150 research outputs found

    Rekonseptualisasi Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum Di Indonesia

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    Elections are the means to implement sovereignty of the people in order to elect members of the House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council, Local Legislative Council, the President and Vice President. Election are also meaningful for selecting the leader of the nation and the state (public officials) and as community control over board membership, President and Vice President to come. Election results are manifestation of popular sovereignty, which can lead to a dispute between organizer and election participants either political parties or individuals. The result of which can be challenged legally by election participant. The participant can also request the cancellation of the election result to the agency given with the authority to decide. Conceptually, the right institution to decide on election dispute is a special ad hoc election court. Constitutionally, dispute resolution of election result is intended to protect citizens\u27 constitutional rights


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    The study aimed to describe the implementation of discussion method in learning of PKn lesson on the material of organizaion and to know its influence in order to improve the students’ achievement. The study used Classroom Action Research method with two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four phases, those are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data collection was done using students observation sheet and achievement test in each cycle. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study result could be seen from the presentation of the students activity average at thefirst cycle that is 69 in moderate active category and has been improving at the second cycle to be 81 in active category.  The students completness at the first cycle only 6 students (62%) and has been improving at the second cycle to be 8 students (100%). The conclusion of the study showed that the implementation of discussion method can improve the students achievement at the learning of PKn lesson on the material of Organization


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    AbstractThe problems of this research were 1). What was the Pattern of Preparing the Central Java Province RPJMD Plan? 2) How to achieve the SKPD's RPJMD and Renstra (The strategic plan) targets and SKPD's RKPD and Renja (Work plan) in Central Java Province? Research Locations at 3 Agencies in Central Java Province. namely Bappeda, Education Office and Bina Marga Office. This study used a qualitative phenomenological approach in accordance with the research objectives, namely to describe social events to reveal real events in the field and reveal hidden values, be more sensitive to descriptive information and try to maintain the integrity of the objects that was researched.Methods of data collection by interviews, documentation at Bappeda, the Education Office and the Bina Marga Office as units of analysis were chosen purposively.The conclusion of the research results was: the posture of the 2016 RKPD to achieve the Vision and Mission of the 2013-1018 RPJMD needed to be reformulated in order to maintain the alignment of the RKPD policy on the 2013-2018 RPJMD Policy.  Controlling, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of RKPD was very important. Keywords: RPJMD, Vision and Mission, RKPD, Renja SKPD   AbstrakMasalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1). Bagaimana Pola Penyusunan Rencana RPJMD Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2). Bagaimana pencapaian target RPJMD dan Renstra SKPD serta RKPD dan Renja SKPD di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Lokus Penelitian pada 3 Instansi di ProvinsiJawa Tengah. yaitu Bappeda, Dinas Pendidikan dan Dinas Bina Marga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yaitu mendeskripsikan peristiwa sosial kemasyarakatan untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa-peristiwa riil di lapangan dan mengungkapkan nilai-nilai yang tersembunyi (hidden value), lebih peka terhadap informasi-informasi yang bersifat deskriptif dan berusaha mempertahankan keutuhan obyek yang diteliti.Metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara,  dokumentasi.pada Bappeda, Dinas Pendidikan dan Dinas Bina Marga sebagai unit analisis yang dipilih secara purposive (sengaja).Kesimpulan hasil penelitian : postur RKPD  tahun 2016  untuk mencapai Visi dan Misi RPJMD 2013-1018 perlu diformulasikan ulang guna  menjaga keselarasan kebijakan RKPD dengan Kebijakan RPJMD Tahun 2013-2018, sehingga kegiatan pengendalian, monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan RKPD sangat penting untuk dilakukan Kata Kunci :  RPJMD, Visi dan Misi, RKPD, Renja SKP

    The General Election Results as the Manifestation of Popular Sovereignty

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    The General Election is closely  related to manifestation of popular sovereignty by seeing the results of the elections. This manifestation is the highest value of democracy. In fact, some elections are the result of manifestation of sovereignty if it is legally disputed. The election is a means of democracy that has been chosen among various available options, it becomes a tool for rolling and changing leaders in various positions (President and Vice President, DPR, Provincial DPRD, Regional and other positions). Based on the past elections, there are number of various legal cases concerning the results of the elections which is held every 5 years. In the future, an ideal concept is needed to deal with any disputes over election results to create an atmosphere of democracy that have the value of justice, expediency, and certainty. Keywords: General Election, legally dispute, the concept of general election dispute settlement. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/93-18 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Integrasi Sistem Peradilan Pemilihan Umum melalui Pembentukan Mahkamah Pemilihan Umum

