178 research outputs found

    Mechanism of construction-destruction of macrostructural patterns in perthitic microcline as complex systems

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    [EN] Se han estudiado estructuras de feldespatos potásicos triclínicos (microclinas) intercrecidos con feldespatos sódicos en texturas pertíticas procedentes de pegmatitas graníticas a diferentes escalas de observación, mediante microscopía de luz transmitida (MLT), difracción de rayos-X (DRX), resonancia magnética nuclear de alta resolución del núcleo 27Al (RMN), y mapas químicos de contenido en Na por microsonda electrónica (ME). Las pertitas pegmatíticas son sistemas complejos en cuyos feldespatos potásicos se han identificado dos periodos genéticos independientes de recristalización durante el enfriamiento geológico. En el primer periodo, en la estructura mineral se produce la construcción gradual de patrones macroscópicos regulares pseudoperiódicos, como consecuencia del efecto combinado de un ordenamiento local no-ergódico en la distribución Si/Al y de un efecto cooperativo global de la estructura del cristal. Desde las interfases incoherentes con el feldespato sódico surgen frentes de transformación a modo de avalanchas que pueden coalescer longitudinalmente y yuxtaponerse transversalmente para auto-ensamblarse, y finalmente evolucionar hasta formar dominios-macla (leyes Albita y Periclina), como unidad cristalina de construcción de la macroestructura. Estos procesos de auto-organización se activan cuando el sistema está abierto a la circulación de moléculas de agua catalizadoras para el ordenamiento de la red, al tiempo que existe una estimulación externa por tensiones tectónicas de cizalla. Durante el segundo periodo se destruyen los patrones estructurales creados previamente, por: (i) maclados de relajación y deformación, (ii) engrosamientos de dominios por disolución-reprecipitación debidos a interacciones con fluidos acuosos a baja temperatura, (iii) reorientaciones de dominiosmacla según ley Periclina hacia orientaciones de ley Albita.[ES] The structures of microcline perthites collected from granitic pegmatites have been studied at different observation scales using optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), 27Al MASS-NMR spectroscopy, and electron microprobe (EMPA) with Na mappings. Pegmatite perthites are identified as complex systems. During the cooling process, K-rich feldspars display two separated genetic periods of recrystallization, each one with variable intensity along different samples. During the first period, in the mineral structure a progressive construction of macrostructural pseudo-periodic patterns is produced. These regular patterns emerge due to a combined mechanism of non-ergodic Si/Al local ordering and a global cooperative effect of the crystal structure. From the incoherent Na/K interfaces arise transformation fronts (avalanches) which can coalesce longitudinally and juxtapose transversally to self-assemble into irregular domains. Finally, they can evolve up to create regular twin-domains (Albite and Pericline laws) as the crystal unit of the macrostructural building. This selforganization process is activated when the system is open to water circulation acting as a catalyst of Al/Si ordering in the feldspar lattice linked with an external stimulation by shear tectonic stress. During the second period the structural patterns, previously created, are destroyed by (i) relaxation and deformation twinning mechanisms, (ii) coarsening of twin-domains produced by dissolution-precipitation due to aqueous fluids interactions at low temperature, (iii) reorientation of Periclinelaw twin-domains to the Albite-law orientation.Agradecemos al proyecto C.I.C.Y.T. CGL2004-03564/BTE y a la Beca Postdoctoral del MEC de estancia en el CNRS (Orleáns, Francia).Peer reviewe

    Online Appendix to News-driven housing booms: Spain vs. Germany

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    This Online Appendix completes the contents of the paper News-driven housing booms: Spain vs. Germany, by Guinea, Puch and Ruiz (2022). Those contents are organized along sections E to F below, following appendixes A to D in the main text. In particular, here we provide results for: (E) Alternative VAR Identification and Alternative Shocks; (F) Responses to the different shocks in the theoretical model; and (G) A detailed characterization of the two-sector model with home production and Investment Specific Technical Change (ISTC). Refer to the journal article DOI: 10.1515/bejm-2021-0116 in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics for any details on the contents of this Online Appendix. A permanent link to this document is at Online Appendix

    Preparation and characterization of a bifunctional aldolase/kinase enzyme. A more efficient biocatalyst for C-C bond formation

