71 research outputs found

    A review on Natural Language Processing Models for COVID-19 research

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    This survey paper reviews Natural Language Processing Models and their use in COVID-19 research in two main areas. Firstly, a range of transformer-based biomedical pretrained language models are evaluated using the BLURB benchmark. Secondly, models used in sentiment analysis surrounding COVID-19 vaccination are evaluated. We filtered literature curated from various repositories such as PubMed and Scopus and reviewed 27 papers. When evaluated using the BLURB benchmark, the novel T-BPLM BioLinkBERT gives groundbreaking results by incorporating document link knowledge and hyperlinking into its pretraining. Sentiment analysis of COVID-19 vaccination through various Twitter API tools has shown the public’s sentiment towards vaccination to be mostly positive. Finally, we outline some limitations and potential solutions to drive the research community to improve the models used for NLP tasks

    Neural network methods for one-to-many multi-valued mapping problems

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    An investigation of the applicability of neural network-based methods in predicting the values of multiple parameters, given the value of a single parameter within a particular problem domain is presented. In this context, the input parameter may be an important source of variation that is related with a complex mapping function to the remaining sources of variation within a multivariate distribution. The definition of the relationship between the variables of a multivariate distribution and a single source of variation allows the estimation of the values of multiple variables given the value of the single variable, addressing in that way an ill-conditioned one-to-many mapping problem. As part of our investigation, two problem domains are considered: predicting the values of individual stock shares, given the value of the general index, and predicting the grades received by high school pupils, given the grade for a single course or the average grade. With our work, the performance of standard neural network-based methods and in particular multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), radial basis functions (RBFs), mixture density networks (MDNs) and a latent variable method, the general topographic mapping (GTM), is compared. According to the results, MLPs and RBFs outperform MDNs and the GTM for these one-to-many mapping problems

    Symbols classification in engineering drawings.

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    Technical drawings are commonly used across different industries such as Oil and Gas, construction, mechanical and other types of engineering. In recent years, the digitization of these drawings is becoming increasingly important. In this paper, we present a semi-automatic and heuristic-based approach to detect and localise symbols within these drawings. This includes generating a labeled dataset from real world engineering drawings and investigating the classification performance of three different state-of the art supervised machine learning algorithms. In order to improve the classification accuracy the dataset was pre-processed using unsupervised learning algorithms to identify hidden patterns within classes. Testing and evaluating the proposed methods on a dataset of symbols representing one standard of drawings, namely Process and Instrumentation (P&ID) showed very competitive results

    Class-Decomposition and Augmentation for Imbalanced Data Sentiment Analysis

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    Significant progress has been made in the area of text classification and natural language processing. However, like many other datasets from across different domains, text-based datasets may suffer from class-imbalance. This problem leads to model's bias toward the majority class instances. In this paper, we present a new approach to handle class-imbalance in text data by means of unsupervised learning algorithms. We present class-decomposition using two different unsupervised methods, namely k-means and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise, applied to two different sentiment analysis data sets. The experimental results show that utilizing clustering to find within-class similarities can lead to significant improvement in learning algorithm's performances as well as reducing the dominance of the majority class instances without causing information loss

    Multiple Fake Classes GAN for Data Augmentation in Face Image Dataset

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    Class-imbalanced datasets often contain one or more class that are under-represented in a dataset. In such a situation, learning algorithms are often biased toward the majority class instances. Therefore, some modification to the learning algorithm or the data itself is required before attempting a classification task. Data augmentation is one common approach used to improve the presence of the minority class instances and rebalance the dataset. However, simple augmentation techniques such as applying some affine transformation to the data, may not be sufficient in extreme cases, and often do not capture the variance present in the dataset. In this paper, we propose a new approach to generate more samples from minority class instances based on Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GAN). We introduce a new Multiple Fake Class Generative Adversarial Networks (MFC-GAN) and generate additional samples to rebalance the dataset. We show that by introducing multiple fake class and oversampling, the model can generate the required minority samples. We evaluate our model on face generation task from attributes using a reduced number of samples in the minority class. Results obtained showed that MFC-GAN produces plausible minority samples that improve the classification performance compared with state-of-the-art ACGAN generated samples

    Automatic screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy using fuzzy image processing

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    Digital retinal imaging is a challenging screening method for which effective, robust and cost-effective approaches are still to be developed. Regular screening for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic maculopathy diseases is necessary in order to identify the group at risk of visual impairment. This paper presents a novel automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy in eye fundus images by employing fuzzy image processing techniques. The paper first introduces the existing systems for diabetic retinopathy screening, with an emphasis on the maculopathy detection methods. The proposed medical decision support system consists of four parts, namely: image acquisition, image preprocessing including four retinal structures localisation, feature extraction and the classification of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy. A combination of fuzzy image processing techniques, the Circular Hough Transform and several feature extraction methods are implemented in the proposed system. The paper also presents a novel technique for the macula region localisation in order to detect the maculopathy. In addition to the proposed detection system, the paper highlights a novel online dataset and it presents the dataset collection, the expert diagnosis process and the advantages of our online database compared to other public eye fundus image databases for diabetic retinopathy purposes

