615 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This paper focuses on the relationship among university student’s interactions with faculty, schoolsatisfaction, and happiness in Korea. The sample for the study consisted of 280 undergraduates in metropolitan areas of South Korea. The data were collected through a faculty student interaction scale, school satisfaction scale, and happiness scale. The study found that a structural equation modeling analysis showed good model fit indexes, directly and indirectly. Faculty-student interaction has a direct and indirect effect on a student’s happiness. As well, faculty student interaction indirectly affects happiness through school satisfaction. To sum up the findings, there is clear evidence that positive faculty student interaction directly predicts the happiness of university students, and indirectly predicts happiness via schoolsatisfaction. The finding of this study offers profound information on the happiness of university students in Korea, and provides fundamental data that can help improve quality of life.Keywords: faculty student interaction, school satisfaction, happiness

    Percepções de contato com a floresta e seu papel terapêutico em estudantes universitários na Coreia do Sul

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    This paper focuses on the influence of forest experience and its positive implications for undergraduate students. A survey was conducted of 114 undergraduate students in South Korea. The results show that 90.4% of the students reported that forest experience is useful for mental health. The students had experience in forests during the last year, such as visiting one for recreation (8.8%), participating in activities (14.9%), tracking (32.5%), climbing mountains (13.2%), walking in the park (23.7%)), and camping (7%). Korean students who believe that the forest experience has a healing function significantly happier than those who did not. There were significant differences between the groups of beliefs or non-beliefs and the level of happiness (p <.001). Also students who have experience in the woods regularly are significantly happier tan those who did not. Therefore, in this document, we investigate and analyze the perception of forestry experience and its healing function for university students. We propose the implication of the benefit of the forestry experience.Este documento se centra en la influencia de la experiencia forestal y sus implicaciones positivas para los estudiantes de pregrado. Se realizó una encuesta a 114 estudiantes de pregrado en Corea del Sur. Los resultados muestran que el 90.4% de los estudiantes informaron que la experiencia forestal es útil para la salud mental. Los estudiantes tuvieron experiencia en bosques durante el último año, como visitar uno para recreación (8.8%), participar en actividades (14.9%), rastrear (32.5%), escalar montañas (13.2%), pasear en el parque (23.7%)), y camping (7%). Los estudiantes de Corea que creen que la experiencia forestal tiene una función de curación significativamente más feliz que aquellos que no la tenían. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos de creencias o no creencias y el nivel de felicidad (p <.001). También los estudiantes que tienen experiencia en los bosques regularmente son significativamente más felices que aquellos que no lo hicieron. Por lo tanto, en este documento, investigamos y analizamos la percepción de la experiencia forestal y su función de curación para los estudiantes universitarios. Proponemos la implicación del beneficio de la experiencia forestal.Este artigo enfoca a influência da experiência da floresta e suas implicações positivas dos estudantes de graduação. Uma pesquisa foi realizada com 114 estudantes de graduação na Coréia do Sul. Os resultados mostram que 90,4% dos estudantes relataram que a experiência florestal necessária e útil para a saúde mental. Os alunos tiveram experiência florestal nos últimos 1 anos, como visitar a floresta para recreação (8,8%), participar de atividade (14,9%), rastreamento (32,5%), alpinismo (13,2%), passear no parque (23,7%) e camping (7%). Os estudantes da Coreia que acreditam que a experiência na floresta tem uma função de cura significativamente mais feliz do que aqueles que não o fizeram. Houve diferenças significativas entre grupos de crença ou não-crença e o nível de felicidade (p <0,001). E também os alunos que têm uma experiência regular de floresta significativamente mais feliz do que aqueles que não têm. Portanto, neste trabalho, investigamos e analisamos a percepção da experiência florestal e sua função de cura para alunos de graduação. Propomos a implicação do benefício da experiência florestal

    Changes In Teaching Personality And Life Guidance Efficacy Of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers Through Team Project-Centred Child Abuse Prevention Activities

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    The purpose of this paper is to find out the changes in teaching personality and life guidance efficacy of pre-service early childhood teachers through team project-centred child abuse prevention poster production activities. Through this, it was intended to examine the direction of education for child abuse prevention. First of all, based on good deeds, 5 child abuse prevention poster production activities for pre-service early childhood teachers were organized. As for the pre- and post-tests, the life guidance efficacy and teaching personality tests were used. The subjects of this study were 25 pre-service early childhood teachers from A university located in S city, Gyeonggi-do. As a result of the study, it was found that the life guidance efficacy and teaching personality of pre-service early childhood teachers improved respectively compared to before and after the child abuse prevention poster production program was implemented. The results of this study can be used as basic data for the production of child abuse prevention programs in the future

