1,289 research outputs found

    Retrodiction as a tool for micromaser field measurements

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    We use retrodictive quantum theory to describe cavity field measurements by successive atomic detections in the micromaser. We calculate the state of the micromaser cavity field prior to detection of sequences of atoms in either the excited or ground state, for atoms that are initially prepared in the excited state. This provides the POM elements, which describe such sequences of measurements.Comment: 20 pages, 4(8) figure

    Rapid, quantitative determination of bacteria in water

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    A bioluminescent assay for ATP in water borne bacteria is made by adding nitric acid to a water sample with concentrated bacteria to rupture the bacterial cells. The sample is diluted with sterile, deionized water, then mixed with a luciferase-luciferin mixture and the resulting light output of the bioluminescent reaction is measured and correlated with bacteria present. A standard and a blank also are presented so that the light output can be correlated to bacteria in the sample and system noise can be substracted from the readings. A chemiluminescent assay for iron porphyrins in water borne bacteria is made by adding luminol reagent to a water sample with concentrated bacteria and measuring the resulting light output of the chemiluminescent reaction

    Retrodiction with two-level atoms: atomic previvals

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    In the Jaynes-Cummings model a two-level atom interacts with a single-mode electromagnetic field. Quantum mechanics predicts collapses and revivals in the probability that a measurement will show the atom to be excited at various times after the initial preparation of the atom and field. In retrodictive quantum mechanics we seek the probability that the atom was prepared in a particular state given the initial state of the field and the outcome of a later measurement on the atom. Although this is not simply the time reverse of the usual predictive problem, we demonstrate in this paper that retrodictive collapses and revivals also exist. We highlight the differences between predictive and retrodictive evolutions and describe an interesting situation where the prepared state is essentially unretrodictable.Comment: 15 pages, 3 (5) figure

    Effect of chemical–electrochemical surface treatment on the roughness and fatigue performance of porous titanium lattice structures

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) has enabled the fabrication of extremely complex components such as porous metallic lattices, which have applications in aerospace, automotive, and in particular biomedical devices. The fatigue resistance of these materials is currently an important limitation however, due to manufacturing defects such as semi-fused particles and weld lines. In this work a chemical–electrochemical surface treatment (Hirtisation®) is used for post-processing of Ti-6Al-4V lattices, reducing the strut surface roughness (Sa) from 12 to 6 μm, removing all visible semi-fused particles. The evenness of this treatment in lattices with relative density up to 18.3% and treatment depth of 6.5 mm was assessed, finding no evidence of reduced effectiveness on internal surfaces. After normalising to quasi-static mechanical properties to account for material losses during hirtisation (34%–37% reduction in strut diameter), the fatigue properties show a marked improvement due to the reduction in surface roughness. Normalised high cycle fatigue strength increased from around 0.1 to 0.16-0.21 after hirtisation, an average increase of 80%. For orthopaedic implant devices where matching the stiffness of surrounding bone is crucial, the fatigue strength to modulus ratio is a key metric. After hirtisation the fatigue strength to modulus ratio increased by 90%, enabling design of stiffness matched implant materials with greater fatigue strength. This work demonstrates that hirtisation is an effective method for improving the surface roughness of porous lattice materials, thereby enhancing their fatigue performance

    Tribological evaluation of a novel hybrid for repair of articular cartilage defects

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    The friction and wear properties of silica/poly(tetrahydrofuran)/poly(ε-caprolactone) (SiO2/PTHF/PCL-diCOOH) hybrid materials that are proposed as cartilage tissue engineering materials were investigated against living articular cartilage. A testing rig was designed to allow testing against fresh bovine cartilage. The friction force and wear were compared for five compositions of the hybrid biomaterial articulating against freshly harvested bovine cartilage in diluted bovine calf serum. Under a non-migrating contact, the friction force increased and hence shear force applied to the opposing articular cartilage also increased, resulting in minor damage to the cartilage surface. This worse case testing scenario was used to discriminate between material formulations and revealed the increase in friction and damaged area was lowest for the hybrid containing the most silica. Further friction and wear tests on one hybrid formulation with an elastic modulus closest to that of cartilage were then conducted in a custom incubator system. This demonstrated that over a five day period the friction force, cell viability and glucosaminoglycan (GAG) release into the lubricant were similar between a cartilage-cartilage interface and the hybrid-cartilage interface, supporting the use of these materials for cartilage repair. These results demonstrate how tribology testing can play a part in the development of new materials for chondral tissue engineering