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    “This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Iturrate, L., Sánchez-Moreno, I., Oroz-Guinea, I., Pérez-Gil, J., García-Junceda, E. (2010) “Preparation and characterization of a bifunctional aldolase/kinase enzyme. A more efficient biocatalyst for C-C bond formation“ Chem. Eur. J., 16, 4018-4030, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.200903096/abstract”A bifunctional aldolase/kinase enzyme named DLF has been constructed by gene fusion through overlap extension. This fusion enzyme consists of monomeric fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA) from Staphylococcus carnosus and the homodimeric dihydroxyacetone kinase (DHAK) from Citrobacter freundii CECT 4626 with an intervening five amino acid linker. The fusion protein was expressed soluble and retained both kinase and aldolase activities. The secondary structure of the bifuctional enzyme has been analysed by CD spectroscopy, as well as that of the parental enzymes, in order to study the effect of the covalent coupling of the two parent proteins on the structure of the fused enzyme. Since S. carnosus FBPA is a thermostable protein, the effect of the fusion on the thermal stability of the bifunctional enzyme has also been studied. The proximity of the active centres in the fused enzyme promotes a kinetic advantage as the 20-fold increment in the initial velocity of the overall aldol reaction indicates. Experimental evidence supports that this increase in the reaction rate can be explained in terms of substrate channellingWe thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for financial support (Grant CTQ2007-67403/BQU). J. P.-G. has been supported by grants BIO2009-09694 and CSD2007-00010. L. Iturrate and I. Sánchez-Moreno acknowledges the Predoctoral Fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid. I. Oroz-Guinea is a JAEPredoc fellow from CSIC. We thank E. G. Doyagüez for her assistance on NMR characterization

    Análisis de resultados de ensayos de resistencia de probetas de tierra

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    A series of test pieces of 4x4x16 were prepared from Red Earth from Soria, the physical-chemical characteristics of which are given. The effect of each of the following upon the test pieces was studied: increasing the amount of cement on different earth/sand proportions; the type of cement; the variation of the cement proportion maintaining constant earth/sand proportions. In each case the bending-tensile and compressive strengths are given, and well as interrelationships between them.Partiendo de un suelo concreto, tierra roja de Soria, de la que se aportan datos para su caracterización físico-química, se han realizado series de probetas de 4x4x16 cm, sobre las que se ha estudiado la influencia: del aumento de cemento sobre distintas proporciones tierra/arena; del tipo de cemento; de la variación de la proporción de cemento sobre relaciones concretas tierra/arena; ...presentando en todos los casos los valores a compresión, a flexotracción, así como la interrelación entre ellos

    Candida y candidiasis invasora : estudio de la actividad antifúngica in vitro de arasertaconazol frente a cepas clínicas de Candida y caracterización molecular de cepas productoras de candidemia relacionada con el catéter

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    La infección por Candida es un problema de salud pública que abarca desde alteraciones de la flora normal hasta infecciones sistémicas graves en pacientes inmunosuprimidos o portadores de catéteres intravasculares. El tratamiento de la candidiasis sistémica se basa en la administración de un tratamiento antifúngico correcto junto con la retirada del catéter intravascular, si se demuestra que éste es el origen de la infección. El aumento de cepas portadoras de resistencia antifúngica hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos para tratar la candidiasis; uno de los fármacos más novedosos es el arasertaconazol nitrato. En este proyecto se estudió la actividad antifúngica de arasertaconazol frente a aislados clínicos de Candida, así como el establecimiento de rangos de CMI aceptables con cepas de colección ATCC según los estándares establecidos en el documento CLSI M27-A3. Por otra parte, para estudiar si el catéter era el origen de la candidemia, se estudió la presencia de genotipos idénticos en muestras de sangre y catéter aislados simultáneamente en pacientes con candidemia y portadores de catéter intravascular. El otro objetivo del proyecto fue recoger prospectivamente y genotipar mediante el análisis de microsatélites las cepas mencionadas pertenecientes a las especies C. albicans y C. parapsilosi

    Sistema Dragados–Plastbau

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    Not Available.El sistema Dragados-Plastbau forma parte de una familia de sistemas, nacido en los Estados Unidos y hoy aplicado muy crecientemente en Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Australia, Italia y Suiza. Pero si bien tiene en común con ellos la integración del poliestireno expandido en el panel, es ciertamente innovadora en conseguir con unas sencillas máquinas una variedad de paneles con diferentes espesores, que se pueden trasladar sin ningún problema, montar con facilidad y producir un semiprefabricado que facilita una solución ágil para cualquier proyecto, incluso aunque se haya pensado para otro tipo de proceso o para obra tradicional

