62 research outputs found

    Novi analitski pristopi v kontroli kakovosti in varnosti v produkciji fermentiranih pijač edisertacija

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    The exploitation of microorganisms for fermentation goes back centuries. Two types of fermentation are usually used in the winemaking process – alcoholic fermentation and malolactic fermentation. Nowadays, inoculated fermentations with the use of starter cultures are commonly used in order to produce wine with more consistent quality. However, wines can lack in flavour complexity, so scientists and the industry are constantly looking for new and improved starters that can be adapted to different types of wine. In this work we focused on the development and implementation of novel analytical methods for wine quality control. In the course of method development native yeasts and lactic acid bacteria isolates were characterized for wine starter properties. We focused on the determination of biologically active compounds that determine wine quality and safety. Yeasts can influence wine colour through their adsorption capacity and synthesis of stable colour pigments pyranoanthocyanins and lactic acid bacteria can produce biogenic amines which can have adverse detrimental health effects on sensitive consumers when they are present in wines


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    U ovom završnom radu proučava se rizični kapital koji je kao izvor financiranja još uvijek najrazvijeniji u SAD-u. No polako se razvija i u ostalim zemljama, te dolazi do povećanja broja ulaganja čiji pozitivni rezultati utječu na zainteresiranost ostalih poduzetnika za ovim tipom financiranja. Rizični kapital predstavlja jednu od nezaobilaznih komponenti imovine institucionalnih investitora na razvijenim tržištima. Promijenjeni uvjeti na tržištu pridonose značajnom porastu ulaganja rizičnog kapitala. Rizični kapital je bitan čimbenik u razvijanju ekonomije i gospodarstava. U empirijskom dijelu rada se uspoređuje ulaganje rizičnog kapitala između Njemačke i Engleske u razdoblju od 2007. – 2013. godine. Rezultati istraživanja ovog rada su doveli do zaključka da se počinje buditi svijest o ulaganju rizičnog kapitala te da pojedine države polako počinju prepoznavati važnost rizičnog kapitala u gospodarstvu, donoseći razne poticajne mjere.In this final paper the venture capital that is a source of financing is still the most developed in the United States. But slowly evolving in other countries, and increasing the number of investments whose positive results affect the interest of other businesses for this type of financing. Venture capital is one of the most interesting components of the assets of institutional investors in developed markets. The changed market conditions contribute to the significant increase in venture capital investment. Venture capital is an important factor in the development of the economy and the economy. 41 In the empirical part of the paper compares venture capital investment between Germany and England in the period 2007 - 2013 year. The results of this study led to the conclusion that it starts to raise awareness on the investment of venture capital, and that some countries are slowly beginning to recognize the importance of venture capital in the economy, bringing a variety of incentives


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    U ovom završnom radu proučava se rizični kapital koji je kao izvor financiranja još uvijek najrazvijeniji u SAD-u. No polako se razvija i u ostalim zemljama, te dolazi do povećanja broja ulaganja čiji pozitivni rezultati utječu na zainteresiranost ostalih poduzetnika za ovim tipom financiranja. Rizični kapital predstavlja jednu od nezaobilaznih komponenti imovine institucionalnih investitora na razvijenim tržištima. Promijenjeni uvjeti na tržištu pridonose značajnom porastu ulaganja rizičnog kapitala. Rizični kapital je bitan čimbenik u razvijanju ekonomije i gospodarstava. U empirijskom dijelu rada se uspoređuje ulaganje rizičnog kapitala između Njemačke i Engleske u razdoblju od 2007. – 2013. godine. Rezultati istraživanja ovog rada su doveli do zaključka da se počinje buditi svijest o ulaganju rizičnog kapitala te da pojedine države polako počinju prepoznavati važnost rizičnog kapitala u gospodarstvu, donoseći razne poticajne mjere.In this final paper the venture capital that is a source of financing is still the most developed in the United States. But slowly evolving in other countries, and increasing the number of investments whose positive results affect the interest of other businesses for this type of financing. Venture capital is one of the most interesting components of the assets of institutional investors in developed markets. The changed market conditions contribute to the significant increase in venture capital investment. Venture capital is an important factor in the development of the economy and the economy. 41 In the empirical part of the paper compares venture capital investment between Germany and England in the period 2007 - 2013 year. The results of this study led to the conclusion that it starts to raise awareness on the investment of venture capital, and that some countries are slowly beginning to recognize the importance of venture capital in the economy, bringing a variety of incentives

    Members of Austro-Hungarian Navy and reading during World War One: the example of Morpurgo bookstore in Split

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    U radu se analiziraju narudžbenice koje su pripadnici austrougarske mornarice uputili splitskoj Knjižari Morpurgo u razdoblju od 1914. do 1916. godine, a koje otkrivaju niz podataka o vojnicima kao čitateljima: njihova imena, status, imena brodova i vojnih baza u kojima su bili smješteni, naslove publikacija koje su naručili, a ponekad i zašto su čitali, dajući nam tako važan uvid u čitateljski profil vojnika u vrijeme Prvog svjetskog rata.Characteristics of reading practices, reading experiences and habits of members of Austro-Hungarian Navy during World War One have so far remained almost a complete mystery to us. This paper, which rests on a detailed analysis of 113 order forms sent by members of Austro-Hungarian Navy to the Morpurgo bookstore in Split in the period 1914–1916, and identified at the State Archives in Split, reveals a whole set of information on soldiers as readers: their names, their status, the names of the ships they sailed on and military bases they were positioned at, titles of publications they ordered, and occasionally even their reasons for reading. We have thereby won an interesting and unique insight into the reading profile of soldiers during World War One. The paper offers a linguistic, thematic and genre analysis of the ordered publications; it has been concluded that soldiers had mainly been ordering books written in Croatian language – mostly literature (books of poems, novels, short stories) and religious works (books of prayers), and that their reading interests did not significantly differ from the interests of their contemporaries in other European military units of that time. The analysis of the geographic distribution of the orderers showed that the majority of orders came from Pula, the central port of Austro-Hungarian Navy, but there were also orders from other towns and settlements where the navy fleet on the Adriatic was stationed (Herceg Novi, Crkvice, Risan, Šibenik, etc.). The orderers were in most cases privates and soldiers of lower ranks, of Croatian nationality in most cases. The paper endeavours to show that the analyzed order forms are not only an authentic testimony regarding the soldiers’ interest in reading, but also a genuine historical trace of the need for written word and for books in the wartime

    Traditional play and contemporary curriculum – parents’ and teachers’ opinions

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    Promjene socijalnih interakcija u suvremenom društvu ograničavaju prijenos tradicijske igre kao značajnog segmenta kulturne nematerijale baštine. Pretpostavlja se da bi uvođenje tradicijske igre u institucionalni RPOO doprinjelo njenom očuvanju. Ispitano je mišljenje odgajatelja i roditelja djece rane i predškolske dobi o važnosti i svrhovitosti primjene tradicijske igre u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Važnost tradicijske igre značajnije procjenjuju ispitanici starije nego mlađe životne dobi, te visokooobrazovani nego nižeobrazovani ispitanici. Mjesto odrastanja ispitanika povezano je s procjenom ograničenja tradicijske igre. Procjena igre na otvorenom bez nadzora odraslih pozitivno korelira s procjenom zaokupljenosti djece virtualnim svijetom. Provedba akcijskih istraživanja o mogućnosti implementacije tradicijske igre uz longitudinalna istraživanja dječjeg razvoja, moguće bi ukazala na važnost tradicijske igre.Changes in social interactions in contemporary society limit the transmission of the traditional play as a significant segment of cultural intangible heritage. It is assumed that the introduction of the traditional play in the institutional Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) would contribute to its preservation.The opinions of teachers and parents of children of early and preschool age on the importance and purposefulness of the application of traditional play in the educational process were examined.The importance of traditional play was assessed more significantly by participants of older than younger age, and those highly educated than those less educated.The place where the participants grew up was related to the assessment of the limitations of the traditional play. Assessing outdoor play without adult supervision positively correlates with assessing children’s preoccupation with the virtual world. Conducting action research on the possibility of implementing traditional play, along with longitudinal research on children’s development, could possibly indicate the importance of traditional play

    Deep Eutectic Solvent Based Reversed-Phase Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Microextraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Determination of Free Tryptophan in Cold-Pressed Oils

