121 research outputs found

    Disseny i construcció d’un prototip subministrador/recollidor de mostres de saliva per la seva anàlis

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    En aquest treball es presenta el disseny i la construcció d’un prototip dispensador/recollidor de proves de saliva, prenent com a referència part del funcionament de les màquines expenedores. Aquest prototip pretén automatitzar la presa de mostres per tal de prescindir de l’atenció de personal sanitari en aquesta gestió. Es comença amb una posada en situació de l’estat del problema i s’analitzen les condicions a complir i es fa una tria dels components que formaran part del prototip. Seguidament s’exposen els mòduls electrònics i les seves interconnexions. La part de la carcassa del prototip es planteja avaluant el material, l’ergonomia i fent un estudi dels processos a seguir durant la construcció. La proposta de disseny s’exposa a partir d’un programari de modelatge tridimensional seguint les condicions requerides. Finalment s’explica el procés de muntatge del prototip i juntament amb un anàlisi dels resultats d’aquestObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i Benesta

    Impacts of species misidentification on species distribution modeling with presence-only data

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    Spatial records of species are commonly misidentified, which can change the predicted distribution of a species obtained from a species distribution model (SDM). Experiments were undertaken to predict the distribution of real and simulated species using MaxEnt and presence-only data “contaminated” with varying rates of misidentification error. Additionally, the difference between the niche of the target and contaminating species was varied. The results show that species misidentification errors may act to contract or expand the predicted distribution of a species while shifting the predicted distribution towards that of the contaminating species. Furthermore the magnitude of the effects was positively related to the ecological distance between the species’ niches and the size of the error rates. Critically, the magnitude of the effects was substantial even when using small error rates, smaller than common average rates reported in the literature, which may go unnoticed while using a standard evaluation method, such as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Finally, the effects outlined were shown to impact negatively on practical applications that use SDMs to identify priority areas, commonly selected for various purposes such as management. The results highlight that species misidentification should not be neglected in species distribution modeling

    Impacts of species misidentification on species distribution modeling with presence-only data

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    Spatial records of species are commonly misidentified, which can change the predicted distribution of a species obtained from a species distribution model (SDM). Experiments were undertaken to predict the distribution of real and simulated species using MaxEnt and presence-only data “contaminated” with varying rates of misidentification error. Additionally, the difference between the niche of the target and contaminating species was varied. The results show that species misidentification errors may act to contract or expand the predicted distribution of a species while shifting the predicted distribution towards that of the contaminating species. Furthermore the magnitude of the effects was positively related to the ecological distance between the species’ niches and the size of the error rates. Critically, the magnitude of the effects was substantial even when using small error rates, smaller than common average rates reported in the literature, which may go unnoticed while using a standard evaluation method, such as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Finally, the effects outlined were shown to impact negatively on practical applications that use SDMs to identify priority areas, commonly selected for various purposes such as management. The results highlight that species misidentification should not be neglected in species distribution modeling

    Nuevo modelo de tutoría cuádruple en una experiencia APP del Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la UdG

