181 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang Potensi Pengembangan Bukit UMMAT Sebagai Tujuan Wisata di Desa Batu Bolong Kecamatan Batu Layar Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Pengembangan sektor pariwisata secara langsung dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat terutama masyarakat lokal pada masing-masing destinasi wisata. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah 1) Bagaimana Potensi Pengembangan Bukit UMMAT Sebagai Tujuan Wisata, di Desa Batu Bolong, Kecamatan Batu Layar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat?. Tujuan penelitian 1) Untuk mengetahui Potensi Pengembangan Bukit UMMAT Sebagai Tujuan Wisata di Desa Batu Bolong, Kecamatan Batu Layar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penentuan informan adalah purposive sampling. Macam-macam informan dalam penelitian ini adalah informan kunci dan informan biasa. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, metode wawancara, metode dokumentasi. Jenis data kualitatif. Sumber data yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah peneliti itu sendiri. Metode analisis data yaitu, data reducation (data reduksi), data display (penyajian data), dan conclusion drawing/ verifikation. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa potensi yang ada pada kawasan objek wisata Bukit UMMAT yaitu sebagai berikut: 1) potensi alam 2) potensi budaya 3) potensi manusia/ SDM
Non-Abelian Born-Infeld Action and Type I - Heterotic Duality (II): Nonrenormalization Theorems
Type I - heterotic duality in D=10 predicts various relations and constraints
on higher order F^n couplings at different string loop levels on both sides. We
prove the vanishing of two-loop corrections to the heterotic F^4 terms, which
is one of the basic predictions from this duality. Furthermore, we show that
the heterotic F^5 and (CP even) F^6 couplings are not renormalized at one loop.
These results strengthen the conjecture that in D=10 any Tr F^(2n) coupling
appears only at the disc tree-level on type I side and at (n-1)-loop level on
the heterotic side. Our non-renormalization theorems are valid in any heterotic
string vacuum with sixteen supercharges.Comment: 35 pages, harvmac; cosmetic changes; final version to appear in NP
Resource scarcity and social identity in the political conflicts in Burundi
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since Burundi gained independence in 1962, this country has experienced periods of mass
communal violence. Extensive scholarly research has focused on exploring the factors
behind, and the nature of, the conflicts in Burundi from a socio-ethnic perspective. There has,
however, been a persistent lack of attention paid to the inextricable relationship between
environmental factors; particularly the scarcity of resources, coupled with rapid population
growth; and Burundiâs recent history of internal conflict. Noteworthy explanatory factors,
which are often ignored in literature on the environment and conflict, have thus motivated
this study. Burundi is an example of this reality because of a highly dependent agricultural
economy and a constant growing population. This study used a descriptive analysis, as
methodological tool; in order to gain an understanding of Burundiâs land question - that is,
how limited access to land and the constantly increasing population have led to
environmental degradation, that served as motivational trigger factors for the violent political
conflicts that occurred at various periods between 1965 and 1993 in this country. This study
addresses this epistemological gap. In order to explore the nexus between environmental
factors, land access, population growth and the political conflicts in Burundi, this study draws
and builds upon Jared Diamondâs (2005) five point framework of potential trigger factors to
environmental collapse. Moreover, Diamondâs (2005) ecocide theory argues that there are
eight specific indicators to demonstrate how societies undermine themselves by damaging
their own environment; thus resulting in an ecocide. This theory was applied to the two main
environmental variables examined in this study. More specifically, this theoretical
perspective provided a base for exploring how land issues, population growth, environmental
degradation and political change can be understood as important precursors to the violent
conflicts in Burundi. What may be surmised by this study; is that there is indeed a positive
correlation between these forces, where the values of the independent variables (land access
and population growth) are associated with the values of the dependent variable (violent conflict). This correlation, therefore, calls for an acknowledgement of the complexity of the
Burundian conflicts and that ethnicity which has dominated contemporary conflict analysis is
but one of several social rifts.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert Burundi in 1962 onafhanklikheid verkry het, het hierdie land periodes van massa
gewelddadige politieke konflik ervaar. Uitgebreide wetenskaplike navorsing het daarop
gefokus om die faktore agter die gebeure, sowel as die aard van die konflik in Burundi vanuit
ân sosio-etniese perspektief, te ondersoek. Tog word daar steeds gebrekkige aandag geskenk
aan die onlosmaaklike verhouding tussen omgewingsfaktore, veral gebrek aan hulpbronne,
gepaardgaande met die voortgesette bevolkingsaanwas; asook Burundi se onlangse
geskiedenis van interne konflik. Noemenswaardige gapings, wat dikwels in die verklarende
literatuur geĂŻgnoreer word, het dus hierdie studie gemotiveer. Burundi is ân voorbeeld van
hierdie werklikheid omdat die land baie afhanklik van landbou is; as gevolg van die
kontstante bevolkingsaanwas in die land. Hierdie navorsing het beskrywende analise as ân
metodologiese instrument gebruik om insig te kry oor Burundi se grondkwessie â met ander
