104 research outputs found

    The Sludge Economy of the OKD, a.s., Coal Prep Plants

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá těžbou a zpracováním flotačních hlušin a kalů a možnostmi následné rekultivace území po vytěžení těchto flotačních hlušin a kalů. Tyto teoretické poznatky pak autor v práci konfrontuje s tím, co zjistil o jednom konkrétním místě, a sice Uzavřeném kalovém okruhu úpravny dolu Darkov, součástí Ostravsko-Karvinských dolů. Poznatky autor dokládá obrázky a tabulkami. Součástí práce je též rozbor tématu Environmentální zátěže související s úpravnickou činností a možná rizika provozování odkališť a s tím související téma Možností rekultivace krajiny po vytěžení flotačních hlušin a kalů.This thesis deals with extraction and processing of flotation debris and sludge and possibilities of subsequent reclamation of the area after extraction of this flotation debris and sludge. These theoretical findings, the author confronts with what he has learned about one particular place, namely the Closed Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Darkov mine, part of Ostrava-Karviná Mines. The author's findings are illustrated by pictures and tables. Part of the thesis is also an analysis of the topic Environmental Impacts related to the Treatment Activity and Possible Risks of Pitfalls and the Related Issue Possibilities of Reclamation of the Landscape after Flotation Dredging and Sludge Extraction.542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership

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    American Lobster Settlement Index Update 2012

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    In a year that might be remembered as the one that brought climate change close to home for the lobster industry, lobster larvae in 2012 continued to settle mostly in the patterns we\u27ve seen before. The ocean heat wave that broke all the records and triggered an early shedder season does not seem to have had a corresponding positive effect on lobster settlement. Once again Maine\u27s lobster fishery boasted another year of historically high lobster landings, just as southern New England lobstermen still struggle with how to manage the fishery in a world of shell disease and dwindling recruitment. This issue of the Update summarizes the regional time trends in the settlement index and examines the first steps we\u27re taking in evaluating ALSI as an early warning system for the fishery

    Notes on the Use of Effective Methods for Application of Economics of Moderation

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    One of the side eects of the American 1979 recession-triggered replacement of Keynesian Economics by Monetarism of the Milton Friedman Chicago School of Economics was the replacement of managing engineers by administrators in technology organizations, construction and projects.In that role reversal, costs invariably started to go up with growing administration preoccupied with numbers and dates, and with form often prevailing over content that seemed to be sometimes “lost in translation”. The era sometimes called “Economics of Excess” had begun.Organizations faced with escalating costs have kept searching for improvement solutions making use of elaborate analytical top-down methods, with very mixed results. A simple bottom up approach and methods developed and applied by the author on industrial and educational projects are summarized. Tey have been very successful on their own as well as in supporting organizational improvement eorts. They are directly applicable to the concept of Economics of Moderation

    Current Frame of Religious Freedom in the System of European Protection of Human Rights

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    Aktuální rozměr náboženské svobody v systému evropské ochrany lidských práv Abstrakt Tato disertační práce se věnuje problematice ochrany náboženské svobody v Evropě. Nejdříve je popsáno zakotvení této svobody v EÚLP, Listině EU a v právních řádech Německa, Rakouska a České republiky. Právní řády Německa a Rakouska jsou velmi blízké tomu našemu, proto mohou být získané poznatky inspirací pro úvahy o budoucí právní úpravě v České republice (i s ohledem na to, že je zde problematika integrace jiných kultur poměrně novým tématem, zatímco uvedené státy již v této oblasti mají větší zkušenosti). Dalším důvodem pro tento výběr byla i bohatá judikatura k tématu práce zejména v Německu, ale i v Rakousku. V návaznosti na zakotvení náboženské svobody obecně je popsáno teoretické zakotvení i praxe výuky náboženství na veřejných školách ve výše jmenovaných státech. Ze srovnání praxe v uvedených státech vyplynula mj. důležitost historického vývoje přístupu k náboženství. Jedním z hlavních bodů této disertační práce je pak problematika symbolů. Nejdříve je probrána otázka symbolů obecně, poté se věnuji konkrétně symbolům náboženským a možnostech jejich přítomnosti ve vzdělávacích zařízeních. V této souvislosti je rozebráno umisťování křížů a krucifixů ve školních třídách, což je otázka, které se již v minulosti věnovaly...Current Frame of Religious Freedom in the System of European Protection of Human Rights Abstract This thesis deals with the topic of protection of Freedom of Religion in the System of European Protection of Human Rights. It begins with a description of the formulation of this freedom in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the legal systems of Germany, Austria and Czech Republic. The legal systems of Germany and Austria are very close to the Czech one, therefore the acquired knowledge might become an inspiration for considerations of possible future legislative changes in the Czech Republic (also considering that while the integration of other cultures is still a relatively new topic in here, the above mentioned other states have already much more experience on this field). Another reason why this choice was made is also a wide range of interesting court decisions concerning the topic of this thesis mainly in Germany, but also in Austria. The description of the formulation of the Freedom of Religion in general is followed by the theoretical description and praxis of teaching Religion at public schools in the above stated countries. It is obvious from the comparison of the praxis in the aforementioned states that...Katedra evropského právaDepartment of European LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Technological stage of realization mounting frame of factory building

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá stavebně technologickým projektem pro etapu montáže prefabrikovaného skeletu. Obsahuje technologický předpis pro montáž skeletu, projekt zařízení staveniště pro etapu montáže, časový plán montáže skeletu, finanční plán montáže skeletu, kontrolní a zkušební plán montáže, plán rizik hrozících při dané etapě a návrh strojní sestavy.The objective of this thesis is the technological project of the construction phase of mounting prefabricated frame. Includes technological standard for mounting frame, the project construction site for the phase of mounting , the schedule of the phase of mounting frame, financial plan of the phase of mounting frame, controlling plan and test plan of the phase of mounting frame, the plan of risks at the phase of mounting frame, and mechanical assemblies plan.

