53 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini beranjak dari permasalahan bahwa materi pembelajaran prakarya yang diikuti masih terbatas pada program yang tertuang dalam silabus dan SAP dilihat dari penggunaan bahan limbah yang diolah untuk membuat kerajinan terbatas pada limbah kulit jagung, teknik pembuatan yang digunakan kurang inovatif dan jenis produk yang dibuat kurang bervariasi, sehingga peserta didik menunjukkan sikap yang kurang antusias. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memperoleh data mengenai harapan peserta didik tentang materi prakarya dalam aspek kerajinan dari limbah organik dan anorganik yang diinginkan peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, sebagai alat pengumpul data berupa angket yang disebar kepada responden sebanyak 53 orang yaitu peserta didik kelas VIII SMPN 3 Lembang. Temuan hasil penelitian terkait harapan peserta didik mengenai materi prakarya pada aspek kerajinan, mereka mengharapkan bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kerajinan yang paling tinggi diinginkan dari limbah organik yaitu limbah jerami dan dari limbah anorganik yaitu limbah kaleng. Teknik pembuatan kerajinan yang paling tinggi diinginkan oleh peserta didik yaitu teknik menjahit. Produk-produk kerajinan yang paling tinggi untuk dihasilkan dalam pembuatan kerajinan mereka mengatakan bahwa produk kerajinan yang sifatnya baru atau kekinian seperti produk kerajinan keranjang, asbak, kap lampu, dan aksesoris. Rekomendasi yang dapat disampaikan dari hasil penelitian ini, kiranya guru dapat memilih dan mengembangkan materi pelajaran prakarya baik dari segi bahan yang digunakan, teknik pembuatan, dan produk yang dibuat lebih bervariasi dan inovasi sesuai dengan keberadaan peserta didik sekolah menengah pertama.;--- The background of the research arises from the problem of sculpture’s learning material which applied still limited to programmes which were implemented on syllabus and SAP as seen from the usage of recycled waste which crafted to create sculpture are limited to corn’s skin, less-innovated creation technique and kinds of products which are less vary, causing learners to show less entushiasm. The objective of this research is to gather data toward learners’ expectation on Art-subject’s learning material in sculpture aspect from organic and anorganic waste which are suit to what learners want. This research use descriptive method, questionnaire thereby applied to gather the data which are distributed to respondents consisted of 53 students, whom the students of VII grade at SMPN 3 Lembang. The result of the research in relation to the learners’ expectation toward Art-subject on sculpture aspect was their expectation on the mostly expected material which are used in the sculpture-creation thereby hay waste for organic material and empty can waste for anorganic material. Then for the mostly expected creation technique by learners is sewing technique. Products which have highest ration to produce in the sculpture production process, they stated that the sculpture products which have new mode or latest in nature, e.g. basket, ashtray, lantern for lamp, and accessories. Based on the result of this research, it is reccomended that teachers may choose and develop better Art-subject learning material from the side of material which are used, creation technique which are used, and the more variated product which are made and the innovation according to learners of junior high school level

    Increased barium levels in recent marine sediments from the Norwegian and Barents Seas suggest impact of hydrocarbon drilling and production

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    Barium (Ba) in recent marine sediments can originate from natural and anthropogenic sources including discharges from the oil and gas industry. In this study, we use data from the Norwegian and Barents Seas to assess whether Ba in recent marine sediments has increased due to these discharges. To account for Ba in detrital material, we normalise all samples with respect to aluminosilicate by calculating an enrichment factor. We use statistical modelling to control for parameters related to sedimentation. We present results that suggest increased Ba levels in recent sediments that coincide with the timing of hydrocarbon drilling and production. This is supported by geographical differences on a large scale that relate to proximity to hydrocarbon drilling and production. Among 243 sampling stations, we identify 73 locations exhibiting enrichment of Ba in the upper 6 of sediment. At these locations, Ba is 1.55 to 3.55 times higher than the levels that can be expected from the shale average when Ba in detrital matter is accounted for. Excess Ba is reported in sediment surface samples in areas important to fisheries like the Lofoten area and the western Barents Sea.publishedVersio

