12 research outputs found

    Application Of Machine Learning Directed To Detect And Prevent Network Intrusion In Xyz Switching Company (Financial Switching Company)

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    Makalah ini menjelaskan perbandingan beberapa model pembelajaran mesin yang akan digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan mencegah intrusi jaringan, berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan dari PT. Perangkat Firewall Generasi Berikutnya dari XYZ. Lalu lintas yang diterima ke lingkungan perusahaan dibagi menjadi tiga jenis yang berbeda yaitu diterima, dicegah dan ditolak. Algoritma yang dibandingkan adalah Decision Trees, Random Forest, Gradient Boosted Trees dan Naïve Bayes

    Business Process Management Transformation: Loan E-Restructuring For Small-Medium Enterprise Debtors Affected By Covid-19 Pandemic In Bank XYZ

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    Pandemi COVID-19 telah memberikan dampak yang luar biasa bagi kehidupan manusia, termasuk akselerasi digital dalam perbankan. Salah satu usaha bank adalah memberikan kredit kepada Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) yang juga terkena dampak pandemi COVID-19 dan tentunya memerlukan penyesuaian kembali dalam fasilitas kreditnya yang lebih dikenal dengan Relaksasi/Restrukturisasi kredit. Di Bank XYZ, proses persetujuan restrukturisasi kredit dilakukan secara manual dan memakan waktu. Proses ini perlu diotomatisasi atau diubah agar lebih efektif, efisien, dan objektif. Bank harus mampu menganalisis dan mengambil keputusan dengan cepat dengan tetap menjaga prinsip 5C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan mentransformasikan proses restrukturisasi kredit debitur UKM. Fokusnya adalah pada optimalisasi E-Restrukturisasi pinjaman melalui Manajemen Proses Bisnis, menggunakan kerangka kerja tujuh langkah dan tiga komponen inti BPM (manusia, proses, dan teknologi). Hasil penelitian ini ditunjukkan melalui Notasi Pemodelan Proses Bisnis yang disederhanakan. Penelitian ini menjadi masukan untuk membantu debitur dan perbankan menghadapi pandemi COVID-19, mempertahankan bisnis, dan memulai pemulihan ekonomi. Diharapkan setelah pandemi, proses ini dapat diterapkan di segmen bisnis lain di bank


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    Communication in cafe between workers serving customers shaped according to a system set preliminary to launching the space. Communication in order to deliver orders to service table is challenged when certain scenarios introduce to the dynamics between workers. This article discusses the view of communication for managing cafe in Pekalongan. The skills involved in managing cafe include cashier application system, simple accounting and tax. Communication as an integral part which intertwined all the cashier, waiter, cook and customer in routine process of a cafe. Today, cafe flourishing all over Indonesia including some rural part of the country encourage skills to be adapted by managing party to run day to day activities. Pekalongan with its natural assets opens opportunities to bring up human assets especially youth and productive age level in rural Indonesia. Descriptive case study is applied in this article where a small group of trainees of youth and PKK members observed as sample. In order to understand how management cafe can be instilled as an applicable skill, community development project in Pekalongan is studied. This article revealed supporting findings to contribute to practical and academic conversation which shows that certain scenarios exercises beneficial in comprehension of communication between cafe personnel and customers. This insight gave us a clearer portrait of how communication is an essential part of workplace positive dynamics especially when external stakeholders are involved in the communication process

    A Study on the Implementation of the Smart City Concept in Indonesia, Study on the Capital City of Jakarta

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    Jakarta, as the capital city of Indonesia, shows its seriousness in implementing Smart City technology in its city, namely by building a Jakarta Smart City (JSC). Jakarta Smart City has six indicators that form the basis for the development of Smart City. The six indicators are smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment, and smart living. This study discusses the implementation of the concept of smart city in Jakarta based on the successful of each indicator and discusses about the extent of Smart City in supporting Jakarta’s vision and mission. This paper aims to provide an overview of the successful of smart city implementation in the city of Jakarta, as well as the improvements that needed to be done. This study uses the method of a study literature to get an early picture of the current conditions in Jakarta and Jakarta Smart City, then assessment using survey through interview and questionnaires, and qualitative analysis of descriptive. The result show that the six indicators of Smart City concept have been implemented successfully in the city of Jakarta and in line with the vision and mission of Jakarta. However, improvements in several aspects, as well as support from the citizens and government are deemed

    Investment Decision on Cryptocurrency: Comparing Prediction Performance Using ARIMA and LSTM

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    The increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies as a means of financial inclusion for investment and trade has become a major concern for individuals seeking to benefit from the cryptocurrency market. This study aims to provide insights for cryptocurrency investors, financial sector professionals, and academics by utilizing machine learning techniques such as ARIMA and LSTM to compare the accuracy of modeling performance on datasets predicting the prices of five cryptocurrencies, namely Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Tether, and Cardano. Data was obtained by downloading from the Yahoo Finance website using Jupyter notebook. The LSTM method outperformed the ARIMA method, achieving a lower MAPE value of less than 10 percent and effectively capturing price movements, providing valuable information for decision-making


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    Abstract. Learning in the current era has implemented ICT-based learning. Therefore, teachers are required to master technology in the teaching and learning process. The importance of increasing the competence and skills of teachers in utilizing and maximizing ICT-based learning media so that it is necessary to hold training in creating and using ICT-based learning media for teachers. The training carried out carrying the title "Accelerating the Digitization of Learning and School Management Through the Use of Google Sites" was applied to Cendekia Vocational Schools located at Jl. Letkol Samsudin No. 22-24 Kel Kanigoro, Kec. Kartoharjo, on June 20, 2022 with a total of 16 participants, namely Mr. / Scholar High School teacher. This training was held to improve the competence of teachers in implementing digitalization of learning. This training is carried out in 2 stages, namely the delivery of material and direct practice of making a google site website. The methods used during the training were lectures, question and answer with participants and experiments. At the end of the training session, an evaluation of questions about the material and practice that has been done is given. The results of the evaluation showed that on average only 90% of participants were able to answer questions correctly about the material presented. The results of this training program are expected that in the future teachers can compile and develop learning media with better quality and it is hoped that the quality will follow the standards  Abstrak. Pembelajaran di era saat ini telah menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis ICT. Oleh karena itu guru dituntut untuk menguasi teknologi pada proses belajar-mengajar. Pentingnya menambah kompetensi dan keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan dan memaksimalkan media pembelajaran berbasis ICT sehingga perlu diadakannya pelatihan dalam membuat dan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis ICT kepada guru. Pelatihan yang dilaksanakan mengusung judul “Percepatan Digitalisasi Pembelajaran dan Manajemen Sekolah Melalui Pemanfaatan Google Sites” diterapkan pada SMK Cendekia yang berlokasi di jl Letkol Samsudin No 22-24 Kel Kanigoro Kec Kartoharjo, pada tanggal 20 Juni 2022 dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 16 peserta yaitu bpk/ibu guru SMK Cendekia. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menerapkan digitalisasi pembelajaran supaya menciptakan suasana belajar yang kolaboratif dan sebagai wujud transformasi layanan pendidikan dalam mewujudkan merdeka belajar. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan 2 tahapan yaitu penyampaian materi dan praktek langsung membuat website google site. Metode yang digunakan selama pelatihan berlangsung adalah ceramah, tanya-jawab dengan peserta dan eksperimen. Diakhir sesi pelatihan diberikan evaluasi pertanyaan seputar materi dan praktek yang telah dikerjakan. Hasil dari evaluasi diperoleh bahwa rata-rata hanya 90% peserta yang mampu menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar seputar materi yang disampaikan. Hasil dari program pelatihan ini diharapkan kedepannya guru dapat menyusun dan mengembangkan media pembelajaran dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dan diharapkan kualitas tersebut sudah mengikuti standar

    Predicting the Number of Passengers of MRT Jakarta Based on the Use of the QR-Code Payment Method during the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Long Short-Term Memory

