75 research outputs found

    Biomass boilers

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá kotli na biomasu. První část je věnována samotné biomase, jejímu rozdělení, vlastnostem a potenciálu. Druhá část popisuje proces spalování, dělení a konstrukci kotlů na biomasu. Poslední část této práce porovnává vybrané kotle na biomasu z hlediska pořizovacích a následujících nákladů.This bachelor’s thesis deals with biomass boilers. The first part is dedicated to biomass, its distribution, characteristics and potential. The second part describes a combustion process, construction and severance of biomass boilers. The last part of this thesis compares the selected biomass boilers from an economic perspective.

    The influence of the impeller diameter decreasing on the pumps characteristic

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá změnou geometrie výstupní části oběžného kola u radiálních odstředivých čerpadel a jejímu vlivu na charakteristiku čerpadla. Při použití těchto radiálních odstředivých čerpadel v praxi je možno měnit jejich parametry na základě požadavků. Toto přizpůsobení parametrů se nazývá stočení oběžného kola. Jedná se o zmenšení průměru oběžného kola, čímž dochází ke snížení průtoku, dopravní výšky a účinnosti. Existující vztahy pro výpočet změny charakteristiky po stočení oběžného kola jsou nepřesné. V této práci je pak popsán možný způsob úpravy vztahů pro přepočet charakteristiky čerpadla v závislosti na průměru kola na základě dostupných charakteristik čerpadel.This master’s thesis deals with changing the geometry of the output section of the impeller of the radial centrifugal pumps and its influence on the characteristics of the pump. In engineering practice for these radial centrifugal pumps it is possible to change the parameters based on the requirements. This adaptation of parameters is called impeller trimming. Impeller trimming means the reduction of the impeller diameter thereby decreasing the flow, head and efficiency. Existing equations for calculating the changes in the characteristics of the impeller trimming are inaccurate. In this thesis is describes a possible method of putting for the recalculation characteristics of a pump based on the impeller diameter on the available characteristics of pumps.

    Use of the Electronic Nose as a Screening Tool for the Recognition of Durum Wheat Naturally Contaminated by Deoxynivalenol: A Preliminary Approach

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    Fungal contamination and the presence of related toxins is a widespread problem. Mycotoxin contamination has prompted many countries to establish appropriate tolerance levels. For instance, with the Commission Regulation (EC) N. 1881/2006, the European Commission fixed the limits for the main mycotoxins (and other contaminants) in food. Although valid analytical methods are being developed for regulatory purposes, a need exists for alternative screening methods that can detect mould and mycotoxin contamination of cereal grains with high sample throughput. In this study, a commercial electronic nose (EN) equipped with metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) sensors was used in combination with a trap and the thermal desorption technique, with the adoption of Tenax TA as an adsorbent material to discriminate between durum wheat whole-grain samples naturally contaminated with deoxynivalenol (DON) and non-contaminated samples. Each wheat sample was analysed with the EN at four different desorption temperatures (i.e., 180 °C, 200 °C, 220 °C, and 240 °C) and without a desorption pre-treatment. A 20-sample and a 122-sample dataset were processed by means of principal component analysis (PCA) and classified via classification and regression trees (CART). Results, validated with two different methods, showed that it was possible to classify wheat samples into three clusters based on the DON content proposed by the European legislation: (a) non-contaminated; (b) contaminated below the limit (DON < 1,750 μg/kg); (c) contaminated above the limit (DON > 1,750 μg/kg), with a classification error rate in prediction of 0% (for the 20-sample dataset) and 3.28% (for the 122-sample dataset)

    Measurement of inclusive D*+- and associated dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

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    Inclusive photoproduction of D*+- mesons has been measured for photon-proton centre-of-mass energies in the range 130 < W < 280 GeV and a photon virtuality Q^2 < 1 GeV^2. The data sample used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 37 pb^-1. Total and differential cross sections as functions of the D* transverse momentum and pseudorapidity are presented in restricted kinematical regions and the data are compared with next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD calculations using the "massive charm" and "massless charm" schemes. The measured cross sections are generally above the NLO calculations, in particular in the forward (proton) direction. The large data sample also allows the study of dijet production associated with charm. A significant resolved as well as a direct photon component contribute to the cross section. Leading order QCD Monte Carlo calculations indicate that the resolved contribution arises from a significant charm component in the photon. A massive charm NLO parton level calculation yields lower cross sections compared to the measured results in a kinematic region where the resolved photon contribution is significant.Comment: 32 pages including 6 figure

