121 research outputs found

    Staging legal authority: ideas of law in Caroline drama

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    This thesis seeks to place drama of the Caroline commercial theatre in its contemporary political and legal context; particularly, it addresses the ways in which the struggle for supremacy between the royal prerogative, common law and local custom is constructed and negotiated in plays of the period. It argues that as the reign of Charles I progresses, the divine right and absolute power of the monarchy on stage begins to lose its authority, as playwrights, particularly Massinger and Brome, present a decline from divinity into the presentation of an arbitrary man who seeks to impose and increase his authority by enforcing obedience to selfish and wilful actions and demands. This decline from divinity, I argue, allows for the rise of a competing legitimate legal authority in the form of common law. Engaging with the contemporary discourse of custom, reason and law which pervades legal tracts of the period such as Coke’s Institutes and Reports and Davies’ ‘Preface Dedicatory’ to Le Primer Report des Cases & Matters en Ley resolues & adiudges en les Courts del Roy en Ireland, drama by Brome, Jonson, Massinger and Shirley presents arbitrary absolutism as madness, and adherence to customary common law as reason which restores order. In this climate, the drama suggests, royal manipulation of the law for personal ends, of which Charles I was often accused, destabilises law and legal authority. This destabilisation of legal authority is examined in a broader context in plays set in areas outwith London, geographically distant from central authority. The thesis places these plays in the context of Charles I’s attempts to centralise local law enforcement through such publications as the Book of Orders. When maintaining order in the provinces came into conflict with central legislation, the local officials exercised what Keith Wrightson describes as ‘two concepts of order’, turning a blind eye to certain activities when strict enforcement of law would create rather than dissolve local tensions. In both attempting to insist on unity between the centre and the provinces through tighter control of local officials, and dividing the centre from the provinces in the dissolution of Parliament, Charles’s government was, the plays suggest, in danger not only of destabilising and decentralising legal authority but of fragmenting it. This thesis argues that drama provides a medium whereby the politico-legal debates of the period may be presented to, and debated by, a wider audience than the more technical contemporary legal arguments, and, during Charles I’s personal rule, the theatre became a public forum for debate when Parliament was unavailable

    Motivations and Implications of Secondary Jobs Among University Faculty: A Qualitative Study

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    Historically, research indicated that educators were financially motivated to hold multiple jobs (Bell & Roach, 1990). However, recent research indicates that both older and more educated workers in all fields had increasingly nonpecuniary motivations. In fact, 68% of those with a doctoral degree and 46.9% of those 55 or more years old were not primarily motivated by money (Hipple, 2010). Those interested in secondary education have long wondered about the motivations and subsequent consequences of university faculty maintaining secondary positions (moonlighting). We hoped to understand the motivations and implications of this sometimes controversial practice. For this present qualitative study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 16 full-time, tenure track professors from multiple departments of a private Mid-western university. Each professor interviewed stated that they held a paid, second position that was not affiliated with their university position. Using open coding of the transcripted interviews, four themes emerged: (1) In terms of monetary incentive, most faculty appreciated the added income but stated that the additional money was not their primary motivation. (2) Interestingly, however, the majority stated that the added income probably strongly motivates others to maintain second jobs. (3) Professors believed their second job had a positive impact on their teaching and their department. (4) Personal enjoyment strongly influenced these professors’ decisions to maintain the second job. These four themes reveal some perceived benefits of the practice of professors holding second jobs

    A Race against Time: Reduced Azithromycin Susceptibility in Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi in Pakistan

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    Antimicrobial resistance is an ongoing issue in the treatment of typhoid fever. Resistance to first-line antimicrobials and extensively drug resistant (XDR) Salmonella Typhi isolates in Pakistan have left azithromycin as the only remaining effective oral treatment. Here, we report the emergence of organisms with a single point mutation in acrB gene, implicated in azithromycin resistance, in a S. Typhi isolate from Pakistan. The isolation of this organism is worrisome and highlights the significance of the introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccine in South Asia.Importance: The emergence of XDR Salmonella Typhi in Pakistan has left azithromycin as the only viable oral treatment option. Here, we report the detection of an azithromycin resistance-associated mutation in one S. Typhi isolate. This finding is important because any possible spread of azithromycin resistance in S. Typhi isolates would make it nearly impossible to treat in outpatient settings due to the need of injectable antibiotics. Our findings also signify the importance of introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccine in regions of endemicity such as Pakistan

