305 research outputs found
Temporal patterns in the upstream migration of European eels (Anguilla anguilla) at the Couesnon estuarine dam
The temporal migration patterns of European glass eel Anguilla anguilla at the Couesnon estuarine dam (Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, France)were examined in winter and spring 2004 and 2005. The dam which is located close to the river mouth constitutes a major obstacle for upstreammigrating glass eels. The migration was observed at different temporal scales, from within individual tides to complete tidal cycles between successive spring tides. The maximum number of glass eels arrived downstream of the dam at the beginning and in the middle of the flood tide. Glass eels migrated through the dam openings preferentially from the middle of the flood to the beginning of the ebb tide. Eel densities were highest during the second tide of each tide cycle that arrived at the estuarine dam and when the difference in water level between upstream and downstream of the dam was greatest, particularly at the end of the flood. Analysis of the influence of each environmental factor provided a good prediction of the glass eel recruitment peaks and, therefore, of the most favourable temporal windows for their migration. The water level and temperature were the most important environmental factors. These results provide the information needed for a dam-management program that is compatible with glass eel migration
To vote or to abstain? An experimental study or first past the poste and PR elections
We examine through an experimental design how rational and non-rational considerations affect the decision to vote or to abstain in First Past the Post and PR elections. We show that in both types of elections, but particularly so under PR, a majority of subjects do not make the "right" decision, that is, they do not choose the option that is the most beneficial to them, given. We also demonstrate that a social norm such as sense of civic duty plays a bigger role, even in the lab, and particularly so in PR elections. We suggest that civic duty has a greater impact under PR because this electoral system has a more complicated formula, making it more difficult for voters to realize that their vote is unlikely to substantially affect the outcome of the election.Experiments, Voting, First Past the Post, Proportional Representation, Civic Duty
Les enjeux identitaires de l’humain dans le débat philosophique sur la robotique humanoïde et l’amélioration humaine
ArticleLes représentations identitaires de l’humain (identité humaine, distinction naturel/artificiel) font-elles encore sens dans le contexte du développement de la robotique humanoïde (par l’humanisation du robot) et de l’amélioration humaine (par la robotisation de l’humain)? Le problème est que des philosophes critiques, comme Lin et Allhoff qui ont fondé la revue NanoEthics, remettent en question ces représentations identitaires de l’humain, comme si le discours de l’évaluation éthique fondée sur ces représentations était caduc quant aux deux questions qu’ils posent dans Ethics of Human Enhancement: 25 Questions and Answers en 2009: « Does the notion of human dignity suffer with human enhancements? » et « Is the natural-artificial distinction morally significant in this debate? » Le but du présent article sera de montrer, à partir de différents textes publiés, qui constituent notre cadre d’analyse des arguments moraux, la portée et l’insuffisance des arguments critiques que Lin et Allhoff utilisent pour répondre à ces deux questions. Mais, en appliquant à ces auteurs ce cadre de référence, nous pourrons aussi montrer en quoi la question de l’identité humaine ou la distinction naturel/artificiel fait encore sens dans l’évaluation éthique.Do human identity representations (human identity, natural/artificial distinction) still make sense in the context of the development of humanoid robotics (humanizing the robot) and human enhancement (automation of the human)? The problem is that critical philosophers, like Lin and Allhoff who founded the journal NanoEthics, challenge these representations of human identity, as if the discussion of the ethical evaluation of these representations was exhausted with regards to the two issues that they raise in 2009 in Ethics of Human Enhancement: 25 Questions and Answers, i.e.: “Does the notion of human dignity suffer with human enhancements?” and “Is the natural-artificial distinction morally significant in this debate?” The purpose of this article is to show – in light of various texts that constitute our framework for analyzing moral arguments – the limits of the scope and insufficiency of the critical arguments that Lin and Allhoff use to answer these two questions. But in applying our framework to these authors, we will also show how the question of human identity or the natural/artificial distinction still makes sense in the ethical evaluation
Escapement of a silver-phase eel population, Anguilla anguilla, determined from fishery in a Mediterranean lagoon (Or, France)
Escapement of silver eels from a Mediterranean lagoon was estimated by a capture–tagging–recapture and automated tag-reading study. The population of silver-phase eels in the lagoon was estimated to be 13.2 kg ha21, with an escapement rate from the commercial fishery of 76.8%
Genetic parameters and genetic trends in the Chinese × European Tiameslan composite pig line. II. Genetic trends