    Measurement of Jet Shapes in Photoproduction at HERA

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    The shape of jets produced in quasi-real photon-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies in the range 134277134-277 GeV has been measured using the hadronic energy flow. The measurement was done with the ZEUS detector at HERA. Jets are identified using a cone algorithm in the ηϕ\eta - \phi plane with a cone radius of one unit. Measured jet shapes both in inclusive jet and dijet production with transverse energies ETjet>14E^{jet}_T>14 GeV are presented. The jet shape broadens as the jet pseudorapidity (ηjet\eta^{jet}) increases and narrows as ETjetE^{jet}_T increases. In dijet photoproduction, the jet shapes have been measured separately for samples dominated by resolved and by direct processes. Leading-logarithm parton-shower Monte Carlo calculations of resolved and direct processes describe well the measured jet shapes except for the inclusive production of jets with high ηjet\eta^{jet} and low ETjetE^{jet}_T. The observed broadening of the jet shape as ηjet\eta^{jet} increases is consistent with the predicted increase in the fraction of final state gluon jets.Comment: 29 pages including 9 figure

    Insights into the Molecular Evolution of the PDZ/LIM Family and Identification of a Novel Conserved Protein Motif

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    The PDZ and LIM domain-containing protein family is encoded by a diverse group of genes whose phylogeny has currently not been analyzed. In mammals, ten genes are found that encode both a PDZ- and one or several LIM-domains. These genes are: ALP, RIL, Elfin (CLP36), Mystique, Enigma (LMP-1), Enigma homologue (ENH), ZASP (Cypher, Oracle), LMO7 and the two LIM domain kinases (LIMK1 and LIMK2). As conventional alignment and phylogenetic procedures of full-length sequences fell short of elucidating the evolutionary history of these genes, we started to analyze the PDZ and LIM domain sequences themselves. Using information from most sequenced eukaryotic lineages, our phylogenetic analysis is based on full-length cDNA-, EST-derived- and genomic- PDZ and LIM domain sequences of over 25 species, ranging from yeast to humans. Plant and protozoan homologs were not found. Our phylogenetic analysis identifies a number of domain duplication and rearrangement events, and shows a single convergent event during evolution of the PDZ/LIM family. Further, we describe the separation of the ALP and Enigma subfamilies in lower vertebrates and identify a novel consensus motif, which we call ‘ALP-like motif’ (AM). This motif is highly-conserved between ALP subfamily proteins of diverse organisms. We used here a combinatorial approach to define the relation of the PDZ and LIM domain encoding genes and to reconstruct their phylogeny. This analysis allowed us to classify the PDZ/LIM family and to suggest a meaningful model for the molecular evolution of the diverse gene architectures found in this multi-domain family

    Predicting Functional Alternative Splicing by Measuring RNA Selection Pressure from Multigenome Alignments

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    High-throughput methods such as EST sequencing, microarrays and deep sequencing have identified large numbers of alternative splicing (AS) events, but studies have shown that only a subset of these may be functional. Here we report a sensitive bioinformatics approach that identifies exons with evidence of a strong RNA selection pressure ratio (RSPR) —i.e., evolutionary selection against mutations that change only the mRNA sequence while leaving the protein sequence unchanged—measured across an entire evolutionary family, which greatly amplifies its predictive power. Using the UCSC 28 vertebrate genome alignment, this approach correctly predicted half to three-quarters of AS exons that are known binding targets of the NOVA splicing regulatory factor, and predicted 345 strongly selected alternative splicing events in human, and 262 in mouse. These predictions were strongly validated by several experimental criteria of functional AS such as independent detection of the same AS event in other species, reading frame-preservation, and experimental evidence of tissue-specific regulation: 75% (15/20) of a sample of high-RSPR exons displayed tissue specific regulation in a panel of ten tissues, vs. only 20% (4/20) among a sample of low-RSPR exons. These data suggest that RSPR can identify exons with functionally important splicing regulation, and provides biologists with a dataset of over 600 such exons. We present several case studies, including both well-studied examples (GRIN1) and novel examples (EXOC7). These data also show that RSPR strongly outperforms other approaches such as standard sequence conservation (which fails to distinguish amino acid selection pressure from RNA selection pressure), or pairwise genome comparison (which lacks adequate statistical power for predicting individual exons)

