300 research outputs found
Propagación clonal de guayabo en distintos medios de enraizamiento
Existen registros del cultivo de guayaba en Calvillo desde 1824; actualmente se dedican al cultivo 2500 productores y se cosechan 95 mil toneladas anuales lo que generan una importante derrama económica. Con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto de seis sustratos solos (100%) y mezclados con arena en proporciones iguales (50% y 50%), en el enraizamiento de estacas, en el Centro de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la UAA, se realizó durante 2017-18, la investigación. Las estacas se obtuvieron de árboles elite del Banco de Germoplasma de la UAA, se utilizaron macetas de plástico de 29 cm de alto y 30 cm de ancho, las que se llenaron dejando 3 cm de borde para el riego, las estacas, se impregnaron en la base con el enraizador radix 10,000 ppm y se cubrieron con bolsa plástica para crear una cámara húmeda. Se tuvieron dentro de un invernadero, se colocó sobre el techo una malla media sombra para reducir la luz, se regaron 3 veces por semana. Se registró la temperatura y humedad relativa a las 8:00 am, 12:00 pm y 16:00 pm, durante los meses de junio a octubre, se calculó para cada hora el promedio mensual. A los cinco meses se evaluaron las variables: número total de raíces (NTR), número de raíces por estaca (NRE), porcentaje de estacas enraizadas (%EE) y longitud de la raíz más grande (LR+G cm). Los tratamientos con el mayor NTR, NRE, %EE y LR+G, fueron Fibra de coco (100%) (24.4 raíces, 4.889 raíces por estaca, 98 % y 10.1 cm), aserrín de mezquite + arena (50% + 50%), (24.1 raíces, 4.83 raíces por estaca, 97 %, 2.8 cm) y paja de cereales (100%) (22.8 raíces, 4.56 raíces por estaca, 91%, 7.2 cm)
Tratamiento odontológico integral en un paciente afecto de Corea de Huntington
Se presenta un caso de rehabilitación oral con prótesis fija en un paciente afecto de corea de Huntington, con retraso psíquico moderado y una importante descoordinación motriz. El tratamiento consistió en una primera fase bajo anestesia general (tratamiento odontología conservadora, tratamiento periodontal y exodoncias). En una segunda sesión, después de mantener unos niveles de placa dental correctos, se procedió al tallado de los dientes pilares y toma de registros oclusales, todo ello bajo sedación profunda. El resto de las pruebas ajuste de oclusión y cementado con premedicación psico-sedante
Producción de composta mediante descomposición aeróbica de residuos orgánicos en huertos de guayaba
La investigación se realizó en 2016, en Calvillo, Aguascalientes, con el propósito de elaborar abono orgánico a partir del compostaje de los residuos orgánicos producidos en las huertas de guayabo, mediante distintas proporciones de poda (ramas molidas), estiércol de bovino; fruta de desecho y zacate nativo, se elaboraron seis compostas. Los porcentajes más altos de MO, CO y N, se obtuvieron en la composta 4 (P (33.3%) + Z (33.3%) + E (33.3%)). La CE dSm-1 y los porcentajes de K y Mg fueron mayores en composta 1 (F (50%) + E (50%)). El porcentaje de Ca resulto elevado en la composta 5 (P (50%) + E (50%)). El contenido más grande de Zn mg kg-1 y Mn mg kg-1 se registró en la composta 6 (Z (50%) + E (50%)). Se concluye que el compostaje produce un abono orgánico de calidad agronómica y puede utilizarse como mejorador físico-químico del suelo
Iridium-Complexed Dipyridyl-Pyridazine Organosilica as a Catalyst for Water Oxidation
The heterogenization of metal-complex catalysts to be applied in water oxidation reactions is a currently growing field of great scientific impact for the development of energy conversion devices simulating the natural photosynthesis process. The attachment of IrCp*Cl complexes to the dipyridyl-pyridazine N-chelating sites on the surface of SBA-15 promotes the formation of metal bipyridine-like complexes, which can act as catalytic sites in the oxidation of water to dioxygen, the key half-reaction of artificial photosynthetic systems. The efficiency of the heterogeneous catalyst, Ir@NdppzSBA, in cerium(IV)-driven water oxidation was thoroughly evaluated, achieving high catalytic activity even at a long reaction time. The reusability and stability were also examined after three reaction cycles, with a slight loss of activity. A comparison with an analogous homogeneous iridium catalyst revealed the enhanced durability and performance of the heterogeneous system based on the Ir@NdppzSBA catalyst due to the stability of the SBA-15 structure as well as the isolated metal active sites. Thereby, this new versatile synthesis route for the preparation of water oxidation catalysts opens a new avenue for the construction of alternative heterogeneous catalytic systems with high surface area, ease of functionalization, and facile separation to improve the efficiency in the water oxidation reaction
