40 research outputs found

    Technical efficiency of hybrid maize production in eastern terai of Nepal: A stochastic frontier approach

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    Maize is the second most important crop after rice in terms of area and production in Nepal. This article analyzes the technical efficiency and its determinants of hybrid maize production in eastern Nepal. Using a randomly selected data from 98 farmers (41 from Morang and 57 from Sunsari) in eastern Nepal, the study employed a stochastic frontier production model to find the production elasticity coefficients of inputs, determinants of efficiency and technical efficiency of hybrid maize farmers. The results showed that maize production responds positively to increase in amount of urea, DAP and the area planted, where as it is negative to seed quantity. The study indicate that farmers are not technically efficient with a mean technical efficiency 79 %. Socioeconomic variable age had a negative and significant while the household size had a positive and significant related to maize output. The younger farmers were observed more technically efficient than older farmers. Larger the members in the household higher the maize production. It is recommended that farmers should increase their fertilizer dose and farm size while they should decrease their seed rate for efficient production

    Technical Efficiency of Hybrid Maize Production in Eastern Terai of Nepal: a Stochastic Frontier Approach

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    Maize is the second most important crop after rice in terms of area and production in Nepal. This article analyzes the technical efficiency and its determinants of hybrid maize production in eastern Nepal. Using a randomly selected data from 98 farmers (41 from Morang and 57 from Sunsari) in eastern Nepal, the study employed a stochastic frontier production model to find the production elasticity coefficients of inputs, determinants of efficiency and technical efficiency of hybrid maize farmers. The results showed that maize production responds positively to increase in amount of urea, DAP and the area planted, where as it is negative to seed quantity. The study indicate that farmers are not technically efficient with a mean technical efficiency 79 %. Socioeconomic variable age had a negative and significant while the household size had a positive and significant related to maize output. The younger farmers were observed more technically efficient than older farmers. Larger the members in the household higher the maize production. It is recommended that farmers should increase their fertilizer dose and farm size while they should decrease their seed rate for efficient production

    New Forms of Development: Branding Innovative Ideas and Bidding for Foreign Aid in the Maternal and Child Health Service in Nepal

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    Nepal has been receiving foreign aid since the early 1950s. Currently, the country’s health care systemis heavily dependent on aid, even for the provision of basic health services to its people. Globally, the mechanismfor the dispersal of foreign aid is becoming increasingly complex. Numerous stakeholders are involved at variouslevels: donors, intermediary organisations, project-implementing partners and the beneficiaries, engaging not onlyin Nepal but also globally. To illustrate how branding and bidding occurs, and to discuss how this process hasbecome increasingly vital in securing foreign aid to run MCH activities in Nepal

    Health-Seeking Behaviors and Self-Care Practices of People with Filarial Lymphoedema in Nepal: A Qualitative Study

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    Background. Lymphatic filariasis is endemic in Nepal. This study aimed to investigate health-seeking behaviors and self-care practices of people with filarial Lymphoedema in Nepal. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted using qualitative methods in three endemic districts. Twenty-three patients with current Lymphoedema were recruited in the study. Results. Hydrocele was found to be a well-known condition and a major health problem in the studied communities. People with Lymphoedema primarily sought health care from traditional healers, whereas sometimes home-based care was their first treatment. Later Ayurvedic and allopathic hospital-based care were sought. Respondents reported various psychological problems such as difficulty in engaging in sexual intercourse, anxiety, worry and stress, depression, low self-esteem, feeling weak, fear of being abandoned, and fear of transmitting disease to the children. Standard foot care practices except washing were largely absent. Conclusions. Lymphoedema in the limbs and hydrocele were found to be major health problems. The traditional health care providers were the first contact of care for the majority of respondents. Only a few patients had been practicing standard foot care practices

    Global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Funding: F Carvalho and E Fernandes acknowledge support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy i4HB; FCT/MCTES through the project UIDB/50006/2020. J Conde acknowledges the European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-StG-2019-848325). V M Costa acknowledges the grant SFRH/BHD/110001/2015, received by Portuguese national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), IP, under the Norma Transitória DL57/2016/CP1334/CT0006.proofepub_ahead_of_prin

    Renew the car track control panel programming with SIEMENS

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    This research examines use of automation controllers for the solution of automation problem. The automated car track at the HAMK automation la-boratory was used as an example for implementation. The commissioner of the thesis was the Department of Automation, HAMK University of Applied Sciences. It is located in Häme region in southern Finland having 7 campuses in different locations. The objective of the study was to build a PLC program that could control the speed of the car. The other objective was to build a HMI so that the process happening at PLC could be monitored from control panel. The control panel is used for reading or writing variables in PLC. This way we could control the whole system from the control panel. In order to implement the task, the knowledge of STEP 7 program and technology objects and function within the S7 CPU was required. Interface programming skills was also essential in order to design the control panel. Understanding of working principle of amplifiers, transformers, proximity sensors, resistors was also needed. First approach was made to understand the commissioner’s problem. And Then the information (manual, data sheet, and working principle for example) about the components being used was gathered. The technical information was gathered accessing online webpages of manufacturers. Written description of the solution, the SA model was for designing contest diagram and first level data flow diagram. After written description of the system, STEP 7 programming was done. The HMI programming was done using WinCC Flexible and then was integrated with the STEP 7 project. The car track was controlled automatically. The process could be con-trolled from the control panel and monitor the variables form it. The approach to measure the speed of car at every segment of the car track was done. The speed measurement function was partially successful. Other functions like time measurement and counting the number of laps completed by both cars was also done. The benefits to the commissioning organization were that it received a working car track control system. The main benefits to the researcher were researcher understood overall automation concept design and implementations, design of human machine interfaces