales como tecnología educativa, ocupan un lugar esencial para la gestión del conocimiento científico geográfico. Por ello, en este artículo se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de la utilización de los medios audiovisuales como una opción del cambio pedagógico, en la aplicación del Plan de Estudio E, para contribuir a la educación geográfica de los profesionales en formación de la carrera Licenciatura en Educación. Geografía y se adscribe al Proyecto de investigación: Perfeccionamiento de la formación inicial y permanente en los diferentes niveles de educación.(Eng) The contemporary Cuban universi ty is immersed in a process of constant trans formation with the improvement of curricula in the different careers, where audiovisual me dia as educational technology, occupy an es sential place for the management of geographi cal scientific knowledge. Therefore, this article reflects on the need for the use of audiovisual media as an option of pedagogical change, in the application of the Plan of Study E, to con tribute to the geographical education of profes sionals in career formation Bachelor in Educa tion. Geography and is attached to the research project: Improvement of initial and permanent formation at different levels of education