267 research outputs found

    Revenus d'activité et désunion en Europe

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    AprÚs avoir rappelé à grands traits les hypothÚses théoriques quant au rÎle que joueraient les revenus dans les choix de nuptialité, ainsi que quelques résultats empiriques portant sur le lien entre revenus d'activité et probabilité de divorcer, nous proposons une analyse empirique menée à partir des données de l'European Community Household Panel. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions essentiellement l'effet des revenus d'activité des femmes sur la probabilité de désunion au niveau européen (onze pays), puis, dans un second temps nous tentons d'identifier des spécificités nationales

    Revenus d'activité et désunion en Europe

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    AprÚs avoir rappelé à grands traits les hypothÚses théoriques quant au rÎle que joueraient les revenus dans les choix de nuptialité, ainsi que quelques résultats empiriques portant sur le lien entre revenus d'activité et probabilité de divorcer, nous proposons une analyse empirique menée à partir des données de l'European Community Household Panel. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions essentiellement l'effet des revenus d'activité des femmes sur la probabilité de désunion au niveau européen (onze pays), puis, dans un second temps nous tentons d'identifier des spécificités nationales.Divorce, séparation, revenu, genre, Europe, ECHP, couple, spécialisation, indépendance

    Des enfants pauvres malgré des parents en emploi

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    L'objet de cet article est de comprendre pourquoi la pauvreté monétaire relative au Luxembourg atteint un enfant sur cinq, soit proportionnellement plus qu'en Belgique ou en France, alors que ces trois pays affichent des taux de pauvreté globaux assez proches. En premier constat, les niveaux de générosité et de ciblage des transferts familiaux et sociaux luxembourgeois en vigueur en 2006, proches des deux autres pays, sont difficilement mobilisables pour expliquer la situation particuliÚre du Luxembourg. En deuxiÚme constat, le manque d'activité des parents aux franges du seuil de pauvreté n'explique qu'imparfaitement le niveau de pauvreté des enfants luxembourgeois comparativement aux deux autres pays. Nous nous tournons alors vers la question des inégalités salariales, plus fortes au Luxembourg que chez ses voisins, pour trouver une réponse à notre question de recherche.pauvreté, enfants, France, Belgique, Luxembourg, revenus, travail des parents, transferts sociaux, inégalités salariales

    SĂ©paration des parents et contribution Ă  l'entretien et l'Ă©ducation de l'enfant : une Ă©valuation du barĂšme pour la fixation du montant de la pension alimentaire

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    Disponible Ă  l'adresse : http://www.caf.fr/sites/default/files/cnaf/Documents/Dser/PSF/107/psf107-1-bjeandidier_cbourreau_dubois_isayn.pdfDisponible sur PersĂ©e : https://www.persee.fr/doc/caf_2101-8081_2012_num_107_1_2666National audienceLe 12 avril 2010, le ministĂšre de la justice diffusait une circulaire proposant une table de rĂ©fĂ©rence indicative pour la fixation de la contribution Ă  l'entretien et l'Ă©ducation des enfants (CEEE) aprĂšs la sĂ©paration des parents. Cet article propose une Ă©valuation de cette table de rĂ©fĂ©rence (ou barĂšme). Les logiques Ă©conomiques et juridiques de cette table sont prĂ©sentĂ©es, notamment les questions de la rĂ©partition de la contribution des parents, de la prioritĂ© de l'obligation alimentaire par rapport Ă  d'autres charges de crĂ©ances, de l'Ă©galitĂ© entre les enfants du dĂ©biteur, de la prise en charge du temps d'hĂ©bergement, de l'incidence de la remise en couple et du lien entre prestations sociales et CEEE. Les logiques de la table de rĂ©fĂ©rence sont Ă©valuĂ©es en Ă©tudiant, Ă  l'aide d'un outil Ă©conomĂ©trique, des dĂ©cisions rendues en appel et fixant une CEEE avant que la table ne soit diffusĂ©e. L'existence mĂȘme d'un barĂšme est validĂ©e par la mise en lumiĂšre d'iniquitĂ©s rĂ©siduelles dans les dĂ©cisions prises sans barĂšme. L'analyse compare Ă©galement les montants de CEEE fixĂ©s par ces dĂ©cisions d'appel (avant diffusion du barĂšme), avec les montants simulĂ©s Ă  l'aide du barĂšme. Elle montre, en particulier, que l'application du barĂšme "profiterait" aux parents dĂ©biteurs Ă  bas revenus (moindre CEEE) et "dĂ©savantagerait" les parents dĂ©biteurs Ă  hauts revenus, mais que, en raison d'une certaine homogamie des ressources, elle "profiterait" aux parents crĂ©anciers Ă  hauts revenus (CEEE plus Ă©levĂ©e) et "dĂ©savantagerait" les parents crĂ©anciers Ă  bas revenus