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    Este artículo define cuatro modalidades de tutorías creadas ad hoc para poder desarrollar una experiencia concreta de Aprendizaje por Proyectos (APP), en el Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Girona. El proyecto se ha basado en el desarrollo de una campaña de comunicación integral, a partir del encargo concreto y auténtico de un cliente, en este caso el Decanato de la Facultad de Turismo. Los estudiantes han asumido el rol de agencias de comunicación y los profesores, de responsables de campaña, que les han corregido en áreas de asesoría de sus campañas, en la comunicación online y en la creación de publicidad radiofónica y audiovisual. Finalmente, el papel de cliente lo ha realizado la Decana dando un encargo preciso y real a los estudiantes. El desarrollo del proyecto se ha realizado a partir de una tutorización sistemática y constante que ha permitido una combinatoria tutorial, lo suficientemente flexible como para alcanzar el reto planteado a los alumnos. Las campañas de comunicación fueron presentadas ante un público heterogéneo, con la presencia de profesores, estudiantes y clientes. Los 4 tipos de tutorías presentadas en este nuevo modelo de docencia universitaria son: tutorías específicas semanales, tutorías transversales semanales, tutoría de ensayo general y tutoría final de valoración. El resultado es una experiencia que simula con rigor un trabajo profesional a nivel global, que atiende a intereses y materias de conocimiento específicas. Desarrollamos la óptima implantación de este modelo de tutorización cuádruple en un trabajo de APP durante este curso 2012/2013, después de la ejecución de un plan piloto en 2011/2012This paper defines four modes of tutorials created ad hoc in order to develop a specific experience of Learning Project (APP), in the Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Girona. The project has been based on the development of a comprehensive communication campaign from an actual concrete custom client, in this case, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism. The students have taken on the role of media agencies, teachers have taken the role of campaign managers, and they have corrected their work in the different areas of their campaigns: campaign advice, online communication, audiovisual creation, adverting. Finally, the client role was made by the Dean by acting as a real customer giving students a real and concrete order. The development of the project was made from a systematic and ongoing mentoring that has allowed a combinatorial tutorial, flexible enough to meet the challenge posed to students. Communication campaigns were submitted to a heterogeneous, with the presence of teachers, students and clients. The 4 types of tutorials presented in this new model of university teaching are: specific tutorials weekly, cross tutorial weekly, tutoring and mentoring rehearsal and evaluation tutorial. The result is a rigorous experience that simulates professional work globally serving specific interests and knowledge. We conclude the optimal implementation of this quadruple model of active tutoring in an APP experience. The mock pilot was conducted in 2011/2012 and the final execution took place this year 2012/2013

    Instruments to measure interaction of mothers and newborns: A systematic review

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    Interactions between newborns and their parents/primary caregivers are characterized by asymmetric and dependent relationships. This systematic review mapped, identified, and described the psychometric parameters, categories, and items of instruments used to assess mother-newborn interaction. Seven electronic databases were accessed in this study. Furthermore, this research included neonatal interaction studies describing instruments' items, domains, and psychometric properties while excluding studies that focused on maternal interactions and lacked items for assessing newborns. Additionally, studies validated with older infants that did not have a newborn in the sample were used for test validation, which is a criterion used to decrease the risk of bias. Fourteen observational instruments from 1047 identified citations were included that addressed interactions using varying techniques, constructs, and settings. Particularly, we focused on observational settings that assessed interactions with communication-based constructs in the context of proximity or distance as influenced by physical, behavioral, or procedural barriers. These tools are also used to predict risk behaviors in a psychological context, mitigate feeding difficulties, and conduct neurobehavioral assessments of mother-newborn interactions. The elicited imitation was also an observational setting. This study found that the most described properties in the included citations were inter-rater reliability followed by criterion validity. However, only two instruments reported content, construct, and criterion validity, as well as a description of an internal consistency assessment and inter-rater reliability. Finally, the synthesis of the instruments reported in this study can guide clinicians and researchers in selecting the most appropriate one for their own application

    New quadruple model of active tutoring in an APP experiencie in Advertising and Public Relations Grade from the University of Girona

