144 research outputs found

    A Strategic Audit of SeaWorld

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    This project is a strategic audit for SeaWorld Entertainment. The purpose of this report is to analyze the firm through multiple different perspectives and analyze the competitive advantage the business is pursuing. The project considers internal and external environments, strategic leadership, organizational structure, and resources to determine if and what type of competitive advantage the firm holds. Furthermore, it considers current events and strategic decisions, and how those relate to the overall strategy. A strategic audit is crucial to understanding the innerworkings of a firm. The factors that were analyzed are interconnected and performing a strategic audit can allow for discrepancies in strategy to be recognized. Ultimately, the audit is an important tool for investors, businesses, and individuals alike to understand the firm’s position in the industry


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    ABSTRACT Lintang Jendro Rahmadita, E0012233. OVERVIEW OF CANCELLATION BY LAW THE INDICTMENT BY THE JUDGE AND IMPLICATIONS AGAINST THE AUTHORITY PROSECUTION OF PUBLIC PROSECUTOR AGAINST IN DEFAMATORY CASE AT MATARAM DISTRICT COURT WITHIN INTERVAL VERDICT NUMBER 276/PID.B/2013/PN.MTR. Faculty of Law Sebelas Maret University. Research aims to determine cancellation by law the indictment by the judge and the prosecution authority implications public prosecutor against the defamation case Mataram District Court within Interval Verdict Number: 276/Pid.B/2013/PN.Mtr. Method used prescriptive normative research and applied research. Sources of law materials used the primary law and secondary law. Data collection techniques used literature study. Law material analysis techniques use the method of deductive syllogism with patterns of thinking. Based on the results of research conducted by the authors concluded that indictment are the basis or framework of the examination of the defendant in a trial, the manufacture of indictment by public prosecutor has many shortcomings because it does not in accordance with Article 143 Paragraph (2) b within Criminal Procedure Code, which result in law null and void the indictment. Implications of public prosecutor prosecution in this case are which interval verdict the verdict that have not touched on the case subject. The judge accepted the exception of the defendant or law advisor, in accordance with the relative competencies associated with authority tribunal to prosecute all criminal case committed in the jurisdiction, in this case the defendant LALU KAHARUDIN, S. Sos, IWAN PAHLAWAN BALUKEA, YOSEP ANDREAS RUKU MAN, and ANDIK BUDI HARIONO domiciled in Mataram, then standing of verdict are at court first instance, in this case Mataram district court. Keywords: The Indictment, Cancellation By Law, Defamation

    Shoe Dance

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    The Use of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) to Produce Functional Movement in Individuals with Paraplegia

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) affects approximately 7600 to 11000 people per year, and alters every aspect of the individuals\u27 lives. SCI primarily affects young Caucasian adults. The majority are between 16 to 30 years old, with the average age being 19. Motor vehicle accidents account for 35% to 40% of SCI cases reported, with violence in close second at 25%. Currently, the highest neurological category is of complete paraplegia followed by incomplete quadriplegia. SCIs often cause many complications due to decreased physical activity and changes in bodily functions. Among treatment options, functional electrical stimulation (FES) is used to restore a variety of physical and physiological functions. Some of the most promising and controversial research lies in the areas of bowel and bladder elimination, gait and exercise training, and also walking. It functions by stimulating the peripheral nerve, sending electrical impulses through electrodes placed on the skin in order to generate a muscular contraction. The goal of FES is to generate purposeful, goal-oriented movement, aimed at completing a task. Based on past research, FES has shown to benefit paralyzed individuals by reducing secondary complications, improving physiological responses, producing bone and muscle changes, and increasing cardiovascular fitness. The purpose of this literature review is to determine whether or not FES produces beneficial functional movement in paraplegics. The procedure used to perform this study will be a literature review based on a collection of journal entries, articles, statistics, and experimentations of scientists, various health professionals, and other researchers


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    Canicross is competitive team sport in which a human athlete is towed via a canine athlete on an elastic gangline. Although drastically understudied, it is likely that canicross performance comes down to differences in human aspects, canine aspects and the interaction between human and canine. The purpose of this study is to identify and assess the influences of several performance factors on a time trial canicross event. Survey data was taken upon arrival at the event. During the event, video was taken at five locations along the trail of two different competitive canicross events. Correlation analysis was used to identify relationships between all independent variables taken from survey and video data. Further, a multiple linear regression analysis was used to predict time-trial performance and a one-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine differences in synchronization scores across locations. The results of this study found significant correlations between performance and the time spent in training without the dog, as well as, normal dog position. Regression analysis revealed that performance can be predicted via percentage of time spent in overall canine front left foot flight and overall human mid-stance, in relation to overall stride. Lastly, synchronization scores did not differ significantly across locations. Future research should continue to investigate optimal synchronization patterns in high-level canicross athletes

    Understanding the nature and experiences of work and employment within the context of public sector reforms in professional work

