176 research outputs found

    Métabolisme lipidique et hyperlipémies chez le chien

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professionalThis synthesis aims to summarize lipids metabolism in the dog. The different aetiology and diagnostic of primary or secondary hyperlipidaemia in dog are reviewed. The nutritional treatment and more particularly the use of dietary fibres are discussed.Cet article de synthèse rappelle le métabolisme des lipides chez le chien. Les différentes causes d’hyperlipémies primaires ou secondaires sont également détaillées, avec une attention particulière pour le dia-gnostic. Enfin le traitement diététique et plus particulièrement l’utilisation des fibres alimentaires sont abordés

    Devenir (in)vulnérable. L’espace d’exception chez Bruce Bégout et Hugues Jallon

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    Les enclaves territoriales où règne l’état d’exception, c’est-à-dire la suspension des lois censées protéger les individus, ne cessent de proliférer, ce qui amène Giorgio Agamben à déclarer que le camp est le « nomos » de la modernité. Ce type d’organisation spatiale qui transforme les corps dotés de droits en corps vulnérables est envisagé de manière saisissante par deux fictions contemporaines : Le ParK de Bruce Bégout et Le début de quelque chose de Hugues Jallon. Nous analysons la façon dont ces deux textes soulignent le paradoxe du désir d’enclavement des individus : si l’espace fermé garantit une sécurité maximale qui rend apparemment invulnérable, l’utopie (le camp de vacances, dans un cas, le parc à thème, dans l’autre) se transforme inévitablement en son contraire, à savoir le camp de concentration. Nous lisons ce renversement progressif (de l’utopie à la dystopie) comme une allégorie du fantasme sécuritaire contemporain, qui tend à transformer tous les citoyens en homini sacri. Nous analysons la manière dont sont figurés le pouvoir, l’autorité et le contrôle dans ces deux textes, ainsi que l’imbrication du loisir et de la violence. Ces deux récits nous permettent ainsi de saisir la manière dont la vulnérabilité est aujourd’hui instituée.The territorial enclaves where the state of emergency reigns, that is to say the suspension of laws supposed to protect individuals, proliferate today–to the point that Giorgio Agamben declares that the camp is the “nomos” of modernity. This type of spatial organization which transforms bodies endowed with rights into vulnerable bodies is envisaged in a striking way by two contemporary fictions : Le ParK by Bruce Bégout and Le début de quelque chose by Hugues Jallon. We analyze the way in which these two texts underline the paradox of the desire of enclosure : if the enclosed space guarantees maximum security which makes us seem invulnerable, utopia (the holiday camp, in one case, the theme park, in the other) inevitably turns into its opposite, namely the concentration camp. We read this gradual reversal (from utopia to dystopia) as an allegory of the contemporary security fantasy, which tends to transform all citizens into “homini sacri”. We analyze the way power, authority and control are depicted in these two texts, as well as the interweaving of leisure and violence. These two stories allow us to grasp the way in which vulnerability is instituted

    L’éloge du vagabondage au XIXe siècle : une pensée minoritaire

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    All along the nineteenth century in France, the vagabond becomes a main social and philosophical issue, for he is hunt down by scientists \u2013 vagrancy is conceived as a mental illness \u2013 and by jurists \u2013 different laws are created to criminalize the act. By establishing a link between this sudden obsession and the concern expressed by thinkers (Tocqueville, Comte, Bourget) that the society is dangerously blowing apart in separate individuals, this paper aims to analyze the anifestation of this conflict between society and vagabond in literature, among others Barr\ue8s\u2019 Les D\ue9racin\ue9s and Gide\u2019s Nourritures terrestres

    A Meta-Analysis of the Literature on Climate Change and Migration

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    Recent surveys of the literature on climate change and migration emphasize the important diversity of outcomes and approaches of the empirical studies. In this pa- per, we conduct a meta-analysis in order to investigate the role of the methodological choices of these empirical studies in finding some particular results concerning the role of climatic factors as drivers of human mobility. We code 51 papers representative of the literature in terms of methodological approaches. This results in the coding of more than 85 variables capturing the methodology of the main dimensions of the analysis at the regression level. These dimensions include authors’ reputation, type of mobility, measures of mobility, type of data, context of the study, econometric methods and last but not least measures of the climatic factors. We look at the influence of these characteristics on the probability of finding any effect of climate change, of find- ing a displacement effect, of finding an increase in immobility and of finding evidence in favour of a direct versus an indirect effect. Our results highlight the role of some important methodological choices, such as the frequency of the data on mobility, the level of development, the measures of human mobility and of the climatic factors as well as the econometric methodology