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    [ES] Este artículo define cuatro modalidades de tutorías creadas ad hoc para poder desarrollar una experiencia concreta de Aprendizaje por Proyectos (APP), en el Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Girona. El proyecto se ha basado en el desarrollo de una campaña de comunicación integral, a partir del encargo concreto y auténtico de un cliente, en este caso el Decanato de la Facultad de Turismo. Los estudiantes han asumido el rol de agencias de comunicación y los profesores, de responsables de campaña, que les han corregido en áreas de asesoría de sus campañas, en la comunicación online y en la creación de publicidad radiofónica y audiovisual. Finalmente, el papel de cliente lo ha realizado la Decana dando un encargo preciso y real a los estudiantes. El desarrollo del proyecto se ha realizado a partir de una tutorización sistemática y constante que ha permitido una combinatoria tutorial, lo suficientemente flexible como para alcanzar el reto planteado a los alumnos. Las campañas de comunicación fueron presentadas ante un público heterogéneo, con la presencia de profesores, estudiantes y clientes. Los 4 tipos de tutorías presentadas en este nuevo modelo de docencia universitaria son: tutorías específicas semanales, tutorías transversales semanales, tutoría de ensayo general y tutoría final de valoración. El resultado es una experiencia que simula con rigor un trabajo profesional a nivel global, que atiende a intereses y materias de conocimiento específicas. Desarrollamos la óptima implantación de este modelo de tutorización cuádruple en un trabajo de APP durante este curso 2012/2013, después de la ejecución de un plan piloto en 2011/2012.[EN] This paper defines four modes of tutorials created ad hoc in order to develop a specific experience of Learning Project (APP), in the Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Girona. The project has been based on the development of a comprehensive communication campaign from an actual concrete custom client, in this case, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism. The students have taken on the role of media agencies, teachers have taken the role of campaign managers, and they have corrected their work in the different areas of their campaigns: campaign advice, online communication, audiovisual creation, adverting. Finally, the client role was made by the Dean by acting as a real customer giving students a real and concrete order. The development of the project was made from a systematic and ongoing mentoring that has allowed a combinatorial tutorial, flexible enough to meet the challenge posed to students. Communication campaigns were submitted to a heterogeneous, with the presence of teachers, students and clients. The 4 types of tutorials presented in this new model of university teaching are: specific tutorials weekly, cross tutorial weekly, tutoring and mentoring rehearsal and evaluation tutorial. The result is a rigorous experience that simulates professional work globally serving specific interests and knowledge. We conclude the optimal implementation of this quadruple model of active tutoring in an APP experience. The mock pilot was conducted in 2011/2012 and the final execution took place this year 2012/2013.Espinosa-Mirabet, S.; Andreu-Sánchez, C.; Jiménez Cortacans, A. (2014). Nuevo modelo de tutoría cuádruple en una experiencia APP del Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la UdG. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 12(2):327-349. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2014.5652OJS327349122Álvarez, P.R. (2012). Tutorías universitaria inclusivas. Guía de buenas prácticas para la orientación de estudiantes con necesidades educativas específicas. Madrid: Narcea.Álvarez-Pérez, P.R. y González M.C. (2005). "La tutoría entre iguales y la orientación universitaria. Una experiencia de formación académica y profesional". Educar, 36, 107-128.Bardallo, L., Rodríguez, E. y Chacón M.D (2012). "La relación tutorial en el Practicum de Enfermería". REDU, Revista de docencia Universitaria, 10 (especial de 2012), 211-228.Domínguez, G., Álvarez F.J. y López A.M. (2013) "Acción tutorial y orientación en el periodo de la transición de la Educación secundaria a la Universidad. La orientación al alumnado de nuevo ingreso" REDU, Revista de docencia Universitaria, 11(2), 221-241.Freedman, D. (2008). ThePolitics of Media Policy. Cambridge: Polity.García González, A.J. y Troyano Rodríguez, Y. (2009) "El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y la figura del profesor tutor en la universidad". REDU, Revista de docencia Universitaria, 2 (7), 2-10.Gairín, J., Feixas, M., Guillamón, C. y Quinquer, D. (2004) "La tutoria académica en el escenario europeo de Educación Superior. Revista interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 18 (1), 61-77.Gil-Albarova, A., Martínez, A., Tunnicliffe, A y Miguel, J. (2013) "Estudiantes universitarios y calidad del Plan de acción tutorial. Valoraciones y mejoras". REDU. Revista de docencia Universitaria, 11 (2), 63-88.Gómez-Esquer, F., Rivas, I., Mercado, F. y Barjola, P. (2009) "Aplicación interdisciplinar del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en ciencias de la salud: una herramienta útil para el desarrollo de competencias profesionales". REDU. Revista de docencia Universitaria, 4 (7), 1-19.Iosifidis, P. (2011). Global Media and Communication Policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.Johnson, D.W. y Johnson, R.T (2005). "New developments in social interdependence theory". Genetics, social, and general psychology Monographs. 131 (4), 285-358.Mallart, J. (1998). L'educació activa. Vic: Eumo Editorial.Martí, E., Gil, D. y Julià, C. (2008). "Experiència d'aplicació de la metodología d'aprenentatge per projectes en assignatures d'enginyeria informàtica per a una millor adaptació als crèdits ECTS i a L'EEES". En: Experiencias docentes innovadoras de la UAB en ciencias y ciencias sociales. Bellaterra: Publicacions UAB.Pellicer, C., Álvarez, B. y Torrejón, J.L. (2013). Aprendre a emprendre. Com educar el talent emprenedor. Barcelona: Fundació Príncep de Girona y Aula Planeta.Planella, J., Escoda,Ll. y Suñol, JJ. (2009) "Analisis de una experiencia de aprendizaje basado en problemas en la asignatura de fundamentos de física". Red U. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 2 (7), 2-16.Rodrígez Espinar, S. (coord.) (2004). Manual para tutoría universitaria. Recursos para la acción. Barcelona: Octaedro: ICE-UB.Serra-Pallarés, J. y Espinosa-Mirabet, S. (2011). "La documentación en los estudios de comunicación: aplicación de herramientas 2.0". El Profesional de la Información, 2 (20) (marzo-abril), 228-234.Valero-García, M. (2007). "L'aprenentatge basat en projectes en els ensenyaments tècnics".Perspectiva escolar, 318, 42-50.Wisker, G. (coord.) (2012). Trabajar individualmente con cada estudiante. Tutoría personalizada, coaching, mentoría y supervisión en Educación Superior. Madrid: Narcea

