12 research outputs found

    Pendapatan dan Nilai Tambah Pengolahan Primer Kopi Arabika di Desa Sait Buttu Saribu, Kecamatan Pamatang Sidamanik, Kabupaten Simalungun

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    Primary processing is the most important aspect in enhancing the added value at farm business level, but some farmers have not done yet. This study aims to analyze the income of arabica coffee farm business, the difference in farmers’ income that sells coffee in parchment and cherry red, and  the added value of selling in parchment. Data were analyzed with Revenue Cost Ratio (RCR), Independent Sample t Test, and added value analysis method of Hayami et al. (1987). The results showed that arabica coffee farming with parchment had a higher RCR and was significantly different from cherry red, and which sold both parchment and cherry red. Income of farmers who sell parchment is differs significantly from who sell cherry red and those who sell both parchment and cherry red.  The added value of primary processing is 30%, while the income of family labor from the primary processing is 69%


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    Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pengaruh aspek sosioekologis terhadap produksi kopi arabika dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi majemuk dan diduga dengan program SPSS 22.  Sampel berjumlah 58 rumah tangga petani.  Tingkat partisipasi petani mengikuti pelatihan hanya 30%.  Aspek-aspek  yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah penggunaan pohon pelindung legum (26%), jumlah pohon pelindung (67 pohon/ha), pemangkasan tanaman kopi (43%), pengembalian kulit kopi sebagai mulsa (57%), dan menyediakan tempat terpisah untuk menyimpan pestisida (41%).  Sementara aspek ekologis yang sudah baik adalah penggunaan pupuk organik (93%) dan penggunaan masker atau pengaman saat mengaplikasikan pestisida.  Aspek ekologis yang perlu diminimalkan adalah penggunaan herbisida untuk mengendalikan gulma (91%).  Aspek sosial dan ekologi secara bersama berperan penting pada usahatani kopi arabika. Aspek ekologi memiliki multiperan, yaitu peningkatan kuantitas produksi, peningkatan kualitas, dan keberlanjutan lingkungan.  Partisipasi petani dalam pelatihan, jumlah pohon pelindung legum, dan praktik pemangkasan tanaman kopi, berpengaruh positif dan nyata terhadap produksi kopi arabika.  Sementara umur, tingkat pendidikan, jumlah pohon pelindung, penggunaan pupuk organik, dan penggunaan kulit buah kopi sebagai mulsa, berpengaruh positif dan tidak nyata terhadap produksi kopi arabika

    Aspek Ekologis dan Determinan Produksi Kopi Arabika Spesialti di Wilayah Dataran Tinggi Sumatera Utara

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    Monoculture farming of arabica coffee plantation does not support environmental sustainability. International market demands arabica coffee product in compliance with an environmentally friendly standard which promotes ecological-based management. This study aims to identify the ecological aspects of specialty arabica coffee cultivation, and to analyze the effect of shade tree population, the use of organic fertilizer, the pruning of coffee crop, land conservation, and the control of coffee berry borer on specialty arabica coffee production. The data of ecological aspect was collected from three regencies in North Sumatera Province, namely Simalungun, North Tapanuli, and Dairi. Production determinant was analyzed concerning farming cultivation in three districts of Simalungun Regency namely Sidamanik, Pamatang Sidamanik, and Dolok Pardamean. The location was determined with multi-stage cluster sampling and the farmer samples with simple random sampling. The ecological aspect was analyzed descriptively while the determinant of arabica coffee production was analyzed with multiple regression method. The result shows that the shaded arabica coffee farming covers only 32% of the total arabica coffee production in the study area with a population of 54 trees/ha. Land conservation conducted by the farmers utilizes coffee fruit mulch (92%), individual terrace (3%), rorak (4%), and bench terrace (1%). The arabica coffee farming system managed by the farmers consists of monoculture (30%), mix farming (24%), shade coffee (32%), and multistrata coffee (14%). The pruning of coffee plants and integrated control of coffee berry borer has a significant effect on specialty arabica coffee production. Land conservation, population of shade tree, and organic fertilizer are an important production determinant on arabica coffee production in the short-term. These three ecological variables play a role to maintain land preservation and support sustainable arabica coffee production in the long-term

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Kewirausahaan Petani Kopi Arabika di Kecamatan Dolog Masagal, Kabupaten Simalungun, Provinsi Sumatera Utara: Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Performance of Arabica Coffee Farmers in Dolog Masagal District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province

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    Arabica coffee is a leading commodity in Simalungun Regency, where entrepreneurship becomes one of the important aspects in arabica coffee farming management. This study aims to understand the influence of internal factors (farmer age, education, experience, number of family members, family motivation, and work culture) and external factors (government support, community support, access to production facilities, and climatic conditions) on entrepreneurial performance of arabica coffee farmers. The research was conducted in two villages (Bangun Pane village and Bintang Mariah village) in Dolog Masagal district, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province during March to May 2018. The study sample covers 60 farmer households who have Arabica coffee farming with at least 300 arabica coffee plants and minimum plant age of three years, determined by snowball sample method. The study used ratio and scale data (Likert scale), which was analyzed using multiple regression equations. Data were processed using SPSS 24. Results show that internal factors have positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial performance of arabica coffee farmers (value Sig.=0.005), while external factors have positive and insignificant effect (value Sig.=0.313). Local governments through relevant technical agencies are recommended to provide facilitation in improving farmers' access to production factors, increasing quantity and quality of extension, technical guidance, and relevant training

    The Role of Village-Owned Enterprises in Agriculture Sector in Enhancing Community Welfare in Tampahan District, Toba Regency, North Sumatra

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    The farming business needs to obtain support to increase the income and welfare of farmers. This study aims to analyze the role of village-owned enterprises (BUM Desa) in agriculture sector in enhancing community’s welfare. The research was conducted in Gurgur Aekraja Village, Tampahan District, Toba Regency, from January to March 2021. 66 farmers were determined as respondents using a simple random sampling. Respondents' perceptions of variable indicators were measured using a Likert scale. The role of BUM Desa is measured based on the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable with multiple linear regressions. Farmers' perceptions of variable indicators are in the very good category, namely 4.34 for the establishment of BUM Desa, 4.43 for BUM Desa activities, and 4.42 for community welfare. Based on multiple regression analysis, it was concluded that the establishment of BUM Desa and BUM Desa activities plays a very significant role in improving community welfare

    Komoditas Unggulan dan Potensial Sektor Pertanian Kabupaten Simalungun, Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Sektor Pertanian merupakan sektor dengan kontribusi terbesar dalam Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Kabupaten Simalungun.  Namun pengembangan komoditas di sektor pertanian dinilai belum sepenuhnya berbasis pada komoditas basis dan tingkat pertumbuhannya.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis komoditas unggulan dan komoditas potensial sektor pertanian dalam arti luas.  Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Simalungun, pada bulan Maret-Agustus 2019.  Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yaitu data produksi masing-masing komoditas pertanian tahun 2008-2017 diperoleh dari Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Simalungun, Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Simalungun, dan Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sumatera Utara.  Data produksi dianalisis dengan Location Quotient (LQ) dan tipologi Klassen.  Pangsa Sektor Pertanian dalam PDRB Kabupaten Simalungun tahun 2008-2017 adalah rata-rata sebesar 49,53%.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis data produksi, dalam kurun waktu 2008-2017, komoditas unggulan Kabupaten Simalungun (kombinasi nilai LQ>1, tumbuh cepat)  adalah ubi jalar (tanaman pangan); kentang, kubis, buncis, bayam, mangga, dan pisang (hortikultura); kelapa sawit, kopi arabika, kakao, dan cengkeh (perkebunan rakyat); kerbau (peternakan); dan kegiatan perikanan budidaya.   Sementara komoditas potensial (nilai LQ>1, tumbuh lambat) adalah padi ladang, jagung, dan ubi kayu (tanaman pangan); bawang merah (hortikultura); kopi robusta, pinang, aren, dan vanili (perkebunan rakyat);  sapi, babi, dan ayam kampung (peternakan).  Komoditas basis namun relatif tertinggal adalah kacang tanah.  Sementara, komoditas nonbasis namun tergolong berkembang cepat adalah nangka, manggis, sawo, durian, pepaya, nenas, petsai, terung, cabai, tomat, karet, wortel, kacang panjang, dan kayu manis.

    Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials

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    Socioeconomic and Ecological Dimension of Certified and Conventional Arabica Coffee Production in North Sumatra, Indonesia

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    The study was conducted in six subdistricts of Simalungun district, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The research objective is knowing the influence of socioeconomic and ecological factors on production of specialty Arabica coffee. Determination of the households sample was using Probability Proportional to Size and Simple Random Sampling for 79 units certified coffee farms and 210 units conventional coffee farms. Farmer’s data was analyzed with multiple linear regression model. Benefit of coffee certification compared to conventional coffee was analyzed by independen t-test. Increased production of arabica coffee could be achieved by intensification strategy through: increased application of suitable fertilizer recommendations, facilitation of coffee farm credit, optimization of land use (intercropping or multistrata coffee), optimization of family labour used, and application of GAPs (shade tree, organic fertilizer, coffee pruning, land conservation, and control of CBB). Ecological dimensions have important role in the development of specialty arabica coffee in the Simalungun highland; i.e. enhance productivity, improve coffee quality and support sustainability of coffee production. Productivity of certified arabica coffee is lower (8%) than conventional coffee, meanwhile premium price of certified coffee is only slightly higher (3.57%) than conventional coffee

    Perencanaan wilayah dan pengembangan ekonomi lokal berbasis pertanian

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    xix, 290 hlm. ; ilus; 23 cm

    Penggunaan Hak Atas tanah untuk Industri

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