299 research outputs found

    Street Tree Diversification and Location Considerations

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    Although essential in an urban forest, street trees create numerous challenges for municipalities as well as private owners. Lack of species diversity is usually pronounced. In addition, inappropriate species are commonly planted along streets. Selection of street trees should follow established percentage guidelines for tree species, genera, and family in order to maintain diversity when planting in a municipality. Numerous variables such as proximity to buildings or vehicular traffic, soil area, exposure, and road salt usage should also be considered when planting any tree. Planting a diverse urban forest with the right tree in the right place can enhance a city streetscape and reduce the long-term cost of tree replacement and maintenance. Key Words. Street trees, species diversity, location considerations

    Stonewall Jackson Resort Master Plan: An ecological model for stormwater management that engages and educates through context sensitive low-impact development strategies

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    Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park sits in central West Virginia in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. The dammed lake and state park opened to the public over two decades ago and development within the property continues today. The attention to stormwater management, vegetation, and public awareness of their connection to the natural environment become an integral component to an ecologically sustainable landscape. This project focuses on the eighteen acres surrounding the lodge buildings on a lakefront peninsula. The design responded to a thorough analysis and seeks to enhance the visitor\u27s experience through use of new program elements, circulation patterns, vegetation, and stormwater management. Educational and interpretive opportunities considering stormwater management, native vegetation communities, and diverse habitats create a laboratory environment for visitors and state park programs. Stormwater management systems are designed using the Chesapeake Stormwater Network and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods. Renderings support the explanations of each space throughout the site, completing the picture of the proposed designs

    Pulsatile Electropolishing of Nitinol Stents

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    Alloys that oxidize easily such as those containing titanium or chromium present a challenge to electropolishing because the polarization that dissolves the metal species produces positive ions, these oxidize and form stable surface layers of metallic oxides that prevent further dissolution. This is usually overcome with the use of acid solutions that dissolve the metallic oxide. This thesis aims to shift the primary control of the electropolishing e_ect from electrolyte variables to a combination of potential variation and hydrodynamic interference. Traditionally this is achieved with one continuous mass removal process that operates after a steady state of dissolution is established, generally requiring hydro_uoric or phosphoric acid to achieve titanium dioxide breakdown. The resulting concentration gradient is heavily a_ected by electrolyte variables such as viscosity and electrical resistance, while the electrical polarization is constrained by the metallic oxide reaction rate which creates a complex net of interdependent variables that can be di_cult to tune. A rapidly changing electric _eld was applied to modulate the alloying element dissolution rates. In tandem with the electropolishing development, stages prior to the electropolishing step were selectively removed to simplify the process. Utilizing a three electrode system and an external potentiostat controller to permit greater _exibility, a variety of alternating current pulsatile waveforms were investigated and the resulting e_ect on surface topology was observed using SEM and AFM microscopes. Di_erential pulse voltammogram yielded a feedback parameter on surface composition, and various pulse parameters were adjusted to optimize for surface smoothness, and identify the primary control variable. An electropolishing method is presented which achieves a :50% reduction in the Sa surface roughness value to an area average of 45 nm on a laser cut tubular stent geometry. It is shown that this method can be adapted to eliminate the need for chemical etching or mechanical polishing prior to electropolishing. The resulting polished surface displays corrosion resistance equivalent or better than other electropolished Nitinol surfaces from literature with a breakdown potential >1V vs SCE, and a similarly high repassivation potential. Balancing the charge in the anodic and cathodic pulses was the key to minimizing the resulting surface roughness, and eliminating micropits. Nitinol is a nearly binary alloy of NiTi and a charge transfer ratio of 1 yielded the smoothest surfaces at current densities around :1 A/cm2. The initial surface condition was found to be irrelevant to electropolishing control with respect to oxide composition, provided enough mass was removed to fully dissolve the initial layers of mixed composition

    Design and fabrication of an air-bridge microphone

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    Today\u27s hearing aids have many shortcomings: they are susceptible to environmental damage, cannot be worn while sleeping or in wet environments, are obtrusive and are expensive. New technologies are being developed which allow most all of these shortcomings to be addressed by placing a portion of the hearing aid within the middle ear. These new technologies require size reductions in several of the aid components, one of these being the microphone. Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) has already developed technologies that can be used to construct these microphones. Most microphones constructed using MEMS techniques employ a dual wafer design. the microphone membrane is constructed on one wafer and attached to a second wafer containing bonding pads and possibly additional sensing elements. The use of two wafers to manufacture one microphone reduces the yield of the process and requires an additional alignment and bonding step. Further, the methods used for fabrication are non-traditional and do not allow appropriate electronics to be easily fabricated with the microphone. An alternative approach is being investigated by this thesis. Here a single wafer and standard microelectronic processing techniques are used to fabricate the diaphragm, sensing elements and bonding pads. This approach will simplify construc tion and allow the possibility of including appropriate signal processing electronics on the microphone die. Equations are developed to predict the static and dynamic deflec tion and natural frequency of the microphone system. Optimal design strategies are used to minimize the microphone diaphragm area subject to electrical and mechanical constraints. A first generation microphone was fabricated. However, unanticipated processing constraints on the microphone design rendered the microphones inoperable. Several design modifications are noted to solve these problems and promote the successful fabrication of second generation microphones

