62 research outputs found

    The three-dimensional art gallery problem and its solutions

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    This thesis addressed the three-dimensional Art Gallery Problem (3D-AGP), a version of the art gallery problem, which aims to determine the number of guards required to cover the interior of a pseudo-polyhedron as well as the placement of these guards. This study exclusively focused on the version of the 3D-AGP in which the art gallery is modelled by an orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron, instead of a pseudo-polyhedron. An orthogonal pseudopolyhedron provides a simple yet effective model for an art gallery because of the fact that most real-life buildings and art galleries are largely orthogonal in shape. Thus far, the existing solutions to the 3D-AGP employ mobile guards, in which each mobile guard is allowed to roam over an entire interior face or edge of a simple orthogonal polyhedron. In many realword applications including the monitoring an art gallery, mobile guards are not always adequate. For instance, surveillance cameras are usually installed at fixed locations. The guard placement method proposed in this thesis addresses such limitations. It uses fixedpoint guards inside an orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron. This formulation of the art gallery problem is closer to that of the classical art gallery problem. The use of fixed-point guards also makes our method applicable to wider application areas. Furthermore, unlike the existing solutions which are only applicable to simple orthogonal polyhedra, our solution applies to orthogonal pseudo-polyhedra, which is a super-class of simple orthogonal polyhedron. In this thesis, a general solution to the guard placement problem for 3D-AGP on any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron has been presented. This method is the first solution known so far to fixed-point guard placement for orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron. Furthermore, it has been shown that the upper bound for the number of fixed-point guards required for covering any orthogonal polyhedron having n vertices is (n3/2), which is the lowest upper bound known so far for the number of fixed-point guards for any orthogonal polyhedron. This thesis also provides a new way to characterise the type of a vertex in any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron and has conjectured a quantitative relationship between the numbers of vertices with different vertex configurations in any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron. This conjecture, if proved to be true, will be useful for gaining insight into the structure of any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron involved in many 3-dimensional computational geometrical problems. Finally the thesis has also described a new method for splitting orthogonal polygon iv using a polyline and a new method for splitting an orthogonal polyhedron using a polyplane. These algorithms are useful in applications such as metal fabrication

    Algoritma Pemisahan Orthogonal Polygon dengan sebuah Polyline

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    Pemisahan adalah sebuah operasi dasar pada orthgonal polyogon. Tulisan ini mengusulkan sebuah algoritma untuk memisahkan orthogonal polygon dengan sebuah polyline. Terdapat tiga langkah untuk melakukan pemisahan yaitu: 1) sortir simpul secara AB-sorted; 2) gabungkan simpul polygon orthogonal dan polyline; 3) kelompokan simpul yang telah digabungkan menjadi dua kolompok simpul yang mewakili polygon orthogonal yang lebih kecil. Algoritma ini ekfektif dan mempunyai kompleksitas waktu yang linear. Keywords--orthogonal polygon, polyline, penyortira

    Studi Penggunaan Jejaring Sosial Edmodo Sebagai Media E-Learning Oleh Dosen Senior Yang Tidak Terbiasa Bekerja Dengan Komputer

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    Abstrak Munculnya internet dan teknologi komunikasi online telah merubah cara orang bekerja, berkomunikasi, bersosialisasi dan belajar. Akan tetapi, sebuah penelitian menunjukan bahwa sepertiga dari 1000 pengajar mengalami kesulitan menggunakan teknologi yang disediakan oleh sekolah. Dengan demikian, sebuah tantangan untuk mendorong pengajar untuk dapat berinteraksi dengan peserta didik  melalui pembelajaran online. Salah satu media pembelajaran online yang telah digunakan  digunakan diberbagai negara maju adalah Edmodo. Edmodo adalah sebuah Learning Management System (LMS) yang dapat memfasilitasi dosen untuk membuat dan mengatur kelas online mereka secara mudah. Penelitian ini menginvesitigasi bagaimana seorang dosen senior tapi tidak terbiasa bekerja dengan komputer, dapat menggunakan Edmodo sebagai media e-learning untuk mahasiswanya, dan selanjutnya mengungkap persepsi dosen dan mahasiswa tentang Edmodo. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Univeristas Jambi ini menunjukkan bahwa Dosen senior yang tak terbiasa bekerja dengan komputer tersebut dapat menggunakan Edmodo sebagai media e-learning. Hasil penelitin ini juga menunjukan bahwa dosen tersebut bersama mahasiswanya  mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap Edmodo untuk pembelajaran dimana dosen dan mahasiswa menyatakan bahwa aspek teknis dan sebagian fitur Edmodo mudah untuk dipahami dan digunakan untuk pembelajaran berbantuan e-learning. Kata Kunci: E-learning, Jejaring Sosial, Edmod