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    The trend of using public transportation has been rising over the last several decades. Because of increased mobility, public transportation has now become more crucial. In modern environments, public transportation is not only used to carry people and products from one location to another but has also evolved into a service company. In Jakarta, Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (MRTJ) started to operate in late 2019. Recently, they updated their payment gateway system with QR codes. In this study, we predicted the hourly influx of passengers who used QR codes as their preferred payment method. This research applied machine learning to perform a prediction methodology, which is proposed to predict the number of passengers using time-series analysis. The dataset contained 7760 instances across different hours and days in June 2020 and was reshaped to display the total number of passengers each hour. Next, we incorporated time-series regression alongside LSTM frameworks with variations in architecture. One architecture, the 1D CNN-LSTM, yielded a promising prediction error of only one to two passengers for every hour


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has tremendously impacted every aspect of life worldwide. The ERP implementation project also experienced a considerable impact because each stage of the process was carried out online (limited face-to-face meetings). Project management's unpreparedness in implementing the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the critical success factors discussed in this study. This study presents three qualitative case studies and tries to identify what caused an issue in ERP project implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic by comparing the alignment of PMBOK literature to project methodology practices. This study found that several factors do not meet the lack of efficiency standards based on ERP project implementation standards (SAP Methodology). These factors affect project targets in the main characteristics of each SAP ERP implementation step, namely data integrity and best practices. PMO requires commitment from each stakeholder to carry out project activities according to plan. Project evaluations must be carried out periodically so PMO can still complete the project according to plan. Keywords: Project Management, Project Methodology, PMBOK, ERP, Critical Success Facto


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    The Integrated Governance and Compliance Risk Information System (SIGRC) is critical in helping institutions achieve their goals and deal with uncertainty. An Indonesian Government Agency (IGA) has used SIGRC for years. However, its utilization is still unknown. This research studies the impact of acceptance and utilization of SIGRC using Delone McLean and Unified Technology Acceptance and Use Technology. The conclusion is that the relationship between use and net benefits is unaffected. User intention on use, performance expectations on user intention, use on user satisfaction, and user satisfaction on the net benefit of SIGRC benefits are five factors that influence user satisfaction. While the expectation of use intention (ITU). Information quality with ITU. Quality of service with the use of ITU. Service quality with user satisfaction, system quality with ITU, and system quality with user satisfaction all have an influence but are not significant. This research is expected as a guideline for others to evaluate the effectiveness of SIGRC's performance. Keywords: GRC Software, Delone & Mclean, UTAUT, Decision Support System, Evaluation Information Syste


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    An organization is the formation of human relations work behavior efficiently and effectively to obtain personal satisfaction in carrying out their duties and providing certain environmental conditions to achieve goals. This study aimed to determine the effect of system quality, adoption of business intelligence, and flexibility of IT infrastructure mediated by organizational agility mediated by competitive performance on online fashion retailers so that it can be used as a reference in the field of science. Quantitative techniques were used in this study. The analysis of this study is a structural approach to the Equation Model (SEM) with the help of smart PLS. The results of this study are to indicate that adoption of business intelligence is not able to affect organizational agility, system quality affects organizational agility, IT infrastructure flexibility affects organizational agility, competitive performance affects organizational agility, system quality affects competitive performance, adoption of business intelligence affects competitive performance, IT infrastructure flexibility affects competitive performance. Competitive performance is able to mediate the effect of system quality on organizational agility and IT infrastructure flexibility on organizational agility. Competitive performance is not able to mediate the adoption of business intelligence on organizational agility. This research contributes literature for further research conducted by other researchers.An organization is the formation of human relations work behavior efficiently and effectively to obtain personal satisfaction in carrying out their duties and providing certain environmental conditions to achieve goals. This study aimed to determine the effect of system quality, adoption of business intelligence, and flexibility of IT infrastructure mediated by organizational agility mediated by competitive performance on online fashion retailers so that it can be used as a reference in the field of science. Quantitative techniques were used in this study. The analysis of this study is a structural approach to the Equation Model (SEM) with the help of smart PLS. The results of this study are to indicate that adoption of business intelligence is not able to affect organizational agility, system quality affects organizational agility, IT infrastructure flexibility affects organizational agility, competitive performance affects organizational agility, system quality affects competitive performance, adoption of business intelligence affects competitive performance, IT infrastructure flexibility affects competitive performance. Competitive performance is able to mediate the effect of system quality on organizational agility and IT infrastructure flexibility on organizational agility. Competitive performance is not able to mediate the adoption of business intelligence on organizational agility. This research contributes literature for further research conducted by other researchers