    Bacterial and metabolic phenotypes associated with inadequate response to ursodeoxycholic acid treatment in primary biliary cholangitis

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    Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) as first-line treatment. Poor response to UDCA is associated with a higher risk of progressing to cirrhosis, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. UDCA modulates the composition of primary and bacterial-derived bile acids (BAs). We characterized the phenotypic response to UDCA based on BA and bacterial profiles of PBC patients treated with UDCA. Patients from the UK-PBC cohort (n = 419) treated with UDCA for a minimum of 12-months were assessed using the Barcelona dynamic response criteria. BAs from serum, urine, and feces were analyzed using Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and fecal bacterial composition measured using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We identified 191 non-responders, 212 responders, and a subgroup of responders with persistently elevated liver biomarkers (n = 16). Responders had higher fecal secondary and tertiary BAs than non-responders and lower urinary bile acid abundances, with the exception of 12-dehydrocholic acid, which was higher in responders. The sub-group of responders with poor liver function showed lower alpha-diversity evenness, lower abundance of fecal secondary and tertiary BAs than the other groups and lower levels of phyla with BA-deconjugation capacity (Actinobacteriota/Actinomycetota, Desulfobacterota, Verrucomicrobiota) compared to responders. UDCA dynamic response was associated with an increased capacity to generate oxo-/epimerized secondary BAs. 12-dehydrocholic acid is a potential biomarker of treatment response. Lower alpha-diversity and lower abundance of bacteria with BA deconjugation capacity might be associated with an incomplete response to treatment in some patients

    UK-Wide Multicenter Evaluation of Second-line Therapies in Primary Biliary Cholangitis

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    Background &amp; aims: thirty-to-forty percent of patients with primary biliary cholangitis inadequately respond to ursodeoxycholic acid. Our aim was to assemble national, real-world data on the effectiveness of obeticholic acid (OCA) as a second-line treatment, alongside non-licensed therapy with fibric acid derivatives (bezafibrate or fenofibrate).Methods: this was a nationwide observational cohort study conducted from August 2017 until June 2021.Results: we accrued data from 457 patients; 349 treated with OCA and 108 with fibric acid derivatives. At baseline/pre-treatment, individuals in the OCA group manifest higher risk features compared with those taking fibric acid derivatives, evidenced by more elevated alkaline phosphatase values, and a larger proportion of individuals with cirrhosis, abnormal bilirubin, prior non-response to ursodeoxycholic acid, and elastography readings &gt;9.6kPa (P &lt; .05 for all). Overall, 259 patients (OCA) and 80 patients (fibric acid derivatives) completed 12 months of second-line therapy, yielding a dropout rate of 25.7% and 25.9%, respectively. At 12 months, the magnitude of alkaline phosphatase reduction was 29.5% and 56.7% in OCA and fibric acid groups (P &lt; .001). Conversely, 55.9% and 36.4% of patients normalized serum alanine transaminase and bilirubin in the OCA group (P &lt; .001). The proportion with normal alanine transaminase or bilirubin values in the fibric acid group was no different at 12 months compared with baseline. Twelve-month biochemical response rates were 70.6% with OCA and 80% under fibric acid treatment (P = .121). Response rates between treatment groups were no different on propensity-score matching or on sub-analysis of high-risk groups defined at baseline.Conclusion: across the population of patients with primary biliary cholangitis in the United Kingdom, rates of biochemical response and drug discontinuation appear similar under fibric acid and OCA treatment.</p

    Characterizing low-sulfide instrumented waste-rock piles: image grain-size analysis and wind-induced gas transport

