17 research outputs found


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije nekih metala (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr) u zemljištu i vrsti Eupatorium cannabinum L. na jalovištu i flotacije rudnika DOO “Rudnik”. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su koncentracije Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni i Cu u istraživanom zemljištu prelazile propisane maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu i Zn granične, a Pb i Cu remedijacione vrednosti ovih metala u zemljištu saglasno uredbi i pravilniku Republike Srbije. Najveći sadržaj svih ispitivanih metala pokazao je list vrste E. canabinum u kojima su koncentracije Cu, Ni, Pb i Cd bile u nivou toksičnih koncentracija, a Cr iznad toksične koncentracije. Koren je sadržao više Mn, Ni, Fe i Cu od stabla, a stablo Zn, Cr, Ca, Mg, Pb i Cd od korena proučavane vrste. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo preporučiti upotrebu vrste E. canabinum u fitoekstrakciji ispitivanih metala iz zagađenih zemljišta, pre svega Zn, Cr, Ca, Mg, Pb i Cd.Publishe

    Sex and age differences and outcomes in acute coronary syndromes

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    Background: There is conflicting information about sex differences in presentation, treatment, and outcome after acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in the era of reperfusion therapy and percutaneous coronary intervention. The aim of this study was to examine presentation, acute therapy, and outcomes of men and women with ACS with special emphasis on their relationship with younger age ( lt = 65 years). Methods: From January 2010 to June 2015, we enrolled 5140 patients from 3 primary PCI capable hospitals. Patients were registered according to the International Survey of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Transitional Countries (ISACS-TC) registry protocol (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01218776). The primary outcome was the incidence of in-hospital mortality. Results: The study population was constituted by 2876 patients younger than 65 years and 2294 patients older. Women were older than men in both the young (56.2 +/- 6.6 vs. 54.1 +/- 7.4) and old (74.9 +/- 6.4 vs. 73.6 +/- 6.0) age groups. There were 3421 (66.2%) patients with ST elevation ACS (STE-ACS) and 1719 (33.8%) patients without ST elevation ACS (NSTE-ACS). In STE-ACS, the percentage of patients who failed to receive reperfusion was higher in women than in men either in the young (21.7% vs. 15.8%) than in the elderly (35.2% vs. 29.6%). There was a significant higher mortality in women in the younger age group (age-adjusted OR 1.52, 95% CI: 1.01-2.29), but there was no sex difference in the older group (age-adjusted OR 1.10, 95% CI: 0.87-1.41). Significantly sex differences in mortality were not seen in NSTE-ACS patients. Conclusions: In-hospital mortality from ACS is not different between older men and women. A higher short-term mortality can be seen only in women with STEMI and age of 65 or less


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    The World Commission on Environment and Development called attention to the basic changes in human population growth, need for strategies for attaining security in food production and need for conversation of natural resources. Sustainable agriculture goals may be shortly abridged to stable market supply by biologically quality food, on employment of rural population and suppressing of poverty, as well as the management of natural resources and environment protection on local and global level. For the system of such sustainable and organic agriculture, ecology provides basic conditions through the development of diversified agro ecological systems. Integration of plant and animal biodiversity, which improves complex of interaction and synergy, is the advantage. This enables biological regulation of harmful organisms, nutrition circling, biomass production and accumulation. The result of the agro ecological planning is improvement of economical and ecological agro ecology system maintenance. Strategy of sustainable agriculture development is basically based on improvement of conservation and increase of local agricultural resources. Within this, the greatest efforts are necessary for harmonization of environment laws with needs of macro economic policy on national and international levels. In accomplishing of these aims are included new initiatives in education, application of economical stimulations and development of relevant new technologies


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    Authors of this paper research necessaries of orientation and improvement of education of staff for purpose of sustainable development of agriculture and environment protection. According with global questions of education improvement, this paper especially realizes basis and aims of high education in function of orientation sustainable development agriculture and environment protection. In addition, it point was on role of highly professional staff in function of abetment of development organic agriculture and healthy safe food production on family’s husbandry and farm economies. Improvement of education highly professional agricultural staff in our country is connected with Bologna declaration demands and developing of Bologna process in Europe. From this point education of agricultural staff, we must have in mind facts that European market will become unique market for students and professors


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    This paper realizes and defines comparative programs of agriculture production. For this, purpose previous pointed on diversity and comparatively available natural resources (climate, soil, water biodiversity of flora and fauna). Also realizes technical-technological accomplishments and possibilities to adjust sustainable development of agriculture and agrarian sector. In according with available structure and quality of agro ecological conditions, market demands, in this paper was define comparative and developing programs of agriculture production and agrarian manufactured products. Comparative programs of these products, defined according to agriculture organic production and possibilities of production biological quality organic products for advance realizes segment of market. In frame of quality developing of agrarian products, pointed on politics and modalities of apply international standards in function of process managing and quality of products, manufacture and market exchange of agrarian products. For these purpose, pointed on specificity of creating, certificating and marking of agrarian products

