12 research outputs found

    Računalna i informacijska pismenost djece u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju

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    Računalna i informacijska pismenost je u današnje vrijeme vrlo bitna. Danas se teži da se takvo opismenjavanje učenika započinje u što ranijoj dobi školovanja. Želim se u ovom diplomskom radu osvrnuti na proces informatizacije i računalne i informacijske pismenosti. Svoju pažnju želim usmjeriti na proces informatizacije, na tijek informatizacije i informatizacije u primjeni. Kroz literaturu i pronađene članke uvidjela sam kako je proces informatizacije u Republici Hrvatskoj u konstantnom usponu. Događaju se velike promjene u školovanju koje su postale nužne. Informatika kao predmet u školi od izbornog predmeta u višim razredima postaje obavezan predmet za sve učenike već od samog početka osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja. Sve je to u sklopu nove kurikularne reforme koja je dovela brojne promjene, no najveće promjene se vide u postupku informatizacije i težnji procesa uvođenja informatike kao ključnog predmeta u daljnjem procesu školovanja. U nastavu se uvode nove metode rada, puno zanimljivije djeci jer je ipak riječ o tehnologiji koju oni upoznaju već u predškolskoj dobi. Obzirom da se takva vrsta rada tek uvodi u nastavu možemo samo predvidjeti i pretpostaviti rezultate obrazovanja. Isto tako u ovom radu skrećem pozornost na djecu s posebnim potrebama.Computer and information literacy in modern society is of great importance. The main intention in contemporary world is to start learning this kind of literacy from the earliest stages in education. In this master's thesis I want to reflect upon the process of informatization and its relation to computer and information literacy. The stress will especially be laid upon the process and lapse of informatization, as well as informatization in common use. Having made a research on this particular thesis, I can conclude that the process of informatization in the Republic of Croatia is in constant rise. The education itself became subject to excessive and neccesary changes. Instead of being arbitrary subject in higher classes of primary school, it became obligatory subject from the start of primary education. Even though new curricular reform brought many changes, the biggest emphasis is laid upon the process of informatization and establishment of computer science as the most important piece of further education. The earliest possible introduction of computer science and technology into education would allow the development of new, more interesting approaches towards learning. Regarding the fact this particular project is still being implemented into our educational system, its results are still only to be predicted. Moreover, particular attention in this thesis is brought to children with special needs or disabilities

    Računalna i informacijska pismenost djece u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju

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    Računalna i informacijska pismenost je u današnje vrijeme vrlo bitna. Danas se teži da se takvo opismenjavanje učenika započinje u što ranijoj dobi školovanja. Želim se u ovom diplomskom radu osvrnuti na proces informatizacije i računalne i informacijske pismenosti. Svoju pažnju želim usmjeriti na proces informatizacije, na tijek informatizacije i informatizacije u primjeni. Kroz literaturu i pronađene članke uvidjela sam kako je proces informatizacije u Republici Hrvatskoj u konstantnom usponu. Događaju se velike promjene u školovanju koje su postale nužne. Informatika kao predmet u školi od izbornog predmeta u višim razredima postaje obavezan predmet za sve učenike već od samog početka osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja. Sve je to u sklopu nove kurikularne reforme koja je dovela brojne promjene, no najveće promjene se vide u postupku informatizacije i težnji procesa uvođenja informatike kao ključnog predmeta u daljnjem procesu školovanja. U nastavu se uvode nove metode rada, puno zanimljivije djeci jer je ipak riječ o tehnologiji koju oni upoznaju već u predškolskoj dobi. Obzirom da se takva vrsta rada tek uvodi u nastavu možemo samo predvidjeti i pretpostaviti rezultate obrazovanja. Isto tako u ovom radu skrećem pozornost na djecu s posebnim potrebama.Computer and information literacy in modern society is of great importance. The main intention in contemporary world is to start learning this kind of literacy from the earliest stages in education. In this master's thesis I want to reflect upon the process of informatization and its relation to computer and information literacy. The stress will especially be laid upon the process and lapse of informatization, as well as informatization in common use. Having made a research on this particular thesis, I can conclude that the process of informatization in the Republic of Croatia is in constant rise. The education itself became subject to excessive and neccesary changes. Instead of being arbitrary subject in higher classes of primary school, it became obligatory subject from the start of primary education. Even though new curricular reform brought many changes, the biggest emphasis is laid upon the process of informatization and establishment of computer science as the most important piece of further education. The earliest possible introduction of computer science and technology into education would allow the development of new, more interesting approaches towards learning. Regarding the fact this particular project is still being implemented into our educational system, its results are still only to be predicted. Moreover, particular attention in this thesis is brought to children with special needs or disabilities