    Barricades, cobblestones and pool goggles: Counter-imaginaries of the riot (1970-2022)

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    editorial reviewed[Introduction au volume] Sociologues, historiens, politistes et anthropologues s’accordent à observer une recrudescence des logiques émeutières dans le répertoire d’action des mouvements contestataires. Si les années 1970 avaient mis l’émeute sur le devant de la scène politique, elle revient en force au cours des dernières décennies. La littérature contemporaine se fait-elle sismographe de ce type de contestation ? Existe-t-il des poétiques de l’émeute qui n’en soient pas de simples mises en spectacle ? Enregistrement d’une mémoire, effets d’entraînement et autres contre-imaginaires : quelles sont les collusions entre les émeutes et les écritures littéraires et militantes qui en résultent ? Autant de question que soulèvent cette introduction et ce dossier, des années 1970 aux années 2020, de Charlotte Delbo à Nathalie Quintane, de la presse gauchistes aux graffitis, des barricades aux lunettes de piscine

    The indigenous riot: Interview with Olivier Marboeuf

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    Auteur, poète, conteur et commissaire d’exposition indépendant, Olivier Marboeuf mène un travail de longue date pour faire exister des épistémologies, des mémoires, des vécus et des émotions qu’il qualifie d’indigènes. Il y a dix ans, il avait proposé une lecture décoloniale des émeutes dites « de banlieue » dans un article intitulé « L’émeutier et la sorcière ». Il reprend aujourd’hui cette réflexion dans un essai éponyme à paraître aux éditions Météores (2023). Dans le présent entretien, il revient sur cette réflexion, sur les écueils de la représentation de l’émeute et sur l’importance de la considérer comme une ruse souterraine et une pratique de l’ombr

    Fermentable soluble fibres spare amino acids in healthy dogs fed a low-protein diet

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    Background: Research in cats has shown that increased fermentation-derived propionic acid and its metabolites can be used as alternative substrates for gluconeogenesis, thus sparing amino acids for other purposes. This amino acid sparing effect could be of particular interest in patients with kidney or liver disease, where this could reduce the kidneys'/liver's burden of N-waste removal. Since dogs are known to have a different metabolism than the obligatory carnivorous cat, the main objective of this study was to assess the possibility of altering amino acid metabolism through intestinal fermentation in healthy dogs. This was studied by supplementing a low-protein diet with fermentable fibres, hereby providing an initial model for future studies in dogs suffering from renal/liver disease. Results: Eight healthy dogs were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: sugar beet pulp and guar gum mix (SF: soluble fibre, estimated to mainly stimulate propionic acid production) or cellulose (IF: insoluble fibre). Treatments were incorporated into a low-protein (17 %) extruded dry diet in amounts to obtain similar total dietary fibre (TDF) contents for both diets (9.4 % and 8.2 % for the SF and IF diet, respectively) and were tested in a 4-week crossover feeding trial. Apparent faecal nitrogen digestibility and post-prandial fermentation metabolites in faeces and plasma were evaluated. Dogs fed the SF diet showed significantly higher faecal excretion of acetic and propionic acid, resulting in a higher total SCFA excretion compared to IF. SF affected the three to six-hour postprandial plasma acylcarnitine profile by significantly increasing AUC of acetyl-, propionyl-, butyryl- + isobutyryl-, 3-OH-butyryl-, 3-OH-isovaleryl- and malonyl-L-carnitine. Moreover, the amino acid plasma profile at that time was modified as leucine + isoleucine concentrations were significantly increased by SF, and a similar trend for phenylalanine and tyrosine's AUC was found. Conclusion: These results indicate that guar gum and sugar beet pulp supplementation diminishes postprandial use of amino acids favoring instead the use of short-chain fatty acids as substrate for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Further research is warranted to investigate the amino acid sparing effect of fermentable fibres in dogs with kidney/liver disease
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