131 research outputs found

    A hotkey interaction technique that promotes hotkeys

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    Hotkeys provide fast interactions to support expert performance. Compared to the traditional pointer-based selection of commands, hotkeys have the advantage in reducing task completion time. However, research shows that users have a tendency of favoring menu selections. This is partially caused by how hotkeys are displayed in most linear and toolbar menus. This thesis provides a review of key findings from literature that aim to promote hotkeys. On the base of these findings, this thesis develops design criteria for hotkey displays that promote hotkey use. This thesis also proposes a new interaction technique which displays hotkeys on the keyboard. Finally, a cognitive model is constructed to describe a user’s decision-making process of choosing between hotkeys and pointer-based selections when this new hotkey display technique is presented

    The great importance of the distinction between declarative and procedural knowledge

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    So far as we know, apparently the declarative knowledge interacts and combines with the procedura lknowledge. But seen from a cognitively psychological point of view, it seems important, as this paper claims, to make a distinction between these two aspects of knowledge. The implication of this distinction for teachers or educators lies in that it helps make clear what human beings are endowed with, how differently they function, and how to adapt human beings more adequately to what are offered with, in an attempt to help students optimize or maximize their learning results.According to the points suggested by this paper, being able to distinguish between the two types of knowledge can enhance teacher’s awareness of the teaching methods to be adopted, bring into full playmore positive factors of each of the two types of knowledge, and may reveal some more human potential resources to be tapped

    Estimating the energy requirements for long term memory formation

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    Brains consume metabolic energy to process information, but also to store memories. The energy required for memory formation can be substantial, for instance in fruit flies memory formation leads to a shorter lifespan upon subsequent starvation (Mery and Kawecki, 2005). Here we estimate that the energy required corresponds to about 10mJ/bit and compare this to biophysical estimates as well as energy requirements in computer hardware. We conclude that biological memory storage is expensive, but the reason behind it is not known.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    The right methods for adults On English acquisition/learning

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    Cada método de ensino de uma lingua estrangeira tem OS seus mCritos e fraquezas. Factores como OS objectivos, a classe etaria dos alunos e OS seus estadios de desenvolvimento mental devem ser tidos em conta na escolha do mCtodo de ensino. Como alunos de inglts, OS adultos tCm vantagens e desvantagens, e normalmente as desvantagens sBo mais importantes que as vantagens. Como obter OS melhores resultados com aquele tip0 de alunos? Porqu& escolher um determinado mCtodo num dad0 contexto e n2o noutro? SBo estas as questBes que este artigo aborda. Como nenhum dos mCtodos na historia do ensino de linguas consegue atingir todos OS objectivos de uma vez s6, o autor defende que para OS adultos principiantes devem ser preferidos OS MCtodo Natural e o da Resposta Fisica Total, enquanto a Abordagem Comunicativa e a Aprendizagem da Lingua em Comunidade s20 mais adequadas para OS alunos em estidios intermCdios e avanqados. 0 ensino da composiqBo escrita devem ser guiado e integrado corn o ensino de outras compet6ncia.s linguisticas, sobretudo nos estidios elementares.ABSTRACT: Each teaching method has its own strenths and weaknesses. Factors such as purposes, age groups and stages of mental development are to be taken into account in terms of the adoption of a teaching method. Adult learners of English have their own advantages and disadvantages, too. Normally, the latter outweigh the former. How to obtain the best result out of them? Why take a certain method rather than another is a given context? These are the questions this paper attempts to account for. Since none of the methods in the history of language teaching so far can fulfil1 the desired goals all in one go, the author holds that for adult beginners, both the Natural Method and Total Physical Response are preferred while the Communicative Approach and Community Language Learning are to find favour with those at intermediate and advanced levels, and that the teaching of composition writing should be guided and integrated with the training of other language skills, particularly at an elementary level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The great importance of the distinction between declarative and procedural knowledge

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    So far as we know, apparently the declarative knowledge interacts and combines with the procedural knowledge. But seen from a cognitively psychological point of view, it seems important, as this paper claims, to make a distinction between these two aspects of knowledge. The implication of this distinction for teachers or educators lies in that it helps make clear what human beings are endowed with, how differently they function, and how to adapt human beings more adequately to what are offered with, in an attempt to help students optimize or maximize their learning results. According to the points suggested by this paper, being able to distinguish between the two types of knowledge can enhance teacher’s awareness of the teaching methods to be adopted, bring into full play more positive factors of each of the two types of knowledge, and may reveal some more human potential resources to be tapped.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The great irnportance of the distinction between declarative and procedural knowledge

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    So far as we know, apparently the declarative knowledge interacts and combines with the procedural knowledge. But seen from a cognitively psychological point of view, il seems important, as this paper clairns,to make a distinction between these two aspects of knowledge. The implication of this distinction for teachers or educators lies in that it helps make clear what hurnan beings are endowed with, how differently they function, and how to adapt human beings more adequatety to what are offered with, in an attempt to help students optimize or maximize their learning results.According to the points suggested by this paper, being able to distinguish between the two types of knowledge can enhance teachers awareness of the teaching rnethods to be adopted, bring into full playmore positive factors of each of the two types of knowledge, and may reveal some more human potential resources to be tapped

    How We Express Ourselves Freely: Censorship, Self-censorship, and Anti-censorship on a Chinese Social Media

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    Censorship, anti-censorship, and self-censorship in an authoritarian regime have been extensively studies, yet the relationship between these intertwined factors is not well understood. In this paper, we report results of a large-scale survey study (N = 526) with Sina Weibo users toward bridging this research gap. Through descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, we uncover how users are being censored, how and why they conduct self-censorship on different topics and in different scenarios (i.e., post, repost, and comment), and their various anti-censorship strategies. We further identify the metrics of censorship and self-censorship, find the influence factors, and construct a mediation model to measure their relationship. Based on these findings, we discuss implications for democratic social media design and future censorship research.Comment: iConference 2023 has accepte

    Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by Consensus

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    Multiple robots could perceive a scene (e.g., detect objects) collaboratively better than individuals, although easily suffer from adversarial attacks when using deep learning. This could be addressed by the adversarial defense, but its training requires the often-unknown attacking mechanism. Differently, we propose ROBOSAC, a novel sampling-based defense strategy generalizable to unseen attackers. Our key idea is that collaborative perception should lead to consensus rather than dissensus in results compared to individual perception. This leads to our hypothesize-and-verify framework: perception results with and without collaboration from a random subset of teammates are compared until reaching a consensus. In such a framework, more teammates in the sampled subset often entail better perception performance but require longer sampling time to reject potential attackers. Thus, we derive how many sampling trials are needed to ensure the desired size of an attacker-free subset, or equivalently, the maximum size of such a subset that we can successfully sample within a given number of trials. We validate our method on the task of collaborative 3D object detection in autonomous driving scenarios

    Electro-physiology Models of Cells with Spherical Geometry with Non-conducting Center

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    We study the flow of electrical currents in spherical cells with a non-conducting core, so that current flow is restricted to a thin shell below the cell’s membrane. Examples of such cells are fat storing cells (adipocytes). We derive the relation between current and voltage in the passive regime and examine the conditions under which the cell is electro-tonically compact. We compare our results to the well-studied case of electrical current flow in cylinder structures, such as neurons, described by the cable equation. In contrast to the cable, we find that for the sphere geometry (1) the voltage profile across the cell depends critically on the electrode geometry, and (2) the charging and discharging can be much faster than the membrane time constant; however, (3) voltage clamp experiments will incur similar distortion as in the cable case. We discuss the relevance for adipocyte function and experimental electro-physiology
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