4,136 research outputs found

    Udpegning af potentielle sorte pletter baseret på GPS-data fra kørende biler

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    Der er sket en markant reduktion i antallet af omkomne på de danske veje i de senere år. Dog er antallet af tilskadekomne, der modtager behandling i Sundhedsvæsenet i forbindelse med trafikulykker kun faldet lidt. Derimod er antallet af ulykker registreret i de offentlige statistikker faldet voldsomt, hvorfor mørketallet er steget til ca. 91%. Da sortpletarbejdet, der er en hovedhjørnesten i trafiksikkerhedsarbejdet, baseres på de officielle statistikker, er det baseret på et usikkert grundlag. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i GPS-data fra biler i det nyligt afsluttede ITS Platformsprojekt og undersøger, om koncentrationer af kraftige decelerationer og de afledte herfra, ryk, indsamlet fra kørende biler, kan anvendes som en supplerende metode til at udpege sorte pletter. Ideen baseres på den svenske konfliktstudieteknik, hvorfra der kan dokumenteres en sammenhæng mellem antallet af konflikter (nær-ulykker) og faktiske rapporterede ulykker. Denne undersøgelse baserer sig på data fra 380 biler i tre måneder, hvilket svarer til ca. 1,9 mio. km. Den antyder, at koncentrationer af store decelerationer genfindes, hvor der er store trafikmængder, men ikke nødvendigvis, hvor der kan konstateres problemer med vejnettets indretning og omgivelser. Den indikerer, at koncentrationer af store ryk kan genfindes, hvor vejnettet er uhensigtsmæssigt indrettet og/eller hvor der tidligere er konstateret ulykker. Et litteraturstudie antyder ligeledes, at ryk giver en bedre indikation på nær-ulykker end decelerationer. Til gengæld kan det konstateres, at ryk optræder koncentreret i forbindelse med ujævnheder på vejnettet, hvorfor registreringer i disse lokaliteter skal fjernes, for at ryk kan være en troværdig indikator. Endvidere konstateres det, at antallet af registrerede decelerationer/ryk i det anvendte datasæt er for lavt til at det endelig kan afklares, om sorte pletter kan identificeres ved hjælp af ryk

    Low-Income Women Describe Fertility-Related Expectations: Descriptive Norms, Injunctive Norms, and Behavior

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    Social norms surrounding sexuality, pregnancy, and childbearing may help guide women's health-related behaviors. In this study, we explore low-income women's perceptions of fertility-related norms by allowing women to describe their experiences with normative expectations. Semistructured interviews (n = 30) suggested that women in low-income subject positions articulate descriptive norms that generally correspond with mainstream descriptive norms, identify two major sources of injunctive norms concerning fertility and sexuality— authoritative and peer-oriented—and often align their behaviors according to subgroup expectations communicated in the form of peer-oriented injunctive norms. We discuss these results in light of the extant literature on social norms

    Narrative Sense-making and Time Lapse: Interviews with Low-income Women about Sex-Education

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    Secondary-school students in the United States score notoriously low on tests of their reproductive and sexual knowledge despite attempts by educators and legislators to provide them with informative sex-education courses. In this paper, we build from narrative theory to explore how low-income women perceived their formal sex-education experiences and how they connected those experiences to their sexual-health knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors. Drawing from interviews with 30 low-income women, we identify and develop a typology of sex-education narratives: narratives of regret, narratives of satisfaction, and narratives of uncertainty. We also investigate existing theoretical claims that lapses in time between lived events and the narration of those events connect to sensemaking efforts. We find that younger women in the sample were more likely to tell narratives of uncertainty than were older women. These results have implications for the study of narrative theory, sexual-health communication, and the discourse of public sex education

    Fertility-Related Perceptions and Behaviors among Low-Income Women: Injunctive Norms, Sanctions, and the Assumption of Choice

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    In this article we explore elements of the theory of normative social behavior (TNSB) through interviews with low-income women (N = 30) in a Midwestern U.S. state about their experiences with and perceptions of fertility-related norms. Using grounded theory and matrix analysis as analytical lenses, we found that individuals sometimes learn of injunctive norms and social sanctions separately, might be more likely to comply with a norm if they learn about norms and sanctions in concert, and might be more likely to engage in norm compliance if they learn about two different types of sanctions, short- and long-term, along with the injunctive norm. We also found that a number of important barriers can limit one’s ability to choose to comply with a norm. In conclusion, we discuss implications for continued theorizing of the TNSB in light of the experiences of traditionally marginalized populations

