1,367 research outputs found

    Use of mathematical manipulatives and development of number sense in first grade primary-students

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    Different studies consider the possibilities of the use of manipulatives for mathematics teaching. It is with this in mind that this papers analyses whether the utilisation of manipulatives fosters development of the number sense in first grade Primary School students of a public Early Years and Primary Education school in the region of Córdoba (Spain). In order to detect the possible differences between the students using them and those who do not, quantitative data was collected from a test at the end of the school year. Such test is known as TEMA-3 (test of early mathematics ability). The test looks into two aspects of mathematics: one, based on formal mathematics; the other, on informal mathematics. However, no significant statistical differences were found associated with the utilisation of manipulatives

    Actualidad de los medicamentos a base de plantas para el tratamiento del dolor y la inflamación

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    El dolor se describe como aquella percepción sensorial localizada y subjetiva, que se siente en una parte del cuerpo, tras el resultado de una excitación o estimulación de las terminaciones nerviosas sensitivas; este proceso está asociado a la inflamación, ya que ésta es una reacción desencadenada por el organismo que conlleva un enrojecimiento de la zona, un aumento de su volumen y por tanto un aumento del umbral de dolor. Existen diversos tipos de dolor, así como clasificaciones de estos y tipos de escalas para medirlo. Para desarrollar el presente trabajo se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos, páginas webs y libros especializados en la materia. En concreto, se ha hecho una revisión bibliográfica de plantas medicinales con actividad analgésica-antipirética, plantas medicinales con actividad antiinflamatoria y aceites esenciales utilizados como analgésicos y antiinflamatorios. Asimismo, se han identificado los principios activos aislados a partir de dichas plantas que son utilizados en terapéutica en la actualidad. Por un lado, las indicaciones terapéuticas más frecuentes son el alivio de dolores musculares y articulares, seguido del alivio de molestias ocasionadas por trastornos digestivos leves; por otro lado, la vía de administración predominante es la vía oral, seguida de la vía tópica

    Propuesta para el mejoramiento de procesos que permitan optimizar la gestión de compras en la planta industrial de roscado de tubería con y sin costura en la empresa Tenaris Ecuador, en el cantón Mejía

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    La propuesta surge a partir de la necesidad del mejoramiento continuo que exigen las organizaciones actualmente junto a la necesidad de innovar, estar un paso más delante de la competencia y prever cualquier necesidad o requerimiento que puede tener el cliente. Es primordial conocer que dentro de la cadena de abastecimiento el departamento de compras cumple una función sumamente importante para la transformación de materiales, de ello depende mucho el éxito o el fracaso en los tiempos de entrega de los productos finales, la calidad, durabilidad, producción y otras características del bien o servicio que se desea obtener. En este trabajo se presenta la problemática actual del proceso de compras, en una empresa de servicios petroleros, analizando su impacto en el tiempo, valor, disponibilidad, stock, entre otros factores que influyen directamente en la producción y el servicio que se entrega al cliente final. Los diferentes problemas se han detectado a través de las entrevistas al cliente interno, los análisis de resultados y observaciones, a partir de esta evaluación diagnóstica de la situación es donde nace esta propuesta y los objetivos para alcanzar el mejoramiento del proceso de compras, realizando una comparativa entre la situación actual y la situación propuesta.The proposal arises from the need for continuous improvement that organizations currently demand along with the need to innovate, be one step ahead of the competition and anticipate the needs or requirements of the client. It is essential to know that the purchasing department plays an extremely important role in the transformation of materials, the success or failure of the delivery times of the final products, the quality, durability, production and other characteristics of the good or service to obtain. This work presents the current problems of the purchasing process in an oil services company, analyzing their impact on time, value, availability, stock, customer services final and other factors that directly influence production. The different problems have been detected through interviews with the internal client, analysis of results and observation, from this diagnostic evaluation of the situation is proposal is born and the objectives to achieve the improvement of the purchase process, making a comparison between the current situation and the proposed situation

    Evaluación del comercio internacional de materias primas agrícolas del Ecuador: Caso cacao 2014-2015

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    Comercio exteriorEl presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar el Comercio exterior enfocándose en el cacao como materia prima agrícola en el año 2014-2015.Lo que se busca en este trabajo analizar la imagen que tiene Ecuador como capital cacaotera, mediante los informes estadísticos se pueden visualizar en un informe real acerca del sector cacaotero en relación a otros países. El trabajo está orientado a la aplicación de una guía de exportación que mejore las negociaciones comerciales actualizadas periódicamente con los diferentes países importadores y también hace hincapié en el beneficio al consumidor para desarrollar las buenas prácticas agrícolas por ende se genera un buen precio a nivel nacional e internacional del cacao.The present research work seeks to analyze the Foreign trade focusing on cocoa as Agricultural raw material in the year 2014-2015. What is sought in this paper is to analyze the image that Ecuador has as capital Through statistical reports can be seen in a real report on the cocoa sector in relation to other countries. The work is oriented to the application of an export guide that improves the trade negotiations Regularly updated with the different importing countries and also emphasizes To develop good agricultural practices, thus generating a good price at the national and international levels of cocoa

