27 research outputs found

    Fetuin-A Characteristics during and after Pregnancy: Result from a Case Control Pilot Study

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    Objective. Fetuin-A has been associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). We investigated fetuin-A levels during and after pregnancy in women with GDM. Fetuin-A measurements were performed in 10 women with GDM and 10 age and body mass index (BMI) matched healthy pregnant women. All women underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in and 3 months after gestation. Results. Fasting fetuin-A correlated with BMI in women with former GDM (r = 0.90, P < 0.0001) but showed no association with parameters of glucose tolerance in women with GDM or post-GDM. GDM featured significantly lower insulin sensitivity and higher insulin and C-peptide secretion profiles compared to NGT during pregnancy (P < 0.05). Fasting and postprandial fetuin-A did not differ between groups, neither during nor after pregnancy. Conclusion. Fetuin-A is not influenced by glucose tolerance during or after pregnancy or acute glucose elevations following glucose ingestion in young women, but closely relates to BMI early postpartum

    Diez reglas sencillas para una exitosa colaboración transdisciplinar

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    El presente artículo es la versión en castellano de la publicación: KNAPP, B.; BARDENET, R.; BERNABEU, M.O.; BORDAS, R.; BRUNA, M.; CALDERHEAD, B. ET AL. (2015) “Ten Simple Rules for a Successful Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration”. PLoS Comput Biol 11(4): e1004214, disponible en: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004214. La traducción, autorizada por la entidad editora, ha sido llevada a cabo por Ona Lorda Roure y Leila Adim, colaboradoras del Instituto de Investigación TransJus y supervisada por el Dr. Juli Ponce Solé, Director del TransJus. En la misma se han incluido algunas notas aclaratorias para el lector en español, así como bibliografía complementaria en español.[spa] En el auge de las colaboraciones interdisciplinarias entre los distintos campos científicos, la transdisciplinariedad se presenta como la clave para encontrar soluciones a una variedad de problemas globales. Este trabajo, situado en el marco de la biología informática, se centra en exponer una lista extensa de reglas y consejos útiles para lograr una exitosa sinergia entre los varios colaboradores de un proyecto transdisciplinar. Se trata, de hecho, de una guía que pretende dirigirse tanto a investigadores noveles como a aquellos investigadores consolidados que se adentran en un espacio transdisciplinar por primera vez. En particular, este trabajo expone los beneficios principales de establecer una colaboración transdisciplinar, así como los problemas que de ella puedan surgir.[cat] En l'auge de les col·laboracions interdisciplinàries entre els diferents camps científics, la transdisciplinarietat es presenta com la clau per trobar solucions a una varietat de problemes globals. Aquest treball, situat en el marc de la biologia informàtica, es centra en exposar una llista extensa de regles i consells útils per aconseguir una reeixida sinergia entre els varis col·laboradors d'un projecte transdisciplinar. Es tracta, de fet, d'una guia que pretén dirigir-se tant a recercadors novells com a aquells recercadors consolidats que s'endinsen en un espai transdisciplinar per primera vegada. En particular, aquest treball exposa els beneficis principals d'establir una col·laboració transdisciplinar, així com els problemes que d'ella puguin sorgir.[eng] At a time of increasing interdisciplinary collaboration between different scientific fields, cross-disciplinarity represents a key for finding solutions to a variety of global problems. This work, located within the framework of computer biology, focuses on exposing an extensive list of rules and useful tips to achieve a successful synergy among the various collaborators of a transdisciplinary project. It is, in fact, a guide aimed at addressing both first-time researchers and consolidated researchers who enter a transdisciplinary space for the first time. In particular, this work exposes the main benefits of establishing a cross-disciplinary collaboration, as well as the problems that may arise from it

    Ten Simple Rules for a Successful Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

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    Cross-disciplinary collaborations have become an increasingly important part of science. They are seen as key if we are to find solutions to pressing, global-scale societal challenges, including green technologies, sustainable food production, and drug development. Regulators and policy- makers have realized the power of such collaborations, for example, in the 80 billion Euro "Horizon 2020" EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. This programme puts special emphasis on “breaking down barriers to create a genuine single market for knowledge, research and innovation

    Targeting Inflammation in Cancer Prevention and Therapy

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    The role of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and osteopontin in high-fat diet-induced adipose tissue inflammation