    Intrathecal cell therapy with autologous stromal cells increases cerebral glucose metabolism and can offer a new approach to the treatment of Alzheimer's type dementia

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    After recent observations that intrathecal administration of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) increases cerebral metabolism in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), we examined this type of cell therapy in Alzheimer's type dementia. Three patients with clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease received every 3 months 100million autologous MSCs by intrathecal route, until a total dose of 300million. During cell therapy the patients showed arrest in neurological deterioration and two of them manifested clear improvement of previous symptoms. A global increase in cerebral glucose metabolism, measured using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET), was observed after every administration of cell therapy. Our present findings suggest that intrathecal administrations of autologous MSCs can be a new strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer's dementiaWe thank the institutions supporting the development of our cell therapy program, in particular Mapfre and Rafael del Pino Foundation

    Expression of spidroin proteins in the silk glands of golden orb-weaver spiders.

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    The expression of spidroins in the major ampullate, minor ampullate, flagelliform, and tubuliform silk glands of Trichonephila clavipes spiders was analyzed using proteomics analysis techniques. Spidroin peptides were identified and assigned to different gene products based on sequence concurrence when compared with the whole genome of the spider. It was found that only a relatively low proportion of the spidroin genes are expressed as proteins in any of the studied glands. In addition, the expression of spidroin genes in different glands presents a wide range of patterns, with some spidroins being found in a single gland exclusively, while others appear in the content of several glands. The combination of precise genomics, proteomics, microstructural, and mechanical data provides new insights both on the design principles of these materials and how these principles might be translated for the production of high-performance bioinspired artificial fibers.Ministerio de Innovación, Cultura y Deportes(Spain), Grant/Award Numbers: PGC2018‐097019‐B‐I00, PID2020‐116403RB‐I00;Instituto de Salud Carlos III,Grant/Award Number: CB16/11/00277;Comunidad de Madrid, Grant/Award Numbers:NEUROCENTRO‐B2017/BMD‐3760,Tec4Bio‐CM/P2018/NMT‐4443 Spiders were reared by Oscar Campos (Reptilmadrid S.L., Spain). The artwork was made by Carmen Calvo. This study was funded by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grants NEUROCENTRO‐ B2017/BMD‐3760 and Tec4Bio‐CM/P2018/NMT‐4443. This study was also supported by Spanish Ministerio de Innovación, Cultura y Deportes (PGC2018‐097019‐B‐I00 and PID2020‐116403RB‐I00), and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBER de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CB16/11/00277); Plataforma de Recursos Biomoleculares PRB3 (ProteoRed; PT17/0019/0003)). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV‐2015‐0505).S

    Impact of intrathecal cell therapy with autologous stromal cells on short-term memory binding in early Alzheimer's disease : one-year follow-up assessment of two cases

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    Background: We had previously reported that the administration of autologous stromal cells (ASCs) therapy to two patients with mild AD dementia led to a global increase in cerebral glucose metabolism which was accompanied by significant improvement of visual short-term memory binding (VSTMB), a function known to be a marker of AD. We suggested that intrathecal administration of autologous ASCs could be considered a new therapeutic strategy for AD dementia (Vaquero et al., 2019). We were interested in investigating the post-intervention durability of such cognitive improvements. Methods: We studied two AD patients with cerebral beta-amyloid neuritic plaques detected with 18FFDG-PET. The patients received every three months 100 million of ASCs by intrathecal route, until a total dose of 300 million. None received any other medication for its disease at the time of receiving cell therapy. Clinical and neuroimaging studies were performed previous and after the therapy, including brain glucose metabolism by 18F-FDG-PET and assessment with the visual short-term memory binding task (VSTMBT). This task has been proposed as a preclinical marker of AD. It requires subjects to detect whether or not two combinations of shape and colour change across two sequential arrays. Here we report on the assessment of these patients one year after the therapy. We compared them with 4 AD patients who did no undergo stem cell therapy. Results: Single case statistics revealed that benefits drawn by treated patients from the therapy remained a year after. Using a more taxing version of the VSTMB test (memory load of 3 items) we observed that, after the therapy, the chance that an untreated AD patient would show more impairment was 75.45% (p= 0.24) for Case 1 and 89.23% (p=0.11) for case 2. This chance remained after 1 year post-treatment for Case 1 (75.45%, p=0.24) and increased for Case 2 (96.89%, p=0.031). Conclusion: Improvements of memory functions known to be marker for AD in patients who underwent stem cell therapy remained stable after one year post-intervention. This offers a new therapeutic strategy for AD