199 research outputs found

    Importance of laboratory experimental studies of silicate grains for exoplanet atmosphere characterization

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    The study of exoplanetary atmospheres extends the frontiers of astronomy, astrophysics, and astrochemistry. Moreover, studies of exoplanets as being linked to the search for extraterrestrial life and other habitable planets are of interest not only for scientists, but for a much wider public audience. There is much evidence that clouds exist and are common in the exoplanetary atmospheres at high temperatures. Their origin can be gas-phase condensation of silicate materials and other refractory materials. Clouds have a major impact on the planets’ observable properties. Models describing atmospheres of exoplanets and brown dwarfs point to the necessity of including nanometer-to micrometer-sized grains of silicates. Observational mid-IR spectra have also provided tentative evidence of silicate grain absorption. Thus, silicates seem to be the first target for future astronomical observations of cloudy atmospheres and for laboratory studies supporting these observations. However, high-temperature laboratory studies of optical and structural properties of refractory materials, including silicates, and of gas-grain and grain surface chemistry needed for the decoding of astronomical spectra and for the development of reliable atmospheric models present practically uncharted territory. The aim of our paper is to review previous studies of optical and chemical properties of silicate materials and to emphasize the importance and perspective of high-temperature measurements of laboratory analogues of atmospheric silicate grains for exoplanet atmosphere characterization. This is particularly important in the light of new advanced astronomical instruments, which, as we expect, will bring comprehensive information on exoplanetary atmospheres

    On the massive young stellar object AFGL4176: High-spatial-resolution multi-wavelength observations and modeling

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    Deeply embedded and at distances of several kiloparsecs, massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) present numerous challenges for observation and study. In this work, we present spatially-resolved observations of one MYSO, AFGL 4176, together with survey and literature data, ranging from interferometric observations with VLTI/MIDI in the mid-infrared, to single-dish Herschel measurements in the far-infrared, and sub-millimeter data from APEX. We consider this spatially-resolved, multi-wavelength data set in terms of both radiative transfer and geometric models. We find that the observations are well described by one-dimensional models overall, but there are also substantial deviations from spherical symmetry at scales of tens to hundreds of astronomical units, which are revealed by the mid-infrared interferometric measurements. We use a multiple-component, geometric modeling approach to explain the mid-infrared emission on scales of tens to hundreds of astronomical units, and find the MIDI measurements are well described by a model consisting of a one-dimensional Gaussian halo and an inclined (\theta=60 deg) circumstellar disk extending out to several hundred astronomical units along a position angle of 160 deg. Finally, we compare our results both with previous models of this source, and with those of other MYSOs, and discuss the present situation with mid-infrared interferometric observations of massive stars.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Observing transiting planets with JWST -- Prime targets and their synthetic spectral observations

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    The James Webb Space Telescope will enable astronomers to obtain exoplanet spectra of unprecedented precision. Especially the MIRI instrument may shed light on the nature of the cloud particles obscuring planetary transmission spectra in the optical and near-infrared. We provide self-consistent atmospheric models and synthetic JWST observations for prime exoplanet targets in order to identify spectral regions of interest and estimate the number of transits needed to distinguish between model setups. We select targets which span a wide range in planetary temperature and surface gravity, ranging from super-Earths to giant planets, and have a high expected SNR. For all targets we vary the enrichment, C/O ratio, presence of optical absorbers (TiO/VO) and cloud treatment. We calculate atmospheric structures and emission and transmission spectra for all targets and use a radiometric model to obtain simulated observations. We analyze JWST's ability to distinguish between various scenarios. We find that in very cloudy planets such as GJ 1214b less than 10 transits with NIRSpec may be enough to reveal molecular features. Further, the presence of small silicate grains in atmospheres of hot Jupiters may be detectable with a single JWST MIRI transit. For a more detailed characterization of such particles less than 10 transits are necessary. Finally, we find that some of the hottest hot Jupiters are well fitted by models which neglect the redistribution of the insolation and harbor inversions, and that 1-4 eclipse measurements with NIRSpec are needed to distinguish between the inversion models. Wet thus demonstrate the capabilities of JWST for solving some of the most intriguing puzzles in current exoplanet atmospheric research. Further, by publishing all models calculated for this study we enable the community to carry out similar or retrieval analyses for all planets included in our target list.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems: Description of the Spitzer Legacy Science Database

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    We present the science database produced by the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (FEPS) Spitzer Legacy program. Data reduction and validation procedures for the IRAC, MIPS, and IRS instruments are described in detail. We also derive stellar properties for the FEPS sample from available broad-band photometry and spectral types, and present an algorithm to normalize Kurucz synthetic spectra to optical and near-infrared photometry. The final FEPS data products include IRAC and MIPS photometry for each star in the FEPS sample and calibrated IRS spectra.Comment: 64 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Massive Star-forming Regions Omnibus X-ray Catalog

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    We present the Massive Star-forming Regions (MSFRs) Omnibus X-ray Catalog (MOXC), a compendium of X-ray point sources from {\em Chandra}/ACIS observations of a selection of MSFRs across the Galaxy, plus 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud. MOXC consists of 20,623 X-ray point sources from 12 MSFRs with distances ranging from 1.7 kpc to 50 kpc. Additionally, we show the morphology of the unresolved X-ray emission that remains after the catalogued X-ray point sources are excised from the ACIS data, in the context of \Spitzer\ and {\em WISE} observations that trace the bubbles, ionization fronts, and photon-dominated regions that characterize MSFRs. In previous work, we have found that this unresolved X-ray emission is dominated by hot plasma from massive star wind shocks. This diffuse X-ray emission is found in every MOXC MSFR, clearly demonstrating that massive star feedback (and the several-million-degree plasmas that it generates) is an integral component of MSFR physics.Comment: Accepted to ApJS, March 3, 2014. 51 pages, 25 figure

    Spectral Evolution and Radial Dust Transport in the Prototype Young Eruptive System EX Lup

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    EX Lup is the prototype of a class of pre-main sequence eruptive stars defined by their repetitive outbursts lasting several months. In 2008 January-September EX Lup underwent its historically largest outburst, brightening by about 4 magnitudes in visual light. In previous studies we discovered on-going silicate crystal formation in the inner disk during the outburst, but also noticed that the measured crystallinity fraction started decreasing after the source returned to the quiescent phase. Here we present new observations of the 10 μ\mum silicate feature, obtained with the MIDI and VISIR instruments at Paranal Observatory. The observations demonstrate that within five years practically all crystalline forsterite disappeared from the surface of the inner disk. We reconstruct this process by presenting a series of parametric axisymmetric radiative transfer models of an expanding dust cloud that transports the crystals from the terrestrial zone to outer disk regions where comets are supposed to form. Possibly the early Sun also experienced similar flare-ups, and the forming planetesimals might have incorporated crystalline silicate material produced by such outbursts. Finally, we discuss how far the location of the dust cloud could be constrained by future JWST observations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap