970 research outputs found

    Commentaire : Paradoxes d'une révolution ou Le temps des illusions

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    Why they kill : criminal etiologies in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, R.L. Stevenson's Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and Oscar Wilde's The picture of Dorian Gray

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Thèses et mémoires - FAS - Département d'études anglaises

    Downgrading among higher education graduates in Italy and France: exploring regional differences

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    In France and Italy – like all the countries of the European Union – the proportion of higher education graduates in the working population has continued to increase. At the same time, the number of jobs requiring this level of education has not grown as quickly. In France and Italy, this has meant a decrease in the proportion of tertiary graduates who occupy managerial positions, and a growing share of these graduates hold jobs as middle and low ranking employees. Several studies have investigated the phenomenon of professional downgrading, focusing on its structural determinants and socio-economic implications at the national level and examining international differences. Nevertheless, only a few studies explore disparities in over-education and compare nations at the regional level. By addressing the need for a spatial approach to this subject, which is so far lacking in the scientific literature, this paper examines the downgrading of higher education graduates in Italy and France at the regional level and discusses the real occupational returns for high levels of education. Using data from the Italian and French censuses, the findings of this analysis show significant sub-regional heterogeneities regarding access to managerial positions for graduates according to the territorial unit observed.En Francia e Italia, como en el resto de los países de la Unión Europea, la proporción de los graduados universitarios sigue aumentando en la población activa. Al mismo tiempo, los trabajos que requieren este nivel educativo no están creciendo tan rápidamente. En Francia e Italia, esto se traduce en una disminución de la proporción de titulados superiores que ocupan cargos directivos, y en un aumento de la proporción de los que ocupan puestos de trabajo como obreros o empleados de categoría media o baja. Varias aportaciones han analizado el fenómeno de la sobreeducación, centrándose en sus determinantes estructurales y en las consecuencias socioeconómicas a nivel de país y examinando también las diferencias entre países. Sin embargo, solo algunos de ellos han intentado explorar las disparidades en la sobreeducación comparando los países a nivel regional. Abordando la necesidad de un enfoque espacial/ territorial de este tema, que hasta ahora falta en la literatura científica, en este artículo se examina la desvalorización de los graduados universitarios en Italia y Francia, a una escala regional, y se examinan los verdaderos beneficios profesionales de la obtención de un título de educación superior. Utilizando datos de los censos italiano y francés, los resultados de este análisis muestran importantes heterogeneidades interregionales en el acceso a puestos directivos para los titulados superiore

    Spectral projectors on hyperbolic surfaces

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    In this paper, we prove L2LpL^2 \to L^p estimates, where p>2p>2, for spectral projectors on a wide class of hyperbolic surfaces. More precisely, we consider projections in small spectral windows [λη,λ+η][\lambda-\eta,\lambda+\eta] on geometrically finite hyperbolic surfaces of infinite volume. In the convex cocompact case, we obtain optimal bounds with respect to λ\lambda and η\eta, up to subpolynomial losses. The proof combines the resolvent bound of Bourgain-Dyatlov and improved estimates for the Schr\"odinger group (Strichartz and smoothing estimates) on hyperbolic surfaces.Comment: 46 page

    Being Googleable as an academic: it can be about sharing instead of branding

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    Originally posted on 'The outside academia blog' (https://outsideacademia.hcommons.org/.).Over the years, there have been loads of articles on how to “manage your digital identity” or to “brand yourself” to maximize your hireability. It makes it sound like very distasteful work, vain self-promotion geared at making capitalism happy. If you’re a student who’s looking into alt-ac career or an independent researcher, these might not seem pertinent. But that’s not just what being Googleable is useful for! It can help people find you and sustain the scholarly friendships ignited by conferences, readings, past collaborations. These human relations are also the stuff research is made of! This paper is the first in a series of blog posts on how to share your research online while keeping it open access and how to make it easier for people to find you

    Modos de habitar e arquitectura: as respostas francesas

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    Apesar de certas monstruosidades, a renovação da arquitectura em França, ao nível da habitação foi mais intensa nas décadas de 70 e 80 do século XX, o que deu origem a brilhantes realizações e permitiu a aproximação de arquitectos e sociólogos nos campos da concepção, inovação e uso. A evolução das formas de habitar é objecto de um debate permanente: as transformações demográficas e societais têm implicações na estrutura e mobilidade do parque habitacional. Os modos de consumo e os gostos culturais cruzam-se com as variáveis da composição do grupo doméstico para fazer emergir uma procura da diversidade arquitectónica, inclusive no sector das moradias.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaDGOTDU - Direcção Geral do Ordenamento do Território e Desenvolvimento UrbanoREFER EPCâmara Municipal de Lisboa - Cultur

    Le logement, variable centrale de l’exercice de prospective démographique à l’échelle locale

