231 research outputs found

    El trabajo de orientación profesional: una estrategia metodológica hacia carreras agropecuarias en estudiante de Secundaria Básica

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    Las bases teóricas conceptuales metodológicas de este trabajo se sustentan de manera esencial en la teoría histórico cultural, lo que se argumenta en la tesis donde se intenta un acercamiento profundo a la solución del problema con una estrategia que enfoca una integración del trabajo de orientación profesional para las carreras agropecuarias a partir de un trabajo consciente y sistemático con los alumnos de séptimo, octavo y noveno grado y seguimiento en el primer año de la carrera de Agronomía del politécnico, implicando en la preparación a los directivos, maestros, alumnos y familiares en un proceso de preparación y orientación para estas carreras. El objetivo del trabajo es elaborar una estrategia metodológica para el desarrollo de la orientación profesional hacia carreras agropecuarias en estudiantes de secundaria básica a partir de la vinculación escuela – familia – comunidad y las etapas por las que transcurre la orientación profesional y sus indicadores esenciale

    Monte Bernorio (Palencia): siglo I a.C. / 1936- 1937 d.C. Arqueología de un campo de batalla

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    El yacimiento de Monte Bernorio es uno de los más importantes de la Edad del Hierro en el norte de la Península Ibérica. Por su estratégico emplazamiento, este oppidum tuvo un importante papel en la guerra de conquista que el Emperador Augusto desarrolló contra los territorios de Cántabros y Ástures. Dos mil años más tarde este núcleo volvió a tener una crucial importancia estratégica en los enfrentamientos de la Guerra Civil, en los que Monte Bernorio jugó un papel fundamental dentro del denominado “Frente Norte”. A través del estudio arqueológico de los restos que se han conservado de los combates se puede llegar a comprender la dureza de la guerra en esta área y las condiciones de vida de los soldados en las posiciones que se erigieron entre los restos de la Edad del Hierro.Monte Bernorio is one of the most important Iron Age sites in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. Due to its strategic position, this oppidum played a relevant role in the war of conquest that Emperor Augustus carried out in the land of the Cantabrians and Asturians. Two thousand years later, this place was again of great strategic relevance during the Spanish Civil War: Monte Bernorio played a crucial role within the so-called “Northern Front”. Through the archaeological study of the Civil War remains, it is possible to understand the hardness of the combats that took place in this area, as well as the harsh conditions of life experienced by those soldiers who fought among the ruins of an Iron Age settlement

    Attack and destruction of the Monte Bernorio oppidvm and the establishment of a roman castellvm

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    El "oppidum" de Monte Bernorio resulta bien conocido como una de las ciudades fortificadas de la Edad del Hierro más importantes del cantábrico. En las campañas militares que el emperador Octavio Augusto desencadeno contra "Cántabros y Ástures" la conquista de este "oppidum" resultó esencial, como demuestran las recientes campañas de excavación arqueológicas. Se presentan en este trabajo algunas novedades relacionadas con el descubrimiento, en su "acrópolis", del "agger" de un "castellum" romano construido aprovechando en parte el dispositivo defensivo indígena. Este "castellum" tuvo varias fases de ocupación sucesivas con al menos dos reconstrucciones de las estructuras defensivas de esta fortificación.Monte Bernorio Hillfort is a very well known "oppidum" and one of the most important Iron Age sites in the North of Spain. The siege of this "oppidum" was essential during Emperor Augustus’ military campaign against Cantabrian and Asturian peoples, as shown by the latest archaeological researches in this site. In this paper we introduce new findings regarding the discovery, in the "acropolis" of the hillfort, of the "agger" of a Roman fort, built using some parts of the indigenous defenses. The roman fort has experienced different occupation periods with no less than two different phases

    The Influence of Functional Movement and Strength upon Linear and Change of Direction Speed in Male and Female Basketball Players