    Računalna i informacijska pismenost djece u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju

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    Računalna i informacijska pismenost je u današnje vrijeme vrlo bitna. Danas se teži da se takvo opismenjavanje učenika započinje u što ranijoj dobi školovanja. Želim se u ovom diplomskom radu osvrnuti na proces informatizacije i računalne i informacijske pismenosti. Svoju pažnju želim usmjeriti na proces informatizacije, na tijek informatizacije i informatizacije u primjeni. Kroz literaturu i pronađene članke uvidjela sam kako je proces informatizacije u Republici Hrvatskoj u konstantnom usponu. Događaju se velike promjene u školovanju koje su postale nužne. Informatika kao predmet u školi od izbornog predmeta u višim razredima postaje obavezan predmet za sve učenike već od samog početka osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja. Sve je to u sklopu nove kurikularne reforme koja je dovela brojne promjene, no najveće promjene se vide u postupku informatizacije i težnji procesa uvođenja informatike kao ključnog predmeta u daljnjem procesu školovanja. U nastavu se uvode nove metode rada, puno zanimljivije djeci jer je ipak riječ o tehnologiji koju oni upoznaju već u predškolskoj dobi. Obzirom da se takva vrsta rada tek uvodi u nastavu možemo samo predvidjeti i pretpostaviti rezultate obrazovanja. Isto tako u ovom radu skrećem pozornost na djecu s posebnim potrebama.Computer and information literacy in modern society is of great importance. The main intention in contemporary world is to start learning this kind of literacy from the earliest stages in education. In this master's thesis I want to reflect upon the process of informatization and its relation to computer and information literacy. The stress will especially be laid upon the process and lapse of informatization, as well as informatization in common use. Having made a research on this particular thesis, I can conclude that the process of informatization in the Republic of Croatia is in constant rise. The education itself became subject to excessive and neccesary changes. Instead of being arbitrary subject in higher classes of primary school, it became obligatory subject from the start of primary education. Even though new curricular reform brought many changes, the biggest emphasis is laid upon the process of informatization and establishment of computer science as the most important piece of further education. The earliest possible introduction of computer science and technology into education would allow the development of new, more interesting approaches towards learning. Regarding the fact this particular project is still being implemented into our educational system, its results are still only to be predicted. Moreover, particular attention in this thesis is brought to children with special needs or disabilities

    Physicochemical testing of plastic packaging systems for solid dosage forms according to USP 661.2.