New data about the geomorphological and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Cantabrian Coast during MIS 6-4: the Cobiḥeru Natural Monument (Asturias)
Se proporcionan nuevos datos sobre la geomorfología y evolución paleoambiental de la Costa Cantábrica durante el MIS 6–4 a partir del modelo espeleogenético de la Cueva de Cobḥi eru, incluyendo: (1) la identificación de 2 fases de relleno de la cueva relacionadas con condiciones más frías y etapas de nivel del mar bajo a 60–70 y 130–150 ka, (2) el inicio de un descenso del nivel del Mar Cantábrico en la transición entre el MIS 5-4, (3) la presencia de un ambiente abierto con poca vegetación en torno a 65 ka (MIS 4), (4) el descubrimiento del Elona quimperiana más antiguo, indicando el desarrollo de bosque caducifolio húmedo hace más de 350 ka, y (5) la relación entre la erosión de los abanicos torrenciales que cubrían el karst y la entrada de fauna fría a las cuevas de la costa de AsturiasNew data about the geomorphology and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Cantabrian Coast for the MIS 6-4 interval is derived from the speleogenetical model of the Cobḥi eru Cave. This data includes: (1) the identification of 2 phases of cave sedimentary infill related to cold conditions and global sea-level lowstand at ca. 60–70 and 130–150 ka, (2) set the timing for the beginning of sea-level lowering in the Cantabrian Sea in MIS 5-4 transition , (3) evidence of an open landscape with scarce vegetation around 65 ka (MIS 4), (4) the discovery of the oldest Elona quimperiana site, which suggest the development of wet deciduous forest in this coastal setting prior to 350 ka, and (5) to establish a link between karst exhumation due to erosion of overlying fluvial sediments and the introduction of the cold-adapted fauna in the coast caves of Asturia
Spatial variability in threshold temperatures of heat wave mortality: impact assessment on prevention plans
Spain’s current heat wave prevention plans are activated according to
administrative areas. This study analyses the determination of threshold
temperatures for triggering prevention-plan activation by reference to
isoclimatic areas, and describes the public health benefits. We subdivided
the study area – the Madrid Autonomous Region (MAR) – into three, distinct,
isoclimatic areas: ‘North’, ‘Central’ and ‘South’, and grouped daily natural-cause
mortality (ICD-10: A00-R99) in towns of over 10,000 inhabitants (2000–2009
period) accordingly. Using these three areas rather than the MAR as a whole
would have resulted in a possible decrease in mortality of 73 persons (38–
108) in the North area, and in aborting unnecessary activation of the plan 153
times in the Central area and 417 times in the South area. Our results indicate
that extrapolating this methodology would bring benefits associated with
a reduction in attributable mortality and improved effectiveness of public
health interventions.This study was funded by a ‘Miguel Servet type 1’ grant (SEPY 1037/14), as well as a Health Research Fund grant (Fondo
de Investigaciones Sanitarias/FIS Project ENPY1133/16 from the Carlos III Institute of Health
Novel sources of resistance to powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica(Lév.) Arnaud) in pepper
[EN] Peppers, a worldwide crop, are threatened by different pathogens. Powdery mildew, a biotroph fungal infection, can cause several damages directly on vegetative parts and indirectly on fruits. Despite some sources of resistance have been described, commercial genotypes only with partial resistance have been developed due to the complex nature of such resistance and variable genetic expression, which depends on the stage of the plants. In this paper 49 accessions from different Capsicum species and origins have been tested. Plants were grown in growth chambers inside of mini greenhouses. Repeated inoculations under pepper leaves were applied by spraying a suspension of 104 conidia ml-1. Readings were made at 30 and 60 days after inoculation (DAI). Total number of leaves (TL), total number of affected leaves (LA), and maximum area affected (MAA) in the most damaged leaf were scored. In addition, a composite infection index (CII) was calculated on the basis of the three mentioned traits. Inoculated plants showed more severe symptoms at 30 DAI than at 60 DAI. Different response patterns were observed: from accessions suffering high leaf shedding to some others with local hypersensitive response, indicating different gene action. The use of CII prevented species bias and disease response. In the present work, four highly tolerant accessions were identified, including two chiltepins, C. annuum wild relatives, Ag-01 and Ag-02, and two C. annuum A-06 and A-23.IIMM acknowledges his work was supported by CONACYT-CONCYTEP predoctoral scholarship number 47274 by the Mexican government. This work has been partially financed by the projects RTA2014-00041-C02-02 y PID2019110221RRC32, from Spain's Plan Nacional, INIA and FEDER/ERDF funds.Morales-Manzo, I.; Rodríguez Burruezo, A.; Jiménez-Perez, M.; Luna-Ruiz, JJ.; San Bautista Primo, A.; Fita, A. (2021). Novel sources of resistance to powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica(Lév.) Arnaud) in pepper. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 49(2):1-13. https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha4921235411349
