7 research outputs found

    The optimization of in vitro high-throughput chemical lysis of Escherichia coli. Application to ACP domain of the polyketide synthase ppsC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Protein production in Escherichia coli involves high-level expression in a culture, followed by harvesting of the cells and finally their disruption, or lysis, to release the expressed proteins. We compare three high-throughput chemical lysis methods to sonication, using a robotic platform and methodologies developed in our laboratory [1]. Under the same expression conditions, all lysis methods varied in the degree of released soluble proteins. With a set of 96 test proteins, we used our split GFP to quantify the soluble and insoluble protein fractions after lysis. Both the amount of soluble protein and the percentage recovered in the soluble fraction using SoluLyse® were well correlated with sonication. Two other methods, Bugbuster® and lysozyme, did not correlate well with sonication. Considering the effects of lysis methods on protein solubility is especially important when accurate protein solubility measurements are needed, for example, when testing adjuvants, growth media, temperature, or when establishing the effects of truncation or sequence variation on protein stability

    Visualizing the subcellular localization of RHOB-GTP and GTPase-Effector complexes using a split-GFP/nanobody labelling assay

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    Small GTPases are highly regulated proteins that control essential signaling pathways through the activity of their effector proteins. Among the RHOA subfamily, RHOB regulates peculiar functions that could be associated with the control of the endocytic trafficking of signaling proteins. Here, we used an optimized assay based on tripartite split-GFP complementation to localize GTPase-effector complexes with high-resolution. The detection of RHOB interaction with the Rhotekin Rho binding domain (RBD) that specifically recognizes the active GTP-bound GTPase, is performed in vitro by the concomitant addition of recombinant GFP1–9 and a GFP nanobody. Analysis of RHOB-RBD complexes localization profiles combined with immunostaining and live cell imaging indicated a serum-dependent reorganization of the endosomal and membrane pool of active RHOB. We further applied this technology to the detection of RHO-effector complexes that highlighted their subcellular localization with high resolution among the different cellular compartments