167 research outputs found

    Metodología para la identificación de talentos en la Lucha Olímpica de la Federación Deportiva del Azuay

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    oai:ojs2.revistas.cug.co.cu:article/33The objective of the present investigation is to elaborate a methodology for the identification of possible talents in the Olympic Wrestling of the Sports Federation of Azuay in Ecuador. In the course of the investigation, insufficient mechanisms and procedures were detected that support the procedures to identify possible talent. These with the evaluation of scientific methods such as analysis-synthesis, the historical-logical, interviews, document analysis, structural functional systemic that allowed the construction of the proposed methodology, allowed together with the characterization of the samples to provide approaches with indicators based on the fundamentals methodologies of the sporting process studied.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo la elaboración de una Metodología para la identificación de posibles talentos en la Lucha Olímpica de la Federación Deportiva de Azuay en Ecuador. En el cauce de la investigación se detectaron insuficientes mecanismos y procedimientos que sustentan los procederes para identificar el posible talento. Estos con la evaluación de métodos científicos como análisis y síntesis, el histórico lógico, entrevistas, análisis de documentos, sistémico funcional estructural que permitieron la construcción de la metodología propuesta, permitieron junto a la caracterización de las muestras aportar enfoques con indicadores sustentados en los fundamentos metodológicos del proceso deportivo estudiado

    Comparative transcriptional profiling analysis of olive ripe-fruit pericarp and abscission zone tissues shows expression differences and distinct patterns of transcriptional regulation

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    [Background] In fleshy fruit, abscission of fully ripe fruit is a process intimately linked to the ripening process. In many fruit-tree species, such as olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Picual), there is a coupling of the full ripening and the activation of the abscission-zone (AZ). Although fully ripe fruit have marked physiological differences with respect to their AZs, dissimilarities in gene expression have not been thoroughly investigated. The present study examines the transcriptome of olive fruit and their AZ tissues at the last stage of ripening, monitored using mRNA-Seq. [Results] Roche-454 massive parallel pyrosequencing enabled us to generate 397,457 high-quality EST sequences, among which 199,075 were from ripe-fruit pericarp and 198,382 from AZ tissues. We assembled these sequences into 19,062 contigs, grouped as 17,048 isotigs. Using the read amounts for each annotated isotig (from a total of 15,671), we identified 7,756 transcripts. A comparative analysis of the transcription profiles conducted in ripe-fruit pericarp and AZ evidenced that 4,391 genes were differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in fruit and AZ. Functional categorization of the DEGs revealed that AZ tissue has an apparently higher response to external stimuli than does that of ripe fruit, revealing a higher expression of auxin-signaling genes, as well as lignin catabolic and biosynthetic pathway, aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway, isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway, protein amino acid dephosphorylation, amino acid transport, and photosynthesis. By contrast, fruit-enriched transcripts are involved in ATP synthesis coupled proton transport, glycolysis, and cell-wall organization. Furthermore, over 150 transcripts encoding putative transcription-factors (TFs) were identified (37 fruit TFs and 113 AZ TFs), of which we randomly selected eight genes and we confirmed their expression patterns using quantitative RT-PCR. [Conclusion] We generated a set of EST sequences from olive fruit at full ripening, and DEGs between two different olive tissues, ripe fruit and their AZ, were also identified. Regarding the cross-talk between fruit and AZ, using qRT-PCR, we confirmed a set of TF genes that were differentially expressed, revealing profiles of expression that have not previously been reported, this offering a promising beginning for studies on the different transcription regulation in such tissues.This work was supported by the ‘Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación’, Spain (BFU2010-18116)

    Genetic diversity and structure of the narrow endemic species Crepis granatensis: implications for conservation