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    The thesis provides a broad examination of the dynamics of public sector reform under austerity and working conditions in the context of professional values. A multilevel framework for understanding influences on, and dynamics in, professional experiences of work and employment in public service subject to neoliberal reform is proposed. Social influences, namely professional values and identities, are seen as central to understanding evaluations of job characteristics within this context. The framework accounts for the particular nature of employment relations in public service which are characterised by tensions in the competing interests of the neoliberal state as employer/reformer and the professions working within them as well as their representation by trade unions. Across two empirical case studies in the Scottish context, namely Further Education colleges and Fire and Rescue Services, drawing on qualitative methods, the following are explored: (1) macro-level reform and the connected fiscal policy context in which public sector work and employment are embedded; (2) profession-level influences (professional values as encapsulated in shared identities); (3) two sets of working conditions relating to characteristics of work and employment; and (4) individual experiences of this interdynamic of influences. This has supported a reconceptualisation of the social dimensions of work, and in particular of additional sources of intensity in work, which in this research were revealed through the lens of professional values. The multidimensional nature of social characteristics of professional jobs in public service, including the importance of prosocial job characteristics within this context, is emphasised.The thesis provides a broad examination of the dynamics of public sector reform under austerity and working conditions in the context of professional values. A multilevel framework for understanding influences on, and dynamics in, professional experiences of work and employment in public service subject to neoliberal reform is proposed. Social influences, namely professional values and identities, are seen as central to understanding evaluations of job characteristics within this context. The framework accounts for the particular nature of employment relations in public service which are characterised by tensions in the competing interests of the neoliberal state as employer/reformer and the professions working within them as well as their representation by trade unions. Across two empirical case studies in the Scottish context, namely Further Education colleges and Fire and Rescue Services, drawing on qualitative methods, the following are explored: (1) macro-level reform and the connected fiscal policy context in which public sector work and employment are embedded; (2) profession-level influences (professional values as encapsulated in shared identities); (3) two sets of working conditions relating to characteristics of work and employment; and (4) individual experiences of this interdynamic of influences. This has supported a reconceptualisation of the social dimensions of work, and in particular of additional sources of intensity in work, which in this research were revealed through the lens of professional values. The multidimensional nature of social characteristics of professional jobs in public service, including the importance of prosocial job characteristics within this context, is emphasised


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    Merokok merupakan masalah kesehatan yang masih menjadi masalah baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Anak-anak merupakan kelompok yang rentan untuk menjadi perokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada siswa pendidikan dasar di Kecamatan Sidoharjo Kabupaten Sragen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan pendekatan rancangan case control. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa pendidikan dasar yang ada di Kecamatan Sidoharjo sebanyak 56 siswa pada sampel kasus dan 56 siswa pada sampel kontrol. Sedangkan untuk teknik pengambilan sampelnya menggunakan teknik snowball pada sampel kasus dan simple random sampling pada sampel kontrol. Uji statistik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data penelitian ini adalah uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor perilaku orang tua (p = 0,008; OR = 2,815), lingkungan pergaulan (p = 0,000; OR = 7,109), dan iklan (p = 0,000 ;OR = 1,410) dengan perilaku merokok pada siswa pendidikan dasar. Namun, tak ada hubungan antara faktor pengetahuan, uang saku, guru dan kantin dengan perilaku merokok pada siswa pendidikan dasar

    Asetilasi Kayu Rambutan (Nephelium Lappaceum L), Cempedak (Artocarpus Integer Merr), Dan Rambai (Baccaurea Montleyana Muell. Arg)

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    The utilization of fruit woods increased according of increasing human needs. Several weakness of fruit woods were bad dimensional stability and susceptible wood from termite attack. Preservation can improve the dimensional stability and increase the wood from termite attack. One preservation method of was acetylation. The research purpose were to known the effect of rambutan, cempedak and rambai woods variety and acetic acid concentration to retention value, to evaluated the dimention stability and Weight Percent Gain and to evaluated durability from attack termite based on graveyard test and laboratory test. Some kind of wood such as rambutan, cempedak and rambai woods were treated by soaking during 2 weeks with acetic acid concentration of 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. The results showed the effective retention on rambai wood with concentration of 20% was 3.81%. The high dimention stability ASE on rambutan wood with concentration of 15% was 73.37%, and the high WPG on rambai wood with concentration of 25% was 46.66%. The increasing of acetid acid concentration caused the increasing retention and wood resistance from termite attack in graveyard test and laboratory test


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    Obstacle Crossing in Healthy Young and Older Individuals

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    Introduction: In the United States, the average population age is rising and will continue to increase in the coming years.With an older population comes increased risk of injury associated with falls. Falls are considered a leading cause of injury and death in older individuals, and many falls are caused by body imbalance or obstacle collision due to a clearly visible stationary object (e.g., rug, chair, branch). Older adults tend to cross obstacles with increased toe clearance in order to prevent tripping, but much of what is known about obstacle crossing in older adults is limited to artificial obstacles that are unique to the laboratory. Currently, there is little data about how older adults cross the varied types of obstacles that are likely encountered during community ambulation. Thus, this study compared measures of obstacle crossing between young and older adults. Methods: Fifteen healthy, older adults (68 ± 6 years) and fifteen healthy, young adults (23 ± 2 years) completed a series of obstructed walking trials within the lab while barefoot. A 3D motion capture system tracked participants while they completed at least ten trials of walking for each obstacle along an 8-meter walkway. Obstacles were presented in a randomized order. Participants were instructed to “walk at a comfortable pace, stepping over the obstacle along the way”. The obstacles were a branch and a parking curb, representing natural obstacles, and a dowel rod, the traditional obstacle in laboratory studies. Vertical and horizontal toe clearance was measured to assess crossing strategies. Results: Older individuals crossed the branch, the curb, and the dowel with increased margins of safety when compared to younger adults, which can be seen through the significantly higher foot clearance, specifically the lead toe clearance (p= .013), and trail toe clearance (p= .001). The curb had a smaller approach and landing distance due to the depth. Regardless of age, the dowel was crossed with a greater margin of safety than the branch and the curb, shown by higher leading and trailing limb toe clearances. The dowel also caused the greatest decrease in gait speed. Discussion: These results show that older individuals increase foot clearance in both the leading and trailing limbs to prevent tripping, supporting the idea that the obstacle is perceived as a greater risk by older individuals. Interestingly, the branch and the curb appear to be less threatening than the dowel rod based on toe clearances. The smaller approach distance and landing distance for the curb, which can be attributed to its depth, suggest step length is maintained across obstacle types, regardless of the increased risk of obstacle contact
