20 research outputs found

    The basic principles of the remuneration of dependent work in the Czech Republic

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    Rigorózní práce na téma "Základní principy odměňování závislé práce v České republice" se zabývá souhrnným výkladem principů odměňování, kterými jsou princip dvojí právní úpravy odměňování, smluvní princip, princip práva státu na mzdově regulační opatření, princip spravedlivé odměny za vykonanou práci a princip ochrany mzdy. Samostatné části se dále věnují pramenům práva, jimiž se právní úprava odměňování řídí, speciální úpravě odměňování zaměstnanců státní služby a zamyšlením nad možným budoucím právním vývojem v oblasti odměňování závislé práce. Kromě těchto zásadních otázek obsahuje práce stručný historický výklad k právní úpravě odměňování, vymezení jednotlivých funkcí mzdy a definici základních pojmů používaných v právní úpravě odměňování, jako jsou mzda, plat a odměna.Rigorous thesis "The basic principles of the remuneration of dependent work in the Czech republic" deals with general interpretation of principles of remuneration like the principle of dual legal regulation of the remuneration, the contract principle, the principle of state right on wage control, the principle quantum remuneration for the work done and the principle of protection of the wage. Separate parts attend to sources of law which govern legal regulation of the remuneration, special regulation of remuneration the state employees practicing the state service and discourse about possible ways of future form of the legal regulation of remuneration of dependent work. Beside these principal matters the thesis includes brief historical interpretation of legal regulatory of remuneration, definition of particular functions of wage and definition of basic institutions used in the legal regulatory of remuneration as wage, salary and remuneration.Department of Labor Law and Social Security LawKatedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečeníFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Static analysis of sports hall

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá statickou analýzou sportovní haly v Libině. K vytvoření modelu byl použit program RFEM. Model byl vypracován podle poskytnuté projektové dokumentace a podle platných norem ČSN EN. Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je analyzovat skutečnou konstrukci a upozornit na vznik možných problémů.This Bachelor´s thesis is about the static analysis of sports hall in Libina. I have used a program RFEM for making the model. The model was elaborated according to the provided project documentation and valid regulations ČSN EN. The aim of this work is to analyze the real construction and to point out to the formation of possible problems.

    New methods in collision of bodies analysis

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    summary:The widely used method for solution of impacts of bodies, called the penalty method, is based on the contact force proportional to the length of the interpenetration of bodies. This method is regarded as unsatisfactory by the authors of this contribution, because of an inaccurate fulfillment of the energy conservation law and violation of the natural demand of impenetrability of bodies. Two non-traditional methods for the solution of impacts of bodies satisfy these demands exactly, or approximately, but much better than the penalty method. Namely the energy method exactly satisfies the conservation of energy law, whereas the kinematic method exactly satisfies the condition of impenetrability of bodies. Both these methods are superior in comparison with the penalty method, which is demonstrated by the results of several numerical examples

    Static analysis of moving skyscraper

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    Práce se zabývá statickou analýzou výškové pohyblivé budovy (inspirováno The Dynamic Tower), u které je umožněna rotace jednotlivých pater kolem své osy nezávisle na sobě. V rámci práce je řešena celá výšková budova s větším zaměřením na řešení pohyblivých pater a jejich uložení na pevné jádro budovy.The thesis is about static analysis of moving skyscraper (inspired by The Dynamic Tower). There is a rotation of each particular floor around its axis independently on each other. In this thesis, moving skyscraper is solved as a whole piece with specialization in the moving floors and their mounting on the core of the building.

    Classification of Game Activities for Individual Water Polo Players

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    Game Classification of Activities for Individual Water Polo Players Aim: To create a scheme of individual game activities for water polo players Based on the available literature. Method: Analysis of literature in the field of water polo, comparison expert literature in the field of sports games. Results: establish a system of individual game activities in water polo, which is Systematics compatible with other sports games gate type. Keywords: water polo, a sport game gate type, systematics, gaming activities individuals Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Vodní nádrž Bystřička - rekonstrukce hráze a objektů vodního díla

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut environmentálního inženýrství (546

    The basic principles of the remuneration of dependent work in the Czech Republic

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    Rigorous thesis "The basic principles of the remuneration of dependent work in the Czech republic" deals with general interpretation of principles of remuneration like the principle of dual legal regulation of the remuneration, the contract principle, the principle of state right on wage control, the principle quantum remuneration for the work done and the principle of protection of the wage. Separate parts attend to sources of law which govern legal regulation of the remuneration, special regulation of remuneration the state employees practicing the state service and discourse about possible ways of future form of the legal regulation of remuneration of dependent work. Beside these principal matters the thesis includes brief historical interpretation of legal regulatory of remuneration, definition of particular functions of wage and definition of basic institutions used in the legal regulatory of remuneration as wage, salary and remuneration

    Product Strategy of Starbucks Corporation in the Czech Market

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    The Bachelor's thesis characterises Starbucks Corporation and its product strategy over the world as well as in the Czech Republic. The first chapter is theoretical and covers the product in marketing, international product policy, product mix strategy, product innovation and SWOT analysis. The remaining two chapters are practical. The second chapter describes Starbucks, its world product strategy and its Czech competition. The last chapter analyses the product strategy of Starbucks in the Czech Republic and compares its product portfolio to the competition. The SWOT analysis and recommendations for Starbucks are made at the end

    The basic principles of the remuneration of dependent work in the Czech Republic

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    Rigorous thesis "The basic principles of the remuneration of dependent work in the Czech republic" deals with general interpretation of principles of remuneration like the principle of dual legal regulation of the remuneration, the contract principle, the principle of state right on wage control, the principle quantum remuneration for the work done and the principle of protection of the wage. Separate parts attend to sources of law which govern legal regulation of the remuneration, special regulation of remuneration the state employees practicing the state service and discourse about possible ways of future form of the legal regulation of remuneration of dependent work. Beside these principal matters the thesis includes brief historical interpretation of legal regulatory of remuneration, definition of particular functions of wage and definition of basic institutions used in the legal regulatory of remuneration as wage, salary and remuneration

    Product Strategy of Starbucks Corporation in the Czech Market

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    The Bachelor's thesis characterises Starbucks Corporation and its product strategy over the world as well as in the Czech Republic. The first chapter is theoretical and covers the product in marketing, international product policy, product mix strategy, product innovation and SWOT analysis. The remaining two chapters are practical. The second chapter describes Starbucks, its world product strategy and its Czech competition. The last chapter analyses the product strategy of Starbucks in the Czech Republic and compares its product portfolio to the competition. The SWOT analysis and recommendations for Starbucks are made at the end.Obsahem bakalářské práce je charakteristika Starbucks a jeho produktové strategie ve světě i v České republice. První kapitola je teoretická a zabývá se výrobkem z hlediska marketingu, mezinárodní výrobkovou politikou, sortimentní politikou, výrobkovou inovací a SWOT analýzou. Zbývající dvě kapitoly jsou praktické. Druhá kapitola charakterizuje Starbucks, jeho produktovou strategii ve světě a popisuje jeho českou konkurenci. Poslední kapitola analyzuje produktovou strategii Starbucks v ČR a porovnává jeho produktové portfolio s konkurencí. Závěr práce patří SWOT analýze Starbucks ČR a doporučením pro Starbucks