244 research outputs found

    Synthesis and properties of lipoamino acid/fatty acid mixtures. Influence of the amphiphilic structure.

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    The acylation of amino acids by acid chlorides with from 8 to 12 carbon atoms, in alkaline aqueous medium following Shotten-Baumann reaction, results in sodium salts of Nα-acylamino acids and fatty acids mixture. These lastest are present in proportion from 40 to 60%. These compositions represent mixtures of amphiphilic anionic surfactants. They contribute together to the properties of the formulation. Measurements of the surface-active properties of these formulations, such as critical micelle concentration (CMC), surface tension at the CMC (TS), foaming capacity (FC) and foaming stability (FS), show that surfactant mixtures with the longest chain have the most desirable properties. They are comparable to commercial petroleum-based surfactants. Thus, the CMC, TS and CM values of the formulation obtained starting from leucine and dodecanoyl chloride (310 mg/L, 30.1 mN/m and 200%, respectively) are similar, even better than, sodium dodecylsulfate (290 mg/L, 39.1 mN/m and 230%, respectively

    Altered dendritic cell distribution in patients with common variable immunodeficiency

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    Recent data suggest a critical role for dendritic cells (DCs) in the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting plasma cells. In the work reported herein, we analyzed the frequency of peripheral blood plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) and myeloid DCs (mDCs) in a cohort of 44 adults with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) classified according to their CD27 membrane expression status on B cells. A deep alteration in the distribution of DC subsets, especially of pDCs, in the peripheral blood of CVID patients was found. Patients with a reduced number of class-switched CD27(+)IgD(-)IgM(- )memory B cells and patients with granulomatous disease had a dramatic decrease in pDCs (P = 0.00005 and 0.0003 vs controls, respectively) and, to a lesser extent, of mDCs (P = 0.001 and 0.01 vs controls, respectively). In contrast, patients with normal numbers of switched memory B cells had a DC distribution pattern similar to that in controls. Taken together, our results raise the possibility that innate immunity contributes to pathogenesis in CVID

    Immunological markers after long-term treatment interruption in chronically HIV-1 infected patients with CD4 cell count above 400 x 10(6) cells/l.

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse immunological markers associated with CD4+ lymphocyte T-cell count (CD4+) evolution during 12-month follow-up after treatment discontinuation. METHOD: Prospective observational study of chronically HIV-1 infected patients with CD4+ above 400 x 10(6) cells/l. RESULTS: CD4+ changes took place in two phases: an initial rapid decrease in the first month (-142 x 10(6) cells/l on average), followed by a slow decline (-17 x 10(6) cells/l on average) The second slope of CD4+ decline was not correlated with the first and only baseline plasma HIV RNA was associated with it. The decline in CD4+ during the first month was steeper in patients with higher CD4+ and weaker plasma HIV RNA baseline levels. Moreover, the decline was less pronounced (P < 10(-4)) in patients with CD4+ nadir above 350 x 10(6) cells/l (-65 x 10(6) cells/l per month) in comparison with those below 350 x 10(6) cells/l (-200 x 10(6) cells/l per month). A high number of dendritic cells (DCs) whatever the type was associated with high CD4+ at the time of treatment interruption and its steeper decline over the first month. Moreover, the myeloid DC level was stable whereas the lymphoid DC count, which tended to decrease in association with decrease in CD4+, was negatively correlated with the HIV RNA load slope. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the use of the CD4+ nadir to predict the CD4+ dynamic after treatment interruption and consideration of the CD4+ count after 1-month of interruption merely reflects the 12-month level of CD4+. Although DCs seem to be associated with the CD4+ dynamic, the benefit of monitoring them has still to be defined

    Synthesis of high-molecular-weight multifunctional glycerol polyhydroxyurethanes PHUs

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    Glycerol carbonate acrylate is a 5-membered cyclic carbonate synthesized from glycerol that is used as a chemical coupling agent and has proven highly suitable for use in the synthesis of multifunctional polyhydroxyurethanes (PHUs). The multifunctionality of the structure of PHUs is determined by the density of the carbon-amine groups generated by the Aza-Michael reaction and that of the urethane groups and adjacent primary and secondary hydroxyl groups generated by aminolysis. Glycerol carbonate acrylate is polymerized with polyfunctional mono-, di-, tri, and tetra-amines, by type-AB polyaddition, either in bulk or in solution, through stepwise or one-pot reaction strategies in the absence of added catalysts. These approaches result in the generation of linear, interchain, and crosslinked structures, through the polyaddition of linear and branched amines to the ethylene and cyclic carbonate sites of glycerol carbonate acrylate. The resulting collection of organic molecules gives rise to polyethylene amino ester PHUs with a high molar mass, exceeding 20,000 g·mol(-1), with uniform dispersity

