517 research outputs found

    XML models for legal documents : current polish practices and international standards

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    Prawda jako fundament nauczania misyjnego w Protreptikos Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego

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    Clement of Alexandria (†253), one of the most eminent early Christian writers, is the pioneer of a very interesting theological conception of the truth. According to his teaching contained in the work Protreptikos the question of the truth should be the foundation of the preaching mission. The issue of the truth is a platform for dialogue between Christianity and the pagan world. The truth has its source in God and ultimately leads back to Him. In the mystery of God is contained the truth about the universe. By getting to know the truth of God man has a chance to get to know the world of nature, his place in it, and his vocation. The truth reveals the falsity of pagan cults and exposes false philosophical views. Its fullest revelation was the incarnation of Jesus Christ. It is thanks to him, that God showed His grace and again called the "descendants of heaven" to eternal glory.Klemens Aleksandryjski (†253), jeden z najwybitniejszych pisarzy wczesnochrześcijańskich, w Protreptikosie przedstawił tematykę prawdy jako fundamentalną w przepowiadaniu kerygmatycznym. Prawda była bowiem częstym i ważnym tematem podejmowanym przez starożytną myśl grecką. Klemens uczynił z niej płaszczyznę dialogu między światem pogańskim, a chrześcijaństwem. Na bazie tej problematyki stworzył swoistą koncepcję poznania prawdy. Według niego ma ona swoje źródło w Bogu i ostatecznie do Niego prowadzi. Nie jest ona zastrzeżona jedynie dla wybranych, lecz objawia się tym, którzy jej czystym sercem szukają. W Bogu zawarta jest tajemnica prawdy o wszechświecie. To z Jego woli Logos przeobraził i zharmonizował makro- i mikrokosmos. Poznając zatem prawdę Bożą człowiek ma szansę lepiej poznać świat natury, swoje w nim miejsce oraz powołanie. Prawda ujawnia fałsz kultów pogańskich oraz błędne poglądy filozoficzne. Najpełniejszym jej objawieniem było wcielenie Jezusa Chrystusa. To dzięki Niemu Bóg ukazał swoją łaskę i „potomków nieba” na nowo wezwał do świata chwały. Prawda pomaga zwyciężyć zło, zmienić dotychczasowe życie oraz ukazuje pokutującym drogę zbawienia. Odkrycie jej związane jest zwykle z procesem nawrócenia, a więc oświeceniem, umocnieniem przez święte misteria oraz opieczętowaniem znamieniem dziecka Bożego. Przez Słowo objawiające prawdę człowiek staje się na nowo obrazem Boga oraz Jego przyjacielem na wieki

    Rajskie „drzewo poznania dobra i zła” w literaturze wczesnochrześcijańskiej

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    The biblical story of Adam and Eve as well as their breaking the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil are one of the most intriguing ones in the history of theology. Throughout the centuries both Christians and heretics have been trying to find the answer for the most fundamental question concerning man and his creation, the sense of existence, vocation, the tendency to do good or evil, cosmology, etc. This chapter aims at describing a study over the tree of knowledge of good and evil on the basis of some particular early Christian writers. The Christian Church was once predominated with the idea that everything created by God was in its nature good. Thus the heavenly tree of knowledge with all its fruit were good in nature. The tree in the Christian Church tradition has become the symbol of order as established by the Creator, while the fact of a human reaching for the fruit stands for his disobedience and sin. This science has significantly influenced the articulation of dogma on God’s nature, creation, original sin, salvation and many more.The biblical story of Adam and Eve as well as their breaking the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil are one of the most intriguing ones in the history of theology. Throughout the centuries both Christians and heretics have been trying to find the answer for the most fundamental question concerning man and his creation, the sense of existence, vocation, the tendency to do good or evil, cosmology, etc. This chapter aims at describing a study over the tree of knowledge of good and evil on the basis of some particular early Christian writers. The Christian Church was once predominated with the idea that everything created by God was in its nature good. Thus the heavenly tree of knowledge with all its fruit were good in nature. The tree in the Christian Church tradition has become the symbol of order as established by the Creator, while the fact of a human reaching for the fruit stands for his disobedience and sin. This science has significantly influenced the articulation of dogma on God’s nature, creation, original sin, salvation and many more