    A study on the impact of teacher attitude/efficacy on the use of classroom technology

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    Increased access to technology has changed the current educational landscape and, will dramatically affect the future of education. These shifts are redefining the roles of educators and require that teachers have the attributes necessary to legitimately incorporate technology into the classroom. The purpose of this study is to examine existing characteristics of teachers employed at Minarets High, which uses a 1-to-1 and project-based curriculum, to determine if there are any relationships between the selected measures. The research questions are: 1) What teacher and district/school factors allow for effective technology integration? Specifically, a. What relationship, if any, exists between teachers\u27 sense of self-efficacy and teachers\u27 attitudes toward instructional technology? b. What relationship, if any, exists among the factors of teachers\u27 sense of self-efficacy (Student Engagement, Instructional Practice and Classroom Management) and Student Productivity? c. What district/school factors, if any, promotes the use of technology in the classroom by and for students? Based on the literature review on the topic of teacher self-efficacy and attitudes toward technology, research was conducted using questionnaires to quantify the existence and extent of any relationships between teachers\u27 self-efficacy and attitudes, follow-up interviews were used to identify various school and district factors that promote the use of technology in the classroom. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson-r correlations, and through the coding of interviews. There were 16 surveys and 9 interviews. The study did reveal the high self-efficacy and positive attitude that teachers have towards technology. Through interviews, attributes were identified and the Technology Integration Framework at Minarets was developed to visualize the creation of an atmosphere of learning at Minarets. The outcome of this research suggests that the integration of technology into the modern-day classroom goes much deeper than merely purchasing hardware for the teachers and students to use. The findings show that beyond access there are many other factors that affect the student learning experience. The study revealed an intricate system of Student Experience Influencers that is require for Minarets to provide this unique learning space

    Ukrasna i uporabna vrijednost različitih vrsta roda Vaccinium

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    In Croatia genus Vaccinium is represented by three native and one alien cultivated species. While there are examples of the use of this genus in landscaping design in some countries, this practice is still unknown in Croatia and cultivation is limited to edible purposes. By reviewing the morphological, ornamental and utilization values of 14 species of the genus Vaccinium, their potential and specificity as landscaping plants were analyzed. All examined species are characterized by some highly ornamental features (habit, foliage color in spring and fall, stem color, ornamental flowers and fruits) and by utilization values that make them species of choice for landscape design. Considering their cultivation properties, they are suitable for use in Croatia. They can be used as ground covers, living fences, borders, and as specimen plants. Due to their tasty fruits, as an added value, Vaccinium species can be integrated into edible landscapes. Species of the genus Vaccinium are best suited for the design of private gardens and fenced public areas such as gardens in nurseries, schools, nursing homes, parks in rural areas, urban gardens, etc.U Hrvatskoj nalazimo tri samonikle vrste roda Vaccinium te jednu stranu vrstu u uzgoju. Iako u svijetu nailazimo na primjenu roda u krajobraznom oblikovanju, u Hrvatskoj je poznat uzgoj isključivo u prehrambene svrhe. Pregledom morfoloških, ukrasnih i uporabnih vrijednosti 14 vrsta borovnica i brusnica (Vaccinium spp.) porijeklom iz različitih dijelova svijeta, analiziran je njihov potencijal i specifičnosti za primjenu u krajobraznom oblikovanju. Sve analizirane vrste odlikuju se određenim visoko reprezentativnim ukrasnim vrijednostima (habitus, proljetna i jesenja boja lista, boja stabljike, cvjetovi i plodovi) i uporabnim svojstvima zbog kojih predstavljaju kvalitetne vrste za uporabu u uređenju površina zelenila. S obzirom na svoja uzgojna svojstva, pogodne su za upotrebu u Hrvatskoj. Mogu se koristiti u obliku pokrivača tla, živih ograda, bordura, ali i na samostalnim gredicama te kao soliteri i u skupinama. S obzirom na jestive plodove kao dodatnu vrijednost, mogu se integrirati u tzv. jestivi krajolik (engl. edible landscape), način estetskog oblikovanja površine zelenila jestivim biljnim vrstama. Vrste roda Vaccinium najprikladnije su za uređenje privatnih vrtova i ograđenih javnih prostora udaljenih od prometnica poput vrtova u sklopu dječjih vrtića i škola, domova za starije, urbanih vrtova, parkova u ruralnim sredinama i slično