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    Glavni funkciji ovojnine sta fizična in kemična zaščita farmacevtske oblike. Ovojnina ščiti farmacevtsko obliko pred mehanskimi poškodbami med distribucijo in shranjevanjem, prav tako jo ščiti pred kisikom, toploto, vlago in svetlobo. Ti dejavniki lahko povzročijo kemijske reakcije v farmacevtski obliki in s tem vplivajo na kakovost in varnost farmacevtske oblike. Zagotavljanje kakovosti, varnosti in učinkovitosti končnih izdelkov v farmacevtski industriji je osnovni pogoj za varovanje zdravja bolnikov in uspešno poslovanje farmacevtskega podjetja, zato mora biti tudi plastična ovojnina primerno preskušana. V magistrskem delu smo v skladu s predpisi v monografiji USP 661.2 izvedli fizikalnokemijske preskuse na 10 plastičnih ovojninah, izdelanih iz polietilena z visoko gostoto, ki so se med seboj razlikovale glede na razmerje površine na volumen, proizvajalca, glede na tehnologijo izdelave, barvo in glede različne sestave ovojnin. Preskušane ovojnine se lahko uporabljajo za pakiranje trdnih farmacevtskih oblik. Najprej smo izvedli preliminarno preskušanje kislosti oz. bazičnosti, v sklopu katerega smo izvedli preskus občutljivosti raztopine indikatorja metil rdečega ter preliminarno preskušanje na prečiščeni vodi. Na podlagi preliminarnega preskušanja smo nato s primerjavo rezultatov vrednotili raztopine vzorcev iz 10 ovojnin na treh paralelkah. Po izvedenem preliminarnem testiranju smo izvedli fizikalno-kemijsko preskušanje plastičnih ovojnin, in sicer smo izvedli preskus izgleda raztopine vzorca iz ovojnine (barva in bistrost),izvedli smo meritve absorbance, preskus kislosti oz. bazičnosti, meritve celotnega organskega ogljika ter tudi preskus elementnih nečistot, ki trenutno ni del fizikalnokemijskega preskušanja po USP 661.2.Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da so bile vse raztopine vzorcev iz ovojnin brezbarvne in bistre, da so imele vse raztopine vzorcev iz ovojnin vrednost absorbance nižjo od 0,2, da so rezultati kislosti oz. bazičnosti in rezultati meritev celotnega organskega ogljika ustrezali specifikacijskim predpisom v USP 661.2. Iz rezultatov preskusa elementnih nečistot lahko sklepamo, da se v raztopine vzorcev iz ovojnin niso izločile elementne nečistote.Na podlagi vseh izvedenih preskusov torej lahko zaključimo, da vse preskušane ovojnine ustrezajo specifikacijskim predpisom v USP 661.2 in so primerne za uporabo.The main functions of packaging system are the physical and chemical protection of the dosage form. The packaging system protects the dosage form from mechanical damage during distribution and storage, as well as against oxygen, heat, moisture and light. These factors can cause chemical reactions in the dosage form and thus affect the quality and safety of the dosage form. Ensuring the quality, safety and efficacy of finished products in the pharmaceutical industry is a prerequisite for protecting the health of patients and for the successful business performance of a pharmaceutical company, therefore the plastic packaging systems have to be tested properly. The aim of the master thesis was to perform physicochemical tests according to the USP 661.2 monograph on 10 plastic packaging systems made of high-density polyethylene, which were different in terms of size, manufacturer, production technology, colour and packaging composition. The tested packaging systems can be used for the packaging of solid dosage forms. First, we performed a preliminary acidity or alkalinity test, where the test for sensitivity of methyl red indicator and the preliminary test on purified water were performed. On the basis of the preliminary testing we evaluated samples of 10 packaging systems on three parallels by comparing the results. After the preliminary testing, we performed physicochemical testing of plastic packaging systems, we tested the appearance of samples (colour and clarity), we performed the measurements of absorbance, acidity or alkalinity tests, total organic carbon measurements, as well as the test of elemental impurities, which is not yet part of the USP 661.2 physicochemical tests. Based on the results, we concluded that all the samples of packaging system were colourless and clear, all the samples of packaging system had values of absorbance less than 0,2, the results of acidity or alkalinity and also the results of measurements of total organic carbon corresponded to the specifications in USP 661.2. Based on the results of the test for elemental impurities, we can conclude that elemental impurities were not extracted from the packaging systems to the samples. On the basis of all the tests performed, we can conclude that all the packaging systems tested meet the specification requirements of USP 661.2 and are suitable for use

    The impact of the brand\u27s country of origin image on purchase intention

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    Živimo v času, ko lahko izberemo en izdelek, a različnih blagovnih znamk. Potrošnik se pri nakupu ne odloča le, kateri izdelek si želi, ampak izbira tudi med različnimi ponudniki (oz. znamkami) istega izdelka. Ker je izbira res velika, postanejo kupcem pomembni številni dejavniki, med drugim kakovost in podoba blagovne znamke. Namen diplomske naloge je bil raziskati povezavo med podobo države izvora ter kakovostjo, podobo blagovne znamke in nakupno namero. Zanimalo me je predvsem, ali se potrošniki še vedno zanašajo pretežno na izvor izdelka ali jim več pomenijo drugi dejavniki, kot sta kakovost in podoba blagovne znamke. Izsledki kvantitativne analize so pokazali, da se nakupna namera poveča, ko so podoba države izvora, kakovost in podoba blagovne znamke boljši. Ne gre sicer zanemariti ugotovitve, da je vpliv, ki ga ima podoba države izvora na nakupno namero, posreden ter manjši, kot ga imata kakovost in podoba znamke, po drugi strani pa ne smemo pozabiti, da potrošniki pri vrednotenju kakovosti in podobe znamke izhajajo prav iz podobe države izvora.We live in a time where while purchasing a product, we can choose from a variety of different brands. Consumers no longer base their purchase decisions on the type of the products they want, but also their brands. Because of the overwhelming choice, number of factors now impact their decision, including perceived quality and brand image. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the connection between country of origin image, perceived quality, brand image and purchase intention. My main goal was to explore whether consumers still predominantly rely on the origin of the product when making purchasing decisions, or are there other, more important factors involved such as quality and brand image. The results of the quantitative analysis suggest that purchase intention indeed increases with better country of origin image, perceived quality and brand image. While it is true that the influence of the country of origin image on purchase intention is indirect and lower than that of the perceived quality and brand image, it should not be forgotten that it is the image of the country of origin that consumers rely on when forming judgements about the quality and brand image

