461 research outputs found

    The implications of ambitious decarbonisation of heat and road transport for Britain’s net zero carbon energy systems

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    Decarbonisation of heating and road transport are regarded as necessary but very challenging steps on the pathway to net zero carbon emissions. Assessing the most efficient routes to decarbonise these sectors requires an integrated view of energy and road transport systems. Here we describe how a national gas and electricity transmission network model was extended to represent multiple local energy systems and coupled with a national energy demand and road transport model. The integrated models were applied to assess a range of technologies and policies for heating and transport where the UK’s 2050 net zero carbon emissions target is met. Overall, annual primary energy use is projected to reduce by between 25% and 50% by 2050 compared to 2015, due to ambitious efficiency improvements within homes and vehicles. However, both annual and peak electricity demands in 2050 are more than double compared with 2015. Managed electric vehicle charging could save 14TWh/year in gas-fired power generation at peak times, and associated emissions, whilst vehicle-to-grid services could provide 10GW of electricity supply during peak hours. Together, managed vehicle charging, and vehicle-to-grid supplies could result in a 16% reduction in total annual energy costs. The provision of fast public charging facilities could reduce peak electricity demand by 17GW and save an estimated £650 million annually. Although using hydrogen for heating and transport spreads the hydrogen network costs between homeowners and motorists, it is still estimated to be more costly overall compared to an all-electric scenario. Bio-energy electricity generation plants with carbon capture and storage are required to drive overall energy system emissions to net zero, utilisation of which is lowest when heating is electrified, and road transport consists of a mix of electric and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. The analysis demonstrates the need for an integrated systems approach to energy and transport policies and for coordination between national and local governments

    Characterising refractive index dispersion in chalcogenide glasses

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    Much effort has been devoted to the study of glasses that contain the chalcogen elements (sulfur, selenium and tellurium) for photonics’ applications out to MIR wavelengths. In this paper we describe some techniques for determining the refractive index dispersion characteristics of these glasses. Knowledge of material dispersion is critical in delivering step-index fibres including with high numerical aperture for mid-infrared supercontinuum generation

    Effect of salinity on seed germination of Vigna marina a wild relative of crop Vigna species using hydrotime modelling

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    Vigna marina (Fabaceae) is a wild relative of cultivated Vigna species. Crop wild relatives are important genetic source, which can be utilized in developing desired crop varieties. V. marina is a vine, growing naturally in sandy seashore with high saline soil conditions and have the different threshold water potential effects on germination pattern rather non-salt tolerant Vigna species. Thus, salinity tolerant traits of V. marina can be utilized to develop salinity tolerant crop Vigna varietiesThe objective of the study was to study the salinity stress tolerance of V. marina seeds during germination using a hydrotime model. Healthy seeds of V. marina were extracted from randomly selected plants from coastal area of Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Germination and imbibitions of untreated and chemically scarified seeds were studied. Several acid scarification treatments were conducted to determine the best dormancy breaking treatment. Acid scarified seeds of V. marina and V. radiata were separately germinated in series of salt concentrations to develop a hydrotime model.Chemically scarified seeds of V. marina increased mass > 62% while, untreated seeds increased mass <21%. Chemically scarified seeds germinated 100% whereas, untreated seeds germinated 67% both at light and dark conditions. Results revealed that 5% of V. marina seeds have physical dormancy. Chemically scarified seeds for 5 minutes showed the highest germination which was > 85% and confirmed that chemical scarification for 5 minutes was the best dormancy breaking treatment. In Na2SO4 base water potential is [ψ b(60%)] -5.47 MPa and – 5.43 MPa for V. marina and V. radiate respectively. In KNO3 base water potentials are – 5.65 MPa and – 5.59 MPa for V. marina and V. radiata respectively. Lower base water potentials of V. marina seeds compared to base water potential of V. radiata indicate the salt tolerance ability of V. marina than the V. radiata. Therefore V. marina can be utilized to develop salt tolerant crop Vigna specie

    The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Diet and Young Children\u27s Cognitive Development: A Systematic Review

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    Objective Given the high prevalence of suboptimal nutrition and low activity levels in children, we systematically reviewed the literature on the relationship between physical activity and dietary patterns and cognitive development in early childhood (six months to five years). Methods In February 2016, we conducted two different searches of MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and ERIC. Each search included either physical activity (including gross motor skills) or diet terms, and neurocognitive development outcome terms. Included studies were in English, published since 2005, and of any study design in which the physical activity or diet measure occurred prior to age five. Results For physical activity, twelve studies (5 cross-sectional, 3 longitudinal and 4 experimental) were included. Eleven studies reported evidence suggesting that physical activity or gross motor skills are related to cognition or learning. Both acute bouts and longer term exposures showed benefit. For diet, eight studies were included consisting of secondary analyses from longitudinal cohort studies. A healthier dietary pattern was associated with better cognitive outcomes in all studies, although some of the reported associations were weak and the measures used varied across the studies. Conclusions Physical activity and healthy diets in early childhood are associated with better cognitive outcomes in young children. The paucity of literature and the variability in the type and quality of measures used highlight the need for more rigorous research. Given that the early childhood years are critical for both obesity prevention and neurocognitive development, evidence that the same healthy behaviors could promote both should inform future interventions. Keywords Nutrition; Physical activity; Childhood obesity; Cognitive development; Executive function; Early learnin

    Linking chondrocyte and synovial transcriptional profile to clinical phenotype in osteoarthritis.

