8 research outputs found

    Could caregiver reporting adherence help detect virological failure in Cameroonian early treated HIV-infected infants?

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundViral load is still the marker of choice for monitoring adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and confirming the success of HIV treatment. Unfortunately it is difficult to access in many resource-poor settings. We aimed to measure the performance of caregiver reporting adherence for detecting virological failure in routine practice during the first 2 years after cART initiation in infants.MethodsPEDIACAM is an ongoing prospective cohort study including HIV1-infected infants diagnosed before 7 months of age between November 2007 and October 2011 in Cameroon. Adherence was assessed using a questionnaire administered every 3 months from cART initiation; the HIV-RNA viral load was determined at the same visits. Virological failure was defined as having a viral load ≥ 1000 cp/mL at 3 and 12 months after cART initiation or having a viral load ≥ 400 cp/mL at 24 months after cART initiation. The performance of each current missed and cumulative missed dose defined according to adherence as reported by caregiver was assessed using the viral load as the gold standard.ResultscART was initiated at a median age of 4 months (IQR: 3–6) in the 167 infants included. The cumulative missed dose showed the best overall performance for detecting virological failure after 12 months of cART (AUC test, p = 0.005, LR + =4.4 and LR− = 0.4). Whatever the adherence reporting criterion, the negative predictive value was high (NPV ≥ 75 %) 12 and 24 months after cART initiation, whereas the positive predictive value was low (PPV ≤ 50 %).ConclusionsThe adherence questionnaire administered by the health care provider to the infants’ caregivers is not reliable for detecting virological failure in routine practice: its positive predictive value is low. However, the cumulative missed dose measurement may be a reliable predictor of virological success, particularly after 12 months of cART, given its high negative predictive value

    Different factors associated with loss to follow-up of infants born to HIV-infected or uninfected mothers: observations from the ANRS 12140-PEDIACAM study in Cameroon

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    International audienceBackground: Loss to follow-up (LTFU) is a cause of potential bias in clinical studies. Differing LTFU between study groups may affect internal validity and generalizability of the results. Understanding reasons for LTFU could help improve follow-up in clinical studies and thereby contribute to goals for prevention, treatment, or research being achieved. We explored factors associated with LTFU of mother-child pairs after inclusion in the ANRS 12140-Pediacam study. Methods: From November 2007 to October 2010, 4104 infants including 2053 born to HIV-infected mothers and 2051 born to HIV-uninfected mothers matched individually on gender and study site were enrolled during the first week of life in three referral hospitals in Cameroon and scheduled for visits at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age. Visits were designated 1, 2 and 3, in chronological order, irrespective of the child's age at the time of the visit. Mother-child pairs were considered lost to follow-up if they never returned for a clinical visit within the first six months after inclusion. Uni- and multivariable logistic regression were adjusted on matching variables to identify factors associated with LTFU according to maternal HIV status. Results: LTFU among HIV-unexposed infants was four times higher than among HIV-exposed infants (36.7% vs 9.8%, p < 0.001). Emergency caesarean section (adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) = 2.46 95% Confidence Interval (CI) [1.47-4.13]), young maternal age (aOR = 2.29, 95% CI [1.18-4.46]), and absence of antiretroviral treatment for prophylaxis (aOR = 3.45, 95% CI [2.30-5.19]) were independently associated with LTFU among HIV-exposed infants. Factors associated with LTFU among HIV-unexposed infants included young maternal age (aOR = 1.96, 95% CI [1.36-2.81]), low maternal education level (aOR = 2.77, 95% CI [1.95-3.95]) and housewife/unemployed mothers (aOR = 1.56, 95% CI [1.16-2.11]). Conclusion: Failure to return for at least one scheduled clinical visit is a problem especially among HIV-unexposed infants included in studies involving HIV-exposed infants. Factors associated with this type of LTFU included maternal characteristics, socio-economic status, quality of antenatal care and obstetrical context of delivery. Enhanced counselling in antenatal and intrapartum services is required for mothers at high risk of failure to return for follow-up visits

    Long-term outcomes of early initiated antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan children: a Cameroonian cohort study (ANRS-12140 Pediacam study, 2008–2013, Cameroon)