    The Role Of Stereotype And Moral Values In Predicting Victim Blaming

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    Exposing participants to a victim with different racial identities (Asian American vs. African American vs. White American) under two different types of misfortunes (poverty vs. disease), the present study aimed to find whether the victim-blaming patterns differ depending on the victim’s race and whether the difference in victim-blaming tendency could be explained by the interaction between pre-existing stereotypes and situational relevance

    Test review: French examination of the College Scholastic Ability Test in Korea

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    This study reviews the French examination of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), the most influential and highest-stakes test in Korea. The CSAT score has considerable influence on university admissions, and admission to a highly ranked university is generally a prerequisite for socioeconomic success. From this perspective, the significance of the CSAT is enormous. In general, the assessment is influenced by the goals and content of the curriculum, and it also plays an important role in curriculum implementation. In Korea, the national curriculum has been recently reformed. The main goal of the reformed French curriculum is to promote communicative skills and cultural literacy. However, the examination has been criticized for not uniformly or adequately evaluating overall communicative skills. Considering the importance of the CSAT and the interdependence of assessment and curriculum, the CSAT French examination has to be reviewed from the perspective of test quality. Due to its limited assessment of communicative skills, the validity of the French examination is debatable. The problem of low reliability also arises due to the uncertainty of assessment criteria and guidelines. Authenticity and interactiveness could be improved by avoiding fragmentary knowledge and memorization-oriented assessment. The negative washback effect needs to be addressed to resolve the low relevance of the curriculum to the test and the relatively low applicability of the CSAT French score in university admission policy.This research was supported by Sookmyung Women’s University Research Grants (1-2203-2018)

    What is moving where? Infants’ visual attention to dynamic objects may assist with processing of spatial relations

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    IntroductionA central question in infant spatial cognition concerns how infants form abstract categories of spatial relations such as support (on) and containment (in). Prior work suggests two different possibilities regarding the role of attention to objects in infants’ formation of abstract categories of spatial relations: Attention to objects may compete with (and thus hamper) attention to the spatial relations between them, or assist with encoding of the spatial relation information. Using eye-tracking, we examined how infants’ visual attention to objects related to their successful formation of an abstract category of support relations (i.e., an object on another).MethodsThirty-eight 8-month-old infants’ eye movements were recorded during a support categorization task, where infants were habituated to four dynamic events depicting support relations (e.g., resting a block on a box) and then presented with test events that depicted either a support or containment relation with objects that they had seen or not seen in the habituation phase. Based on their looking time to the familiar versus novel spatial relation in the test, infants were classified into two groups: categorizers, who formed an abstract category of a support relation, and non-categorizers, who did not do so.ResultsDuring their initial phase of learning (i.e., the first habituation trial), categorizers paid greater attention to the object moved by a hand (i.e., the dynamic object) in comparison to non-categorizers, whereas their attention to the static object or their gaze shifts between the two objects did not differ. In addition, when presented with novel objects in a novel spatial relation after habituation, only categorizers displayed asymmetric attention between the objects, attending to the dynamic object more than the static object. Gaze shifts and attention to the concave area (i.e., hole) of the container did not differ between categorizers and non-categorizers.DiscussionThese findings suggest that infants’ focused attention to an object in motion may play a key role in young infants’ spatial category learning, and support the idea that attention to objects can assist with encoding of the spatial relational information

    Stratified Adversarial Robustness with Rejection

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    Recently, there is an emerging interest in adversarially training a classifier with a rejection option (also known as a selective classifier) for boosting adversarial robustness. While rejection can incur a cost in many applications, existing studies typically associate zero cost with rejecting perturbed inputs, which can result in the rejection of numerous slightly-perturbed inputs that could be correctly classified. In this work, we study adversarially-robust classification with rejection in the stratified rejection setting, where the rejection cost is modeled by rejection loss functions monotonically non-increasing in the perturbation magnitude. We theoretically analyze the stratified rejection setting and propose a novel defense method -- Adversarial Training with Consistent Prediction-based Rejection (CPR) -- for building a robust selective classifier. Experiments on image datasets demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms existing methods under strong adaptive attacks. For instance, on CIFAR-10, CPR reduces the total robust loss (for different rejection losses) by at least 7.3% under both seen and unseen attacks.Comment: Paper published at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'23