451 research outputs found

    3.6 Non-uniform distribution of treated sucrose solution via trophallaxis by honeybees affects homing success variability and mortality

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    Background: Food sharing in a group via trophallaxis might lead to a non-uniform distribution of pesticide spiked sucrose solution between caged honeybees. This can cause high variability in the homing success rate or mortality among group members and treatment replicates. In order to improve the oral food distribution of tested sucrose solution we compared two feeding schemes with two or ten bees per cage (20 μL/bee) and evaluated the impact on homing success rate and mortality. Results: First results showed that food intake with the two-bees feeding regime is faster. Therefore, a more accurate dosing distribution among bees can be expected. We measured a less variable homing success rate and retuning time among runs and the corresponding treatments. Furthermore, mortality rate of the groupfeeding scheme with ten bees per cage resulted in higher mortality values when compared to the two-bees feeding scheme. This might be an indication for a better and more uniform distribution of the treated sucrose solution among two caged bees.Conclusion: Improving the uniform distribution of test items by orally treatment administration in smaller groups with honeybees should be discussed and considered, as toxicity endpoints of single-dosed wild bees are compared with group-dosed honeybees. Furthermore, to minimize the trophallaxis dependency regarding food distribution in group dosed honeybees.Background: Food sharing in a group via trophallaxis might lead to a non-uniform distribution of pesticide spiked sucrose solution between caged honeybees. This can cause high variability in the homing success rate or mortality among group members and treatment replicates. In order to improve the oral food distribution of tested sucrose solution we compared two feeding schemes with two or ten bees per cage (20 μL/bee) and evaluated the impact on homing success rate and mortality. Results: First results showed that food intake with the two-bees feeding regime is faster. Therefore, a more accurate dosing distribution among bees can be expected. We measured a less variable homing success rate and retuning time among runs and the corresponding treatments. Furthermore, mortality rate of the groupfeeding scheme with ten bees per cage resulted in higher mortality values when compared to the two-bees feeding scheme. This might be an indication for a better and more uniform distribution of the treated sucrose solution among two caged bees.Conclusion: Improving the uniform distribution of test items by orally treatment administration in smaller groups with honeybees should be discussed and considered, as toxicity endpoints of single-dosed wild bees are compared with group-dosed honeybees. Furthermore, to minimize the trophallaxis dependency regarding food distribution in group dosed honeybees

    1.15 Sub-lethal effects at stake: Does the acaricide Coumaphos and fungicide Folpet affect the hypopharyngeal glands size?