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    This study is part of the Diavik Waste-Rock Pile Project taking place at the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The project involves the construction of three 15m-scale low sulfide test waste-rock piles and monitoring of fluid flow, geochemical reactions, heat and gas transport within the waste-rock piles and characterization of the physical properties of the waste-rock piles. The focus of this thesis is characterizing grain-size distribution of the waste-rock and quantifying gas transport in the test waste-rock piles. Grain size of waste rock ranges from millimeters to meters. Sieve analysis typically only provides information of grain size 0.1 m and employs a region-growing algorithm for segmentation of waste-rock grains with pre- and post-processing techniques to improve the accuracy of segmentation. The program was applied to photographs of six different tip faces of the test waste-rock piles. For grain size <0.1 m, data from sieve analyses were attached to the grain-size curves generated from image grain-size analyses to obtain a full spectrum grain-size analyses ranging from boulders to fines. The results show that fine fractions are retained at the top of the tip faces and grain size increases non-linearly from top to bottom of a waste-rock pile. Calculations show that although the greatest mass is associated with the medium and coarse fractions, the greatest surface area is associated with the fine fractions. The results are consistent with field observation that the initial solute concentrations are greatest at the top of the pile and saturated hydraulic conductivity are lower at the top of the pile than in the pile interior. Statistical moments show that the test waste-rock piles have mean grain size of granules and are very poorly sorted, coarse skewed and leptokurtic. Permeability is calculated using empirical formulae and good agreement is obtained between calculated values and field measurements. The heterogeneity of grain size obtained from this study can provide a basis for future modeling efforts. Gas transport analysis focused on 1) substantiating the relationship between wind flow external to the waste-rock pile and gas pressures within the pile, 2) determining the gas flow regime in the pile, and 3) quantifying the temporal variation in wind speed and direction and determining the relevant time scales. Differential gas pressures were measured in 2008 at 49 locations within one of the three test waste-rock piles and 14 locations on the surface of the pile at one-minute intervals. Wind speed and direction were measured at 10-min intervals. Correlations between wind vectors and pressure measurements show that the wind influences pressure fluctuations in the test pile. The strength of the correlation is roughly inversely proportional to the distance between measurement ports and the atmospheric boundary. The linear relationship between internal pressure measurements and surface pressure measurements demonstrate that gas flow is Darcian within the test waste-rock pile. Spectral analysis of wind data and a one-dimensional analytical solution to the flow equations show that the persistence of wind in a certain direction has most pronounced effects on transient gas flow within the pile. The penetration depth of wind-induced gas pressure wave is a function of the periodicity of the wind and permeability of the waste-rock pile

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK university students: lessons from September-December 2020 and modelling insights for future student return.

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    Funder: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100005347Funder: Wellcome Trust; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100004440Funder: Medical Research Council; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000265Funder: UKRIFunder: University of Nottingham; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000837In this paper, we present work on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in UK higher education settings using multiple approaches to assess the extent of university outbreaks, how much those outbreaks may have led to spillover in the community, and the expected effects of control measures. Firstly, we found that the distribution of outbreaks in universities in late 2020 was consistent with the expected importation of infection from arriving students. Considering outbreaks at one university, larger halls of residence posed higher risks for transmission. The dynamics of transmission from university outbreaks to wider communities is complex, and while sometimes spillover does occur, occasionally even large outbreaks do not give any detectable signal of spillover to the local population. Secondly, we explored proposed control measures for reopening and keeping open universities. We found the proposal of staggering the return of students to university residence is of limited value in terms of reducing transmission. We show that student adherence to testing and self-isolation is likely to be much more important for reducing transmission during term time. Finally, we explored strategies for testing students in the context of a more transmissible variant and found that frequent testing would be necessary to prevent a major outbreak.This work was supported by EPSRC grant no EP/R014604/1. The authors would also like to thank the Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange in Mathematical Sciences (V-KEMS) for the support during the workshop Unlocking higher education Spaces – What Might Mathematics Tell Us? where work on this paper was undertaken. K.J.B. acknowledges support from a University of Nottingham Anne McLaren Fellowship. E.L.F. acknowledges support via K.J.B.’s fellowship and the Nottingham BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership. M.L.T. was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant no. EP/N509620/1). E.B.-P., E.J.N., L.D., J.R.G. and M.J.T. were supported by UKRI through the JUNIPER modelling consortium (grant no. MR/V038613/1). E.M.H., L.D. and M.J.T. were supported by the Medical Research Council through the COVID-19 Rapid Response Rolling Call (grant no. MR/V009761/1). H.B.S. is funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (grant no. 202562/Z/16/Z). J.E. is partially funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant no. EP/T004878/1)
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