    The circulation of liquid in the mixing vessel equipped with different dual impellers

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    The circulation of liquid in the mixing vessel equipped with different dual impeller

    The inlfuence of blood preparations on tribological properties of the UHMWPE/STOP CoCrMo alloy couple

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    An introduction of a new material for long-term implants, especially for endoprostheses, should be preceded with comprehensive research, including tribological tests. The in vitro operational tests of materials used for endoprostheses, which cannot be skipped, should be performed in conditions reflecting, as far as possible, those present in the implanted joint. This will allow a quite accurate description of the behaviour of the biomaterial tested in the aspect of its long-term life cycle in a living organism. So far, there has been no standard lubricating agent that should be used in this type of tests. The above problems are seldom discussed in the professional literature. The authors of this paper intend to present the influence of lubricating agents, including the animal and human blood plasma and the human blood serum, on the tribological characteristics of the polymer-metal friction couple. The results of the experiments made have revealed a different course of tribological characteristics of blood preparations compared to those of distilled water as well as changes in the values of the friction coefficient and wear intensity at various loads and sliding speeds. Human blood-based products are characterised with a larger spread and lower explicitness of results than other lubricating agents. It is disadvantageous in the case of applying a pure form of these products for tribological tests. The analyses carried out show imperfections of blood derivative preparations but, at the same time, they dictate the direction of searching for a liquid to be used in long-term tribological in-vitro tests

    Efficacy and tolerance of the indapamide (Tertensif SR) in patients with mild to moderate arterial hypertension