    Running in French: A Question of Performance

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    Running entered the official French language dictionary in 2019. This paper proposes to focus on the motivations which have led to the acceptance of this Anglicism in French. Indeed, running has achieved the performance of being more than the mere activity of running: it is a whole phenomenon which has been gaining ground since the late 2000s, as communities, events and derived products have been flourishing. Supposedly, running must have been a buzzword in the field of sports. But given its lexicalization, running could not just remain a buzzword. It has become a whole concept as it contributes to feeding the field of running in French through both semantic extension and precision. It will be of interest to examine the pathway of the Anglicism running from a phenomenon creating the buzz to a widely accepted and frequently used lexeme in French. The question of linguistic performance will therefore be tackled, thanks to recent online data, in order to show how running has become important not only in the world and language of sports, but also in the standard everyday language in France

    State of Art of Telemonitoring in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, with a Focus on Elderly Patients

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    Since the beginning of the 1990s, several telemedicine projects and studies focused on type 1 and type 2 diabetes have been developed, including very few elderly diabetic patients. Several of these projects specifically concerned elderly subjects (n = 4). Mainly, these projects and studies show that telemonitoring diabetes results in improved blood glucose control—a significant reduction in HbA1c, improved patient ownership of the disease, greater patient adherence to therapeutic and hygiene-dietary measures, positive impact on comorbidities (hypertension, weight, dyslipidemia), improved quality of life for patients, and at least good patient receptivity and accountability. To date, the magnitude of its effects remains debatable, especially with the variation in patients’ characteristics (e.g., background, ability for self-management, medical condition), sample selection, and approach for treatment of control groups. Over the last 5 years, numerous telemedicine projects based on connected objects and new information and communication technologies (ICT) (elements defining telemedicine 2.0) have emerged or are still under development

    A new case of t(1;11)(q21;q23) in a child with M1 ANLL

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    Case report of a translocation : A new case of t(1;11)(q21;q23) in a child with M1 ANLL

    Validation of image processing tools for 3-D fluorescence microscopy

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    International audience3-D optical fluorescent microscopy becomes nowadays an efficient tool for volumic investigation of living biological samples. Using optical sectioning technique, a stack of 2-D images is obtained. However, due to the nature of the system optical transfer function and non-optimal experimental conditions, acquired raw data usually suffer from some distortions. In order to carry out biological analysis, raw data have to be restored by deconvolution. The system identification by the point-spread function is useful to obtain the knowledge of the actual system and experimental parameters, which is necessary to restore raw data. It is furthermore helpful to precise the experimental protocol. In order to facilitate the use of image processing techniques, a multi-platform-compatible software package called VIEW3D has been developed. It integrates a set of tools for the analysis of fluorescence images from 3-D wide-field or confocal microscopy. A number of regularisation parameters for data restoration are determined automatically. Common geometrical measurements and morphological descriptors of fluorescent sites are also implemented to facilitate the characterisation of biological samples. An example of this method concerning cytogenetics is presented

    The Transition between Telomerase and ALT Mechanisms in Hodgkin Lymphoma and Its Predictive Value in Clinical Outcomes

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    International audienceBackground: We analyzed telomere maintenance mechanisms (TMMs) in lymph node samples from HL patients treated with standard therapy. The TMMs correlated with clinical outcomes of patients. Materials and Methods: Lymph node biopsies obtained from 38 HL patients and 24 patients with lymphadenitis were included in this study. Seven HL cell lines were used as in vitro models. Telomerase activity (TA) was assessed by TRAP assay and verified through hTERT immunofluorescence expression; alternative telomere lengthening (ALT) was also assessed, along with EBV status. Results: Both TA and ALT mechanisms were present in HL lymph nodes. Our findings were reproduced in HL cell lines. The highest levels of TA were expressed in CD30−/CD15− cells. Small cells were identified with ALT and TA. Hodgkin and Reed Sternberg cells contained high levels of PML bodies, but had very low hTERT expression. There was a significant correlation between overall survival (p < 10−3), event-free survival (p < 10−4), and freedom from progression (p < 10−3) and the presence of an ALT profile in lymph nodes of EBV+ patients. Conclusion: The presence of both types of TMMs in HL lymph nodes and in HL cell lines has not previously been reported. TMMs correlate with the treatment outcome of EBV+ HL patients