    Supported Co catalysts prepared as thin films by magnetron sputtering for sodium borohydride and ammonia borane hydrolysis

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    Supported Co catalysts were prepared for sodium borohydride and ammonia borane hydrolysis by magnetron sputtering for the first time under different conditions. Ni foam was selected as support. Deposition conditions (time, pressure, and power) were varied to improve catalytic activity. A decrease in deposition power from 200 to 50 W, leads to a decrease in crystallite and column size and a higher activity of catalysts. The increase in deposition pressure from 1.5 × 10−2 to 4.5 × 10−2 mbar produces same effect but in this case the enhancement in activity is higher because amorphous materials were obtained. The highest activity for SB hydrolysis was 2650 ml min−1 gcat−1 for the 50 W Co 4.5 (4 h) sample (Ea = 60 ± 2 kJ mol−1). For AB hydrolysis activity for the 50 W Co 3.2 (4 h) sample was similar. Durability of the thin films was tested for both reactions upon cycling (14 cycles). Diluted acid washing was effective to recover the activity for sodium borohydride reaction but not for ammonia borane hydrolysis. The strong Co–NH3 interactions explain the non-efficiency of the acid washing

    Relevant aspects for an EF3-Evaluation of e-cognocracy

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    The search for an appropriate response to the new challenges and needs posed by the Knowledge Society in the area of public decisions has led to the development of a number of participation models whose value must be assessed and analysed in an integral manner. Using a theoretical model based on structural equations, the present work identifies the relevant factors for an EF3-approach to the democracy model named e-Cognocracy: it comprises a conjoint evaluation of its effectiveness (doing what is right), efficacy (achieving goals) and efficiency (doing things correctly). The model was applied to a real-life e-Cognocracy experience undertaken in the municipality of Cadrete, Zaragoza. The evaluation resulted in the extraction and identification of a series of relationships that allow the advancement of an EF3-participation acceptance model, in line with the TAM model of Davis and the work of Delone and MacLean, which can be used for the integral evaluation of any e-participation model

    Digital VLSI Implementation of Piecewise-Affine Controllers Based on Lattice Approach

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    This paper presents a small, fast, low-power consumption solution for piecewise-affine (PWA) controllers. To achieve this goal, a digital architecture for very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits is proposed. The implementation is based on the simplest lattice form, which eliminates the point location problem of other PWA representations and is able to provide continuous PWA controllers defined over generic partitions of the input domain. The architecture is parameterized in terms of number of inputs, outputs, signal resolution, and features of the controller to be generated. The design flows for field-programmable gate arrays and application-specific integrated circuits are detailed. Several application examples of explicit model predictive controllers (such as an adaptive cruise control and the control of a buck-boost dc-dc converter) are included to illustrate the performance of the VLSI solution obtained with the proposed lattice-based architecture

    Circuit implementation of piecewise-affine functions based on lattice representation

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    This paper introduces a digital architecture to implement piecewise-affine (PWA) functions based on representation methods from the lattice theory. Given an explicit and continuous PWA function, the parameters required to implement the lattice approach can be obtained by an off-line preprocessing that can be automated. Other advantages of the proposal are that it implements a continuous PWA function with potentially no errors and the minimum number of parameters to store. This has been proven experimentally by implementing the proposal in a Xilinx FPGA and comparing its performance with other implementations, all of them addressing a typical non linear control problem.Comunidad Europea FP7-IST-248858Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2008-04920 y DPI2008-03847Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0367

    Incarcerated youths with high or low callous–unemotional traits: A comparison controlling for age of crime onset

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relevance of callous–unemotional (CU) traits in incarcerated juvenile delinquents. A sample of 160 incarcerated male youths was used. Results showed that youths with high CU traits had an earlier age of crime onset and of trouble with the law, and also had higher levels of conduct disorder. When controlling for age of crime onset, youths with high CU traits showed higher levels of general psychopathic traits and of psychopathy taxon membership as well as lower levels of prosocial behavior, but no differences were found for selfreported delinquency, crime seriousness, impulsivity-conduct problems, and general conduct problems. Also, no significant associations of CU traits with self-reported delinquency and crime seriousness were found when controlling for age of crime onset. Future studies of CU traits should take into account the specific importance of age of onset.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Annual evolution of the number of hotel squares offered in the city of Seville. An empirical analysis with support econometric

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    Con el correspondiente “pico” en 1992, por razones obvias, y unproceso suavemente creciente en la última década,se analiza la evolución histórica del número de plazas hoteleras ofertadas por la ciudad de Sevilla en hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas, en el periodo comprendido entre 1988 y 2011. En primer lugar, los análisis gráficos son bastante elocuentes de la evolución delas series y del cambio estructural que se produce en 1992. Modelos de regresión, tanto en escala de nivel como logarítmica, corrigiendo el efecto de la autocorrelación,propio de datos longitudinales, con estimaciones de tipo Prais-Winsten o Cochrane-Orcutt, son empleados para medir el grado de influencia de algunas magnitudes macroeconómicas de nuestro país o de los países del entorno que más visitantes proporcionan a la ciudad, sobre esa evolución temporal. También, modelos autorregresivos de orden 1 y modelos con tendencia definida describen bastante bien el fenómeno estudiado