    Construction technological project of administration building Gaceta in Prague

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá stavebně technologickým projektem hrubé stavby administrativní budovy. Obsahuje technologické předpisy pro železobetonový monolitický strop a pro pohledovou vrstvu provětrávané fasády, projekt zařízení staveniště, podrobný časový plán hrubé stavby, časový a finanční harmonogram objektový, kontrolní a zkušební plány pro železobetonový skelet a pohledovou vrstvu provětrávané fasády z lícových cihel, návrh hlavních stavebních strojů a mechanismů a kalkulaci rozpočtu hrubé stavby.The objective of this thesis is the technological project of the structural construction of administrative building. It includes technological standards for reinforced concrete ceiling and for face layer of ventilated facade, the project of site construction, detailed structural, financial and time schedules of building object, controlling plans and test plans of the reinforced concrete skeleton and for face layer of ventilated facade from face brick, plan of main mechanical assemblies and costing of budget for structural.

    The Diffusion of Scholarship Across Disciplinary Boundaries through Data Sharing

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    An original data collection effort is often conducted by a scientist or group of scientists representing a single discipline. While secondary analysis of that data may occur within the same field, researchers from additional disciplines may also become interested in the data as well, creating a diffusion of the data across disciplinary boundaries. This paper investigates this idea using datasets archived in the Civic Learning, Engagement, and Action Data Sharing project at ICPSR. We compare the disciplines of the original researcher(s) involved in a data collection to the disciplines of researchers who have published findings based on analyses of these same datasets. Our analysis shows how some data become utilized by diverse disciplines over time. The paper also describes the extent to which researchers collaborate across disciplines in producing and analyzing data. Finally, we examine whether characteristics of the data (such as the breadth of the data) lead to greater diffusion across disciplinary boundaries. We conclude by discussing the value of sharing and using archival data across disciplinary boundaries.Spencer Foundation (Grant # 201500037)http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/167197/1/The Diffusion of Scholarship Across Disciplinary Boundaries through Data Sharing.pdfDescription of The Diffusion of Scholarship Across Disciplinary Boundaries through Data Sharing.pdf : Slide deckSEL

    A Data-Driven Approach to Appraisal and Selection at a Domain Data Repository

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    Social scientists are producing an ever-expanding volume of data, leading to questions about appraisal and selection of content given finite resources to process data for reuse. We analyze users’ search activity in an established social science data repository to better understand demand for data and more effectively guide collection development. By applying a data-driven approach, we aim to ensure curation resources are applied to make the most valuable data findable, understandable, accessible, and usable. We analyze data from a domain repository for the social sciences that includes over 500,000 annual searches in 2014 and 2015 to better understand trends in user search behavior. Using a newly created search-to-study ratio technique, we identified gaps in the domain data repository’s holdings and leveraged this analysis to inform our collection and curation practices and policies. The evaluative technique we propose in this paper will serve as a baseline for future studies looking at trends in user demand over time at the domain data repository being studied with broader implications for other data repositories.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145607/1/document.pd

    Supporting the Identification, Monitoring and Preservation of Government Data Resources: Findings from DataLumos Outreach Efforts

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    This report documents the findings of “Identification, Monitoring, and Preservation of Government Data Resources”, an 18-month project involving outreach to government data producers, users, and intermediaries. Through this project, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) sought to identify stakeholders’ most-used government datasets that they perceive to be potentially less accessible in the future, among other goals. Interviews and less formal interactions with data advocates and intermediaries, government data producers, and a variety of data users provided insights into the use of government data and perceptions of these data’s future accessibility. The most important source of data to these stakeholders is the Census Bureau, and several of its products were identified as being critical to stakeholders’ work. Data from other major statistical agencies, non-statistical federal agencies, and state and local data sources were also cited. The federal government data most used by stakeholders—and specifically the data of greatest importance to AECF-funded work—are perceived as accessible for future use. All of the federal datasets that stakeholders perceived to be potentially at risk were assessed and added to the DataLumos archive. A noteworthy finding from these interactions is that data created or collected by KIDS COUNT grantees, National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) participants, and other data intermediaries may not have a long-term data archiving or sharing plan. The analysts at these organizations spend significant effort gathering, aggregating, and analyzing data for their products, but they generally have no mechanism to archive or share these data. Given the investment in this work and the potential value of these data to community organizations, researchers, and even local and regional government agencies, there is a real opportunity for data intermediaries to store and share these data in a secure manner for the long term. Recommendations based on the project’s findings can be grouped into two major categories: advocacy and data sharing. Data users, intermediaries, and funders should continue to advocate that the Census Bureau and other principal statistical agencies provide access to the data products needed to successfully complete their work. Advocacy is also needed at the state and local levels, with the goals of targeting the creation of transparency laws and sunshine clauses, budget line items for data sharing, and infrastructural investments like open data portals and data application programming interfaces (APIs). Beyond traditional advocacy work, sustained and increased collaboration between government data producers and data users, intermediaries, and advocates is needed. As for data sharing, we recommend that data creators and intermediaries like KIDS COUNT grantees and NNIP partners work with data repositories like ICPSR to make their data available to others now and in the future. The archiving of these data would require both the infrastructure of a secure data repository as well as specialized curation and technical assistance related to sharing these types of data. The creation of an archive for data intermediaries’ data would extend the value of intermediaries’ important work, creating new resources for community members, institutions, and researchers.Annie E. Casey Foundationhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148837/1/Supporting the Identification, Monitoring and Preservation of Government Data Resources.pdfDescription of Supporting the Identification, Monitoring and Preservation of Government Data Resources.pdf : Repor