26 research outputs found

    Deutsch lernt man meistens auf NiederlÀndisch. Zielsprachengebrauch im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht in den Niederlanden. German you learn mostly in Dutch. Target language use in language teaching at schools in the Netherlands

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    Teaching German as a foreign language in the Netherlands is mostly contrastive in nature – at all language levels. It is repeatedly argued that this is due to the close proximity of the two languages. Therefore, Dutch GFL textbooks use both target and source language throughout. At the same time, both learners and teachers repeatedly state that too little German is spoken in GFL-teaching in the Netherlands. This paper discusses the target language use at schools in the Netherlands by critically analysing (a selection of) GFL teaching materials. And the situation of German teaching in general.Teaching German as a foreign language in the Netherlands is mostly contrastive in nature – at all language levels. It is repeatedly argued that this is due to the close proximity of the two languages. Therefore, Dutch GFL textbooks use both target and source language throughout. At the same time, both learners and teachers repeatedly state that too little German is spoken in GFL-teaching in the Netherlands. This paper discusses the target language use at schools in the Netherlands by critically analysing (a selection of) GFL teaching materials. And the situation of German teaching in general

    Interkultureller Literaturunterricht

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    Call fĂŒr den Themenschwerpunkt „Nachbarsprachen und mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer“ ZIF 2021-2

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    Da oder weil, daher oder deswegen? / Weil es nicht zielsprachenadĂ€quat ist
? Deswegen! ZielsprachenadĂ€quate AusdrĂŒcke von KausalitĂ€t in L1- und L2-Texten im Deutschen

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    Grammar books for L2-learners mostly follow grammatical themes, e.g. sentence – verb – conjunctions. However, when a L2-learner composes a text, he will probably focus more on the function he wants to express than the form he wants to use. In this article, functionality versus grammatical categories will be discussed in order to answer the question, whether and – if so – how German and Dutch students differ in their way of expressing causality in academic writing. An analysis of German Bachelor’s and Master’s theses written by German and Dutch students showed differences between these groups in their use of subcategories (word classes) and specific words for expressing causality. The absence of a functional structure and specific information about the use of causal connectives in grammar books can therefore be regarded asan important cause for these findings. Especially for advanced L2-learners of German it seems recommendable to organize grammar books to put a greater focus on function (rather than form)

    NĂ€he nutzen: Nachbarsprachenlernen mehrsprachig gedacht

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    Was ist eigentlich eine Nachbarsprache und was ist Nachbarsprachenlernen? Der Begriff „Nachbarsprache“ ist sowohl in der Alltagssprache als auch im Wis-senschaftsdiskurs noch im Begriff sich zu etablieren. Dies betrifft sowohl den deutschsprachigen Raum als auch etwaige Entsprechungen in anderen Sprachen. Eine stichprobenartige Recherche in einer einschlĂ€gigen Suchmaschine (i.e. Google) und linguistischen Datenbank (i.e. Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts, LLBA) zeigt, dass sowohl die englischsprachigen (als neighbour/neigh-bouring language) als auch die französischsprachigen (als langue du voisin oder langue frontalier) Entsprechungen noch sporadischer gebraucht werden als die deutschsprachige Variante

    Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur: Results of the academic critical monitoring of a school exchange project in the German-Dutch border region

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    In the years 2017–2021, the school exchange project Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur was carried out in the German-Dutch border region and funded by the EU as an Interreg Va-project. During the entire project period, the exchanges that took place were critically monitored. In this article, we (as project managers from the Dutch side) go into the available scientific findings and basic requirements for ‘successful’ encounters in school exchanges, as well as selected critical results from the monitoring of the project Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur for the areas of pluricultural or culture-reflective and multilingual learning in exchanges.In the years 2017–2021, the school exchange project Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur was carried out in the German-Dutch border region and funded by the EU as an Interreg Va-project. During the entire project period, the exchanges that took place were critically monitored. In this article, we (as project managers from the Dutch side) go into the available scientific findings and basic requirements for ‘successful’ encounters in school exchanges, as well as selected critical results from the monitoring of the project Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur for the areas of pluricultural or culture-reflective and multilingual learning in exchanges

    Lehrmaterialangebot fĂŒr den schulischen Nachbarsprachenunterricht. Ein deutsch-niederlĂ€ndischer Vergleich

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    This paper discusses the differences between teaching Dutch in Germany and German in the Netherlands, while considering the challenges teachers are confronted with, e.g. the lack of appropriate textbooks. In particular, the composition and method of some textbooks for Dutch and German are presented and evaluated with regard to their practicality in the classroom. It is striking that textbooks for German are written in Dutch, and that pupils even have to work out tasks in Dutch and not in the target language, while there is merely one textbook in Germany for school-based teaching, lacking a consideration of school types, age groups, and prior knowledge. Even though the conditions of neighbouring language teaching are particularly diverse, teachers on both sides are in urgent need of more innovative and improved teaching material which ensures that pupils are able to develop and improve their language skills, as well as their intercultural competences.This paper discusses the differences between teaching Dutch in Germany and German in the Netherlands, while considering the challenges teachers are confronted with, e.g. the lack of appropriate textbooks. In particular, the composition and method of some textbooks for Dutch and German are presented and evaluated with regard to their practicality in the classroom. It is striking that textbooks for German are written in Dutch, and that pupils even have to work out tasks in Dutch and not in the target language, while there is merely one textbook in Germany for school-based teaching, lacking a consideration of school types, age groups, and prior knowledge. Even though the conditions of neighbouring language teaching are particularly diverse, teachers on both sides are in urgent need of more innovative and improved teaching material which ensures that pupils are able to develop and improve their language skills, as well as their intercultural competences

    Landeskunde im Kontext

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    Landes- und kulturkundliche Inhalte sowie interkulturelle bzw. kulturreflexive Aspekte sind fester Bestandteil des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Doch wie sieht das in der Praxis und in Lehrmaterialien aus? Dieser Band bietet Grundlagen zur Lehrwerk- bzw. Landeskundeforschung und erkundet deren konkrete Umsetzung in einer kontextualisierten Lehrwerkanalyse. Untersucht werden frequent im schulischen Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht eingesetzte AnfĂ€nger-Lehrwerke fĂŒr Jugendliche aus Polen und den Niederlanden. Gelungene Beispiele fĂŒr die Umsetzung unterschiedlicher landeskundlicher Inhalte und Lernziele aus internationalen Lehrmaterialien bieten Anregungen fĂŒr ein breiteres Spektrum an landeskundlichen AktivitĂ€ten und Lernzielen, die direkt in die eigene Praxis umgesetzt werden können.  Cultural content as well as intercultural and culture-reflective aspects are key concepts in foreign language pedagogy. But how are these key concepts reflected in teaching practice and teaching materials? This book provides a sound theoretical basis of research concerning both teaching materials and culture pedagogy. In a contextualized textbook analysis, the authors explore to what extent research insights are integrated into six frequently used Dutch and Polish course books for beginning adolescent learners of German. A selection of good practice examples from international teaching materials display the implementation of various cultural contents and provide input for a wide array of cultural activities and teaching objectives, which can be directly implemented in teaching practice


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