The Tiameslan line was created between 1983 and 1985 by mating Meishan × Jiaxing crossbred Chinese boars with sows from the Laconie composite male line. The Tiameslan line has been selected since then on an index combining average backfat thickness (ABT) and days from 20 to 100 kg (DT). Direct and correlated responses to 11 years of selection were estimated using BLUP methodology applied to a multiple trait animal model. A total of 11 traits were considered, i.e.: ABT, DT, body weight at 4 (W4w), 8 (W8w) and 22 (W22w) weeks of age, teat number (TEAT), number of good teats (GTEAT), total number of piglets born (TNB), born alive (NBA) and weaned (NW) per litter, and birth to weaning survival rate (SURV). Performance data from a total of 4 881 males and 4 799 females from 1 341 litters were analysed. The models included both direct and maternal effects for ABT, W4w and W8w. Male and female performances were considered as different traits for W22w, DT and ABT. Genetic parameters estimated in another paper (Zhang et al., Genet. Sel. Evol. 32 (2000) 41-56) were used to perform the analyses. Favourable phenotypic (ΔP) and direct genetic trends (ΔGd) were obtained for post-weaning growth traits and ABT. Trends for maternal effects were limited. Phenotypic and genetic trends were larger in females than in males for ABT (e.g. ΔGd = -0.48 vs. -0.38 mm/year), were larger in males for W22w (ΔGd = 0.90 vs. 0.58 kg/year) and were similar in both sexes for DT (ΔGd = -0.54 vs. -0.55 day/year). Phenotypic and genetic trends were slightly favourable for W4w, W8w, TEAT and GTEAT and close to zero for reproductive traits
Genetic parameters and genetic trends in the Chinese × European Tiameslan composite pig line. I. Genetic parameters
Genetic parameters of body weight at 4 (W4 w), 8 (W8 w) and 22 (W22 w) weeks of age, days from 20 to 100 kg (DT), average backfat thickness at 100 kg (ABT), teat number (TEAT), number of good teats (GTEAT), total number of piglets born (TNB), born alive (NBA) and weaned (NW) per litter, and birth to weaning survival rate (SURV) were estimated in the Chinese × European Tiameslan composite line using restricted maximum likelihood methodology applied to a multiple trait animal model. Performance data from a total of 4 881 males and 4 799 females from 1 341 litters were analysed. Different models were fitted to the data in order to estimate the importance of maternal effects on production traits, as well as genetic correlations between male and female performance. The results showed the existence of significant maternal effects on W4w, W8w and ABT and of variance heterogeneity between sexes for W22w, DT, ABT and GTEAT. Genetic correlations between sexes were 0.79, 0.71 and 0.82, respectively, for W22w, DT and ABT and above 0.90 for the other traits. Heritability estimates were larger than (ABT and TEAT) or similar to (other traits) average literature values. Some genetic antagonism was evidenced between production traits, particularly W4w, W8w and ABT, and reproductive traits
Towards trainable synthesis for optimized circuit deployment on FPGA
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) utilize multiple programmable elements and non-programmable blocks. After synthesizing an input Hardware Design Language (HDL) design into a circuit, optimizations are used to discover a satisfactory deployment on a target FPGA. HDLs' compound operations, such as addition, can be implemented in various ways and thus, multiple but functionally equivalent circuits can be synthesized. To leverage this, we propose a methodology that first enables configurable synthesis of compound operations. Second, it trains the system using a set of HDL files and architectures to optimize target performance objectives, such as critical path length and power. We prototyped our technique in the open source Verilog-To-Routing (VTR) tool. We subsequently produced two configuration files targeting different deployment objectives; experimental results with the VTR Verilog benchmarks revealed significant improvements
Manipulation de code et avant-garde : pour une littérature hackée
Dans le cyberespace, les distinctions entre les différentes acceptions du mot code deviennent poreuses : le code juridique cède le pas au code informatique dans son rôle coercitif, le code informatique possède la même étoffe qu'un code secret pour l'utilisateur moyen, etc. L'hypothèse principale de ce mémoire est qu'on doit laisser de côté la représentation traditionnelle du hackeur en tant que pirate informatique pour n'adopter que la stricte définition suivante : le hackeur est un manipulateur de code, quel que soit ce code. Selon André Belleau, « l'institution [...] agit comme le code des codes. » En conséquence, il devient possible de considérer les mouvements d'avant-garde du siècle dernier comme des hackeurs d'avant l'heure puisqu' ils ont relevé le pari qu'en contestant et en renouvelant les codes esthétiques institutionnels, ils transformeraient dans la foulée les codes politiques de leur société. À la suite de l'analyse des multiples manifestes produits par le hackeur au cours de son histoire, on peut rétrospectivement émanciper sa praxis hors de l'étroite sphère informatique où on l'avait relégué pour lui faire investir l'ensemble des champs de l'activité humaine. Prospectivement, on peut affirmer que si le transvasement de l'institution culturelle vers le cyberespace s'effectue sur un mode conflictuel, c'est en raison d'une difficulté pour le code institutionnel de s'amalgamer au code informatique. Là où l'avant-garde artistique au sens traditionnel s'essouffle, le hackeur prend le pas et produit quantité d'œuvres qui procèdent de la manipulation d'un code et ce faisant, mettent en tension des enjeux spécifiques à ce code. On pourrait par exemple considérer les œuvres distribuées sous licence Creative Commons comme un hack du langage juridique utilisé pour formuler le droit d'auteur, lequel hack remet en question la relation institutionnalisée entre l'éditeur et l'auteur. Le repliement du code de la langue sur le code du langage de programmation dans le poégramme, ou poème-programme, pourra par ailleurs constituer la preuve que l'informatique n'est pas qu'un véhicule d'expression artistique, au contraire qu'on y trouve en son cœur l'Art et la Beauté.\ud
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MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : avant-garde, code, cyberespace, hackeur, Internet, institution, manifeste, ordinateu
Étude exploratoire de la pratique réflexive d'enseignants expérimentés en contexte de gestion de problèmes de discipline en classe
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal
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