    Measurement of the Diffractive Cross Section in Deep Inelastic Scattering using ZEUS 1994 Data

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    The DIS diffractive cross section, dσγpXNdiff/dMXd\sigma^{diff}_{\gamma^* p \to XN}/dM_X, has been measured in the mass range MX<15M_X < 15 GeV for γp\gamma^*p c.m. energies 60<W<20060 < W < 200 GeV and photon virtualities Q2=7Q^2 = 7 to 140 GeV2^2. For fixed Q2Q^2 and MXM_X, the diffractive cross section rises rapidly with WW, dσγpXNdiff(MX,W,Q2)/dMXWadiffd\sigma^{diff}_{\gamma^*p \to XN}(M_X,W,Q^2)/dM_X \propto W^{a^{diff}} with adiff=0.507±0.034(stat)0.046+0.155(syst)a^{diff} = 0.507 \pm 0.034 (stat)^{+0.155}_{-0.046}(syst) corresponding to a tt-averaged pomeron trajectory of \bar{\alphapom} = 1.127 \pm 0.009 (stat)^{+0.039}_{-0.012} (syst) which is larger than \bar{\alphapom} observed in hadron-hadron scattering. The WW dependence of the diffractive cross section is found to be the same as that of the total cross section for scattering of virtual photons on protons. The data are consistent with the assumption that the diffractive structure function F2D(3)F^{D(3)}_2 factorizes according to \xpom F^{D(3)}_2 (\xpom,\beta,Q^2) = (x_0/ \xpom)^n F^{D(2)}_2(\beta,Q^2). They are also consistent with QCD based models which incorporate factorization breaking. The rise of \xpom F^{D(3)}_2 with decreasing \xpom and the weak dependence of F2D(2)F^{D(2)}_2 on Q2Q^2 suggest a substantial contribution from partonic interactions

    Measurement of the F2 structure function in deep inelastic e+^{+}p scattering using 1994 data from the ZEUS detector at HERA

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    We present measurements of the structure function \Ft\ in e^+p scattering at HERA in the range 3.5\;\Gevsq < \qsd < 5000\;\Gevsq. A new reconstruction method has allowed a significant improvement in the resolution of the kinematic variables and an extension of the kinematic region covered by the experiment. At \qsd < 35 \;\Gevsq the range in x now spans 6.3\cdot 10^{-5} < x < 0.08 providing overlap with measurements from fixed target experiments. At values of Q^2 above 1000 GeV^2 the x range extends to 0.5. Systematic errors below 5\perc\ have been achieved for most of the kinematic urray, W

    Comparison of ZEUS data with standard model predictions for e+pe+Xe^+ p \rightarrow e^+ X scattering at high xx and Q2Q^2

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    Using the ZEUS detector at HERA, we have studied the reaction e(+)p --> e(+)X for Q(2) > 5000 GeV2 with a 20.1 pb(-1) data sample collected during the years 1993 to 1996. For Q(2) below 15000 GeV2, the data are in good agreement with Standard Model expectations. For Q(2) > 35000 GeV2. two events are observed while 0.145 +/- 0.013 events are expected, A statistical analysis of a large ensemble of simulated Standard Model experiments indicates that with probability 6.0%, an excess at least as unlikely as that observed would occur above some Q(2) cut. For x > 0.55 and y > 0.75, four events are observed where 0.91 +/- 0.08 events are expected, A statistical analysis of the two-dimensional distribution of the events in x and y yields a probability of 0.72% for the region x > 0.55 and y > 0.25 and a probability of 7.8% for the entire Q(2) > 5000 GeV2 data sample. The observed excess above Standard Model expectations is particularly interesting because it occurs in a previously unexplored kinematic region