    Aminolysis Reaction of Glycerol Carbonate in Organic and Hydroorganic Medium

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    Aminolysis reaction of glycerol carbonate with primary amine in organic and hydroorganic media leads to the formation of two hydroxyurethane isomers and a partial decomposition of glycerol carbonate into glycerol. Aminolysis with a secondary amine promotes the condensation reaction and limits the formation of glycerol. The ratio of α versus β was determined by zgig 13C NMR. This technique permits computing the yield of α and β products in the medium. The quantity of glycerol was determined by GC analysis. The ratio of the isomers and the amount of glycerol depend on the amine and the solvent. Kinetic investigations reveal that, in hydroorganic medium, the more the alkyl chain of the amine increased, the less glycerol was formed. On the contrary, in organic medium, the alkyl chain of the amine does not play a major role in the formation of glycerol

    Photooxygenation in an advanced led-driven flow reactor module: experimental investigations and modelling

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    The photooxygenation of  α-terpinene was investigated as a benchmark reaction in an advanced LED-driven flow reactor module, both from an experimental and modelling point of view. Ethanol was used as a green solvent and rose Bengal was chosen as a cheap sensitizer of industrial importance. Firstly, the kinetic law based on all mechanistic steps was established for the chosen photooxygenation. From this, the set of operating parameters potentially influencing the photoreaction rate were identified. Subsequently, experiments were carried out under continuous-flow conditions to screen these operating parameters, namely concentration of α-terpinene, concentration of photosensitizer, residence time, structure of the segmented gas-liquid flow and nature of the reagent gas phase (air versus pure oxygen). Finally, the conditions enabling minimization of sensitizer bleaching were established. It was also shown that the hydrodynamic characteristics of the gas-liquid flow can have an effect on the conversion levels. From this, a simplified model was proposed to predict the conversion at the reactor’s outlet when pure oxygen was used

    La globalización y el malestar en la democracia

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    El origen de este texto es una conferencia en el VII Congreso de la FES (Salamanca, 20-22 de septiembre de 2001) con el título "Estados, mercados y ciudadanía". Publicado en: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, 20: 5-24, 2002.En años recientes se ha convertido en un lugar común la idea de que los ciudadanos de los países democráticos, independientemente de que apoyen esta forma de gobierno por encima de cualquier otra, otorgan un nivel de confianza muy bajo a las instituciones de la democracia representativa, desde los partidos y los parlamentos hasta los gobiernos (Nye et al., 1997; Norris, 1999; Pharr y Putnam, 2000). En América Latina, además, los alarmantes resultados del Latinobarómetro de 2001 (Economist, 2001) hicieron temer que, ante la mala marcha de la economía, la insatisfacción de los ciudadanos pudiera conducir de forma imparable a la erosión del apoyo a la propia democracia.Proyecto Desconfianza Política y Gobernación Democrática (BSO2000- 1082) del Plan Nacional de I+D (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, España)Peer reviewe

    Characterization of a Natural Mutator Variant of Human DNA Polymerase l which Promotes Chromosomal Instability by Compromising NHEJ

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    PLoS ONE 4(10): e7290.Background: DNA polymerase lambda (Poll) is a DNA repair polymerase, which likely plays a role in base excision repair (BER) and in non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). Principal Findings: Here, we described a novel natural allelic variant of human Poll (hPoll) characterized by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), C/T variation in the first base of codon 438, resulting in the amino acid change Arg to Trp. In vitro enzyme activity assays of the purified W438 Poll variant revealed that it retained both DNA polymerization and deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) lyase activities, but had reduced base substitution fidelity. Ectopic expression of the W438 hPoll variant in mammalian cells increases mutation frequency, affects the DSB repair NHEJ pathway, and generates chromosome aberrations. All these phenotypes are dependent upon the catalytic activity of the W438 hPoll. Conclusions: The expression of a cancer-related natural variant of one specialized DNA polymerase can be associated to generic instability at the cromosomal level, probably due a defective NHEJ. These results establish that chromosomal aberrations can result from mutations in specialized DNA repair polymerases.This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia Grants BFU2006-14390/BMC, CONSOLIDER CSD2007-00015 and Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid Grants P2006/BIO-0306 to L.B., by INCa ‘‘Checkpol’’, ARC, and ‘‘Ligue contre le Cancer (Region Midi-Pyrenees)’’ to J-S.H., by the Division of Intramural Research, NIEHS, NIH, DHHS to T.A.K., by SAF2002-02265 to A.V., and by an institutional grant to Centro de Biologia Molecular ‘‘Severo Ochoa’’ from Fundacion Ramon Areces. G.T. was recipient of a fellowship from the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia. A.V. is an Investigator of the Ramon y Cajal ProgramPeer reviewe