872 research outputs found

    Magnetically-driven electronic phase separation in the semimetallic ferromagnet EuB6_6

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    From measurements of fluctuation spectroscopy and weak nonlinear transport on the semimetallic ferromagnet EuB6_6 we find direct evidence for magnetically-driven electronic phase separation consistent with the picture of percolation of magnetic polarons (MP), which form highly conducting magnetically-ordered clusters in a paramagnetic and 'poorly conducting' background. These different parts of the conducting network are probed separately by the noise spectroscopy/nonlinear transport and the conventional linear resistivity. We suggest a comprehensive and 'universal' scenario for the MP percolation, which occurs at a critical magnetization either induced by ferromagnetic order at zero field or externally applied magnetic fields in the paramagentic region

    Intense pCO2 and [O2] Oscillations in a Mussel-Seagrass Habitat: Implications for Calcification

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    Numerous studies have been conducted on the effect of ocean acidification on calcifiers inhabiting nearshore benthic habitats, such as the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. The majority of these experiments was performed under stable CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), carbonate chemistry and oxygen (O2) levels, reflecting present or expected future open ocean conditions. Consequently, levels and variations occurring in coastal habitats, due to biotic and abiotic processes, were mostly neglected, even though these variations largely override global long-term trends. To highlight this hiatus and guide future research, state-of-the-art technologies were deployed to obtain high-resolution time series of pCO2 and [O2] on a mussel patch within a Zostera marina seagrass bed, in Kiel Bay (western Baltic Sea) in August and September 2013. Combining the in situ data with results of discrete sample measurements, a full seawater carbonate chemistry was derived using statistical models. An average pCO2 more than 50 % (~ 640 µatm) higher than current atmospheric levels was found right above the mussel patch. Diel amplitudes of pCO2 were large: 765 ± 310 (mean ± SD). Corrosive conditions for calcium carbonates (Ωarag and Ωcalc < 1) centered on sunrise were found, but the investigated habitat never experienced hypoxia throughout the study period. It is estimated that mussels experience conditions limiting calcification for 12–15 h per day, based on a regional calcium carbonate concentration physiological threshold. Our findings call for more extensive experiments on the impact of fluctuating corrosive conditions on mussels. We also stress the complexity of the interpretation of carbonate chemistry time series data in such dynamic coastal environments

    Metrology of pH Measurements in Brackish Waters—Part 2: Experimental Characterization of Purified meta-Cresol Purple for Spectrophotometric pHT Measurements

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    Spectrophotometric pH measurements allow for an accurate quantification of acid-base equilibria in natural waters, provided that the physico-chemical properties of the indicator dye are well known. Here we present the first characterization of purified m-Cresol Purple (mCP) directly linked to a primary pH standard in the salinity range 5–20. Results were obtained from mCP absorption measurements in TRIS buffer solutions. The pHT of identical buffer solutions was previously determined by Harned cell measurements in a coordinated series of experiments. The contribution of the TRIS/HCl component to the ionic strength of the buffer solutions increases toward lower salinity: This was taken into account by extrapolating the determined pK2e2 to zero buffer concentration, thereby establishing access to a true hydrogen ion concentration scale for the first time. The results of this study were extended with previous determinations of pK2e2 at higher and lower salinity and a pK2e2 model was fitted to the combined data set. For future investigations that include measurements in the salinity range 5–20, pHT should be calculated according to this pK2e2 model, which can also be used without shortcomings for salinities 0–40 and temperatures from 278.15 to 308.15 K. It should be noted that conceptual limitations and methodical uncertainties are not yet adequately addressed for pHT determinations at very low ionic strength

    Assessment of Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Models for Ocean Carbon Sink Estimates in RECCAP2 and Recommendations for Future Studies