    Učestalost mikronukleusa u limfocitima periferne krvi kod radnika srpske populacije izloženih pesticidima

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    Micronucleus (MN) is a biomarker widely used in biomonitoring studies for determining the genetic risk associated with exposure to pesticides. The purpose of this study was to assess damage to the genetic material of workers occupationally exposed to pesticides as detected in micronucleus tests. The research included 119 subjects divided into three groups: a control group of 39 subjects, a group of 40 subjects exposed to pesticides as producers and a group of 40 pesticide applicators in the field. A Mann-Whitney U-test displayed statistically significant differences between the parameter means of all variables, and the control group. Significant differences were observed between males involved in pesticide production and application for the parameter MN4, then between non-smoking producers and applicators regarding parameters MN2, MN3, MN4 and NB, as well as between the control and applicator groups for parameter MN2, and between producers and applicators for parameter MN3. Spearman’s correlation test showed a positive correlation between the frequency of micronuclei and age of respondents, as well as their smoking habits. A statistically significant difference in relation to cytogenetic parameters was detected between the respondents working in pesticide production and those working in the field. The results suggest that applicators in the field do not use adequate personal protective equipment. Regular biological monitoring of workers exposed to pesticides is required.Mikronukleus test (MN) se koristi u biomonitoring studijama za praćenje genetičkih efekata kod ljudi izloženih pesticidima. Cilj rada je bio da se, metodom mikronukleus testa, utvrdi oštećenje genetičkog materijala kod ispitanika koji su profesionalno izloženi pesticidima. Istraživanja su obuhvatila 119 ispitanika koji su podeljeni u tri grupe: u kontrolnoj grupi bilo je 39 ispitanika, u grupi izloženoj pesticidima u procesu proizvodnje (proizvođači) bilo je 40 ispitanika i 40 ispitanika koji rade u primeni na terenu. Mann-Whitney U-test je pokazao statistički značajnu razliku između srednjih vrednosti parametara svih ispitivanih varijabli u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Statistički značajne razlike konstatovane su između muškaraca u proizvodnji i primeni za parametar MN4, potom između nepušača u proizvodnji i primeni za parametere MN2, MN3, MN4 i NB, kao i u okviru cele posmatrane populacije između kontrolnih i radnika u proizvodnji za parametar MN2, i između proizvodnje i primene za parametar MN3. Spearman-ov test korelacije je pokazao pozitivnu korelaciju između učestalosti mikronukleusa i starosne dobi ispitanika, kao i navika vezanih za pušenje. Utvrđene su i statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika koji rade u proizvodnji i ispitanika koji rade u primeni u odnosu na praćene citogenetičke parametre. Svi dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da radnici koji rade na terenu ne koriste adekvatna sredstva lične zaštitite. Takođe, rezultati pokazuju da postoji potreba za kontinuiranim biomonitoringom radnika koji su u kontaktu sa pesticidima

    Određivanje mikrobiološke aktivnosti i biomase u različitim zemljištima nakon primene nikosulfurona

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    The effects of the herbicide nicosulfuron on the abundance of cellulolytic and proteolytic microorganisms, activity of β-glucosidase and protease enzymes, and microbial phosphorus biomass were examined. A laboratory bioassay was set up on two types of agricultural soils differing in physicochemical properties. The following concentrations were tested: 0.3, 0.6, 3.0 and 30.0 mg a.i./kg of soil. Samples were collected 3, 7, 14, 30 and 45 days after treatment with nicosulfuron. The results showed that nicosulfuron significantly reduced the abundance of cellulolytic microorganisms in both soils, as well as microbial biomass phosphorus in sandy loam soil. The herbicide was found to stimulate β-glucosidase and protease activity in both types of soil and microbial biomass phosphorus in loamy soil. Proteolytic microorganisms remained unaffected by nicosulfuron.Ispitivan je uticaj herbicida nikosulfurona na brojnost celulolitskih i proteolitskih mikroorganizama, aktivnost enzima β-glukozidaze i proteaze i mikrobiološku biomasu fosfora. Ogled je postavljen u laboratorijskim uslovima na dva poljoprivredna zemljišta koja se razlikuju po svojim fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama. Primenjene su koncentracije od 0,3, 0,6, 3,0 i 30,0 mg a.s/kg zemljišta. Uzorci za analizu uzeti su 3, 7, 14, 30 i 45 dana nakon primene nikosulfurona. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je nikosulfuron značajno smanjio broj celulolizatora kod oba tipa zemljišta, kao i vrednost mikrobiološke biomase fosfora u peskuši. Stimulativno delovanje ovog herbicida zabeleženo je kod enzima β-glukozidaze i proteaze kod oba tipa zemljišta kao i kod mikrobiološke biomase fosfora u ilovači. Na brojnost proteolitičkih mikroorganizama nikosulfuron nije ispoljio nikakav uticaj