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    A fast and straightforward reversed-phase dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (RP-DLLME) using a deep eutectic solvent (DES) procedure to determine free tryptophan in vegetable oils was developed. The influence of eight variables affecting the RP-DLLME efficiency has been studied by a multivariate approach. A Plackett–Burman design for screening the most influential variables followed by a central composite response surface methodology led to an optimum RP-DLLME setup for a 1 g oil sample: 9 mL hexane as the diluting solvent, vortex extraction with 0.45 mL of DES (choline chloride–urea) at 40 °C, without addition of salt, and centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 4.0 min. The reconstituted extract was directly injected into a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system working in the diode array mode. At the studied concentration levels, the obtained method detection limits (MDL) was 11 mg/kg, linearity in matrix-matched standards was R2 ≥ 0.997, relative standard deviations (RSD) was 7.8%, and average recovery was 93%. The combined use of the recently developed DES -based RP-DLLME and HPLC provides an innovative, efficient, cost-effective, and more sustainable method for the extraction and quantification of free tryptophan in oily food matrices. The method was employed to analyze cold-pressed oils from nine vegetables (Brazil nut, almond, cashew, hazelnut, peanut, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, and walnut) for the first time. The results showed that free tryptophan was present in the range of 11–38 mg/100 g. This article is important for its contributions to the field of food analysis, and for its development of a new and efficient method for the determination of free tryptophan in complex matrices, which has the potential to be applied to other analytes and sample types

    Efficasy of Different Psychiatric Treatment Methods of Liaison Psychiatrist in Treatment of Women with Breast Cancer

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    Being diagnosed with breast cancer is a traumatic event that can lead to development of different mental disorders and influences all aspects of affected woman’s life. Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in physically ill people still don’t have clear diagnostic criteria which make diagnosis and treatment very difficult since different psychiatric therapeutic approaches have different effects. The aim was to evaluate influence of separate and combined psychotherapeutic approach (psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioural) and psychopharmacotherapy on decrease of anxiety and depression in breast cancer patients. The sample consisted of 120 subjects divided into four groups. The first group of patients was treated with psychopharmacotherapy, the second group recieved psychotherapy, the third group was treated with the combination of psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, and the fourth group of patients didn\u27t receive any kind of psychiatric treatment. We used psychotherapeutic interview with detailed clinical assessment using DSM-IV criteria for mental disorders, specially structured non-standardised questionnaire for assessment of etiological factors in development of mental disorders, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D). The subjects filled the questionnaires on entry, one moth and two months after the beginning of research. Psychotherapeutic treatment was conducted once a week. All of the therapeutic approaches of liaison psychiatrist applied in the treatment of women with breast cancer are successful in reduction of anxiety and depression. Liaison psychiatrist\u27s combined approach of psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment of breast cancer patients with depression obtained better results than separate approach

    Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis as Potential Functional Starter Culture

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    Svrha je ovoga istraživanja bila identificirati i okarakterizirati potencijalne autohtone funkcionalne starter kulture izolirane iz domaće kobasice proizvedene od konjskog mesa. Dominantnu su mikrofloru u uzorcima kobasica činile bakterije mliječne kiseline (BMK), a zatim mikrokoki. Od bakterija mliječne kiseline prevladavale su vrste Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis i Lactobacillus plantarum. Vrsta Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis nije uobičajena u fermentiranim kobasicama, pa smo ju okarakterizirali kao potencijalnu funkcionalnu starter kulturu. Vrsta Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis proizvela je značajnu količinu mliječne kiseline, a uspješno je rasla pri 12, 18 i 22 ºC, te u prisutnosti 5 % NaCl. Također je dobro podnijela liofilizaciju i simulirane uvjete želučanog soka i soka tankog crijeva. Osim toga, uspješno je suzbila rast patogena i pokazala je dobra adhezijska svojstva in vitro.The aim of this study is to identify and characterise potential autochthonous functional starter cultures in homemade horsemeat sausage. The dominant microflora in the samples of horsemeat sausage were lactic acid bacteria (LAB), followed by micrococci. Among the LAB, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and Lactobacillus plantarum were the dominant species, and since the first is not common in fermented sausages, we characterised it as a potential functional starter culture. Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis produced a significant amount of lactic acid, displayed good growth capability at 12, 18 and 22 °C, growth in the presence of 5 % NaCl, good viability after lyophilisation and in simulated gastric and small intestinal juice, antimicrobial activity against test pathogens, and good adhesive properties in vitro