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    The ocean is a major carbon sink and takes up 25%–30% of the anthropogenically emitted CO2. A state-of-the-art method to quantify this sink are global ocean biogeochemistry models (GOBMs), but their simulated CO2 uptake differs between models and is systematically lower than estimates based on statistical methods using surface ocean pCO2 and interior ocean measurements. Here, we provide an in-depth evaluation of ocean carbon sink estimates from 1980 to 2018 from a GOBM ensemble. As sources of inter-model differences and ensemble-mean biases our study identifies (a) the model setup, such as the length of the spin-up, the starting date of the simulation, and carbon fluxes from rivers and into sediments, (b) the simulated ocean circulation, such as Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Southern Ocean mode and intermediate water formation, and (c) the simulated oceanic buffer capacity. Our analysis suggests that a late starting date and biases in the ocean circulation cause a too low anthropogenic CO2 uptake across the GOBM ensemble. Surface ocean biogeochemistry biases might also cause simulated anthropogenic fluxes to be too low, but the current setup prevents a robust assessment. For simulations of the ocean carbon sink, we recommend in the short-term to (a) start simulations at a common date before the industrialization and the associated atmospheric CO2 increase, (b) conduct a sufficiently long spin-up such that the GOBMs reach steady-state, and (c) provide key metrics for circulation, biogeochemistry, and the land-ocean interface. In the long-term, we recommend improving the representation of these metrics in the GOBMs

    Identification of single-point mutations in mycobacterial 16S rRNA sequences by confocal single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy

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    We demonstrate the specific identification of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) responsible for rifampicin resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis applying fluorescently labeled DNA-hairpin structures (smart probes) in combination with single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy. Smart probes are singly labeled hairpin-shaped oligonucleotides bearing a fluorescent dye at the 5′ end that is quenched by guanosine residues in the complementary stem. Upon hybridization to target sequences, a conformational change occurs, reflected in a strong increase in fluorescence intensity. An excess of unlabeled (‘cold’) oligonucleotides was used to prevent the formation of secondary structures in the target sequence and thus facilitates hybridization of smart probes. Applying standard ensemble fluorescence spectroscopy we demonstrate the identification of SNPs in PCR amplicons of mycobacterial rpoB gene fragments with a detection sensitivity of 10(−8) M. To increase the detection sensitivity, confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to observe fluorescence bursts of individual smart probes freely diffusing through the detection volume. By measuring burst size, burst duration and fluorescence lifetime for each fluorescence burst the discrimination accuracy between closed and open (hybridized) smart probes could be substantially increased. The developed technique enables the identification of SNPs in 10(−11) M solutions of PCR amplicons from M.tuberculosis in only 100 s

    Requirement of the Dynein-Adaptor Spindly for Mitotic and Post-Mitotic Functions in Drosophila

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    Spindly was originally identified as a specific regulator of Dynein activity at the kinetochore. In early prometaphase, Spindly recruits the Dynein/Dynactin complex, promoting the establishment of stable kinetochore-microtubule interactions and progression into anaphase. While details of Spindly function in mitosis have been worked out in cultured human cells and in the C. elegans zygote, the function of Spindly within the context of an organism has not yet been addressed. Here, we present loss- and gain-of-function studies of Spindly using transgenic RNAi in Drosophila. Knock-down of Spindly in the female germ line results in mitotic arrest during embryonic cleavage divisions. We investigated the requirements of Spindly protein domains for its localisation and function, and found that the carboxy-terminal region controls Spindly localisation in a cell-type specific manner. Overexpression of Spindly in the female germ line is embryonic lethal and results in altered egg morphology. To determine whether Spindly plays a role in post-mitotic cells, we altered Spindly protein levels in migrating cells and found that ovarian border cell migration is sensitive to the levels of Spindly protein. Our study uncovers novel functions of Spindly and a differential, functional requirement for its carboxy-terminal region in Drosophila

    The Hamiltonian of the V15_{15} Spin System from first-principles Density-Functional Calculations

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    We report first-principles all-electron density-functional based studies of the electronic structure, magnetic ordering and anisotropy for the V15_{15} molecular magnet. From these calculations, we determine a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with four antiferromagnetic and one {\em ferromagnetic} coupling. We perform direct diagonalization to determine the temperature dependence of the susceptibility. This Hamiltonian reproduces the experimentally observed spin SS=1/2 ground state and low-lying SS=3/2 excited state. A small anisotropy term is necessary to account for the temperature independent part of the magnetization curve.Comment: 4 pages in RevTeX format + 2 ps-figures, accepted by PRL Feb. 2001 (previous version was an older version of the paper

    Multi-chromatic control of mammalian gene expression and signaling

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    The emergence and future of mammalian synthetic biology depends on technologies for orchestrating and custom tailoring complementary gene expression and signaling processes in a predictable manner. Here, we demonstrate for the first time multi-chromatic expression control in mammalian cells by differentially inducing up to three genes in a single cell culture in response to light of different wavelengths. To this end, we developed an ultraviolet B (UVB)-inducible expression system by designing a UVB-responsive split transcription factor based on the Arabidopsis thaliana UVB receptor UVR8 and the WD40 domain of COP1. The system allowed high (up to 800-fold) UVB-induced gene expression in human, monkey, hamster and mouse cells. Based on a quantitative model, we determined critical system parameters. By combining this UVB-responsive system with blue and red light-inducible gene control technology, we demonstrate multi-chromatic multi-gene control by differentially expressing three genes in a single cell culture in mammalian cells, and we apply this system for the multi-chromatic control of angiogenic signaling processes. This portfolio of optogenetic tools enables the design and implementation of synthetic biological networks showing unmatched spatiotemporal precision for future research and biomedical application

    Implantation of a colorectal stent as a therapeutic approach in the treatment of esophageal leakage

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    BACKGROUND: While the mortality of esophageal surgery has decreased due to technological advancements, there is still a complication rate of about 30%. One of the main complications is the anastomotic leakage associated with a significant rate of morbidity and mortality. To close the leakage the efficacy of self-expanding stents (SES) has been shown in different studies. However, the high rate of stent migration limits the use of commercial available stents. In our case we were faced with the problem that the diameter of all available stents was too small to attach tightly to the mucosal wall of the esophagogastric anastomosis. CASE PRESENTATION: We used, for the first time to our knowledge, a metal stent designed for colorectal application in an extensive anastomotic leak after esophageal resection in a patient with an esophageal cancer. After primary surgery with subtotal esohagectomy the anastomotic leak was stented endoscopically with a Polyflex self-expanding covered plastic stent after no response to intensive conventional management. Even though the stent was placed correctly, the diameter of the Polyflex stent was too small to attach onto the wall of the esophagogastric anastomosis. Again surgery was performed with a thoracal resection of the esophageal remnant and a hand made anastomosis. Unfortunately, again an anastomotic leak was detected soon after. To close the leak we decided to use a covered colorectal stent (Hanarostent) with an inner diameter of 30 mm. Sixteen weeks later the stent was extracted and complete mucosal healing of the esophageal leak was observed. CONCLUSION: The stent implantation with a large wide diameter offers a good chance to close more extensive leaks and prevent stent migration

    Imaging the Renner-Teller effect using laser-induced electron diffraction

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    Structural information on electronically excited neutral molecules can be indirectly retrieved, largely through pump-probe and rotational spectroscopy measurements with the aid of calculations. Here, we demonstrate the direct structural retrieval of neutral carbonyl disulfide (CS2_2) in the B1^1B2_2 excited electronic state using laser-induced electron diffraction (LIED). We unambiguously identify the ultrafast symmetric stretching and bending of the field-dressed neutral CS2_2 molecule with combined picometer and attosecond resolution using intrapulse pump-probe excitation and measurement. We invoke the Renner-Teller effect to populate the B1^1B2_2 excited state in neutral CS2_2, leading to bending and stretching of the molecule. Our results demonstrate the sensitivity of LIED in retrieving the geometric structure of CS2_2, which is known to appear as a two-center scatterer
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