woorde hoe die beperkte toegang tot grond en ân toenemende bevolkingsaanwas gelei het tot
die agteruitgang van die omgewing. Bostaande faktore het as motiverende sneller faktore
gedien, wat aanleiding gegee het tot die gewelddadige politieke konflik, wat gedurende
verskillende periodes tussen 1965 en 1993 in hierdie land ontstaan het. Hierdie studie poog
dus om hierdie epistomologiese gaping aan te spreek. Ten einde die verband (nexus) tussen
omgewingsfaktore, grondbesit, bevolkingsaanwas en die politieke konflikte in Burundi te
ondersoek, steun en bou hierdie studie voort op Jared Diamond (2005) se vyfpunt raamwerk
van potensiële sneller faktore, wat lei tot omgewings ineenstorting. Verder beweer Diamond
(2005) se omgewings uitwissing (ecocide) teorie dat daar agt spesifieke aanduidings is om te
demonstreer hoe gemeenskappe hulself ondermyn deur hul eie omgewing te
beskadig/vernietig: wat uitloop op omgewings uitwissing (ecocide). Hierdie teorie is
aangewend in die twee hoof omgewings veranderlikes, wat in die studie/ navorsing
ondersoek is. Hierdie teoretiese perspektief het ook spesifiek ân basis voorsien om te
ondersoek hoe grondkwessies, bevolkingsaanwas, omgewings agteruitgang en politieke
verandering verstaan kan word as belangrike aanwysers van die geweldadige konflik in Burundi. Deur middel van hierdie studie kan ân duidelike opsomming gemaak word dat daar
inderdaad ân positiewe korrelasie tussen hierdie magte voorkom, waar die waardes van die
onafhanklike veranderlike (toegang tot grond en bevolkingsgroei) geassosieer word met die
waardes van die afhanklike veranderlike (geweldadige konflik). Hierdie korrelasie verg dus
ân beroep om erkenning te gee aan die kompleksiteit van konflik in Burundi. Hierdie etniese
debat, wat tans die oorheersende konflik aanvuur, is maar net een van die verskeie
interpretasies van sosiale breekpunte in Burundi is
Vanishing Perturbative Vacuum Energy in Non-Supersymmetric Orientifolds
We present a novel source for supersymmetry breaking in orientifold models,
and show that it gives a vanishing contribution to the vacuum energy at genus
zero and three-half. We also argue that all the corresponding perturbative
contributions to the vacuum energy from higher-genus Riemann surfaces vanish
identically.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Final discussion and Refs adde
School Management in Community Secondary Schools in Rombo District: Effects on the Students Academic Performance
The research on Effects of school Management on Students academic Performance in Community Secondary schools in Rombo District Council was done using a sample of 160 respondents consisting of the head of schools, academic masters/mistress, teachers and form four students chosen from thirty-four Community Secondary Schools (CSS) in Rombo. Primary data was collected through questionnaire and interview to assess the capability of heads of schools in managing schools; the strategies they use to improve studentsâ academic performance, and the efficacy of those strategies. The study found out that out of 10 head of schools none had undergone management training. The popular strategies that head of schools use to improve studentsâ academic performance, ranged from motivating teachers to sanctions. Although most of the heads of schools did not have the formal management training, their management strategies were efficient given the situation of the community secondary schools in Rombo district. Summary of the conclusion: The study recommends that the Government should consider training of the school heads so as to ensure quality management of the schools. It is also imploring the school managers to make efforts in developing themselves academically. The study further recommends that management skills to be added in teachers training programme to expose teachers to management issues. Future researchers on this topic try to find out how school heads can collaborate more in their managerial activities so as to enhance efficiency in quality education that is provided in these schools
Connections between M-theory and superstrings
This article reviews the non-perturbative structure of certain higher
derivative terms in the type II string theory effective action and their
connection to one-loop effects in eleven-dimensional supergravity compactified
on a torus. New material is also included that was not presented in the talks.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX. Based on talks given at various conferences. To be
published in the proceedings of the 1997 Advanced Study Institute on Strings,
Branes and Dualities, Cargese, Franc
Commutator Anomaly in Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics
In this letter, firstly, the Schrdinger equation on noncommutative
phase space is given by using a generalized Bopp's shift. Then the anomaly term
of commutator of arbitrary physical observable operators on noncommutative
phase space is obtained. Finally, the basic uncertainty relations for
space-space and space-momentum as well as momentum-momentum operators in
noncommutative quantum mechanics (NCQM), and uncertainty relation for arbitrary
physical observable operators in NCQM are discussed.Comment: 7 page
Type IIB Conjectures
We propose (and ) invariant conjectures for all couplings of Type IIB strings on (and ),
generalizing conjectures of Green and Gutperle (and Kiritsis and Pioline) for
the coupling. A strong check for our conjectures is that on at weak
coupling, they reproduce the multiloop scattering amplitudes which had been
previously computed using N=2 strings in the N=4 topological formalism.
Applications to string production in a background field,
generalizing Schwinger's computation for pair production in constant field,
are suggested.Comment: Added three reference
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