    An in vitro model of impaction during hip arthroplasty

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    Impaction is required to properly seat press-fit implants and ensure initial implant stability and long term bone ingrowth, however excessive impaction or press-fit presents a high fracture risk in the acetabulum and femur. Current in-vitro impaction testing methods do not replicate the compliance of the soft tissues surrounding the hip, a factor that may be important in fracture and force prediction. This study presents the measurement of compliance of the soft tissues supporting the hip during impaction in operative conditions, and replicates these in vitro. Hip replacements were carried out on 4 full body cadavers while impact force traces and acetabular/femoral displacement were measured. Compliance was then simulated computationally using a Voigt model. These data were subsequently used to inform the design of a representative in-vitro drop rig. Effective masses of 19.7 kg and 12.7 kg, spring stiffnesses of 8.0 kN/m and 4.1 kN/m and dashpot coefficients of 595 N s/m and 322 N s/m were calculated for the acetabular and femoral soft tissues respectively. A good agreement between cadaveric and in-vitro peak displacement and rise time during impact is found. Such an in-vitro setup is of use during laboratory testing, simulation or even surgical training

    Low-cost locally manufacturable unilateral imperial external fixator for low- and middle-income countries

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    Treating open fractures in long bones can be challenging and if not performed properly can lead to poor outcomes such as mal/non-union, deformity, and amputation. One of the most common methods of treating these fracture types is temporary external fixation followed by definitive fixation. The shortage of high-quality affordable external fixators is a long-recognised need, particularly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). This research aimed to develop a low-cost device that can be manufactured locally to international standards. This can provide surge capacity for conflict zones or in response to unpredictable incidents and situations. The fixator presented here and developed by us, the Imperial external fixator, was tested on femur and tibia specimens under 100 cycles of 100 N compression-tension and the results were compared with those of the Stryker Hoffmann 3 frame. The Imperial device was stiffer than the Stryker Hoffmann 3 with a lower median interfragmentary motion (of 0.94 vs. 1.48 mm). The low-cost, easy to use, relatively lightweight, and easy to manufacture (since minimum skillset and basic workshop equipment and materials are needed) device can address a critical shortage and need in LMICs particularly in conflict-affected regions with unpredictable demand and supply. The device is currently being piloted in three countries for road traffic accidents, gunshot wounds and other conflict trauma—including blast cohorts

    Interference in dielectrics and pseudo-measurements

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    Inserting a lossy dielectric into one arm of an interference experiment acts in many ways like a measurement. If two entangled photons are passed through the interferometer, a certain amount of information is gained about which path they took, and the interference pattern in a coincidence count measurement is suppressed. However, by inserting a second dielectric into the other arm of the interferometer, one can restore the interference pattern. Two of these pseudo-measurements can thus cancel each other out. This is somewhat analogous to the proposed quantum eraser experiments.Comment: 7 pages RevTeX 3.0 + 2 figures (postscript). Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic field and wind of Kappa Ceti: towards the planetary habitability of the young Sun when life arose on Earth

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    We report magnetic field measurements for Kappa1~Cet, a proxy of the young Sun when life arose on Earth. We carry out an analysis of the magnetic properties determined from spectropolarimetric observations and reconstruct its large-scale surface magnetic field to derive the magnetic environment, stellar winds and particle flux permeating the interplanetary medium around Kappa1~Cet. Our results show a closer magnetosphere and mass-loss rate of Mdot = 9.7 x 10^{-13} Msol/yr, i.e., a factor 50 times larger than the current solar wind mass-loss rate, resulting in a larger interaction via space weather disturbances between the stellar wind and a hypothetical young-Earth analogue, potentially affecting the planet's habitability. Interaction of the wind from the young Sun with the planetary ancient magnetic field may have affected the young Earth and its life conditionsComment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Published at the Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL): Manuscript #LET3358

    Photon tunneling through absorbing dielectric barriers

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    Using a recently developed formalism of quantization of radiation in the presence of absorbing dielectric bodies, the problem of photon tunneling through absorbing barriers is studied. The multilayer barriers are described in terms of multistep complex permittivities in the frequency domain which satisfy the Kramers--Kronig relations. From the resulting input--output relations it is shown that losses in the layers may considerably change the photon tunneling times observed in two-photon interference experiments. It is further shown that for sufficiently large numbers of layers interference fringes are observed that cannot be related to a single traversal time.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 9 figures (PS) include
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