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    Entzündungsreaktionen im weißen Fettgewebe scheinen Komplikationen bei Fettleibigkeit (inklusive Diabetes mellitus) zugrunde zu liegen. Mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren ("polyunsaturated fatty acids" PUFA), im Speziellen jene der n-3 Serie, regulieren Immunreaktionen und können Insulinabhängigkeit mildern. Im ersten Teil meines Doktorarbeit habe ich untersucht wie PUFA Entzündungsreaktionen in weißem Fettgewebe beziehungsweise die Genexpression in adipösen diabetischen Tiermodellen beeinflussen. Zu diesem Behufe habe ich db/db Mäuse und magere, nicht-diabetische Mäuse (db/+) entweder mit einer Standard Diät (LF) oder einer fettreichen Diät (HF), angereichert in (1) gesättigten und einfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren (HF/S), (2) n-6 PUFA (HF/6) und (3) n-6 PUFA mit n-3 PUFA (HF/3) gefüttert.Die Beimengung von n-3 PUFA zur HF/3 Diät verhinderte die HF induzierte Makrophagen Infiltration sowie die Veränderungen in der Genexpression vollständig in diabetischen Mäusen trotz unbeeinflusstem Körpergewicht. Osteopontin (OPN) ist ein muti-funktielles Protein, welches bei verschiedensten Entzündungsmechanismen, der Zell-Migration und dem Gewebsaufbau beteiligt ist. Weil diese Prozesse im Fettgewebe von adipösen Patienten vorkommen, habe ich das Expressionsmuster von OPN und dessen Rezeptoren in menschlicher und muriner Fettleibigkeit untersucht. Ich konnte in einer Pilot-Studie zeigen, dass OPN Rezeptoren in verschiedenen Zelltypen des Fettgewebes in abundanter Weise exprimiert werden. Das heißt, es gibt mehrere Angriffspunkte von OPN im Fettgewebe und unterschiedliche möglicherweise förderliche Ansatzpunkte um OPN Effekte zu unterbinden.Inflammatory alterations in white adipose tissue appear to underlie complications of obesity including diabetes mellitus. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly those of the n3 series, modulate immune responses and may ameliorate insulin sensitivity. In the first part of my thesis project, I investigated how PUFA affect white adipose tissue inflammation and gene expression in obese diabetic animals. For that purpose I treated db/db mice as well as lean non-diabetic mice (db/+) with either low-fat standard diet (LF) or high-fat diets rich in (1) saturated/monounsaturated fatty acids (HF/S), (2) n6 PUFA (HF/6) and (3) the latter including purified marine n3 PUFA (HF/3). Inclusion of n3 PUFA in the diet (HF/3) completely prevented macrophage infiltration induced by high-fat diet and increase in inflammatory gene expression in adipose tissue of diabetic mice despite unreduced body weight. Osteopontin (OPN) is a multifunctional protein involved in various inflammatory processes, cell migration, and tissue remodeling. Because these processes occur in the adipose tissue of obese patients, in the second part of my thesis project I studied the expression pattern of OPN protein and its receptors in human and murine obesity. I showed in a pilot study that OPN receptors are abundantly expressed on various cell types of the adipose tissue. Thus, there are multiple sites of action of OPN within the adipose tissue and multiple putatively beneficial effects of interference with OPN action.submitted by Jelena TodoricAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in dt. SpracheWien, Med. Univ., Diss.OeBB(VLID)171424

    Hepatic Cholesterol-25-Hydroxylase Overexpression Improves Systemic Insulin Sensitivity in Mice

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    Obesity is a major risk factor for several diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer and due to its rapidly increasing prevalence it has become one of the biggest problems medicine is facing today. All the more surprising, a substantial percentage of obese patients are metabolically healthy when classified based on insulin resistance and systemic inflammation. Oxysterols are naturally occurring molecules that play important role in various metabolic and inflammatory processes and their levels are elevated in patients suffering from obesity and diabetes. 25-Hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC) is produced in cells from cholesterol by the enzyme cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (Ch25h) and is involved in lipid metabolism, inflammatory processes, and cell proliferation. Here, we investigated the role of hepatic Ch25h in the transition from metabolically healthy obesity to insulin resistance and diabetes. Using several different experimental approaches, we demonstrated the significance of Ch25h on the border of “healthy” and “diseased” states of obesity. Adenovirus-mediated Ch25h overexpression in mice improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and lowered HOMA-IR. Our data suggest that low hepatic Ch25h levels could be considered a risk marker for unhealthy obesity.(VLID)486245