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    In this study, we studied the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of the endangered endemic Crepis granatensis, using amplified fragments length polymorphism (AFLP) and plastid DNA (cpDNA). No genetic divergences were obtained using cpDNA markers. Three primers combinations selected from a total of 12 produced a total of 421 fragments, of which 418 (99.3%) were polymorphic. The total genetic diversity of C. granatensis was moderate (Ht = 0.260). Neís gene diversity ranged from 0.202 to 0.258. The fixation index (Fst) was 0.137, suggesting low to moderate genetic differentiation among populations. The AMOVA analysis revealed that genetic diversity was mainly concentrated among individuals within populations (74%), while 8% was found among populations and 18% among regions. The Bayesian analysis and PCoA identified two genetic clusters: one corresponded to La Sagra population and the other corresponded to the Mágina populations. Based on our genetic results, it is necessary to preserve the evolutionary potential of C. granatensis by protecting all extant populations. Both in situ and ex-situ conservation measures should be considered. Reinforcement, reintroduction, and translocation programmes could be performed if necessary. Finally, such conservation strategies should be considered both in the current recovery plan and management actions for the species.Departamento de Biología Vegetal de la Universidad de Murcia, Departamento de Botánica de la Universidad de Granad

    Recent observations supporting the hypothesis of the colonization of thrombolite platforms by mangroves

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    Antecedentes. Los trombolitos son estructuras sedimentarias formadas por precipitación, consolidación y litificación de sedimentos debido a la actividad y crecimiento de tapetes de cianofitas y son considerados responsables de la formación de suelo costero; mientras que los mangles son oportunistas que colonizan las plataformas trombolíticas. Objetivos. Proporcionar evidencias de que ocurre colonización de plataformas trombolíticas por mangles. Métodos. Se tomaron imágenes fotográficas de especímenes de mangle presentes en la primera plataforma trombolítica descrita en 2005. Se examinó la plataforma y se tomaron muestras para analizar su composición mineralógica. Resultados. Se reunieron evidencias de colonización de una plataforma trombolítica por mangles. Los especímenes observados sobre la plataforma trombolítica son juveniles saludables con alturas notables. Las muestras de plataforma resultaron estructuras sedimentarias conocidas como rizolitos de raíces de mangle. Conclusiones. Se presentan evidencias de que, además de este evento de colonización, existió una colonización anterior en una plataforma localizada en un estrato inferior. Mediante el análisis mineralógico se probó la hipótesis de que la micrita sería un componente significativo de la estructura de los rizolitos.Background. Thrombolites are sedimentary structures formed by precipitation, consolidation, and lithification of sediments generated by the evolution of cyanophyte mats that are responsible for coastal ground formation. Mangroves, however, are opportunist that colonize said substratum, in this case thrombolite platforms. Goals. To provide recent evidence of mangrove colonization of thrombolite platforms. Methods. Photographic images were taken of specimens of mangroves found fixed on the first thrombolite platform described in 2005. The platform was examined and samples were collected to analyze their mineralogical composition. Results. Evidence was gathered of two mangrove species colonizing a thrombolite platform. Specimens that had reached significant heights, indicating healthy juveniles, were found fixed on the first thrombolite platform. Collected platform structures were identified as rhizoliths belonging to mangrove trees. Conclusions. Evidence is presented that, besides this colonizing event, an earlier colonization on a thrombolite platform occurred at an inferior level. A secondary hypothesis that micrite would be a significant component of the rhizolith structure was proven through the mineralogical analysis of rhizolith fragments

    Transferencia de los ODS 2030 a través del proyecto redes: “Red de empatías sociales - plataforma digital WEBGIS para el mapeo de iniciativas ciudadanas”

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    Los ODS 2030 nos llevan a cuestionar el papel que tienen las nuevas tecnologías para favorecer la partici-pación ciudadana cuando pensamos en construir la ciudad sostenible. Son muchos los colectivos sociales que trabajan de forma colaborativa para mejorar la vida de los barrios. Estas iniciativas son emergentes y, en muchos casos, no aparecen inscritas formalmente. El proyecto Red de Empatías Sociales: Plataforma digital webGIS tiene por objeto el estudio comparado de estas iniciativas a partir del análisis y mapeo de sus redes de relación, tanto en el espacio físico como en el digital. Se caracterizan estos procesos partici-pativos locales implicados en la vida de las comunidades para poner en valor y empoderar a la ciudada-nía en la construcción de las ciudades sostenibles. Se presenta el diseño de los cuestionarios que se utili-zan como modelo para llevar a cabo entrevistas con agentes locales en tres ámbitos de estudio: Málaga capital, Benalmádena y los pueblos del Valle del Genal. Los resultados obtenidos de estas entrevistas permiten identificar y caracterizar las iniciativas locales. Éstos revelan que el uso de las TIC favorece la consolidación de su red de empatías y la creación de nuevas sinergias conforme a los ODS 2030