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    Background: Pesticides are increasingly suspected to be involved at a global scale in honey bee decline. Most studies focuses on acute effects on mortality, whereas sub-lethal effects are poorly understood. Hypophryngeal glands (HPG), producing royal jelly to feed brood, are established marker to assess sub-lethal effects of pesticides where for example the size of the acini can be measured. The size of the later depends of different natural factors: the age of the bee and the type of task performed by the bee. The HPG are the best developed at the age of 10 days by nursing bees. Regarding the data requirements of the new EFSA bee guidance document and the recently developed OECD larva test 237 and 239 a data GAP regarding residues of PSM in the produced Royal Jelly by pesticide exposed bees which might have an adverse impact on larva development from day 1 to day 3 is recognized. Method: The effects on the commonly and widely used varroacide coumaphos in hives and the fungicide folpet in agriculture are currently unknown. Here we measured the size of the acini of new emerged bees treated with field realistic and non-realistic doses of both substances dissolved in pollen patties fed ad libitum for nine days (N=3 cages with 20 bees in each group) and in small encaged colonies without queens. An untreated and acetone control were established. The effects of the pesticides on workers and residues in gelee royal were tested with and without brood to take into consideration variations according to the tasks performed by the bees due to labor division. . After staining HPG activity was measured as a proxy via acini size. The results will be discussed. Results: Our results may help to improve knowledge in the development and validation of methods to evaluate the risk of bees exposed to pesticides for plant protection product authorization in an appropriate and comparable way which could be consequently implemented in standardized ring-test.Background: Pesticides are increasingly suspected to be involved at a global scale in honey bee decline. Most studies focuses on acute effects on mortality, whereas sub-lethal effects are poorly understood. Hypophryngeal glands (HPG), producing royal jelly to feed brood, are established marker to assess sub-lethal effects of pesticides where for example the size of the acini can be measured. The size of the later depends of different natural factors: the age of the bee and the type of task performed by the bee. The HPG are the best developed at the age of 10 days by nursing bees. Regarding the data requirements of the new EFSA bee guidance document and the recently developed OECD larva test 237 and 239 a data GAP regarding residues of PSM in the produced Royal Jelly by pesticide exposed bees which might have an adverse impact on larva development from day 1 to day 3 is recognized. Method: The effects on the commonly and widely used varroacide coumaphos in hives and the fungicide folpet in agriculture are currently unknown. Here we measured the size of the acini of new emerged bees treated with field realistic and non-realistic doses of both substances dissolved in pollen patties fed ad libitum for nine days (N=3 cages with 20 bees in each group) and in small encaged colonies without queens. An untreated and acetone control were established. The effects of the pesticides on workers and residues in gelee royal were tested with and without brood to take into consideration variations according to the tasks performed by the bees due to labor division. . After staining HPG activity was measured as a proxy via acini size. The results will be discussed. Results: Our results may help to improve knowledge in the development and validation of methods to evaluate the risk of bees exposed to pesticides for plant protection product authorization in an appropriate and comparable way which could be consequently implemented in standardized ring-test

    Future Profile of Swiss Chief Marketing Officers : Die Marketingverantwortung in der Schweiz heute und in Zukunft

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    StudieZiel der Studie ist es, Informationen zu Image, Rolle, Aufgaben, Kompetenzen und Verantwortlichkeiten, mit besonderem Gewicht auf die Messung von Marketingmassnahmen zu gewinnen und Angaben zum zukünftigen Anforderungsprofil von führenden Marketingverantwortlichen in Schweizer Unternehmen sowie Implikationen für die Ausbildung und Praxis des Marketing abzuleiten

    A sustentabilidade do Bairro Jardins Mangueiral : um estudo de caso

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, 2015.A sustentabilidade se consolidou como um modelo de desenvolvimento capaz de integrar o crescimento econômico e ao mesmo tempo, a proteção do meio ambiente. Segundo Elkington (1994), a sustentabilidade é alcançada quando todas as suas três dimensões - ambiental, econômica e social, são integradas de forma equilibrada. O conceito passou a ser aplicado em diversas áreas, inclusive na construção civil, particularmente, nos empreendimentos imobiliários. O Bairro Jardins Mangueiral, no Distrito Federal, é fruto da primeira Parceria Público-Privada (PPP) habitacional do país, foi projetado para ser sustentável com a peculiaridade de ser um bairro voltado para um público de baixa renda. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a sustentabilidade do Bairro Jardins Mangueiral. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual foram obtidos dados primários por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e dados secundários, sobre sustentabilidade em condomínios e bairros, por meio de revisão de estudos anteriores. O roteiro das entrevistas foi elaborado com base nas principais ações e práticas sustentáveis realizadas em outros condomínios e bairros sustentáveis. A sustentabilidade do bairro foi discutida à luz do tripé da sustentabilidade, principal conceito da área procurando observar se as ações praticadas durante os ciclos do projeto ocorreram conforme determina o conceito. Constatou-se que as três dimensões não foram igualmente contempladas. As ações se concentraram mais na dimensão social enquanto a dimensão econômica foi pouco explorada. Foram implementadas diversas ações na dimensão ambiental, porém outras importantes deixaram de ser executadas. O estudo identificou dificuldades e barreiras a serem superados para botar em prática muitas ações que ainda não saíram do papel