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine how gene expression profiles in osteoarthritis joint tissues relate to patient phenotypes and whether molecular subtypes can be reproducibly captured by a molecular classification algorithm. METHODS: We analysed RNA sequencing data from cartilage and synovium in 113 osteoarthritis patients, applying unsupervised clustering and Multi-Omics Factor Analysis to characterise transcriptional profiles. We tested the association of the molecularly defined patient subgroups with clinical characteristics from electronic health records. RESULTS: We detected two patient subgroups in low-grade cartilage (showing no/minimal degeneration, cartilage normal/softening only), with differences associated with inflammation, extracellular matrix-related and cell adhesion pathways. The high-inflammation subgroup was associated with female sex (OR 4.12, p=0.0024) and prescription of proton pump inhibitors (OR 4.21, p=0.0040). We identified two independent patient subgroupings in osteoarthritis synovium: one related to inflammation and the other to extracellular matrix and cell adhesion processes. A seven-gene classifier including MMP13, APOD, MMP2, MMP1, CYTL1, IL6 and C15orf48 recapitulated the main axis of molecular heterogeneity in low-grade knee osteoarthritis cartilage (correlation ρ=-0.88, p<10-10) and was reproducible in an independent patient cohort (ρ=-0.85, p<10-10). CONCLUSIONS: These data support the reproducible stratification of osteoarthritis patients by molecular subtype and the exploration of new avenues for tailored treatments

    Venezuela e ALBA: regionalismo contra-hegemônico e ensino superior para todos

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    Partindo de um quadro teórico neo-gramsciano crítico à globalização, este artigo aplica a nova teoria do regionalismo (NTR) e a teoria do regionalismo regulatório (TRR) à sua análise e teorização dos tratados de comércio da Aliança Bolivariana para os Povos da Nossa América (ALBA-TCP) como regionalismo contra-hegemônico na América Latina e Caribe (ALC). A ALBA está centrada na ideia de um Socialismo do Século XXI, que, como (inicialmente) também a Revolução Bolivariana da Venezuela, substitui a 'vantagem competitiva' pela 'vantagem cooperativa'. Em seu caráter de conjunto de processos multidimensionais e transnacionais a ALBA-TCP opera dentro de/transversalmente a um número de setores e escalas, ao mesmo passo que as transformações estruturais são movidas pela interação de agentes do Estado e agentes não estatais. A política de Educação Superior para Todos (ESPT) do governo venezuelano rejeita a agenda neoliberal globalizada de mercadorização, privatização e elitismo e reinvindica educação pública gratuita em todos os níveis como um direito humano fundamental. A ESPT está sendo regionalizado em um espaço educacional emergente da ALBA e assume um papel-chave nos processos de democracia direta e participatória, dos quais a construção popular (bottom-up) da contra-hegemonia e a redefinição política e econômica da ALC dependem. Antes de produzir sujeitos empreendedores conformes ao capitalismo global, a ESPT procura formar subjetividades ao longo de valores morais de solidariedade e cooperação. Isso será ilustrado com referência a um estudo etnográfico de caso da Universidade Bolivariana da Venezuela (UBV).This paper employs new regionalism theory and regulatory regionalism theory in its analysis and theorisation of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) as a counter-hegemonic Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) regionalism. As (initially) the regionalisation of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution, ALBA is centred around the idea of a 21st Century Socialism that replaces the 'competitive advantage' with the 'cooperative advantage'. ALBA, as a set of multi-dimensional inter- and transnational processes, operates within and across a range of sectors and scales whilst the structural transformations are driven by the interplay of state and non-state actors. The Venezuelan government's Higher Education For All (HEFA) policy, which is being regionalised within an emergent ALBA education space, assumes a key role in the direct democratic and participatory democratic processes upon which a bottom-up construction of counter-hegemony depends. HEFA challenges the globalised neoliberal higher education agenda of commoditisation, privatisation and elitism. Rather than producing enterprising subjects fashioned for global capitalism, HEFA seeks to form subjectivities along the moral values of solidarity and cooperation

    Measuring mental well-being in Sri Lanka : validation of the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) in a Sinhala speaking community

