91 research outputs found
Strategisk EnergiplanlĂŚgning for Transport
Transporten har i mange ĂĽr vĂŚret en kĂŚmpe udfordring, nĂĽr det kommer til at nĂĽ de nationalt og lokalt fastsatte mĂĽlsĂŚtninger, hvilket tydeligt blev eksemplificeret i davĂŚrende chef for Concito, Martin Lidegaards, udtalelse [1]: âTransporten er klimaets smertensbarn.â Dette skyldes, at transporten i en lang periode ikke har budt pĂĽ reelle alternativer til de klassiske brĂŚndstoffer, og reduktioner af forbrug har derfor vĂŚret forbundet med enten forsøg pĂĽ at flytte folk ud af biler eller gennem Euro-normerne pĂĽ europĂŚisk niveau. I lang tid havde Danmark endda den grønneste bilpark i Europa som resultat af afgiftsomlĂŚgningen fra 2007, hvor biler i mikro og mini-segmentet overtog hovedparten af markedsandelene.
Et andet centralt element i omstillingen af transporten, som gør den svÌr at hündtere fra kommunalt niveau er, at der er tale om et centralt element i den personlige følelse af frihed og identitet for den enkelte. [2] Det betyder at standard processer for strategisk energiplanlÌgning ikke pü samme müde kan appliceres i udviklingen af handlingsplaner, da det i høj grad er et spørgsmül om at forandre folks vaner.
Strategisk EnerigplanlÌgning for Transport krÌver süledes en multidisciplinÌr proces, hvor der arbejdes struktureret med interessenter pü tvÌrs af organisationsgrupper, nye müder at tÌnke pü lokal involvering og lokal forankring samt visionÌr sammenkobling med eksisterende tiltag. Elementer, som passer mere til industriens strategiprocesser. Dette paper forsøger at kombinere kendte processer til udarbejdelse af strategiske energiplaner med industrielle strategiprocesser for at definere en ny tilgang til arbejdet med dette omrüde. Den beskrevne proces er testet i samarbejde med ProjectZero og Sønderborg Kommune, hvor resultatet er implementeret politisk og i praksis
Lessons Learned from the Danish EV Living Lab
The success of EVs in the marketplace will highly depend on the end-user acceptance. Insero E-Mobility has examined the user acceptance of EVs through a living lab study, where 80 Danish families used EVs for a period of 8-10 weeks as their only car. The study included a general test and identification of problems faced during usage as well as positive features of the EVs. Fleet potentials were additionally investigated with two trials in departments in Danish municipalities for 14 days. The living lab approach was used to reveal actual and latent needs as well as to facilitate innovation processes with the purpose of rendering input for product and business model development that will increase chance of end-user acceptance of EVs in the future. Long term public user trials has also in the case of the Danish EV Living Lab proven to provide comprehensive and rich amount of information on end customer needs and perceptions that can be used to define value across a range of attributes considered in vehicle purchasing decisions. Key conclusions are that 90% of families found that an EV could fulfil their demands but that range is an important issue even though it is mostly a psychological barrier. For fleets the EVs make sense to an extent depending on the predictability of driving behaviour and available infrastructure.
Document type: Articl
Comparison of zotarolimus-eluting and sirolimus-eluting coronary stents:a study from the Western Denmark Heart Registry
BACKGROUND: We evaluated the effectiveness and safety of a zotarolimus-eluting (ZES) versus a sirolimus-eluting (SES) coronary stent in a large cohort of patients treated with one of these stents in Western Denmark. METHODS: A total of 6,122 patients treated with ZES (n=2,282) or SES (n=3,840) were followed for up to 27 months. We ascertained clinical outcomes based on national medical databases. RESULTS: Incidence of target lesion revascularization (no. per 100 person-years) was 5.3 in the ZES group compared to 1.9 in the SES group (adjusted hazard ratio (HR)=2.19, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 1.39-3.47; p=0.001). All-cause mortality was also higher in the ZES group (ZES: 6.3; SES: 3.3; adjusted HR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.05-1.72; p=0.02), while stent thrombosis (ZES: 1.2; SES: 0.5; adjusted HR=1.98, 95% CI: 0.75-5.23; p=0.14) did not differ significantly. CONCLUSIONS: In agreement with previously published randomised data, this observational study indicated that the ZES was associated with an increased risk of death and TLR in a large cohort of consecutive patients
Randomised comparison of provisional side branch stenting versus a two-stent strategy for treatment of true coronary bifurcation lesions involving a large side branch:the Nordic-Baltic Bifurcation Study IV
Background - It is still uncertain whether coronary bifurcations with lesions involving a large side branch (SB) should be treated by stenting the main vessel and provisional stenting of the SB (simple) or by routine two-stent techniques (complex). We aimed to compare clinical outcome after treatment of lesions in large bifurcations by simple or complex stent implantation.
Methods - The study was a randomised, superiority trial. Enrolment required a SBâĽ2.75âmm, âĽ50% diameter stenosis in both vessels, and allowed SB lesion length up to 15âmm. The primary endpoint was a composite of cardiac death, non-procedural myocardial infarction and target lesion revascularisation at 6âmonths. Two-year clinical follow-up was included in this primary reporting due to lower than expected event rates.
Results - A total of 450 patients were assigned to simple stenting (n=221) or complex stenting (n=229) in 14 Nordic and Baltic centres. Two-year follow-up was available in 218 (98.6%) and 228 (99.5%) patients, respectively. The primary endpoint of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at 6âmonths was 5.5% vs 2.2% (risk differences 3.2%, 95%âCI â0.2 to 6.8, p=0.07) and at 2âyears 12.9% vs 8.4% (HR 0.63, 95%âCI 0.35 to 1.13, p=0.12) after simple versus complex treatment. In the subgroup treated by newer generation drug-eluting stents, MACE was 12.0% vs 5.6% (HR 0.45, 95%âCI 0.17 to 1.17, p=0.10) after simple versus complex treatment.
Conclusion - In the treatment of bifurcation lesions involving a large SB with ostial stenosis, routine two-stent techniques did not improve outcome significantly compared with treatment by the simpler main vessel stenting technique after 2âyears
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