    Does Variation of the Inter-Domain Linker Sequence Modulate the Metal Binding Behaviour of Helix pomatia Cd-Metallothionein?

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    Snail metallothioneins (MTs) constitute an ideal model to study structure/function relationships in these metal-binding polypeptides. Helix pomatia harbours three MT isoforms: the highly specific CdMT and CuMT, and an unspecific Cd/CuMT, which represent paralogous proteins with extremely different metal binding preferences while sharing high sequence similarity. Preceding work allowed assessing that, although, the Cys residues are responsible for metal ion coordination, metal specificity or preference is achieved by diversification of the amino acids interspersed between them. The metal-specific MT polypeptides fold into unique, energetically-optimized complexes of defined metal content, when binding their cognate metalions, while they produce a mixture of complexes, none of them representing a clear energy minimum, with non-cognate metal ions. Another critical, and so far mostly unexplored, region is the stretch linking the individual MT domains, each of which represents an independent metal cluster. In this work, we have designed and analyzed two HpCdMT constructs with substituted linker segments, and determined their coordination behavior when exposed to both cognate and non-cognate metal ions. Results unequivocally show that neither length nor composition of the inter-domain linker alter the features of the Zn(II)- and Cd(II)-complexes, but surprisingly that they influence their ability to bind Cu(I), the non-cognate metal ion

    On improving the short-wavelength response and efficiency of photovoltaic modules via luminescent down-shifting of the incident light

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    This thesis investigates the technology of luminescent down-shifting (LDS) of light for improving the short-wavelength response and efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) modules. A critical literature review of previously published work is presented identifying the opportunity to include the luminescent species in the encapsulation layer of certain PV technologies. A range of luminescent materials and mixtures thereof were tested in ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) host. They all exhibited very high luminescent efficiencies and did not impair the transmittance of the encapsulant. LDS EVA sheets were used to encapsulate multi-crystalline silicon (mc-Si) and chalcopyrite (CIGS) solar cells. An increase in short-λ external quantum efficiency of up to 25 % was achieved for mc-Si devices. For CIGS, the increase was up to 25 % and 40 % for 50-nm- and 100-nm-thick buffers respectively. The overall efficiency of mc-Si devices was improved by 0.2 % in the best case and gains of up to 0.2 mA / cm2 and 0.6 mA / cm2 were achieved for 50-nm- and 100-nm-thick buffer CIGS devices. LDS offers the additional benefit of device colouration, which can encourage the further uptake of PV in applications where colour is a desirable property