    Prediction of activity related energy expenditure using accelerometer derived physical activity under free-living conditions-a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Activity related energy expenditure (AEE) might be an important factor in the etiology of chronic diseases. However, measurement of free-living AEE is usually not feasible in large scale epidemiological studies but instead has traditionally been estimated based on self-reported physical activity. Recently, accelerometry has been proposed for objective assessment of physical activity, but it is unclear to what extent this methods explains the variance in AEE. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review searching MEDLINE database (until 2014) on studies that estimated AEE based on accelerometry-assessed physical activity in adults under free-living conditions (using doubly-labeled water method). Extracted study characteristics: sample size, accelerometer (type [uniaxial, triaxial], metrics [e.g. activity counts, steps, acceleration], recording period, body position, wear time), explained variance of AEE (R2), number of additional predictors. The relation of univariate and multivariate R2 with study characteristics was analyzed using non-parametric tests. RESULTS: Nineteen articles were identified. Examination of various accelerometers or subpopulations in one article was treated separately, resulting in 28 studies. Sample sizes ranged from 10-149. In most studies the accelerometer was triaxial, worn at the trunk, during waking hours, and reported activity counts as output metric. Recording periods ranged from 5-15 days. The variance of AEE explained by accelerometer assessed physical activity ranged from 4-80% (median crude R2=26%). Sample size was inversely related to the explained variance. Inclusion of 1 to 3 other predictors in addition to accelerometer output significantly increased the explained variance to a range of 12.5-86% (median total R2=41%). The increase did not depend on the number of added predictors. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that there is large heterogeneity across studies in the explained variance of AEE when estimated based on accelerometry. Thus, data on predicted AEE based on accelerometry assessed physical activity need to be interpreted cautiously

    Inwestycja w wykształcenie - doświadczenia bydgoskich studentów

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    Education, development of competence can be treated as an investment - as referred to by the aspect of the theory of human Capital contained in the slogan ‘Man - the best investment’. Shortages of detailed data on the ratę of return of this investment do not allow direct assessment whether studying is really investing, hence with the use of existing data and own research an attempt to assess the investment importance of studying was madę. The analysis covers information on the fate of graduates in the scope of: time and paths of finding jobs, conformity of first job and education profile, and participation in continuous education

    Niemieckie życie, polska kultura — czynniki różnicujące poziom korzystania z niemieckich treści kultury wśród migrantów z Polski w Niemczech

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    GERMAN LIFE, POLISH CULTURE — FACTORS DIFFERENTIATING THE LEVEL OF INCLUSION INTO THE GERMAN-LANGUAGE CULTURE AMONG POLISH IMMIGRANTS IN GERMANY Germany is one of the traditional destinations for Polish labour migrants. The subsequent waves of immigrants resulted in a formation of a large diasporic community, currently estimated at about 1.3 million. Broadly understood participation in culture — including both mass culture (in German, Polish, and other languages) and activities of both German and Polish diasporic cultural institutions – is considered particularly important in the context of social integration of migrants. This particular aspect of immigrant experience was a subject of a recent study — over 1 200 Polish migrants were asked about their experiences via an online study. Their answers allowed to distinguish factors determining the level of inclusion into the German-language culture. The results of the survey indicate that the most determinantal factors facilitating participation in cultural content presented in German are the level of education and cultural valance declared by the migrant. Out of the two, cultural valance is a more influential one as it has a much stronger impact on the language characteristics of participation in culture.  NIEMIECKIE ŻYCIE, POLSKA KULTURA — CZYNNIKI RÓŻNICUJĄCE POZIOM KORZYSTANIA Z NIEMIECKICH TREŚCI KULTURY WŚRÓD MIGRANTÓW Z POLSKI W NIEMCZECH Niemcy stanowią jeden z tradycyjnych kierunków migracji zarobkowej  z Polski. Kolejne fale tworzą liczną społeczność — szacowaną obecnie na około 1,3 mln. W kontekście integracji społecznej migrantów szczególne znaczenie ma szeroko rozumiane uczestnictwo w kulturze — obejmujące korzystanie z kultury masowej (w języku niemieckim, polskim i innych) oraz z ofert instytucji kultury, zarówno niemieckich, jak i ukierunkowanych na polską kulturę, a prowadzących działalność w Niemczech. Ten aspekt doświadczeń migracyjnych objęto badaniem, w którym udział — dzięki ankiecie internetowej — wzięło ponad 1200 migrantów. Ich odpowiedzi pozwalają na scharakteryzowanie czynników różnicujących zakres, w jakim dokonuje się włączenie w kulturę niemieckojęzyczną lub pozostanie przy korzystaniu z treści kultury w języku polskim. Wyniki pozwalają wskazać, że czynnikami istotnymi dla intensywniejszego korzystania z treści kultury w języku niemieckim są m.in.: poziom wykształcenia migranta i deklarowana przez niego walencja kulturowa, przy czym walencja kulturowa znacznie silniej oddziałuje na charakterystyki językowe uczestnictwa w kulturze.