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    International audienceAbstract Background In most studies, the virological response is assessed during the first two years of antiretroviral treatment initiated in HIV-infected infants. However, early initiation of antiretroviral therapy exposes infants to very long-lasting treatment. Moreover, maintaining viral suppression in children is difficult. We aimed to assess the virologic response and mortality in HIV-infected children after five years of early initiated antiretroviral treatment (ART) and identify factors associated with virologic success in Cameroon. Methods In the ANRS-12140 Pediacam cohort study, 2008–2013, Cameroon, we included all the 149 children who were still alive after two years of early ART. Virologic response was assessed after 5 years of treatment. The probability of maintaining virologic success between two and five years of ART was estimated using Kaplan-Meier curve. The immune status and mortality were also studied at five years after ART initiation. Factors associated with a viral load < 400 copies/mL in children still alive at five years of ART were studied using logistic regressions. Results The viral load after five years of early ART was suppressed in 66.8% (60.1–73.5) of the 144 children still alive and in care. Among the children with viral suppression after two years of ART, the probability of maintaining viral suppression after five years of ART was 64.0% (54.0–74.0). The only factor associated with viral suppression after five years of ART was achievement of confirmed virological success within the first two years of ART (OR = 2.7 (1.1–6.8); p = 0.033). Conclusions The probability of maintaining viral suppression between two and five years of early initiated ART which was quite low highlights the difficulty of parents to administer drugs daily to their children in sub-Saharan Africa. It also stressed the importance of initial viral suppression for achieving and maintaining virologic success in the long-term. Further studies should focus on identifying strategies that would enhance better retention in care and improved adherence to treatment within the first two years of ART early initiated in Sub-Saharan HIV-infected children

    Métastases chorio-rétiniennes d’un adénocarcinome bronchopulmonaire: à propos d’un cas

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    Les métastases intraoculaires de cancers systémiques sont la manifestation la plus fréquente des tumeurs oculaires. Elles touchent en priorité l’uvée qui est la tunique vasculaire du globe oculaire. Les principaux cancers systémiques en cause sont : le cancer du sein (47%), les cancers bronchopulmonaires (21%) et les cancers du tractus gastro-intestinal (4%). Le diagnostic de ces métastases est aisé chez un patient dont la tumeur primitive est connue et repose sur un faisceau d’arguments. Nous rapportons un cas de métastases chorio-rétiniennes d’un adénocarcinome pulmonaire. Le but de ce travail était de montrer la place du bilan ophtalmologique d’un patient atteint de cancer systémique. La consultation ophtalmologique a été réalisée à la faveur d’une baisse d’acuité visuelle. L’atteinte était unilatérale et montrait un nodule blanc-jaunâtre péripapillaire avec un décollement rétinien séreux régional associé. La patiente est décédée deux semaines après la découverte des métastases oculaires. Les métastases chorio-rétiniennes de cancers systémiques peuvent précéder la découverte de la tumeur primitive et sont associées à un pronostic vital sombre à brève échéance. Mots clés : métastases chorio-rétiniennes - cancers systémiques - bilan ophtalmologique English Abstract: Chorio-retinal metastases of bronchopulmonary adenocarcinoma: a case reportIntraocular metastases of systemic cancers are the most common manifestation of ocular tumours. They primarily affect the uvea, which is the vascular layer of the eyeball. The main systemic cancers involved are: breast cancer (47%), bronchopulmonary cancers (21%) and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract (4%). The diagnosis is easy in a patient with a known primary tumour and is based on a cluster of arguments. We report a case of chorio-retinal metastases of lung adenocarcinoma. The aim of this work was to show the place of ophthalmological assessment of a patient with systemic cancer. The ophthalmological consultation was carried out when the visual acuity decreased. The involvement was unilateral and showed a yellowish-white peripapillary nodule with associated regional serous retinal detachment. The patient died two weeks after the discovery of ocular metastases. Chorioretinal metastases of systemic cancer may precede the discovery of the primary tumour and are associated with a poor prognosis in the short term. Keywords: chorio-retinal metastases - systemic cancer - ophthalmological assessmen

    Virologic Response to Early Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-infected Infants: Evaluation After 2 Years of Treatment in the Pediacam Study, Cameroon

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    International audienceIntroduction: Little is known about virologic responses to early antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV-infected infants in resource-limited settings. We estimated the probability of achieving viral suppression within 2 years of ART initiation and investigated the factors associated with success. Methods: We analyzed all 190 infants from the Cameroon Pediacam who initiated ART by 12 months of age. The main outcome measure was viral suppression (<1000 copies/mL) on at least 1 occasion; the other outcome measures considered were viral suppression (<400 copies/mL) on at least 1 occasion and confirmed viral suppression (both thresholds) on 2 consecutive occasions. We used competing-risks regression for a time-to-event analysis to estimate the cumulative incidence of outcomes and univariate and multivariate models to identify risk factors. Results: During the first 24 months of ART, 20.0% (38) of the infants died, giving a mortality rate of 11.9 deaths per 100 infant-years (95% confidence interval: 8.1-15.7). The probability of achieving a viral load below 1000 or 400 copies/mL was 80.0% (69.0-81.0) and 78.0% (66.0-79.0), respectively. The probability of virologic suppression (with these 2 thresholds) on 2 consecutive occasions was 67.0% (56.0-70.0) and 60.0% (49.0-64.0), respectively. Virologic success was associated with not having missed any doses of treatment before the visit, but not with socioeconomic and living conditions. Conclusion: Many early treated children failed to achieve virologic suppression, likely due to a combination of adherence difficulties, drug dosing and viral resistance, which highlights the need for routine viral load monitoring. The high infant mortality despite early ART initiation needs to be addressed in sub-Saharan countries