    Relational Family Therapy in the Treatment of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors and their Relatives

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    Sudden cardiac arrest is the most common single cause of death in the contemporary world, but the proportion of survivors is increasing thanks to modern intensive methods of hospital treatment. However, data show that survivors experience high rates of neurological and cognitive deficits and poorer emotional well-being, which is a major challenge in treating these individuals and encouraging their integration in everyday life. These issues range from a number of emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression, to lower levels of participation in social life and a low rate of return to their workplace. The need for security and support increases because of the feelings of insecurity, vulnerability and fear of the recurrence of symptoms. Relatives/caregivers who report emotional problems and a higher level of post-traumatic stress are physically and mentally burdened, too. Hence, sudden cardiac arrest is a life-threatening event which is traumatic for survivors and their close relatives. It triggers strong emotional responses that are characteristic of all types of trauma (reliving the trauma, avoidance, negative thoughts and mood, increased agitation). People who have survived trauma thus suffer long-term effects, which are reflected in various dysfunctional behaviours and activities due to inadequate regulation of affective states. Because of these issues, there is a need for effective interventions that can psychologically help patients and relatives after surviving sudden cardiac arrest. In this paper, we will present the model of Relational Family Therapy, which can enable survivors and their relatives to appropriately emotionally-affectively process this experience and thus more appropriately integrate into a new way of life. With the qualitative research method of task analysis, we will show the process of change, which is based on the establishment of a new regulation of affect and allows in-depth processing of difficult emotional states after this event

    Relational Family Therapy in the Treatment of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors and their Relatives

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    Sudden cardiac arrest is the most common single cause of death in the contemporary world, but the proportion of survivors is increasing thanks to modern intensive methods of hospital treatment. However, data show that survivors experience high rates of neurological and cognitive deficits and poorer emotional well-being, which is a major challenge in treating these individuals and encouraging their integration in everyday life. These issues range from a number of emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression, to lower levels of participation in social life and a low rate of return to their workplace. The need for security and support increases because of the feelings of insecurity, vulnerability and fear of the recurrence of symptoms. Relatives/caregivers who report emotional problems and a higher level of post-traumatic stress are physically and mentally burdened, too. Hence, sudden cardiac arrest is a life-threatening event which is traumatic for survivors and their close relatives. It triggers strong emotional responses that are characteristic of all types of trauma (reliving the trauma, avoidance, negative thoughts and mood, increased agitation). People who have survived trauma thus suffer long-term effects, which are reflected in various dysfunctional behaviours and activities due to inadequate regulation of affective states. Because of these issues, there is a need for effective interventions that can psychologically help patients and relatives after surviving sudden cardiac arrest. In this paper, we will present the model of Relational Family Therapy, which can enable survivors and their relatives to appropriately emotionally-affectively process this experience and thus more appropriately integrate into a new way of life. With the qualitative research method of task analysis, we will show the process of change, which is based on the establishment of a new regulation of affect and allows in-depth processing of difficult emotional states after this event.Sudden cardiac arrest is the most common single cause of death in the contemporary world, but the proportion of survivors is increasing thanks to modern intensive methods of hospital treatment. However, data show that survivors experience high rates of neurological and cognitive deficits and poorer emotional well-being, which is a major challenge in treating these individuals and encouraging their integration in everyday life. These issues range from a number of emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression, to lower levels of participation in social life and a low rate of return to their workplace. The need for security and support increases because of the feelings of insecurity, vulnerability and fear of the recurrence of symptoms. Relatives/caregivers who report emotional problems and a higher level of post-traumatic stress are physically and mentally burdened, too. Hence, sudden cardiac arrest is a life-threatening event which is traumatic for survivors and their close relatives. It triggers strong emotional responses that are characteristic of all types of trauma (reliving the trauma, avoidance, negative thoughts and mood, increased agitation). People who have survived trauma thus suffer long-term effects, which are reflected in various dysfunctional behaviours and activities due to inadequate regulation of affective states. Because of these issues, there is a need for effective interventions that can psychologically help patients and relatives after surviving sudden cardiac arrest. In this paper, we will present the model of Relational Family Therapy, which can enable survivors and their relatives to appropriately emotionally-affectively process this experience and thus more appropriately integrate into a new way of life. With the qualitative research method of task analysis, we will show the process of change, which is based on the establishment of a new regulation of affect and allows in-depth processing of difficult emotional states after this event