    New trends on digitisation of complex engineering drawings

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    Engineering drawings are commonly used across different industries such as oil and gas, mechanical engineering and others. Digitising these drawings is becoming increasingly important. This is mainly due to the legacy of drawings and documents that may provide rich source of information for industries. Analysing these drawings often requires applying a set of digital image processing methods to detect and classify symbols and other components. Despite the recent significant advances in image processing, and in particular in deep neural networks, automatic analysis and processing of these engineering drawings is still far from being complete. This paper presents a general framework for complex engineering drawing digitisation. A thorough and critical review of relevant literature, methods and algorithms in machine learning and machine vision is presented. Real-life industrial scenario on how to contextualise the digitised information from specific type of these drawings, namely piping and instrumentation diagrams, is discussed in details. A discussion of how new trends on machine vision such as deep learning could be applied to this domain is presented with conclusions and suggestions for future research directions

    Automatic detection of microaneurysms in colour fundus images for diabetic retinopathy screening.

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    Regular eye screening is essential for the early detection and treatment of the diabetic retinopathy. This paper presents a novel automatic screening system for diabetic retinopathy that focuses on the detection of the earliest visible signs of retinopathy, which are microaneurysms. Microaneurysms are small dots on the retina, formed by ballooning out of a weak part of the capillary wall. The detection of the microaneurysms at an early stage is vital, and it is the first step in preventing the diabetic retinopathy. The paper first explores the existing systems and applications related to diabetic retinopathy screening, with a focus on the microaneurysm detection methods. The proposed decision support system consists of an automatic acquisition, screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy colour fundus images, which could assist in the detection and management of the diabetic retinopathy. Several feature extraction methods and the circular Hough transform have been employed in the proposed microaneurysm detection system, alongside the fuzzy histogram equalisation method. The latter method has been applied in the preprocessing stage of the diabetic retinopathy eye fundus images and provided improved results for detecting the microaneurysms

    A novel application of machine learning and zero-shot classification methods for automated abstract screening in systematic reviews.

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    Zero-shot classification refers to assigning a label to a text (sentence, paragraph, whole paper) without prior training. This is possible by teaching the system how to codify a question and find its answer in the text. In many domains, especially health sciences, systematic reviews are evidence-based syntheses of information related to a specific topic. Producing them is demanding and time-consuming in terms of collecting, filtering, evaluating and synthesising large volumes of literature, which require significant effort performed by experts. One of its most demanding steps is abstract screening, which requires scientists to sift through various abstracts of relevant papers and include or exclude papers based on pre-established criteria. This process is time-consuming and subjective and requires a consensus between scientists, which may not always be possible. With the recent advances in machine learning and deep learning research, especially in natural language processing, it becomes possible to automate or semi-automate this task. This paper proposes a novel application of traditional machine learning and zero-shot classification methods for automated abstract screening for systematic reviews. Extensive experiments were carried out using seven public datasets. Competitive results were obtained in terms of accuracy, precision and recall across all datasets, which indicate that the burden and the human mistake in the abstract screening process might be reduced

    An emoji feature-incorporated multi-view deep learning for explainable sentiment classification of social media reviews

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    Sentiment analysis has demonstrated its value in a range of high-stakes domains. From financial markets to supply chain management, logistics, and technology legitimacy assessment, sentiment analysis offers insights into public sentiment, actionable data, and improved decision forecasting. This study contributes to this growing body of research by offering a novel multi-view deep learning approach to sentiment analysis that incorporates non-textual features like emojis. The proposed approach considers both textual and emoji views as distinct views of emotional information for the sentiment classification model, and the results acknowledge their individual and combined contributions to sentiment analysis. Comparative analysis with baseline classifiers reveals that incorporating emoji features significantly enriches sentiment analysis, enhancing the accuracy, F1-score, and execution time of the proposed model. Additionally, this study employs LIME for explainable sentiment analysis to provide insights into the model's decision-making process, enabling high-stakes businesses to understand the factors driving customer sentiment. The present study contributes to the literature on multi-view text classification in the context of social media and provides an innovative analytics method for businesses to extract valuable emotional information from electronic word of mouth (eWOM), which can help them stay ahead of the competition in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. In addition, the findings of this paper have important implications for policy development in digital communication and social media monitoring. Recognizing the importance of emojis in sentiment expression can inform policies by helping them better understand public sentiment and tailor policy solutions that better address the concerns of the public