12 research outputs found

    Selective laser melting of Al–Si–10Mg alloy: microstructural studies and mechanical properties assessment

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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) technique is widely recognized by aerospace sectors for its potential to fabricate complex shape components directly from a Computer-Aided Model data (CAM). Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is an innovative method high degree of adaptability among different AM techniques. SLM is one of the AM techniques adopted to produce the three-dimensional complex shape components. Current research work focuses on fabricating an Al–Si–10Mg aluminium alloy by SLM process which is studied for the influence of scanning speed and build orientation on the mechanical strength and surface finish of the as built component compared with as casted specimen. The importance of the sample studied for the scanning speed and built direction is relatively essential exclusively for dynamic applications. The as-built samples surface micrographs was surprisingly refined with a progressively reduced grain size diameter from 7.2 μm to 5.5 μm by increasing scanning speed compared to that of AlSi10Mg parts (∼9.1 μm). The mean layer thickness increased from 20 μm to 30 μm by decreasing the scanning speed from 500 mm/s to 200 mm/s. Attractive advantage of the Orowan mechanism, fine grain strengthening, and the graded interfacial layer, a considerably-high microhardness (135 ± 3.1HV), and enhanced mechanical properties were achieved

    Performance evaluation of (AlCrN) PVD-coated cBN inserts on machining of Inconel 718.

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    This research work focuses on the experimental investigations conducted using uncoated cBN tool and (AlCrN) PVD Coated cBN tool for turning Inconel 718. Two different sets of experiments – one with uncoated cBN and another with coated cBN inserts were conducted considering three different levels of cutting speeds, feed rates and depth of cuts. The performance of the coated cBN over the uncoated inserts were evaluated and it was found that the AlCrN coated cBN inserts can produce 10-12% drop in the cutting force, 15% reduction in the flank wear and 10% reduction in the surface roughness

    Microwave-assisted T6 heat treating of aluminium alloy-Al2O3 nanocomposites

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    Blending ultrafine-grained microstructure with other added reinforcement elements that can provide good strength-microstructural integrity is the primary metallurgical target for any developed composite to exhibit its maximum strength at reduced cost and energy in aerospace application. Such nano-reinforced aluminium alloy composites are processed through the addition of nano alumina using powder metallurgy route followed by microwave-assisted T6 heat treatment. Homogeneous nucleation by increasing the activation energy at the grain interface by the addition of nano alumina resulted in ultrafine-grained microstructure and significantly enhanced the mechanical properties like microhardness and strength of the fabricated nanocomposites. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    A novel two-phase trigonometric algorithm for solving global optimization problems

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    Metaheuristics play a major role in the important domain of global optimization. Since they are problem independent, they can be effectively used in constrained and higher-dimension problems and in real-world applications also. In this paper, one novel two-phase trigonometric algorithm is presented to obtain optimal/ near-optimal solutions for different optimization problems. In this work, the main focus is given to solving real-world engineering problems with constraints. The proposed algorithm effectively explores and exploits the search space to arrive at the solutions. Benchmarks analyzed include unconstrained (unimodal and multimodal) functions, constrained special functions, constrained engineering problems and ten problems of the "100 digit challenge", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2019) totaling fifty-nine problem instances. The problems include functions with continuous variables, discrete variables and both continuous and discrete variables. They are all single-objective functions that are suitably modelled and simulated in MATLAB environment. The obtained results are compared with recent and time-tested popular algorithms including Differential Evolution (DE), Improved Teaching–Learning-Based Optimization (ITLBO), Social Network Search (SNS), Firefly Algorithm (FA), Cuckoo Search (CS) and Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA). Analyses of the results obtained from TP-AB against the performance of the well-known algorithms indicate the superiority and competitiveness of the proposed algorithm in providing quality solutions

    Processing and characterization of aluminium alloy 6061 graphene composite printed by direct metal laser sintering

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    In recent AM method is broadly accepted by engineering divisions because of its innovative competence to manufacture apparatuses and gears from CAM (computer aided model). Direct Metal Laser Sintering or (DMLS) process is a forthcoming modernization amongst different Additive manufacturing practices. DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) is an Additive Manufacturing practice which attuned for producing the three-dimensional (3D) components or expensive components in a layer-by-layer powder deposition and laser sintering simultaneously avoiding the exploitation of various other alternative addition processes. Our present research concentrates on fabricating an AA 6061 aluminium alloy with 2 wt% graphene composite using the Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) process which gets studied for the effect of specimen's surface finish, 3d geometry, and graphene orientation on the mechanical-strength. The significance of the sample/model gets studied for surface finish and the geometry which is quite essential precisely for dynamic type space exploration structural applications

    Investigation on post processing techniques oriented towards strength improvement of 3D printed SS316L

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    International audienceAdditive manufacturing has its roots in all manufacturing sectors, right from conventional lathe tool tonose plate of rockets. Additive manufactured components provide better strength than cast productsbut have lower strength than forged components. 3D printed components always require post processingto improve the strength. Strength can be enhanced by heating, followed by modified cooling techniques.At some points, electron beam and laser source increase the strength of the component. Shot blasting andshot peening improve the fatigue life of the component. This study focuses on the post processing of 3Dprinted Stainless Steel (SS) 316L material. Various parameters involved in 3D printing of SS316L have aninfluence on the final product. SS316L material finds its application in automotive and aerospace industrieswith different property requirements. Subsequent to 3D printing, post processing is also very importantto meet the required mechanical and physical properties. Post processing includes laser peeningtechnique to improve the strength as observed during mechanical testing that includes hardness andresidual stresses analysis. Metallurgical study that includes microscopy, FESEM with EDS mapping showsthe change in microstructural arrangement which contributes to the improvement in strength. Surfaceprofile as observed in the final product, has higher value compared to that of the as-built specimens.Copyright 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved