6,138 research outputs found

    Annotated Bibliography: The Reference Desk: Grand Idea or Gone Down the River?

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    This bibliography is from a panel presentation at the 2017 ACL Conference. The goal of this panel was to explore different rationales or sets of values that illustrated the continuation of the reference desk and reference service as essential to the success of the academic community. We discovered that “what to do with reference” is far from a settled question. We discovered passionate arguments, diverse models, and an array of data. In this current stage of figuring out the value of academic libraries to the campus as a whole and to students in particular, it seemed that there was limited hard data connecting Reference services to how they met students’ needs. How do we make ourselves valuable, important, essential, and useful? Maybe we need to change our model? If so, how do we examine ourselves and our environment appropriately to make this happen? What factors should we examine? Which ones must we keep? What things can we discard or change? When students come to seek assistance, they generally need the short, instant, and personal help, without having to attend a whole training session or class. Individual and personalized guidance for their immediate need is the most important factor for them. How do libraries provide that

    The Impact of French Opera in Nineteenth-Century New York: The New Orleans French Opera Company, 1827–1845

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    This dissertation examines the influence of French opera through the touring New Orleans French Opera Company’s summer seasons in early nineteenth-century New York City. In that burgeoning operatic environment, I provide an account of the company’s interaction with both resident and traveling opera companies, beginning with the visit of Manuel García’s company in 1825–26. The French Opera Company, which performed in 1827–33, 1843, and 1845, brought new approaches in performance practice and current opera repertoire to the New World. While Italian opera companies were sought after, I demonstrate that the works coming from Paris—either in French or in English translation—were both critically admired and more successful with audiences than the Italian works. In addition, I include details about the New York French community that demonstrate the influence of the Old World. Over a span of two decades, foreign-language opera in New York City began as a cultural experiment and ended in a flood of touring companies. The performances and reception of the New Orleans French Opera Company were integral in laying the foundation for future companies

    An exploratory study on the effect of positive (warmth appeal) and negative (guilt appeal) print imagery on donation behaviour in animal welfare

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    Very few studies in social marketing empirically compare the effectiveness of positive and negative appeals. This study examines the effect of positive (warmth appeal) and negative (guilt appeal) print imagery on donation behaviour to an animal welfare organisation. A quasiexperimental design was used to test the appeals, using a convenience sample of 282 university students, with each experimental group being exposed to only one type of appeal. The results indicated that negative imagery which evoked guilt was more effective than positive imagery which evoked warmth, on intention to donate money and time to the animal welfare organisation

    Measuring Source Credibility with Generation Y: An Application to Messages about Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

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    In recent years there have been widespread media campaigns directed at communicating to young people the potential risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. Increasingly, these messages are being developed by industry organisations as well as government and health agencies, raising questions as to the credibility of these industry sources. In this study, university students were provided with the names of fourteen sources of campaigns directed at encouraging responsible alcohol consumption and smoking cessation. We found that the overall rating was effective in terms of identifying the different levels of perceived credibility in regards to the sources, but examination of those individual dimensions added useful information as to why a source was perceived as being more or less credible

    Antibody responses to a Cryptosporidium parvum rCP15/60 vaccine

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    Cryptosporidium parvum is a zoonotic apicomplexa-protozoan pathogen that causes gastroenteritis and diarrhoea in mammals worldwide. The organism is transmitted by ingestion of oocysts, which are shed in faeces, and completes its lifecycle in a single host.^1^ C. parvum is ubiquitous on dairy operations worldwide and is one of the leading causes of diarrhoea in calves on these farms.^2,3^ Here, for the first time, we describe the antibody response in a large group of cows to a recombinant C. parvum oocyst surface protein (rCP15/60) vaccine and the antibody response in calves fed rCP15/60-immune colostrum produced by these vaccinated cows. Results of recent genotype surveys indicate that calves are the only major reservoir for C. parvum infections in humans.^4^ Human C. parvum infections are particularly prevalent and often fatal in neonates in developing countries and to immunocompromised people, such as AIDs patients.^4^ Drug therapy against cryptosporidiosis is limited and not wholly efficacious in either humans or calves^5^, making development of an effective vaccine of paramount importance. To date, there is no commercially available effective vaccine against C. parvum, although passive immunization utilizing different zoite surface (glyco)proteins has showed promise.^6-9^ All cows we vaccinated produced an antibody response to the rCP15/60 vaccine and the magnitude of response correlated strongly with the subsequent level of antibody in their colostrum. All calves fed rCP15/60-immune colostrum showed a dose-dependent absorption of antibody. Our results demonstrate that vaccination of cows with rCP15/60 successfully induces antibodies against CP15/60 in their serum and colostrum and that these antibodies are then well absorbed when fed to neonatal calves. With further research, this C. parvum vaccine may well be a practical method of conferring passive protection to calves against cryptosporidiosis. Furthermore, a specifically targeted immune-colostrum may be valuable in protection and treatment of immunocompromised human patients with cryptosporidiosis

    Mind-Body Skills Groups for Adolescents with Depression in Primary Care: A Pilot Study

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    Objective: To determine acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of Mind-Body Skills Groups (MBSGs) as a treatment for depressed adolescents in primary care. Methods: A single arm clinical trial was conducted. A 10-week MBSG program was implemented in primary care. Participants completed self-report measures at baseline, post-intervention, and 3-months following the MBSGs. Measures included the Children’s Depression Inventory-2, Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, Self-Efficacy for Depressed Adolescents, rumination subscale of the Children’s Response Style Questionnaire, and a short acceptability questionnaire. Results: Participants included 43 adolescents. The total depression scores significantly improved following the MBSG intervention and continued to improve significantly from post-treatment to follow-up. Mindfulness, self-efficacy, rumination, and suicidal ideation all had significant improvement following the intervention. Acceptability of the program was strong, and attendance was excellent. Discussion: Preliminary evidence suggests that MBSGs are an acceptable treatment for primary care settings and lead to improved depression symptoms in adolescents.Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center and the Herbert Simon Family Foundation (070241-00002B

    The Role of Extracurricular Activities and Lectures in Mitigating Medical Student Burnout

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    CONTEXT: Strong evidence throughout the literature highlights burnout as a significant and increasing problem among medical students, impacting students\u27 ability to effectively care for and empathize with patients. OBJECTIVES: To examine how involvement in extracurricular activities and attendance at burnout lectures can impact burnout among medical students. METHODS: An anonymous digital survey including the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was sent to all students (n=765) at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine. The survey included questions regarding the number of burnout/wellness lectures respondents had attended, the number of clubs in which the respondents participated, the number of hours spent in these clubs, and any leadership positions held by the respondents. RESULTS: Of the 765 students enrolled, 597 completed the survey. Results indicated that women participated in significantly more clubs than men ( CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate the importance of understanding what drives burnout on the individual level and adapting interventions to suit the needs of individual students, rather than the student body as a whole

    Enantioselective Synthesis of a Hydroxymethyl-cis-1,3-cyclopentenediol Building Block

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    A brief, enantioselective synthesis of a hydroxymethyl-cis-1,3-cyclopentenediol building block is presented. This scaffold allows access to the cis-1,3-cyclopentanediol fragments found in a variety of biologically active natural and non-natural products. This rapid and efficient synthesis is highlighted by the utilization of the palladium-catalyzed enantioselective allylic alkylation of dioxanone substrates to prepare tertiary alcohols