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    Wstęp W licznych wieloośrodkowych badaniach klinicznych wykazano dużą skuteczność diuretyków tiazydowych jako leków obniżających ciśnienie tętnicze i zmniejszających liczbę powikłań wywołanych nadciśnieniem. Głównym działaniem niepożądanym tych leków jest stosunkowo często występująca hipopotasemia. Indapamid jest znanym od wielu lat diuretykiem tiazydopodobnym. Dążąc do zmniejszenia dawki leku przy zachowanej skuteczności hipotensyjnej, firma farmaceutyczna Servier opracowała technologię preparatu indapamidu o powolnym uwalnianiu (Tertensif SR). Celem badania była ocena skuteczności i tolerancji indapamidu o przedłużonym uwalnianiu u chorych z niepowikłanym nadciśnieniem pierwotnym łagodnym lub umiarkowanym. Materiał i metody Badanie miało zasięg ogólnopolski i było prowadzone przez 16 ośrodków regionalnych. Chorych kwalifikowano do programu, jeśli ciśnienie skurczowe (SBP) mieściło się w zakresie 140-179 mm Hg i/lub ciśnienie rozkurczowe (DBP) zawierało się w przedziale 90&#8211;109 mm Hg. Badanie objęło 1047 chorych w wieku 18-81 lat (średni wiek 49,9 roku). Przez okres pierwszych 6 tygodni chorzy otrzymywali indapamid o powolnym uwalnianiu w dawce 1,5 mg/d. jako jedyny lek hipotensyjny. Jeśli po tym okresie nie stwierdzono normalizacji ciśnienia lub istotnego obniżenia ciśnienia (SBP o 20 mm Hg i DBP o 10 mm Hg), dołączano peryndopryl w dawce 4 mg/d. Wyniki Wyjściowe wartości SBP wynosiły 157,6 &plusmn; 9,2 mm Hg, a DBP 96,8 &plusmn; 5,5 mm Hg. Średni spadek SBP po 6 tygodniach wynosił 18,5 mm Hg i po 12 tygodniach 25,7 mm Hg, a DBP odpowiednio 9,8 i 14,2 mm Hg (p < 0,0001). Po 12 tygodniach badania normalizację ciśnienia stwierdzono u 772 chorych (77,7% podgrupy ITT i 81,9% podgrupy PP), a także obniżenie SBP o 20 mm i DBP o 10 mm Hg u 175 osób, co stanowi razem (normalizacja oraz odpowiedź na leczenie) 95,3% chorych podgrupy ITT i 96,6% podgrupy PP. W czasie badania nie stwierdzono poważnych działań niepożądanych. Według pacjentów bardzo dobra tolerancja leku dotyczyła 80,1% leczonych, a według lekarzy - 92,3% badanych. Wnioski 1. Indapamid o powolnym uwalnianiu w dawce 1,5 mg jest skutecznym lekiem hipotensyjnym. Po 6 tygodniach leczenia indapamidem SR uzyskano normalizację ciśnienia tętniczego lub pożądaną odpowiedź na terapię u 71,2% chorych. 2. Po 12 tygodniach terapii w całej grupie badanych obserwowano średni spadek ciśnienia o 25,7/14,2 mm Hg. Normalizację lub pożądaną odpowiedź wykazano u 95,3% leczonych. 3. Indapamid SR w dawce 1,5 mg jest dobrze tolerowany u 99% chorych, a hipopotasemię po 12 tygodniach terapii zanotowano jedynie u 1,4% badanych.Background Multicentre randomized trials revealed high effectiveness of thiazide diuretics in decreasing blood pressure and reducing risk of cardiovascular complications of hypertension. The most common side effect of thiazides is hypokaliemia. Indapamide is well known for several years thiazide-like diuretic. Servier company worked up new technology of sustained-release indapamide with reduced dose 1.5 mg. The aim of this study was to asses the effectiveness and tolerance of indapamide sustained release in treatment of patients with uncomplicated mild to moderate essential hypertension. Material and methods This was a Polish, open multi-center trial. Patients were included to this program if systolic blood pressure (SBP) was in the range of 140&#8211;179 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) between 90&#8211;109 mm Hg. We enrolled 1047 persons in the age range of 18&#8211;81 (the average age was 49.9 years). During the first 6 weeks patients received indapamid sustained release in dose 1.5 mg per day as the only antihypertensive treatment. Perindopril 4 mg daily was added after 6 weeks if the treatment with indapamid did not result in normalization or significant reduction of blood pressure (SBP decrease of at least 20 mm Hg and/or DBP decrease of at least 10 mm Hg). Results Initial SBP was 157.6 &plusmn; 9.2 mm Hg and DBP 96.8 &plusmn; 5.5 mm Hg. The mean fall of SBP was 18.5 mm Hg after 6 weeks and 25.7 mm Hg after 12 weeks (p < 0,0001). The mean fall of DBP was 9.8 and 14.2 mm Hg (p < 0.0001) after 6 and 12 weeks respectively. Normalization of blood pressure after 12 weeks of treatment was noted in 772 patients (77.7% in subgroup ITT and 81.9% in subgroup PP) and additionally decrease of SBP by 20 mm Hg and DBP by 10 mm Hg in 175 persons (together 95.3% ITT and 96.6% PP). No serious adverse events were recorded during the study. Patients described indapamid SR tolerance as excellent for 80.1% of them. According to doctor&#8217;s opinion indapamide tolerance was even better &#8212; 92.3%. Conclusions 1. Indapamid SR in dose 1.5 mg is an effective antihypertensive drug. Blood pressure was controlled or decreased significantly in 71.2% of hypertensive patients after 6 weeks of indapamide SR monotherapy. 2. After 12 weeks of therapy the decrease of blood pressure by 25.7/14.2 mm Hg was observed in the whole study population. Blood pressure was controlled or decreased significantly in 95.3% of hypertensive patients. 3. Indapamide SR in dose 1.5 mg was well tolerated in 99% of patients. Hypokaliemia was noted in 1.4% of patients after 12 weeks therapy

    Pando: Personal Volunteer Computing in Browsers

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    The large penetration and continued growth in ownership of personal electronic devices represents a freely available and largely untapped source of computing power. To leverage those, we present Pando, a new volunteer computing tool based on a declarative concurrent programming model and implemented using JavaScript, WebRTC, and WebSockets. This tool enables a dynamically varying number of failure-prone personal devices contributed by volunteers to parallelize the application of a function on a stream of values, by using the devices' browsers. We show that Pando can provide throughput improvements compared to a single personal device, on a variety of compute-bound applications including animation rendering and image processing. We also show the flexibility of our approach by deploying Pando on personal devices connected over a local network, on Grid5000, a French-wide computing grid in a virtual private network, and seven PlanetLab nodes distributed in a wide area network over Europe.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 2 table