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    The present study aimed to analyse the relationship between functional movement and strength variables upon linear speed (Ls) and change of direction (COD) based on gender. It also aimed to identify the determinants of performance of Ls and COD according to gender. Fifty basketball players (54% female) completed the assessment in which the weightbearing dorsiflexion test, the Y-balance test, the unilateral countermovement jump, the unilateral drop jump, the unilateral triple hop test, Ls and CODs were performed. Speed variables were divided according to time execution into "low-performance" and "high-performance" to establish a comparison between performance groups. Strength variables significantly influenced speed tests’ performance in both genders (p < 0.05). For males, the greater the Ls, the higher the change of direction deficit (p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis revealed that a long and vertical stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) was the most influential physical ability for speed performance in females (45–65% variance explained; p < 0.001), while in males, a short and horizontal SSC played a significant role (30–61% variance explained; p < 0.022). These results suggest that gender should be considered in programming strength training to improve speed, as each gender will benefit most from the application of different force-orientations and different SSC. Also, the faster the male players were in Ls, the less efficient they were in the COD performance. This is why for men, it would be recommended to perform eccentric exercises along with deceleration and technique drills to improve COD speed.This paper is part of the first author's doctoral thesis carried out in the Doctoral Programme of the University of Huelva (Spain), thanks to the support and funding of the Formación del Profesorado Universitario Programme (FPU22/01057), run by the Ministerio de Ciencias, Innovación y Universidades, Government of Spain. This study was also supported by the Grupo de Educación, Motricidad e Investigaciónonubense (HUM643) and by the Centro de Investigación en Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación parael Desarrollo Social (COIDESO) of the University of Huelva (Spain)

    GeoAcademy: algorithm and platform for the automatic detection and location of geographic coordinates in scientific articles

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    This document describes the GeoAcademy project, whose main objective is to automatically geolocate scientific articles, downloaded from general scientific databases such as Scopus or WoS. This geolocation is carried out on the content of the document, either through the capture of possible geographical coordinates that the document has, or toponyms that may appear in the document through an algorithm created for this purpose. In the methodology we explain the steps that have been taken in this project to create a sample database with articles that deal with Sierra Nevada (Spain) and the creation and design of the algorithm. The results show the technical data of the application of the algorithm on the database and its success rate, as well as a description of the platform created to graphically display the geolocated documents on a web map. Finally, in the discussion, we define the difficulties encountered, the possible bibliometric applications and its usefulness as a tool for viewing and retrieving informatio

    GeoAcademy: plataforma web y algoritmo para la detección automática y localización de coordenadas geográficas en artículos científicos

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    The following study relates the qualities and uses of the GeoAcademy Project, a program designed with the aim of geolocating scientific articles automatically, such articles would be found in Scopus, Web of Science, or similar databases. An algorithm has been developed with the intention of capturing geographical coordinates or toponyms contained within the documents in order to perform reliable geolocation. In the methodology, we describe the stages of the project that have been necessary so as to build a sample database concerning the Sierra Nevada (Spain), as well as the development of the algorithm. The technical data regarding the employment of the algorithm on the sample documents and its levels of success are included in the results, as is an explanation of the platform containing web maps which can be utilised to show the texts which have been geolocated. In conclusion we outline the obstacles faced, potential bibliometric uses and the advantages it offers as a reference resource and source of information.El siguiente estudio describe las cualidades y usos del proyecto GeoAcademy, un programa diseñado con el objetivo de geolocalizar artículos científicos automáticamente, dichos artículos se descargarían de bases de datos científicas generales como Scopus o Web of Science. Esta geolocalización se realiza sobre el contenido del documento, ya sea mediante la captura de posibles coordenadas geográficas que tenga el documento, o topónimos que puedan aparecer en el documento a través de un algoritmo creado a tal efecto. En la metodología explicamos los pasos que se han dado en este proyecto para crear una base de datos de muestra con artículos que tratan sobre Sierra Nevada (España) y la creación y diseño del algoritmo. Los resultados muestran los datos técnicos de la aplicación del algoritmo sobre la base de datos y su tasa de éxito, así como una descripción de la plataforma creada para visualizar gráficamente los documentos geolocalizados en un mapa web. Finalmente, en la discusión, definimos las dificultades encontradas, las posibles aplicaciones bibliométricas y su utilidad como herramienta de consulta y recuperación de información