    Udpegning af potentielle sorte pletter baseret på GPS-data fra kørende biler

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    Der er sket en markant reduktion i antallet af omkomne på de danske veje i de senere år. Dog er antallet af tilskadekomne, der modtager behandling i Sundhedsvæsenet i forbindelse med trafikulykker kun faldet lidt. Derimod er antallet af ulykker registreret i de offentlige statistikker faldet voldsomt, hvorfor mørketallet er steget til ca. 91%. Da sortpletarbejdet, der er en hovedhjørnesten i trafiksikkerhedsarbejdet, baseres på de officielle statistikker, er det baseret på et usikkert grundlag. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i GPS-data fra biler i det nyligt afsluttede ITS Platformsprojekt og undersøger, om koncentrationer af kraftige decelerationer og de afledte herfra, ryk, indsamlet fra kørende biler, kan anvendes som en supplerende metode til at udpege sorte pletter. Ideen baseres på den svenske konfliktstudieteknik, hvorfra der kan dokumenteres en sammenhæng mellem antallet af konflikter (nær-ulykker) og faktiske rapporterede ulykker. Denne undersøgelse baserer sig på data fra 380 biler i tre måneder, hvilket svarer til ca. 1,9 mio. km. Den antyder, at koncentrationer af store decelerationer genfindes, hvor der er store trafikmængder, men ikke nødvendigvis, hvor der kan konstateres problemer med vejnettets indretning og omgivelser. Den indikerer, at koncentrationer af store ryk kan genfindes, hvor vejnettet er uhensigtsmæssigt indrettet og/eller hvor der tidligere er konstateret ulykker. Et litteraturstudie antyder ligeledes, at ryk giver en bedre indikation på nær-ulykker end decelerationer. Til gengæld kan det konstateres, at ryk optræder koncentreret i forbindelse med ujævnheder på vejnettet, hvorfor registreringer i disse lokaliteter skal fjernes, for at ryk kan være en troværdig indikator. Endvidere konstateres det, at antallet af registrerede decelerationer/ryk i det anvendte datasæt er for lavt til at det endelig kan afklares, om sorte pletter kan identificeres ved hjælp af ryk

    Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Hispanics

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    INTRODUCTION: The Hispanic population will grow to comprise one fourth of the U.S. population by 2050. Compared with non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics have disproportionately higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related conditions. Valid methods for studying the dietary intake of this group are needed. METHODS: From June through September 2000, we conducted a study of low-income Hispanic men and women (n = 89) who were recruited for a validation study of the Spanish-language food frequency questionnaire used in the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation. The mean age of the participants was 36.8 years, 42% were male, and 92% had been born in Mexico. Three 24-hour dietary recalls provided the reference data. The food frequency questionnaire was administered by interview, with a portion-size graphic to aid in quantitation. The questionnaire asked about diet in the previous 12 months. Mean nutrient values, correlation coefficients, and the sensitivity and specificity for identifying people with intakes of less than the recommended levels were calculated. RESULTS: Mean energy and macronutrient intake estimates were significantly higher by the food frequency questionnaire than by the 24-hour dietary recalls. Cholesterol, saturated fat, dietary fiber, iron, vitamin A, and percentage of energy from fat were not significantly different by the two methods. The median of unadjusted correlations was 0.52 and of deattenuated correlations was 0.61. The median sensitivity was 0.62, and the median specificity was 0.76. CONCLUSION: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation Spanish food frequency questionnaire appears to be reasonably valid in assessing the dietary intakes of Hispanics. Correlations tended to be higher than those found in other validation studies in Hispanic populations. Interviewer administration of questionnaires may be necessary in this population

    New Genus and Species of Aporocotylidae (Digenea) from a Basal Actinopterygian, the American Paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, (Acipenseriformes: Polyodontidae) from the Mississippi Delta

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    Acipensericola petersoni n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) infects the heart of the American paddlefish Polyodon spathula (Walbaum, 1792) in the Mississippi Delta. It has robust, spike-like body spines arranged in ventrolateral transverse rows; a bowl-shaped anterior sucker centered on the mouth and having minute spines on the inner anteroventral surface only; a pharynx; an inverse U-shaped ceca extending to near the posterior body end; intercecal testes comprising a pre-ovarian testicular column plus a single testis posteriorly; an extensively lobed ovary located medially and immediately posterior to the testicular column; a spherical ootype that is intercecal and post-ovarian; a Laurer’s canal; and a common genital pore. The new species is the first-named aporocotylid collected from a basal actinopterygian. It resembles the chondrichthyan aporocotylids Chimaerohemecus trondheimensis, Orchispirium heterovitellatum, and Hyperandrotrema cetorhini in having an inverse U-shaped ceca, but it is morphologically most similar to the anguilliform aporocotylid Paracardicoloides yamagutii in having that feature plus a comparable anterior sucker, a single testis posteriorly, an intertesticular ovary, and a common genital pore. Sequence data for the complete small subunit ribosomal DNA (18S) do not refute its membership within Aporocotylidae nor its affinity to 1 of those aforementioned aporocotylids: A. petersoni was basal to the few teleost aporocotylids analyzed, and C. trondheimensis was the only taxon basal to A. petersoni. We regard the specimens of Spirorchis sp. previously reported from the shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum Lesueur, 1818 as congeneric with the new species

    Ranchers Feeding Kids: A Multi-Partner Approach to Programming

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    School districts face challenges to balance budgets and provide healthy meals. Oregon State University Extension agents joined with community partners to form Ranchers Feeding Kids (RFK). The program started with ranchers donating cattle that were harvested and processed for local schools\u27 lunch programs. An educational event taught youth about livestock production, its importance to the local economy, and beef\u27s health benefits. In 4 years, the program has grown to include 32 schools in 13 different school districts, providing over 5,500 students with meals. Forty donated cattle, with a value of over $40,000, have provided 30,000 pounds of beef to schools

    A Bigraph Relational Model

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    In this paper, we present a model based on relations for bigraphical reactive systems [Milner09]. Its defining characteristics are that validity and reaction relations are captured as traces in a multi-set rewriting system. The relational model is derived from Milner's graphical definition and directly amenable to implementation.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2011, arXiv:1110.668
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