    Anxiety, Distress and Stress among Patients with Diabetes during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The prevalence of mental health disorders has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, are a particularly vulnerable risk group. This study aims to assess the levels and prevalence of anxiety, distress, and stress in patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review was conducted in CINAHL, Cochrane, LILACS, Medline, SciELO, and Scopus in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Thirty-seven articles with a total of 13,932 diabetic patients were included. Five meta-analyses were performed. The prevalence of anxiety was 23% (95% CI = 19–28) in T1DM and 20% (95% CI = 6–40) in T2DM patients. For diabetes distress it was 41% (95% CI = 24–60) for T1DM and 36% in T2DM patients (95% CI = 2–84). For stress, the prevalence was 79% (95% CI = 49–98) in T1DM patients. People with diabetes have significant psychiatric comorbidity as well as psychological factors that negatively affect disease management, increasing their vulnerability in an emergency situation. To establish comprehensive care in diabetic patients addressing mental health is essential, as well as including specific policy interventions to reduce the potential psychological harm of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Responsabilidad de los medios de comunicación por la divulgación de publicidad negativa

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    La legislación colombiana y la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional hacen una distinción entre lo que es la libertad de expresión, por lo demás siempre responsable y las extralimitaciones de la publicidad negativa.Colombian legislation and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court make a distinction between what is freedom of expression, otherwise always responsible, and the excesses of negative publicity

    Apoyo social del profesorado factor protector contra el estrés en estudiantes durante el servicio social

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    Objective. To evaluate the social support of the faculty perceived by nursing students during their professional social service. Method. Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational, analytical study. Sample made up of 100% of the study population, 63 students. Instrument: questionnaire on the content of Karasek's work. For the descriptive analysis, the mean and standard deviation of the numerical variables social support, work control, psychological demands and work stress were calculated; bivariate correlation was carried out using the Pearson technique; the analysis of the structural equation model was performed using the maximum likelihood method. Results. On average, high levels of social support, high levels of job control, moderate levels of psychological demands and moderate levels of job stress were recorded. The bivariate correlation shows that the higher the social support of the teaching staff, the lower the job stress of nursing students during their social service. In the structural equations model, the relationship between social support and job control was analyzed, the model fit indices were acceptable. conclusions. The study hypothesis established by the conceptual model was accepted: the social support of the teaching staff is an antecedent factor to the job control of nursing students who perform social service, a variable with positive valence of the Robert Karasek work content questionnaire.Objetivo. Evaluar el apoyo social del profesorado percibido por estudiantes de enfermería durante su servicio social profesional. Método. Estudio observacional, trasversal, descriptivo, correlacional, analítico. Muestra constituida por el 100% de la población en estudio, 63 estudiantes. Instrumento: cuestionario sobre el contenido del trabajo de Karasek. Para el análisis descriptivo se calculó la media y la desviación estándar de las variables numéricas apoyo social, control laboral, demandas psicológicas y estrés laboral; la correlación bivariada se llevó a cabo mediante la técnica de Pearson; el análisis del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales se realizó mediante el método de máxima verosimilitud. Resultados. En promedio se registraron niveles altos de apoyo social, niveles altos de control laboral, niveles moderados de demandas psicológicas y niveles moderados de estrés laboral. La correlación bivariada demuestra que a mayor apoyo social del profesorado menor es el estrés laboral de los estudiantes de enfermería durante su servicio social. En el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales se analizó la relación entre el apoyo social y el control laboral, los índices de ajuste del modelo fueron aceptables. Conclusiones. Se aceptó la hipótesis de estudio establecida mediante el modelo conceptual: el apoyo social del profesorado es un factor antecedente al control laboral de los estudiantes de enfermería que realizan servicio social, variable con valencia positiva del cuestionario de contenido del trabajo de Robert Karasek