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    Background: Well-being is an important aspect of people’s lives and can be considered as an index of social progress. The Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale (WEMWBS) was developed to capture subjective mental well-being. It is a widely tested measure of mental well-being at the population level and has 14 items and a short-form with 7 items. This study was carried out to culturally validate and adapt the WEMWBS among a Sinhala speaking population in Sri Lanka. Methods: A forward and backward translation of the scale into Sinhala was done followed by a cognitive interview. The translated and culturally adapted scale and other mental health scales were administered to a sample of 294 persons between the ages of 17–73 using a paper-based version (n = 210) and an online survey (n = 84). Internal consistency reliability and test–retest reliability were tested. Construct validity, and convergent and discriminant validity were assessed using the total sample. Results: The translated questionnaire had good face and content validity. Internal consistency reliability was 0.91 and 0.84 for the 14-item and 7-item scales, respectively. Test–retest reliability over two weeks was satisfactory (Spearman r = 0.72 p < 0.001). Confirmatory factor analysis supported a one factor model. Convergent validity was assessed using WHO-5 well-being index (Spearman r = 0.67, p < 0.001), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) (Spearman r = (-0.45), p < 0.001) and Kessler psychological distress scale (K10) (Spearman r = (-0.55), p < 0.001). Conclusions: The translated and culturally adapted Sinhala version of the WEMWBS has acceptable psychometric properties to assess mental well-being at the population level among the Sinhala speaking population in Sri Lanka

    Vitamin D resistant genes – promising therapeutic targets of chronic diseases

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    Vitamin D is an essential vitamin indispensable for calcium and phosphate metabolism, and its deficiency has been implicated in several extra-skeletal pathologies, including cancer and chronic kidney disease. Synthesized endogenously in the layers of the skin by the action of UV-B radiation, the vitamin maintains the integrity of the bones, teeth, and muscles and is involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, and immunity. The deficiency of Vit-D is increasing at an alarming rate, with nearly 32% of children and adults being either deficient or having insufficient levels. This has been attributed to Vit-D resistant genes that cause a reduction in circulatory Vit-D levels through a set of signaling pathways. CYP24A1, SMRT, and SNAIL are three genes responsible for Vit-D resistance as their activity either lowers the circulatory levels of Vit-D or reduces its availability in target tissues. The hydroxylase CYP24A1 inactivates analogs and pro-hormonal and/or hormonal forms of calcitriol. Elevation of the expression of CYP24A1 is the major cause of exacerbation of several diseases. CYP24A1 is rate-limiting, and its induction has been correlated with increased prognosis of diseases, while loss of function mutations cause hypersensitivity to Vit-D. The silencing mediator of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptor (SMRT) and its corepressor are involved in the transcriptional repression of VDR-target genes. SNAIL1 (SNAIL), SNAIL2 (Slug), and SNAIL3 (Smuc) are involved in transcriptional repression and binding to histone deacetylases and methyltransferases in addition to recruiting polycomb repressive complexes to the target gene promoters. An inverse relation- ship between the levels of calcitriol and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition is reported. Studies have demonstrated a strong association between Vit-D deficiency and chronic diseases, including cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, etc. Vit-D resistant genes associated with the aforementioned chronic diseases could serve as potential therapeutic targets. This review focuses on the basic structures and mechanisms of the repression of Vit-D regulated genes and highlights the role of Vit-D resistant genes in chronic diseases

    Nonperturbative renormalization group approach to frustrated magnets

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    This article is devoted to the study of the critical properties of classical XY and Heisenberg frustrated magnets in three dimensions. We first analyze the experimental and numerical situations. We show that the unusual behaviors encountered in these systems, typically nonuniversal scaling, are hardly compatible with the hypothesis of a second order phase transition. We then review the various perturbative and early nonperturbative approaches used to investigate these systems. We argue that none of them provides a completely satisfactory description of the three-dimensional critical behavior. We then recall the principles of the nonperturbative approach - the effective average action method - that we have used to investigate the physics of frustrated magnets. First, we recall the treatment of the unfrustrated - O(N) - case with this method. This allows to introduce its technical aspects. Then, we show how this method unables to clarify most of the problems encountered in the previous theoretical descriptions of frustrated magnets. Firstly, we get an explanation of the long-standing mismatch between different perturbative approaches which consists in a nonperturbative mechanism of annihilation of fixed points between two and three dimensions. Secondly, we get a coherent picture of the physics of frustrated magnets in qualitative and (semi-) quantitative agreement with the numerical and experimental results. The central feature that emerges from our approach is the existence of scaling behaviors without fixed or pseudo-fixed point and that relies on a slowing-down of the renormalization group flow in a whole region in the coupling constants space. This phenomenon allows to explain the occurence of generic weak first order behaviors and to understand the absence of universality in the critical behavior of frustrated magnets.Comment: 58 pages, 15 PS figure