    Dyslipidemia in subclinical hypothyroidism requires assessment of small dense low density lipoprotein cholesterol (sdLDL-C)

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    Background. Usually both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are related to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease development. The relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism has been widely investigated but the findings remain controversial. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the lipid profile in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism (SHypo) in comparison to controls and to determine the association of SHypo and dyslipidemia in attempt to find importance of small dense low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (sdLDL-C) in atherosclerosis. Material and methods. In this study we included 100 women, aged 30 to 70 years that were divided into subgroups according to their age. According to the values of levels of thyroid hormones they were divided into euthyroid (control) group (n = 64) and (newly discovered) subclinical hypothyroidism (SHypo) group (n = 36). A high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and lipid profile, including small dense low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (sdLDL-C) were determined. Body weight and height were measured and BMI calculated. History of the current illness, medication, alcohol consumption and cigarettes smoking were noted. Results. Changed lipid profile as well as elevated triglycerides and sdLDL-C were observed in the group with subclinical hypothyroidism compared to the control group. Conclusions. It is important to determine serum lipid levels, especially serum sdLDL-C levels at an early stage of subclinical hypothyroidism, since they represent atherogenic LDL particles and are better indicators for dyslipidaemia in subclinical hypothyroidism and the development of atherosclerosis with potential complications such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

    Hemijsko suzbijanje viline kosice u lucerki

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    Parasitic flowering plants have recently come into focus of research interests as a result of their notable expansion and increasing damage that they are causing in agricultural fields. Damage caused by field dodder in alfalfa crops mainly includes reduced yield of fresh biomass and considerable decrease in seed production. Effective control of field dodder in alfalfa crops necessarily includes a number of preventive measures and procedures, as well as chemical control. The effectiveness of glyphosate, propyzamide, imazethapyr and diquat herbicides in controlling field dodder in alfalfa crops was tested in trials conducted in 2011. Pot and field trials were set up in an experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (location Rimski Šančevi) and in a private field at Popovići (vicinity of Mladenovac). In pot trials, two glyphosate application rates (288 and 360 g a.i. ha) achieved the highest effectiveness of 95% and 97.5%, respectively. Both application rates of propyzamide (1500 and 2000 g a.i. ha) had weak effectiveness (85% and 87%, respectively), while imazethapyr (150 g a.i. ha) was the weakest herbicide with 80% efficacy. In field trials at both locations, diquat (450 g a.i. ha) showed the best efficacy in controlling field dodder in alfalfa. The efficacy of all other treatments was weaker at Popovići with the following survival rates of field dodder plants: 25% (glyphosate, 288 g a.i. ha), 15% (glyphosate, 360 g a.i. ha), 79% (propyzamide, 1500 g a.i. ha), 70% (propyzamide, 2000 g a.i. ha) and 72% (imazethapyr, 150 g a.i. ha). At the location Rimski Šančevi, the same treatements resulted in around 1% remaining field dodder plants in alfalfa crop.U novije vreme problematika parazitskih cvetnica postaje sve aktuelnija i dobija veći istraživački prostor upravo zbog njihovog širenja i sve većih šteta koje nanose u poljoprivredi. Štete koje vilina kosica pravi u usevu lucerke se prvenstveno odnose na smanjenje prinosa zelene biomase i značajno smanjenu produkciju semena kod semenske lucerke. Efikasno suzbijanje viline kosice u usevu luceke podrazumeva niz preventivnih mera i postupaka, kao i hemijsku kontrolu. Ispitivanje efikasnosti herbicida (glifosat, propizamid, imazetapir i dikvat) u suzbijanju viline kosice u usevu lucerke urađeno je tokom 2011. godine. Ogledi su izvedeni u saksijama i u polju, na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu (Rimski Šančevi) i na privatnoj parceli na lokalitetu Popovići (okolina Mladenovca). U ogledu sa saksijama, najbolju efikasnost je ispoljio glifosat u obe primenjene količine (288 i 360 g a.s. ha), 95% odnosno 97.5%. Efikasnost koju je ispoljio propizamid u obe količine primene (1500 i 2000 g a.s. ha) je bila slabija (85% odnosno 87%), dok je najslabiju efikasnost ispoljio imazetapir (150 g a.s. ha), 80%. U poljskim ogledima, na oba lokaliteta, dikvat (450 g a.s. ha) je ispoljio najbolju efikasnost u suzbijanju viline kosice. Na lokalitetu Popovići efikasnost ostalih tretmana je bila slabija, odnosno procenat preživelih jedinki viline kosice je bio: 25% (glifosat, 288 g a.s. ha), 15% (glifosat, 360 g a.s. ha), 79% (propizamid, 1500 g a.s. ha), 70% (propizamid, 2000 g a.s. ha) i 72% (imazetapir, 150 g a.s. ha). Na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi, pri primeni istih tretmana, vilina kosica se zadržala na usevu sa oko 1%