488 research outputs found

    Project SPACE: Solar Panel Automated Cleaning Environment

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    The goal of Project SPACE is to create an automated solar panel cleaner that will address the adverse impact of soiling on commercial photovoltaic cells. Specifically, we hoped to create a device that increases the maximum power output of a soiled panel by 10% (recovering the amount of power lost) while still costing under 500andoperatingforupto7.0years.Asuccessfuldesignshouldoperatewithouttheuseofwater.Thiswillhelpsolarpanelarraysachieveaproductionoutputclosertotheirmaximumpotentialandsavecompaniesoncostsassociatedenergygeneration.Thecurrentapparatusutilizesabrushcleaningsystemthatcleansonsetcleaningcycles.Thedeviceusesthecombinationofageartrain(with48pitchDelringears)anda12VDCmotortospinbotha5.00footlong,0.25inchdiametervacuumbrushshaftanddrivetwosetsoftwowheels.Thepowersourceforthedrivetrainisa12Vdeepcycleleadacidbattery.Ourlightweightdesigneliminateswaterusageduringcleaningandreducesthepotentialdangersstemmingfrommanuallabor.Ourdesignsretailpricewasestimatedtobearound500 and operating for up to 7.0 years. A successful design should operate without the use of water. This will help solar panel arrays achieve a production output closer to their maximum potential and save companies on costs associated energy generation. The current apparatus utilizes a brush cleaning system that cleans on set cleaning cycles. The device uses the combination of a gear train (with 48 pitch Delrin gears) and a 12V DC motor to spin both a 5.00 foot long, 0.25 inch diameter vacuum brush shaft and drive two sets of two wheels. The power source for the drive train is a 12V deep cycle lead-acid battery. Our light weight design eliminates water usage during cleaning and reduces the potential dangers stemming from manual labor. Our design’s retail price was estimated to be around 700 with a payback period of less than 3.5 years. To date, we have created a device that improves the efficiency of soiled solar panels by 3.5% after two runs over the solar panel. We hope that our final design will continue to expand the growth of solar energy globally


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    The purpose of this experiment was to discover possible biomechanical differences in running gait, foot-strike patterns, and ground reaction forces between running over uneven terrain (i.e., a trail) and smooth terrain (i.e., road). Participants ran repeatedly over an artificial, rough trail and a smooth, smooth section. Video analysis was used to determine any differences in gait and foot-strike patterns. A force platform was used to determine ground reaction forces. A repeated measures ANOVA revealed no significant difference in gait or ground reaction forces, while a Chi-Squared analysis revealed significantly more forefoot strikes while running over uneven, rough terrain

    Leveraging Infrastructure as an Economic Development Tool

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    Most communities don’t realize the value of their existing infrastructure (roads, utilities, etc.) in terms of economic development. Understanding your infrastructure is key to pursuing and competing for economic development projects in your community. This presentation discusses the role of infrastructure in economic development and how to position your community for future success


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    This study examined ground reaction forces (GRFs) when landing from a drop-off in mountain biking. Eight male mountain bikers participated in this study. Participants rode up onto and across an adjustable wooden platform, performing three drop maneuvers at each vertical height of 29 cm, 48 cm, and 67 cm, simulating drop-offs in mountain biking. Peak vertical GRFs when landing from each drop was measured using 3 force platforms in the landing area. When examining the rear and front tire individually, peak vertical GRFs were significantly higher for the rear tire at each drop height. Additionally, significant increases in summed peak vertical GRFs occurred from the low to middle and middle to high dropoff. Therefore, this may support implications that mountain biking includes osteogenic stimuli that is beneficial to bone health

    Time-Series Photometry of Stars in and around the Lagoon Nebula. I. Rotation Periods of 290 Low-Mass Pre-Main-Sequence Stars in NGC 6530