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    Résumé Cet article présente la façon dont la variable logement peut être mobilisée dans les projections démographiques et comment cela pourrait permettre aux démographes d’être plus impliqués dans le champ de la prospective territoriale à l’échelle locale. Dans le cadre de l’élaboration des plans locaux d’urbanisme et/ou de l’habitat, les démographes sont souvent sollicités pour fixer les évolutions démographiques auxquelles le territoire pourrait être confronté. Le logement est dans ce cas considéré comme une réponse aux perspectives démographiques. Mais au niveau local, le sens de la relation s’inverse : au sein d’un bassin démographique de quelques centaines de kilomètres carrés, la mobilité résidentielle intercommunale est le plus souvent déterminée par les opportunités immobilières. Les petits territoires peuvent donc être, via la politique de logements, des acteurs de leur dynamique démographique. Cette situation conduit à faire du logement, à l’échelle locale, une variable centrale de l’exercice de projection démographique. Elle implique aussi de renouveler les méthodes et de mobiliser, dans la définition des scénarios, les acteurs locaux de l’aménagement du territoire. Le démographe n’est donc plus seulement un prestataire de service, il devient un partenaire de la réflexion prospective sur le territoire, qui est d’ailleurs de plus en plus fréquemment entendue comme un processus itératif qui s’appuie sur les échanges entre les acteurs locaux et les experts. Abstract This article presents how the housing variable can be mobilized in demographic projections and thus involve the demographer more in the field of territorial prospective at the local level. In the context of drawing up local urban and/or housing plans, demographers are often asked to determine the demographic changes that the local area might face. In this case housing is considered as a response to demographic projections. But at the local level, the direction of the relationship is reversed: within a catchment area of a few hundred square kilometers, inter-municipal residential mobility is most often determined by real estate opportunities. The small local areas can therefore be, via housing policies, actors in their demographic dynamics. This situation makes housing, at the local level, a central variable in the demographic projection exercise. It also involves renewing methods and mobilizing local planning actors in the definition of scenarios. The demographer is no longer just a service provider and becomes a partner for the territorial prospective at the local level. The prospective exercise is more and more frequently understood as an iterative process that relies on the exchanges between the local actors and experts

    Les entrées d’étrangers sur le marché du travail français (1990-2001)

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    Chaque année, plusieurs milliers d’étrangers entrent en France afin d’exercer une activité professionnelle. Mais ce ne sont pas les seuls étrangers qui accèdent au marché de l’emploi français. En effet, parmi les étrangers qui entrent chaque année légalement en France à un autre titre que l’exercice d’une activité professionnelle pour une durée au moins égale à un an, certains deviennent actifs l’année même de leur arrivée en France. D’autres diffèrent leur accès au marché de l’emploi les années suivantes. Leur effectif ne faisant l’objet d’aucun dénombrement, il s’est avéré nécessaire de développer une méthode d’estimation destinée à en approcher l’ordre de grandeur. Cette réflexion, initiée en 1996, permet aujourd’hui de disposer d’une série statistique couvrant les années 1990-2001, qui précise non seulement les variations quantitatives qu’a connues ce flux depuis 1990, mais également les évolutions de certaines de ses caractéristiques (groupe de nationalités, mode d’accès au marché du travail).Entries of Foreigners into the French Labour Market (1990-2001). Every year, thousands of foreigners come to France in order to work. However, they are not the only foreigners to enter on the French labour market : among those who, every year, come legally in France for other reasons than working — at least during one whole year — some of them enter on the labour market the very same year they arrived in France. But others do so after several years spent in France. In order to evaluate their numbers, it became necessary to develop an estimation method. Thanks to this method, which dates back to 1996, a statistical series covering the years 1990-2001 is available, which provides information on the quantitative changes in the yearly flows since 1990, but also on some of their feature, such as nationality groups and type of access to the labour market.Las entradas de extranjeros en el mercado laboral francés (1990-2001). Cada año, miles de extranjeros entran en Francia con el objetivo de ejercer una actividad profesional, mas no son los únicos extranjeros que acceden al mercado del trabajo francés. Entre todos los extranjeros que entran legalmente en Francia cada año por un periodo de al menos doce meses bajo otro estatuto que el de trabajador algunos pasan a ser activos durante dicha estancia. Por el contrario, otros retrasan su acceso al mercado del empleo a los años posteriores. Dado que no existe ningún tipo de contabilización de este fenómeno, ha sido necesario desarrollar un método de estimación significativo. Esta reflexión fue iniciada en 1996 y permite, hoy en día, disponer de una serie estadística que cubre la década 1990-2001. Estos datos recogen las variaciones que estos flujos han sufrido desde 1990, así como las evoluciones de los rasgos que los caracterizan, como por ejemplo el grupo de nacionalidades o el modo de acceso al mercado laboral

    Isogonal moulding surfaces: A family of shapes for high node congruence in free-form structures

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    International audienceThe design of free-form structures is governed by structural and geometric considerations, the latter ones being closely linked to the costs of fabrication. If some construction constraints have been studied extensively, the question of the repeatability of nodes in free-form structures has rarely been addressed yet. In this paper, a family of surfaces that can be optimized regarding typical geometrical constraints and that exhibit high node congruence is proposed. They correspond to particular meshes of moulding surfaces and are called isogonal moulding surfaces by the authors. The geometrical properties of these surfaces are discussed. In particular, it is shown how to derive Edge Offset Mesh from them. It is also demonstrated that they represent all the possible meshes parallel to surfaces of revolution. Finally, the reader is introduced to some computational strategies linked to isogonal moulding surfaces