    Studying Maintainability on Model-Driven Web Methodologies

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    QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is an environment to evaluate, through objective measures, the quality of Model-DrivenWeb Engineering (MDWE) methodologies. In this paper, this environment is presented and is used for the evaluation of the Maintainability in terms of various characteristics on MDWE. Given the high number of methodologies available and proposed over recent years, it has become necessary to define objective evaluation tools to enable organizations to improve their methodological environment and to help designers of web methodologies design new effective and efficient tools, processes and techniques and find out how it can be improved and how the quality improvement process could be optimized in order to reduce costs. This evaluation is applied to the NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) methodology, an approach that covers the complete life cycle and it is mainly oriented to the enterprise environment.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007–67843-C06-03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010–20057-C03–0

    An Approach to Distance Estimation with Stereo Vision Using Address-Event-Representation

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    Image processing in digital computer systems usually considers the visual information as a sequence of frames. These frames are from cameras that capture reality for a short period of time. They are renewed and transmitted at a rate of 25-30 fps (typical real-time scenario). Digital video processing has to process each frame in order to obtain a result or detect a feature. In stereo vision, existing algorithms used for distance estimation use frames from two digital cameras and process them pixel by pixel to obtain similarities and differences from both frames; after that, depending on the scene and the features extracted, an estimate of the distance of the different objects of the scene is calculated. Spike-based processing is a relatively new approach that implements the processing by manipulating spikes one by one at the time they are transmitted, like a human brain. The mammal nervous system is able to solve much more complex problems, such as visual recognition by manipulating neuron spikes. The spike-based philosophy for visual information processing based on the neuro-inspired Address-Event-Representation (AER) is achieving nowadays very high performances. In this work we propose a two- DVS-retina system, composed of other elements in a chain, which allow us to obtain a distance estimation of the moving objects in a close environment. We will analyze each element of this chain and propose a Multi Hold&Fire algorithm that obtains the differences between both retinas.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Exoesqueleto para rehabilitación de miembro superior

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    Múltiples lesiones neurológicas, como los Accidentes Cardíacos Vasculares (ACV), provocan una degeneración y/o atrofia de la movilidad en las extremidades. La terapia pasiva se suele usar en los procesos de recuperación tras sufrir este tipo de lesiones, pero los ejercicios de brazos y manos utilizados habitualmente se basan en la realización de actividades de alta intensidad y repetitivos, haciendo que la recuperación sea larga, necesite de mucho trabajo y de la ayuda de varios fisiotera- peutas. En este trabajo se realiza el diseño, montaje, implementación y testeo de un sistema hardware-software basado en exoesqueleto y sensores de captación de movimiento de brazo y manos para su utilización en la rehabilitación de los miembros superiores con el fin de reducir el tiempo de recuperación. El usuario dispondrá de una aplicación que le guiará en todo momento haciendo uso de técnicas activas de gamificación para aumentar la motivación

    Morphological behavior of Maize inoculated with Azotobacter chroococcum at reduced dosage of nitrogen fertilizer

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    The inoculation with bacteria that promote plant growth of the genus Azotobacter, is an alternative for the reduction and optimization of nitrogen fertilizers. The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of maize to the inoculation with Azotobacter chroococcum using different doses and applying 50% of the nitrogen fertilizer, as well as a combination of A chroococcum and vermicompost. The work was carried out under an experimental design in random blocks with four treatments and four replicas. The response of the crop to the treatments was evaluated in morphological characters expressed in percentage of germination of the seed, height of the plant, fresh air weight, radical fresh weight, air dry weight and radical dry weight. The results proved the positive response of the maize crop to the inoculation with A. chroococcum and of A. chroococcum with vermicompost in all the variables studied. The best result was obtained with the combined application of A. chroococcum + vermicompost at doses of 15 l ha and 2 t hare spectively, expressed in a percentage of germination of the seed of 98.4%, a height of 1.14 m plant; an air fresh weight of 40.7 g; a radical fresh weight of 20.4 g; an aerial dry weight of 10.1 g and a radical dry weight of 5.1 g