    Salmon-lice as a potential threat to anadromous Arctic charr populations

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    Salmon-lice have the potential to change the behaviour and growth of their salmonid host species. Here, the baseline infection levels of salmon-lice of post-smolts (n = 815) and veteran migrants (n = 875) of sea-run Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus Linnaeus, 1758) were monitored over two successive years in a sub-Arctic Norwegian fjord without farming of salmonids. All Arctic charr were collected after the seamigration period from a trap placed in the river, ascending to their overwintering freshwater habitat (Lake Laksvatn). The sea-lice infection showed a stable infection across the 2 years while increasing through the migration period and with the size of the wild sea-run Arctic charr. The prevalence of sea-lice infection was intermediate to high, and the intensities of sea-lice infections observed were generally modest, although some individuals had high infections. The relatively high infection of salmonlice highlights the potential detrimental effects these parasites can have at both the individual and population level of such endangered sub-Arctic life-history strategies. A comparative study should be performed in fjords with aquaculture activity as focal points for salmon-lice, to investigate the impact farming have on sea-run Arctic charr populations

    Utredning Skalsavassdraget. Forprosjekt

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    Det ble gjennomført prøvefiske og el-fiske i Skalsavassdraget, Kvænangen kommune, 20-21. september 2013. I Skalsavatnet er det en tett røyebestand med tidlig kjønnsmodning og liten tilvekst på rundt 3 cm årlig. Røye over 25 cm var fåtallig, men disse var kannibalrøyer og vokste godt med opptil 5-6 cm årlig. Det er tydelige indikasjoner på en splittet bestand med ‘normalrøye’ og ‘dvergrøye’ i vatnet. Øvre del av utløpselva var godt egnet som oppvekstområde, med høy tetthet av røyeunger. Det ble ikke fanget anadrom røye i vatnet, og konkludert med at vassdraget ikke innehar anadrome fiskebestander. Selve fiskemulighetene i vatnet vurderes som relativt gode, med muligheter for å få stor en og annen stor røye over 2 kg. Beliggenheten gjør at det må benyttes transport over Jøkelfjorden og det bør vurderes tilrettelegging for ilandføring ved elveutløpet, samt leirplass eller camper ved vatnet for å gjøre det mer attraktivt for fisketurisme. Synatur og grunneier Statskog er positive til å få bedret kvaliteten på fiskebestanden i vatnet, og uttynningsfiske med teiner vurderes som den beste løsningen. Det er viktig at et eventuelt uttynningsfiske forankres lokalt, og at det følges opp på en faglig og forsvarlig måte. Beregninger viser at det bør tas ut anslagsvis 3 kg røye pr hektar, noe som tilsvarer et årlig uttak på rundt 190-200 kg eller i størrelsesorden 5-6000 røye årlig i en flerårsperiode.publishedVersio

    Prey consumption rates and growth of piscivorous brown trout in a subarctic watercourse

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Jensen, H., Amundsen, P.-A., Elliott, J.M., Bøhn, T. & Aspholm, P.E. (2006). Prey consumption rates and growth of piscivorous brown trout in a subarctic watercourse. Journal of Fish Biology, 68(3), 838-848, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0022-1112.2006.00972.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Prey consumption rates of piscivorous brown trout Salmo trutta were studied in the Pasvik watercourse, which forms the border between Norway and Russia. Estimates of food consumption in the field were similar to or slightly less than maximum values from a bioenergetic model. The piscivore diet consisted mainly of vendace Coregonus albula with a smaller number of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus. Individual brown trout had an estimated mean daily intake of c. 1·5 vendace and 0·4 whitefish, and a rapid annual growth increment of 7–8 cm year−1. The total population of brown trout >25 cm total length was estimated as 8445 individuals (0·6 individuals ha−1), giving a mean ± s.e. annual consumption of 1553880 ± 405360 vendace and 439140 ± 287130 whitefish for the whole watercourse. The rapid growth in summer of brown trout >25 cm indicated a high prey consumption rate

    Distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in sediments from the Vefsnfjord, Norway

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    Areas in central Norway were heavily contaminated with fallout from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. In this study, we assess 137Cs in surface sediments and sediment cores collected in the Vefsnfjord in Nordland county. Concentrations of 137Cs in surface sediments ranged from 159 to 191 Bq kg−1 dry weight (d.w.). Sub-surface peaks of 137Cs were observed in all cores, with a maximum concentration of 432 Bq kg−1 d.w. Given that little is known about the distribution of naturally occurring radionuclides in Norwegian fjords and coastal areas, a better understanding of the total burden of radioactivity is important for the Norwegian fishing and aquaculture industries. Therefore, analyses of the natural radionuclides 40K, 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb were included in the study. Analyses of total sulphur (TS), total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC) and grain size distribution have been performed to provide a sedimentologic context for interpreting the radionuclide results.publishedVersio

    Towards High Throughput Large Area Metalens Fabrication using UV-Nanoimprint lithography and Bosch Deep Reactive Ion Etching

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    We demonstrate the fabrication of diffraction-limited dielectric metasurface lenses for NIR by use of standard industrial high throughput silicon processing techniques: UV Nano Imprint Lithography (UV-NIL) combined with continuous Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) and pulsed Bosch Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE). As the research field of metasurfaces moves towards applications these techniques are relevant as potential replacements of commonly used cost-intensive fabrication methods utilizing Electron Beam Lithography. We show that washboard-type sidewall surface roughness arising from the Bosch DRIE process can be compensated for in the design of the metasurface, without deteriorating lens quality. Particular attention is given to fabrication challenges that must be overcome towards high throughput production of relevance to commercial applications. Lens efficiencies are measured to be 30% and 17% at wavelengths {\lambda} = 1.55μ\mum and {\lambda} = 1.31μ\mum, respectively. A number of routes towards process optimization are proposed in relation to encountered challenges

    En mulighetsstudie for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett

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    Source at http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2482490SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk har sammen med Bioforsk Nord og Nofuna Marked gjennomført en vurdering av mulighetene for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett i Norge. Følgende arter er vurdert: Røye, ørret, sik, regnbueørret, gjørs, abbor og lake. Studien gir en oversikt over innlandsoppdrett i Norge og i andre nordiske land. Mulighetene for utvikling av en innlandsoppdrettsnæring i Norge er ellers vurdert ut fra status og potensial innen produkt og marked, biologiske forhold, ressursbruk og miljøeffekter, teknologi samt forretningsmessige forhold. FoU-behovet er beskrevet og prioritert på grunnlag av vurderingene av status og potensia

    En mulighetsstudie for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett

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    SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk har sammen med Bioforsk Nord og Nofuna Marked gjennomført en vurdering av mulighetene for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett i Norge. Følgende arter er vurdert: Røye, ørret, sik, regnbueørret, gjørs, abbor og lake. Studien gir en oversikt over innlandsoppdrett i Norge og i andre nordiske land. Mulighetene for utvikling av en innlandsoppdrettsnæring i Norge er ellers vurdert ut fra status og potensial innen produkt og marked, biologiske forhold, ressursbruk og miljøeffekter, teknologi samt forretningsmessige forhold. FoU-behovet er beskrevet og prioritert på grunnlag av vurderingene av status og potensialpublishedVersio

    First results from the L3+C experiment at CERN

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    The L3+C experiment combines the high-precision spectrometer of the L3 detector at LEP, CERN, with a small air shower array. The momenta of cosmic ray induced muons can be measured from 20 to 2000 GeV/c. During the 1999 data taking period 5 billion muon events were recorded in the spectrometer. From April until mid Summer 2000 an additional 3 billion muon events have been recorded as well as 25 million air shower events. Here the first results on the muon momentum spectrum and charge ratio will be presented