2,421 research outputs found

    Independence and matching numbers of some token graphs

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    Let GG be a graph of order nn and let k∈{1,…,n−1}k\in\{1,\ldots,n-1\}. The kk-token graph Fk(G)F_k(G) of GG, is the graph whose vertices are the kk-subsets of V(G)V(G), where two vertices are adjacent in Fk(G)F_k(G) whenever their symmetric difference is an edge of GG. We study the independence and matching numbers of Fk(G)F_k(G). We present a tight lower bound for the matching number of Fk(G)F_k(G) for the case in which GG has either a perfect matching or an almost perfect matching. Also, we estimate the independence number for bipartite kk-token graphs, and determine the exact value for some graphs.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Third version is a major revision. Some proofs were corrected or simplified. New references adde

    Towards a typology of British Worl War poetry

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    Además de las graves consecuencias en los aspectos político y social, la primera guerra mundial tendría un gran impacto en la literatura del momento, especialmente en e la poesía. En Inglaterra este impacto sería aún mayor debido al gran número de poetas que se alistaron en el ejército, alentados por un patriotismo generalizado. En el siguiente trabajo estudio este fenómeno poético y su evolución a medida que el conflicto avanza, y presento una comparación entre la poesía patriótica de principios de la guerra y la poesía condenatoria que surgiría a partir de 1916, como consecuencia del creciente descontento entre los soldados, cada vez más escépticos respecto a la necesidad de esa guerra. Para este análisis, esencialmente temático, he utilizado las antologías Poetry of the Great War (1986), Poemas de Guerra de Wilfred Owen (2011) y la página web The Great War 1914-1918 (www.greatwar.co.uk.)Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    On lexical borrowings in the history of english, with Special emphasis on the inkhorn controversy: insights from A selection of early modern english Works

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    From the early beginnings, the entrance of borrowings in English has remained a constant, but their predominance in the lexicon was during much of its history comparatively low. After the Norman Conquest, however, this trend was dramatically reversed, and borrowing became the general custom. Far from decreasing, this tendency only increased in the Renaissance, with the adoption of classical words for academic writings. This soon became of great concern to some authors who raised the alarm about the worrying drift English was irreversibly taking in their view as a consequence of the alarmingly large number of borrowings flowing into the language. This linguistic awareness eventually gave rise to a nationwide debate about the nature and lexical capabilities of English known as the "inkhorn controversy", in which two antagonist positions were confronted concerning the acceptance of classical borrowings in the language. After two centuries of fierce debate, the position tolerant with borrowings eventually prevailed over the view of the so-called ˈlinguistic puristsˈ, who rejected any foreign influence in the language. The study of the works of some of the most important academic figures of the time has corroborated that among the historical and social factors involved in the matter, the issues of linguistic prestige and long-established social discredit on the English part were the most influential.Departamento de Filología InglesaMáster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contact

    Numerical and experimental investigation of a vertical LiBr falling film absorber considering wave regimes and in presence of mist flow

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    The absorber represents the most critical component in absorption systems and one of the key issues. In this component complex heat and mass transfer phenomena during the absorption process takes place simultaneously. For this reason the development of mathematical models validated against experimental data always constitutes useful tools for the design and improvement of falling film absorbers. A testing device has been designed and built to reproduce absorption phenomena in vertical LiBr-H2O falling film absorbers with the primary objective to obtain experimental data. On the other hand, a mathematical model of falling film absorption of H2O vapour in LiBr aqueous solutions has been implemented. Wave regime is considered by including and solving the Free Surface Deflection Equation. The numerical results are validated using the experimental data. During the development of this work, the authors have paid careful attention to the verification of experimental data. Such verification consists of performing energy and mass balances in the fluid film side. Important discrepancies were found in our experimental data. Therefore, an extensive study was carried out in order to find the source of such errors. The conclusion is that there is a drag of LiBr solution in the water vapour which increases with the Re number. This mist flow cannot be measured experimentally, but can be evaluated in an indirect way. The mathematical models have been adapted in order to consider the influence of mist flow. On the other hand, in the literature there are not many experimental works related to falling film absorbers which expose enough information to verify the reliability of their experimental data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La transición a la democracia en Chile

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    En Chile, el 11 de septiembre de 1973, el Presidente Salvador Allende Gossens fue derrocado por las fuerzas armadas de su país, acción catalogada por sus autores como un “pronunciamiento militar". Tanto los militares, como los partidos políticos proclives a la usurpación del poder por las vías de hecho, adujeron actuar de tal modo, en virtud del supuesto caos en que el gobierno de la Unidad Popular (UP) había sumido al país. Tras cerca de dos décadas de dictadura militar, el 11 de marzo de 1990 el poder fue transferido a los civiles. ¿Cómo se entronizó el poder militar?, ¿cuáles fueron sus percepciones sobre la transición y cómo comprendió este mismo fenómeno la Alianza por Chile de la cual hacen parte la Unión Demócrata Independiente (UDI) y Renovación Nacional (RN)? Este artículo intenta dar respuesta a dicho interrogante.In Chile, on september 11 of de 1973, the President Salvador Allende Gossens, was demoslished by the armed forces of his country, action catalogued by its author as a “military pronouncement". The military and the political parties inclined to the usurpation of the power for the routes of right, adujeron to act such a way, by virtue of the supposed chaos in which the government of the Popular Unit (UP) had plunged to the country. After near two decades of military dictatorship, on march 11 of 1990 the power was transferred to the civil. ¿How the military power was enthroned, which were its perception about the transition and how it understood the same phenomenon the Alliance for Chile of which the Democratic Independent Union (UDI) and National Renovation (RN) do part? This article tries to give answer to mentioned question.Fil: Velásquez Rivera, Edgar de Jesús

    Implementación de una nueva estrategia de aprendizaje en cursos empresariales y en posgrados que utilizan el método del caso

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    El Método del Caso es una estrategia metodológica educativa que desde hace más de medio siglo la han incorporado Instituciones académicas de prestigio como parte del Currículo de sus programas, sin embargo, su efectividad depende en gran medida de la manera de realizarse en el aula por parte de los catedráticos. Este Estudio indagó la efectividad de esta metodología durante la impartición de clases a nivel Maestría de una Institución de Nivel Superior, así como durante la realización de cursos a una empresa grande de alcance internacional y encontró que ésta fue catalogada por la mayoría de los participantes como regular en su proceso de aprendizaje, por lo que se realizó este Estudio para evaluar la efectividad de una estrategia didáctica con el fin de aumentar la participación, el entusiasmo e involucramiento de los participantes en su proceso de enseñanza que utilizan el Método del Caso

    Los bonos cupón cero: una opción fuera de tiempo

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    El 29 de diciembre de 1987 se dió a conocer en México un nuevo mecanismo por medio del cual el país intercambiaría parte de su deuda externa renegociada por bonos. Según la SHCP: "El aspecto central de esta fase es poder capturar el descuento de nuestra deuda que existe actualmente en los mercados financieros internacionales". En este artículo el autor desarrolla la idea de que este mecanismo resulta fuera de tiempo, es contradictorio en si mismo y queda muy limitado por el desarrollo mismo de la crisis
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