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    To improve the quality of learning, the government has attempted to facilitate school with equipment Information and Communication Technology (ICT), such as the procurement of computer labs, school computer connection to the Internet, and increase the skills of teachers in computer operationalize. In fact, only a few teachers who use computers for a whole series of teaching, starting from the use of computers to plan instruction, learning activities and evaluation of learning. The research reveals the teacher's perception of the skills and knowledge, and determine the factors that influence the control of teachers in ICT. Furthermore, this study also develops a tutorial www.etiktutor.org website dedicated to teachers who want to improve their knowledge and ICT skills through online tutorials. The survey results in this study show turns the ability of ICT teachers are categorized Jambi, and the factors that most influence on teachers' ICT capability is the availability of ICT tools and teacher access to participate in ICT education. Furthermore, the website tutorial tutorial materials based on the needs of teachers has received a very positive perception of teachers, where they say that www.etiktutor.org website is very useful to improve the knowledge and ability of mathematics teacher ICT and science high school in the city of Jambi. Keyword: communication technology competence, e-tutoria


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    Understanding words is one the language components that becoming a problem for students with hearing impairment ā€“ students with hearing and speaking problem. This difficulty exists because student with hearing impairment do have any perception about language. The difficulties of student with hearing impairment in understanding words will consequently causing problem for them in understanding and delivering sentences in written language and to interact in hearing community. The main goal of this research is to develop a media teaching and learning English based on Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and Edmodo ā€“ social network media that used exclusively as e-Ā­ā€learning tool, toward the ability of hearing impairment students in understanding meaning of words, semantic, and their interaction in learning English. The research also investigated the effectiveness of using the media in learning English for the students. The result shows that students with hearing impairment are very motivated in understanding words and sentences taught assisted with ICT and Edmodo. The everyday classroom interaction shows that the students are actively participating in individual and group works. In addition, students have a good perception about teaching assisted with ICT and Edmodo. Keyword: ICT and Edmodo, Hearing Impairment Students, Teaching and Learning Englis

    Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Model Problem Based Learning Daring untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Materi Perubahan Lingkungan: (Development of Online Problem Based Learning Implementation Plans to Increase Student Motivation on Environmental Change Materials)

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    The design of RPP model PBL online in biology learning is very necessary, the reason is because in biology there is a lot of material that requires the design of online PBL model lesson plans to facilitate the delivery of material by teachers to students. The application of the RPP model PBL online can be used by the teacher as a guide in learning. The reason is because of the lack of teacher guidelines in designing RPP model PBL online lesson plans. Efforts that can be made to overcome this problem are by designing the optimal RPP model PBL online. The purpose of this research is to produce a product, determine the development process and feasibility and to determine the increase in student motivation after online learning. This research is a development research. The research design follows the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Products RPP model PBL online before being tested are first validated by expert lecturers using a 3-stage validation questionnaire with the final percentage acquisition of 88.75% with a very valid category, can be used without revision. After that the product of the RPP model PBL online was given to 2 biology subject teachers to see perceptions, using the teacher's perception questionnaire, the results obtained were 84.37% with a very good category, thus the RPP model PBL online was said to be feasible to be applied in learning. Furthermore, online learning is carried out in large groups of class kelas MIPA 1 students consisting of 20 students. After the trial was carried out, students were given a motivation questionnaire and obtained results with a percentage of 81.87% in the very good category. From the test results obtained, it can be concluded that the development of RPP model PBL online lesson plans can increase student learning motivation. Abstrak. Rancangan RPP model PBL daring dalam pembelajaran biologi sangat diperlukan, alasannya karena pada mata pelajaran biologi banyak sekali materi yang memerlukan rancangan RPP model PBL daring untuk mempermudah dalam penyampaian materi oleh guru kepada siswa. Penerapan RPP model PBL daring dapat digunakan guru sebagai pedoman dalam pembelajaran. Alasannya, karena minimnya pedoman guru dalam merancang RPP model PBL daring. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi hal teersebut adalah dengan merancang RPP model PBL daring secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan produk, mengetahui proses pengembangan dan kelayakan serta untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi siswa setelah pembelajaran daring. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Desain peneltian mengikuti model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 tahap yaitu analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Produk RPP model PBL daring sebelum diujicobakan terlebih dahulu divalidasi oleh dosen ahli menggunakan angket validasi sebanayak 3 tahap dengan perolehan persentse akhirĀ  88,75% dengan kategori sangat valid, dapat digunakan tanpa revisi. Setelah itu produk RPP model PBL daring diberikan kepada 2 guru mata pelajaran biologi untuk melihat persepsi, menggunakan angket persepsi guru, diperoleh hasil dengan persentase 84,37% dengan kategori sangat baik, dengan demikian RPP model PBL daring dikatakan layak diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Selanjutnya pembelajaran daring dilaksanakan pada kelompok besar siswa kelas Ī§ MIPA 1 yang terdiri dari 20 orang siswa. Setelah uji coba dilaksanakan siswa diberikan angket motivasi dan memperoleh hasil dengan persentase 81,87% dengan kategori sangat baik. Dari hasil uji coba yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan RPP model PBL daring dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa

    Pengembangan RPP dan LKPD Berbasis TPACK Pada Materi Garis dan Sudut untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis

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    Penelitian pengembangan perangkat berbasis Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) pada materi garis dan sudut ini bertujuan Mengembangkan RPP dan LKPD berbasis TPACK untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik pada materi garis dan sudut. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan desain pengembangan model 4D dansubjek penelitian adalah kelas VII D MTs Negeri 5 Kota Jambi. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket tanggapan peserta didik dan guru, lembar observasi, instrumen penilaian kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik serta instrumen integrasi TPACK untuk guru dan lembar validasi ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada pertemuan I sampai pertemuan VI termasuk pada kategori ā€œbaikā€. Hasil evaluasi belajar peserta didik rata-rata 67 yang dikategorikan ā€œbaikā€.Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa RPP dan LKPD berbasis TPACK  yang dikembangkan telah meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran peserta didik pada materi garis dan sudut, serta mampu meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik

    Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Materi Prasyarat Terstruktur pada Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus untuk Kelas VIII SMP/MTs: Development of LKPD Based on Structured Prerequisite Material on Straight Line Equation Material for VIII SMP/MTs Class

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    Mastery of the prerequisite material is essential to help students overcome mathematics learning difficulties; however, the prerequisite material needs to be managed effectively to achieve learning objectives. Student Worksheet (LKPD) is a learning tool that can be used to achieve learning objectives. This research is development research to produce a student worksheet that is valid, practical, and effective. LKPD development is carried out using the ADDIE model. The valid value is obtained from the results of content validation by the validator. The practical value is obtained from the test subject's response, and the effectiveness value is obtained based on the assessment of students during the actual trial. The development results show that the average percentage score of the validation results of material experts and media experts reaches 72%, which indicates that LKPD is valid. The practicality assessment was obtained from the percentage of student and teacher responses to the questionnaire given; the average is 99%. The trial results show that the students' responses are very valid. Student learning outcomes showed that 76% of students were able to reach the minimum requirement achievement, meaning that the LKPD effectively improved student learning outcomes. Mathematical LKPD based on structured prerequisite material fulfills the valid, practical, and effective criteria for learning straight line equation material

    Constructivism-Based Mathematics Learning Multimedia to Improve Studentsā€™ Mathematical Communication Skills

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    This study aims to describe the process of developing Constructivism-based Mathematics Multimedia, determine studentsā€™ perceptions of Multimedia and find out the level of improvement in studentsā€™ mathematics communication skills after using this Multimedia. This research ran for 1 month in class X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2, and X MIPA 3 SMAN 1 Jambi. The development model used in this study is the ADDIE development model. The type of data is qualitative data and quantitative data. From the results of the pre-test and post-test, it was found that 13 students had an increase in mathematical communication skills with high criteria, 7 students had an increase in mathematical communication skills with medium criteria, and 12 students had an increase in mathematical communication skills with low criteria. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that Constructivism-based Multimedia can improve the studentsā€™ mathematics communication skills
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