Efficient utilization of pine logs in northern Mexico through training
The timber industry and other sectors that rely on forest management, would benefit from a deeper understanding of the extraction work carried out by properly trained workers. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of training operational personnel on the efficient utilization of harvested pine logs in the southern region of the state of Chihuahua, in northern Mexico. Two samplings of the logging present in the cutting area of the ejido Basihuare (communal land) were carried out, taking into consideration the diameter with and without bark, visual quality, length, and use for reinforcement. The sampling involved recording 116 logs prior to a directional felling and log dimensioning training process, and 336 logs divided into three sampling blocks after the training. The data was analysed with tests for variance homogeneity, and ANOVA analyses were performed at a significance level of 0.05. It was found that training forestry harvest personnel allows for an improvement in the process of classifying logs destined for industrial use according to their dimension and visual quality. Additionally, the training allowed for the proper adjustment of reinforcements applied in the log dimensioning process, and as a result, it was possible to efficiently utilize available resources, significantly reducing the generation of waste after resizing of the wood products. For the advancement of the forestry sector, it is necessary to prioritize training as a driving element of quality to raise operational efficiency parameters of production and, consequently, promote the evolution of the production process
Incidencia del tabaquismo en jóvenes estudiantes de la provincia de Granada. Una primera aproximación
By means of the thiocyanate levels determination in saliva and using the Densen method of analysis, we investigated the tobacco addiction level in one hundred secondary education students of Granada (Spain). We conclude that 20% of youngs are adicted and 5% are heavy smokers. 250 μg/ml was the larger thiocyanate level observed.Mediante la determinación de los niveles de tiocianato en saliva y aplicando las técnicas analíticas propuestas por Densen, se realiza una evaluación del nivel de drogadicción tabáquica en cien alumnos de enseñanza media de la provincia de Granada (España), llegándose a la conclusión de que un 20% de los jóvenes presenta adicción en mayor o menor grado. Un 5% de los alumnos son intensamente fumadores. No se encontraron en ningún caso niveles de tio-cianato por encima de 250 μg/ml
Visible-light-harvesting basolite-A520 metal organic framework for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
A heterogeneous photosensitizer Ru@dpdhpzBASF-A520 has been successfully synthesized following an unprecedented strategy based on the incorporation of surface dipyridyl-dihydropyridazine adducts by Diels–Alder reaction on the aluminum fumarate units of the highly porous metal-organic framework (MOF) BASF-A520 and their further coordination to ruthenium metal centers. The characterization of the resulting metal-organic framework, including the ruthenium bipyridine-like photosensitizer moieties attached to its linkers, has been carried out by a wide variety of techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms, solid-state cross-polarization magic angle spinning carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C CP/MAS NMR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy. The light absorption in the visible region shown by the resulting material, Ru@dpdhpzBASF-A520, has allowed its application as a single-site solid photosensitizer for photochemical reactions of hydrogen evolution in conjunction with Pt nanoparticles as catalyst, EDTA as sacrificial electron donor and MV as electron carrier. A remarkable photocatalytic activity after 72 h was achieved, with a TON of 1157 based on the heterogeneous ruthenium photosensitizer, in aqueous solution at pH 5.0, which confirmed the effective stabilization of the ruthenium dipyridyl -dihydropyridazine adducts on the MOF surface and the efficient electron injection from the photoexcited Ru@dpdhpzBASF-A520 to Pt nanoparticles mediated by MV electron carrier for hydrogen generation from water
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