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    We have conducted a long-term, wide-field, high-cadence photometric monitoring survey of ~50,000 stars in the Lagoon Nebula \ion{H}{2} region. This first paper presents rotation periods for 290 low-mass stars in NGC 6530, the young cluster illuminating the nebula, and for which we assemble a catalog of infrared and spectroscopic disk indicators, estimated masses and ages, and X-ray luminosities. The distribution of rotation periods we measure is broadly uniform for 0.5 < P < 10 d; the short-period cutoff corresponds to breakup. We observe no obvious bimodality in the period distribution, but we do find that stars with disk signatures rotate more slowly on average. The stars' X-ray luminosities are roughly flat with rotation period, at the saturation level (logLX/Lbol3.3\log L_X / L_{\rm bol} \approx -3.3). However, we find a significant positive correlation between LX/LbolL_X / L_{\rm bol} and co-rotation radius, suggesting that the observed X-ray luminosities are regulated by centrifugal stripping of the stellar coronae. The period-mass relationship in NGC 6530 is broadly similar to that of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), but the slope of the relationship among the slowest rotators differs from that in the ONC and other young clusters. We show that the slope of the period-mass relationship for the slowest rotators can be used as a proxy for the age of a young cluster, and we argue that NGC 6530 may be slightly younger than the ONC, making it a particularly important touchstone for models of angular momentum evolution in young, low-mass stars.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ. For a brief video explaining the key results of this paper, see http://www.youtube.com/user/OSUAstronomy#p/u/1/WarGh6GiWu

    Laser Remote Sensing From ISS: CATS Cloud and Aerosol Level 2 Data Products (Heritage Edition)

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    The Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS) instrument was developed at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and deployed to the International Space Station (ISS) on 10 January 2015. CATS is mounted on the Japanese Experiment Module's Exposed Facility (JEM_EF) and will provide near-continuous, altitude-resolved measurements of clouds and aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere. The CATS ISS orbit path provides a unique opportunity to capture the full diurnal cycle of cloud and aerosol development and transport, allowing for studies that are not possible with the lidar aboard the CALIPSO platform, which flies in the sun-synchronous A-Train orbit." " One of the primary science objectives of CATS is to continue the CALIPSO aerosol and cloud profile data record to provide continuity of lidar climate observations during the transition from CALIPSO to EarthCARE. To accomplish this, the CATS project at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the CALIPSO project at NASA's Langley Research Center (LaRC) are closely collaborating to develop and deliver a full suite of CALIPSO-like level 2 data products that will be produced using the newly acquired CATS level 1B data whenever CATS is operating in science modes 1. The CALIPSO mission is now well into its ninth year of on-orbit operations, and has developed a robust set of mature and well-validated science algorithms to retrieve the spatial and optical properties of clouds and aerosols from multi-wavelength lidar backscatter signals. By leveraging both new and existing NASA technical resources, this joint effort by the CATS and CALIPSO teams will deliver validated lidar data sets to the user community at the earliest possible opportunity. The science community will have access to two sets of CATS Level 2 data products. The "Operational" data products will be produced by the GSFC CATS team utilizing the new instrument capabilities (e.g., multiple FOVs and 1064 nm depolarization), while the "Heritage" data products created using the existing CALIPSO algorithms and the CATS 532 nm channels and the total 1064 nm channel. " Below is the development of the CATS "Heritage" level 2 software and data along with some initial results with operational data.

    Gravitational vacuum polarization III: Energy conditions in the (1+1) Schwarzschild spacetime

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    Building on a pair of earlier papers, I investigate the various point-wise and averaged energy conditions for the quantum stress-energy tensor corresponding to a conformally-coupled massless scalar field in the in the (1+1)-dimensional Schwarzschild spacetime. Because the stress-energy tensors are analytically known, I can get exact results for the Hartle--Hawking, Boulware, and Unruh vacua. This exactly solvable model serves as a useful sanity check on my (3+1)-dimensional investigations wherein I had to resort to a mixture of analytic approximations and numerical techniques. Key results in (1+1) dimensions are: (1) NEC is satisfied outside the event horizon for the Hartle--Hawking vacuum, and violated for the Boulware and Unruh vacua. (2) DEC is violated everywhere in the spacetime (for any quantum state, not just the standard vacuum states).Comment: 7 pages, ReV_Te