51 research outputs found

    Signal, noise, and detective quantum efficiency of a‐Si:H flat‐panel imagers

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135065/1/mp8427.pd

    X-ray imaging with amorphous silicon active matrix flat-panel imagers (AMFPIs)

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    Recent advances in thin-film electronics technology have opened the way for the use of flat-panel imagers in a number of medical imaging applications. These novel imagers offer real time digital readout capabilities ( ∼ 30(∼30 frames per second), radiation hardness (>106 cGy),(>106cGy), large area (30×40 cm2)(30×40cm2) and compactness ( ∼ 1 cm).(∼1cm). Such qualities make them strong candidates for the replacement of conventional x-ray imaging technologies such as film-screen and image intensifier systems. In this report, qualities and potential of amorphous silicon based active matrix flat-panel imagers are outlined for various applications such as radiation therapy, radiography, fluoroscopy and mammography. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87833/2/241_1.pd

    Noise aliasing and the 3D NEQ of flat-panel cone-beam CT: Effect of 2D∕3D apertures and sampling

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    The ability to tune an imaging system to be optimal for a specific task is an essential component of image quality. This article discusses the ability to tune the noise-equivalent quanta (NEQ) of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) by managing noise aliasing through binning of data at different points in the reconstruction cascade. The noise power spectrum, modulation transfer function, and NEQ for CBCT are calculated using cascaded systems analysis. Binning is treated as a modular process, insertable between any two stages (in both the 2D projection domain and in the 3D reconstruction domain), consisting of the application of an aperture, followed by the resampling of data (which introduces noise aliasing). Several conditions were examined to demonstrate the validity of the model and to describe the effect on the image quality of some common reconstruction and visualization techniques. It was found that when downsampling data for increased reconstruction speed, binning in 2D results in a superior low-frequency NEQ, while binning in 3D results in a superior high-frequency NEQ. Furthermore, visualization procedures such as slice averaging were found not to degrade the NEQ provided the sampling interval is unchanged. Finally methods for reducing noise aliasing by oversampling are examined, and a method to eliminate noise aliasing without increasing reconstruction time is proposed. These results demonstrate the ease with which the NEQ of CBCT can be modified and thus optimized for specific tasks and show how such analysis can be used to improve image quality

    Cascaded systems analysis of the 3D noise transfer characteristics of flat-panel cone-beam CT

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    The physical factors that govern 2D and 3D imaging performance may be understood from quantitative analysis of the spatial-frequency-dependent signal and noise transfer characteristics [e.g., modulation transfer function (MTF), noise-power spectrum (NPS), detective quantum efficiency (DQE), and noise-equivalent quanta (NEQ)] along with a task-based assessment of performance (e.g., detectability index). This paper advances a theoretical framework based on cascaded systems analysis for calculation of such metrics in cone-beam CT (CBCT). The model considers the 2D projection NPS propagated through a series of reconstruction stages to yield the 3D NPS and allows quantitative investigation of tradeoffs in image quality associated with acquisition and reconstruction techniques. While the mathematical process of 3D image reconstruction is deterministic, it is shown that the process is irreversible, the associated reconstruction parameters significantly affect the 3D DQE and NEQ, and system optimization should consider the full 3D imaging chain. Factors considered in the cascade include: system geometry; number of projection views; logarithmic scaling; ramp, apodization, and interpolation filters; 3D back-projection; and 3D sampling (noise aliasing). The model is validated in comparison to experiment across a broad range of dose, reconstruction filters, and voxel sizes, and the effects of 3D noise correlation on detectability are explored. The work presents a model for the 3D NPS, DQE, and NEQ of CBCT that reduces to conventional descriptions of axial CT as a special case and provides a fairly general framework that can be applied to the design and optimization of CBCT systems for various applications

    Ideal-observer detectability in photon-counting differential phase-contrast imaging using a linear-systems approach

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    Purpose: To provide a cascaded-systems framework based on the noise-power spectrum (NPS), modulation transfer function (MTF), and noise-equivalent number of quanta (NEQ) for quantitative evaluation of differential phase-contrast imaging (Talbot interferometry) in relation to conventional absorption contrast under equal-dose, equal-geometry, and, to some extent, equal-photon-economy constraints. The focus is a geometry for photon-counting mammography. Methods: Phase-contrast imaging is a promising technology that may emerge as an alternative or adjunct to conventional absorption contrast. In particular, phase contrast may increase the signal-difference-to-noise ratio compared to absorption contrast because the difference in phase shift between soft-tissue structures is often substantially larger than the absorption difference. We have developed a comprehensive cascaded-systems framework to investigate Talbot interferometry, which is a technique for differential phase-contrast imaging. Analytical expressions for the MTF and NPS were derived to calculate the NEQ and a task-specific ideal-observer detectability index under assumptions of linearity and shift invariance. Talbot interferometry was compared to absorption contrast at equal dose, and using either a plane wave or a spherical wave in a conceivable mammography geometry. The impact of source size and spectrum bandwidth was included in the framework, and the trade-off with photon economy was investigated in some detail. Wave-propagation simulations were used to verify the analytical expressions and to generate example images. Results: Talbot interferometry inherently detects the differential of the phase, which led to a maximum in NEQ at high spatial frequencies, whereas the absorption-contrast NEQ decreased monotonically with frequency. Further, phase contrast detects differences in density rather than atomic number, and the optimal imaging energy was found to be a factor of 1.7 higher than for absorption contrast. Talbot interferometry with a plane wave increased detectability for 0.1-mm tumor and glandular structures by a factor of 3-4 at equal dose, whereas absorption contrast was the preferred method for structures larger than similar to 0.5 mm. Microcalcifications are small, but differ from soft tissue in atomic number more than density, which is favored by absorption contrast, and Talbot interferometry was barely beneficial at all within the resolution limit of the system. Further. Talbot interferometry favored detection of "sharp" as opposed to "smooth" structures, and discrimination tasks by about 50% compared to detection tasks. The technique was relatively insensitive to spectrum bandwidth, whereas the projected source size was more important. If equal photon economy was added as a restriction, phase-contrast efficiency was reduced so that the benefit for detection tasks almost vanished compared to absorption contrast, but discrimination tasks were still improved close to a factor of 2 at the resolution limit. Conclusions: Cascaded-systems analysis enables comprehensive and intuitive evaluation of phase-contrast efficiency in relation to absorption contrast under requirements of equal dose, equal geometry, and equal photon economy. The benefit of Talbot interferometry was highly dependent on task, in particular detection versus discrimination tasks, and target size, shape, and material. Requiring equal photon economy weakened the benefit of Talbot interferometry in mammography.QC 20121109</p

    Model-Based Tomographic Reconstruction of Objects Containing Known Components

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