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    Pemilu yang tidak hanya berakhir pada perhitungan suara, dan justru harus diselesaikan di lembaga peradilan, tanpa disadari telah menjadi tolok ukur yang dapat melegitimasi dan menilai kualitas demokrasi. Situasi ini menegaskan bahwa keberadaan lembaga peradilan telah menjadi bagian penting terhadap keberlangsungan proses Pemilu. Penelitian ini mencoba menilai kembali proses pelaksanaan sistem peradilan Pemilu di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif doktrinal yang dikolaborasikan dengan metode Reform Oriented Research, penelitian ini menemukan permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi di dalam sistem peradilan Pemilu di Indonesia. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut di antaranya, tarik ulur kewenangan penyelesaian sengketa pemilihan kepala daerah, disintegrasi dan tumpang tindihnya kewenangan penyelesaian sengketa pemilihan Umum, menumpuknya sengketa Pemilu dan Pilkada di MK, serta permasalahan mengenai sistem recall anggota DPR oleh partai politik. Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini menawarkan gagasan berupa pengintegrasian seluruh proses penyelesaian sengketa Pemilu di dalam sebuah Mahkamah Pemilu. Mahkamah Pemilu akan diposisikan sejajar dengan MK dan MA. Mahkamah Pemilu berwenang untuk mengadili pada tingkat pertama dan terakhir yang putusannya bersifat final dan mengikat untuk memutus tentang pelanggaran kode etik penyelenggara Pemilu, pelanggaran administrasi Pemilu, sengketa proses Pemilu, tindak pidana Pemilu, sengketa hasil serta sengketa pasca Pemilu.Kata kunci: Pemilu, Sistem Peradilan Pemilu, Permasalahan Pemilu, Pengadilan Pemilu, Mahkamah Pemil

    Examining Recall of the House Member: How Does It Impact on Eradicating Corruption in Indonesia?

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    This study aims to discuss the existing contentious recall policy that becomes the legitimate reason to replace or retire the House member proposed by political parties. The discussion also examines to what extent recall, in practice, whether it enables the promotion of Indonesia's anti-corruption agenda. Through the recall, political parties can withdraw their members in the House, either in the form of dismissal or changing positions before the end of the term of office of members who sit in the House of representatives. This study finds that the existing recall policy impedes democracy and negates how to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. As a result, the current policy needs an option to ensure that recall will work as it is expected. Therefore, this alternative should include constituents to propose recall, which will disrupt the existing parties' domination, resulted in a more participatory system, and it reflects the more reciprocal ways to link people, parties, and the House in Indonesian politics. The judiciary's role is another essential aspect to highlight, in which the process and settlement of the recall may involve the Constitutional Court as the hub of the political and constitutional settlement. KEYWORDS: Indonesian Democracy, Anti-Corruption Agenda, Recall Policy, Political System


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    Perkawinan campuran saat ini telah banyak  terjadi pada masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam perundang-undangan di Indonesia, perkawinan campuran didefinisikan dalam Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, Pasal 57 menyatakan yang dimaksud dengan perkawinan campuran dalam Undang-undang ini ialah perkawinan antara dua orang yang di Indonesia tunduk pada hukum yang berlainan, karena perbedaan kewarganegaraan dan salah satu pihak berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2006 tentang Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia, telah mengakomodasi berbagai pemikiran yang mengarah kepada pemberian perlindungan warga negaranya dengan memperhatikan kesetaraan gender, dan yang tidak kalah penting adalah pemberian perlindungan terhadap anak-anak hasil perkawinan campuran antara warga negara Indonesia dengan warga negara asing. Masalah yang sering muncul akibat dari perkawinan campuran adalah tentang anak, karena anak merupakan buah dari hasil perkawinan beda negara tersebut. Dalam prakteknya, perbedaan hukum antara kedua orang tua baik dari pihak ibu maupun dari pihak ayah yang seringkali berbeda aturan masing – masing negara baik negara satu maupun negara lain maka berdampak pada jaminan kepastian hukum bagi anak dalam kehidupan sehari har

    Pengelolaan Barang Milik Daerah Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara/Daerah

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      Indonesia is the Unitary State. It is understood that within a unitary state, the central government operates a high state sovereignty. In order not to be arbitrary, the activities of the central government are supervised and limited by the constitution. The government which is divided from the Central Government to the Regional Government included Regional Autonomy therein, as well as the authority of the Regional Government,  is on duty to manage the Regional Property. In carrying out its authority as an administrator of local property, there are still many abuses or omissions committed by the local government in operating its authority in managing regional property, such as the negligence of the Regional Assets, the misuse of authority in the revocation of rights already granted by the regional government on the right to use of local property, using local property for personal interest. In the management of regional property required planning, implementation, and supervision by the local government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the constitution. Keywords: Authority, Local Government, Management of Regional Propert

    Rekonseptualisasi Seleksi Hakim Konstitusi sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Hakim Konstitusi yang Berkualifikasi

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    . Integrity, good character, justice, and expert statesman of the constitution as the indicators to appoint Constitutional Judge should be taken into account by the Supreme Court, the House, and the President in the selection process. The cases of corruption named Akil Mochtar and Patrialis Akbar as the convicted and the suspected persons respectively should be regarded as an appropriate opportunity to evaluate law relating to the Constitutional Judges selection process in which it is not clearly defined in the Constitutional Court Act. To date, the law relating to selection is given to respective institutions where the Supreme Court takes the selection internally with no transparency, the House only requires to write and present article, and—in some cases—the President prefers to appoint with no adequate criteria. The article uses doctrinal research in addressing the case related to the current regulation on constitutional judge selection. It concludes that the Supreme Court, the House, and the President ignore the principles of transparency, participatory, objectivity, and accountability in the selection, including the possibility of resulting unqualified judge. The selection needs reconceptualization comprising the establishment of expert panel, unaffiliated candidate to a political party, and re-concept of selection mechanism. Keywords: Reconceptualization, Selection, Constitutional Judg
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